
Supply Of Drugs And Surgical Items Purchase Injection Tablet Syrup Capsule , Mask , Injectin Syringe Syrup , Etc 1 Iqlvscenie Hydochiodde In Dextrose Injection Lisp Each Ml Contabn Ruplv.Calne Hydrochloride 5.O N Dextrose 8O.O 2 4 Suphmcaln., Dausa-Rajasthan

Medical And Health Services has published Supply Of Drugs And Surgical Items Purchase Injection Tablet Syrup Capsule , Mask , Injectin Syringe Syrup , Etc 1 Iqlvscenie Hydochiodde In Dextrose Injection Lisp Each Ml Contabn Ruplv.Calne Hydrochloride 5.O N Dextrose 8O.O 2 4 Suphmcaln.. Submission Date for this Tender is 09-05-2022. Medicine Tenders in Dausa Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Drugs And Surgical Items Purchase Injection Tablet Syrup Capsule , Mask , Injectin Syringe Syrup , Etc 1 Iqlvscenie Hydochiodde In Dextrose Injection Lisp Each Ml Contabn Ruplv.Calne Hydrochloride 5.O N Dextrose 8O.O 2 4 Suphmcaln.
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Drugs And Surgical Items Purchase Injection Tablet Syrup Capsule , Mask , Injectin Syringe Syrup , Etc 1 Iqlvscenie Hydochiodde In Dextrose Injection Lisp Each Ml Contabn Ruplv.Calne Hydrochloride 5.O N Dextrose 8O.O 2 4 Suphmcaln. Inj Ip 0.5% I0 Urnotalsn And Adrenaline Inj P Each Ml. Contains Ubocaln Hydrothlorrlde Ip 20 Ing Adrenaline Ipo.O1 Mg 4 Lignocaliw And Dextrose Injection Ip Each Ml Contains Uignocaine So Mg And Dextrose ( Monohydrate ) 7S Ing 5 12 L4nocaln Gal 2% 6 13 Uignocaln.Lnjlp2o / O 7 14 Propolol Lng W 10 Mg / Mi 8 6S4 Atropbme Subh.Te Injecdon 0.6Mg / Mi 9 19 Dlciofenac Sodium Mni 1P2s Ma ] Ml ( Lm / N Use ) 10 2O Dlclofenac Goitre Resistant Tablet Ipso Mg ( Enterlc Coated ) 11 21 Fentanyl Citrate Injection Ip 2 Ml 12 Ibuprobo And Pwacetamol Tablets P Ibuprofen 4O0 Mgspwcacstamal 325 Mg 13 24 Ibuprofen Tab Ip 4O0 Mmg ( Coated ) 14 25 Morphine Sulphate Lnj Ip 10Mg / Mi Piracetamol Drops Paediatric Paracetemol Oral Suspension Wp ( Each Nl Contains Paracetadmol 150Mgl 16 27 Paracietamol Syrup ( P 12S Mgjsml 17 28 Paracetareol Tab Ip 500Mg 1* 29 Paracetomol In. 150 Mg / Ml 19 -Rw.Sit 30 Pentazoclne Mwl Ip 3Omg / Ml ( Lu / Mv Use ) Oral Suspension 12 680 Dried Fector Viii Fraction P ( Iv Uee ) Soo Iui’Vbi 130 689 Dried Factor Viii Fraction P ( Iv Iww ) 1000 Iuivw 1 ) 1 745 Lthannrbte Tabiet $O0 . ( Bdh Uncoat.D Comad Tabl Contain Iibonisøet. $O0 132 13S Ami!Hie Tablets Ps 133 1*6 Atenoiol Tab Ps4 N 134 133 130 117 118 1*9 At.Rnoitlp$? Ciopnei Tab P73 O Deeorn Bi P 02S , Naj., D 137 190 Droe*N Tab Ipo.25 . 130 139 T40 141 191 193 197 Omieazem Tab. P30 Ing Fl. Codid Dopainin. Wrdrochlodd Br4 P40 Ingjml Bo.Oibblednitrwetabpsmg? 190 Isococbui Mononitrate Tabs P 20 Ing 142 200 Loaton Tab Ip So N Marn.Suim Sdpb.T. Ire. P Soomijimi ( So%W / M ) I 143 201 144 207 Po.Ranobltabip4oini 145 209 Streptooinne B’Nj.Ctlon Is Bc Units P 141 211 Va_-. Tab P 40 Ing Fmm Coded 141 410 Labd.Lol Tab P 10Omg Uasbuiuawlpzm0vjjn Ia An Ketoouom 2% Perrnedrln Lotion 5% Pennethrfrt Cream 5% Ne Lotion Ip 1Oomi A Blood Gnoueing Serum Ip ( Anti A Monocion Serum ) I Mood Gnouping Serum Ip ( Anti B Mono Clonal Serum ) Id ( Ih ) Blood Groupbig Serum Ip / Antl D Blood Grouping Lser1m Ip Usp ( Solution Rer Tnjection ) Non Ionic Contmast Diuin In Sterile Aauoun Solution -: Nn Iodine / Mi Ioh.Ad Usp ( Salut For In ) Ectlon ) Non Ionic Contrast In Ster Aqwsous Solution 3S0 Mg Iodine / Mni Ihovidun. Iodin, Sulution Ip S % 500 Ml Ferflaidoliyd, Solution ( 34.S Per. 31 Per. ) Souution 2% Peroajne Solution Pp 60 / 0 ( Ao Vol ) Spirit Pp ( S00 Ml ) Use, Nld. Tab 1P40 Mg Injection Ip Lomjm ( ( Im And Iv Us —Sw•W ( Gum Paint Containing Tannic Add 2%, Cetrimide O. 1%, Zinc Povidone Iodine Ointment S% 1S Gin 113 117 515 Ofloxacln 0.3 0 / 0 And Dexamethasone 0.1 0 / 0 Car Drops Clprofioaada And Deaanetiiasone Otic Suspension Usp •P______O C ) Otrlmaaole 10 / C With Redomethason. Dlproplon.T. 0.02S O / Ocardrops 119 Cerumlnoêøc Drops ( Was Dissolving Ear Drops ) Ir.Dkhorobenasn 2. / A , Leniocalne 2.7 0 / 0 • Oiorbutol S O / 0, Turpentine Oil Iso / C 515 190 5 Ot.A.Qrtne Hwrochiorlde Lnj 40 , Wej2 Ml 191 Ointment Containing Lidocaine Ip 30 / A Zinc Owide P Solo. Hrdrocortisone P 0.25 O / O, Alantoln Pp 0.5 0 / 0 - Antacid Liquld, Each Sml Aontains Dried Auuminium Nydronlde Gei 250 Mg, Magnaslunn Hydroalde 2Somg. Activued Polydlm.Thyl Silosane Somg - 192 Lila 193 262 Bisacodyltablpsmg 194 195 213 264 Olcydominetablplomg Cncydomine Inj P1o Mg / Ml 1% 265 Dlcydomine Hydrechloride Oral Solution P 1Omg / Smi Dompeddan. Pension P Smajsnl 197 216 19 267 Bomperldone Tab P 10 Rng 1Lw 261 H Ooykme Lutyibromide Pill Ip 20 Mgi Ml Lot 269 Lowwramldetabpling -R-R-A -R-R 200 269 uoperamd&IabP2.ng 201 27o Metoc1opramd b P lOmeJ2mI 202 271 Metodopeamlde Tab P1O img 201 2fl om.pramlecapPZ0mg 204 2fl ond.nswon bj PP 2mg/mI 205 274 ows Pwer PP 206 275 PeMoprazole 1,440 mg 207 274 Ranitldine HO Injwction PP S0mJ2mI 208 2fl lanitidine Tab PP 1song Flbn Coated 209 414 Hyoisdne Iut1 broimide Tablets PP 10mg 211 415 Drwnie Tab P40 mg —J I C)cncbedi beride and ncnawd Dknethkone ITi1 431 suspension tach ml contains Olcydomine Hydrochiodde I 1ngn 40mg and Pmrac.tamol Tablets Dicyclomine rochlorlde 20 mg, Paracetamol 325 mg Tablets 213 s9o Doenpeddone oral Drops lomeJ ml (tomnl) 214 9 Drotaverine and Melenaimic Acid Tablets Drotaveflne and Uefenamk Add 250 n arton 214 591 Drotpverine and M •namlc Acid Tablets Drotav.rln. 00 yabiets and Mefenamlc Acid 2s0 rag 213 592 LactIc Acid Baclius Tab 60 mIllion spores IOX1o Tablets 21* 593 Lactuios sohitlon USP/DP lOgm/nSmi 0r335 1a0 ml Bottie(wlth mnasuring -__217 s94 liquId Papoiffn IF 100 ml 100 Ml eotd, 21* 59s Ondansotton orally DIslntegratIng Tablest IP 4mg loxlo Tab strip Pantoprazole 40mg and Domperldone 3omg sR cap IP 219 s96 P ntoprazole as anteric coated pellets and Oompeddonw as lOxlO cap strip Sm Pellets _ s97 urso-di-cwdio& Add Twblets IP 3o0 wig 1oX1o Tab strip/Blister 221 763 Doeylamlne succlnate 20 * ii Pyrldoalne Hydrochloride 20 rng Tablet (Each Enteric Coot.d Talbet contuns Doawmlneo Succlnoe LIsP 20 & Pyriduid.e Hydrochloride IF 20 eng L 10x10 Tab Strip/Blister 222 599 Hdrorchbroqulne slh.te Tablets 2o0mg IoXIO Tablets ,Biphask Isophane Insuhn nj P (3o S soluble Insuin and 70 S bophane Insuln) bij. 4o Iu/mqR-owA ow)m 10 ml wial 224 280 Cubknaaol Tab. P s ing (Film Coated) - Iox1O Tab Blister 225 281Cboeett Tremithenbie lnection IF Each mml coetabis carboerost 02s mg/mI - Clomlphene Tab P s0 mg I ml Anefvlals (25 - AnwoubJvIal)l 22* 283 10*10 Tab strip 227 284 conlugated Istrogen Tab. uSP 0.62s mg. 1-21 Tab strlp/Bllster 221 2*5 Olnoprostone Cr.am/ Gel 0.smg Dwnoprostone in Syringe per Syringe 229 286 ItNnyloestradlol Tabs P 50 nicg - 10x10 Tab Strip 23o 219 GBin.pklde Tab P2 mg ioxio Tab strip/Blister 2)1 291 Hwyroayprr.wr.ne bij IF aSOmg /ml 1ml Amp 2s Ampoules 232 295 MetformIn Tab IF 5o0 mg(Flba coated) - 1OX1O Tab Blister 233 296 Norethlsterone Tab Psmg 1n*10 Tab Strip 7.34 29* Progesteron Inj 200 mg/ 2nd - imI Amp 2s An’apoules I:. Insulin Injextion iF (soluble Insulin/Neutral Insulin Imöe.ctiion)4o IUImwr.oNA origin) 10 n - 296 301 nhyrridrj Sodium Tablets P loOmcg 100 Tablet in a bottle 451 Mdidnn Hydrochlodde(sustalned Release Tablets P 10o0 m 1OXIO Tab Blister - ‘II’ 247 248 Metformbn HcL (Sustalned Release) and Glimepiride Tab Metformln HO. (sustalned Release) soomg ,Gllnm.pirlde 1mg Metformin Hydrochloride (sustained Release) and Glkneplrlde Tablets IP (Metfonnin Hydrochloride(sustalned Release) so0 mg Glimlpiride 2mg) 238 239 455 SOXI0 Tab Bhster 240 456 IOxIO Tab Blister Gilinepiride, Pwoglitazone and Metformln Hydrochloride (suitalned release) Tablets Each Tablet contains Gimepiride 2mg. Ploglitazone 1s mig Metformin Hydrochloride (Sustained elease) 500 me 1OXIO Tab BUster 241 607 nhyroxIne Tablets IP sO .ncg 100 Tablets Bottle 242 680 Insulin Glorgln. am1 (1o0Iu/mi) wIth 1s Insulin Syringes and needles/CartrIdge 3ml (1o0W/ml) with 1s needles and 1 pen per 20 cartridges 3ml Vial 243 682 Tenaligliptin Tablet IP 20mg lOx 10 Tablet Ifister/Alu-Alu Pack 244 303 Human AntI 0 Immunoglobuln Injection 3o0incg (lM use) Pre FlUid Syringe/Vial 245 905 Human Rabies hnmnunoglobuhn Inj 1s0 lu/ ml Pre Fifed SyrbigefVlal i0: Snake venum Anti Serum iP (Lyophllized)Polyvalent AntI snake VenumSerum Enzyme Refined.contalm pUrified equine globullns.1 ml of serum neutralizes 0.6 mg of cobra venum,0.4s mg of common kraite(Bungaras)venum 31o 309 Tetanus Immunoglobulln P 2s0 W/ vial Vial/Ampoules Tetanus Vaccine (adsorbed) Ps ml vial vial/Ampoules 247 309 — — — .W. ‘d‘e‘? Tetanus ImmunoØobuNn W 2s0 W/ VaI — vaI/AmpouIes ve.I/AmpvwuIes s ml vial 241 310 Tetanus vucdne (.dwbed) W S ml wel ze 408 p.r ml qáw ..ti-,.bias Immunoglobulin fragm.nti (I.M./sC in.) 210 311 AtraCurIum Inj 10 m.Jml 2.s ml Anip(1O ampou4s) 2S1 312 GwpyTToIueII4iPO.2mJml? imilOampoubs 252 253 313 314 MIdazoIamIijiP1m.Jml SmiVial 234 317 Succln 1)031w Inj Pp 50 mg/mI (Iv me) 10 iii viol lad Ame 2s Ainpoubs 255 318 vabtham.te lionide bj lmg/ ml 256 419 Vecurenjun Bromide for InjectIon 4mg (Freeze Drier) 6aI/AmpouIes 257 610 GiIorineaion. • Diziofanac sodhim I P.nocetamol Tabl.ts - Chwonozason. 2s0mg • oldofen.c sodhun 50mg Patacmuaeml323mg) ioxio Tablets 251 631 Neoitemlne InjectIon PP 2.5mJ5ng per ampules/vial 259 260 322 32) Oprofbiiad,n Eve Drops P 0.3 0/0 wIv S ml Squeeze Vial CIpiofleigacin ophthámk Ointnent UsP 0.3% S gm Tube In Mono carton 261 W oil prepylmethyl cdulose solutIon 2o nJ ml 2.sl 3bu SyrInge(wPtth cannub) 324 42 330Tobr.I.CIn and Deanethmone ophthalmic Suspension uSPO.)o/o 40.1 0/0 smi viii with sterilized dropper pac in wperw. polythen. pech/Squeeze vial S imi. vial with sterilized 263 331 Tobranycln (ye Dmops 0.3% (3311 264 332 Tobramycln ophthalmIs ointment LISP 0ax a. tapspe S gin Tube In Mono carton 213 42a Hyawwonldae. Iwjection PP Each vial contains Nyaburonldase iP1SoOLIu. Per ampubs/vall 266 42s buc.nzeob Eye Drops 03% 5 ml. vial with sterilized 3 ml squeeze vlal s ml Squeeze vial — 267 — 484 Tirnolol Eye Drops PP 0.so/ow/v 261 Us Honintropin. lye Drops 1P2% 263 — 613 Carbox me hubbser . Eye drops IP 0.5% 270 271 614 nt Pbenylephrln. Nydtochlotld. opthalnic solution uSP/Fhwybphrbq Eye BP 5% mops Eye drop Moidftoaacin 0.5x w/v ophthabmk solution IF Sbe S ml. vial w*dh sterilized — 219 — 611 carbo mati Ij1i (ye droas IF 0.5% — ..— —‘—,-— y_ 10 ml squeeze vial 272 333 lso.isuprbm. mnl IF s mg/mI 2 ml Amp 10 Ampoubs 27) 334 Isorsuprin. Tab P20mg iOmlO Tab sblp — 274 33! Met l.rgometr Ini IF 0.2 mg/ml iml Anp(AnberColor)2s Amp 27$ — 336 bttiØergom.trin. Tab IF 0.12s in 1n10 Tab strip IoxIO Tablets 1mlAmpoub(snwieUnjtin? — 276 — 337 Mboproe$ol Tab P 200 mq 277 33 todnbijlpsllu/iuil — 27$ — Noural Mirn.bd Progdron Soft g.ledn Capsule 200 mg Soft °rr° 20° mgj/Nmunol Mlcronbed Progesteron Tablet 200 mg (Each Tablet coetalni Frogesteron PP 2o0 — 271 774 mgi Human OorIonIC Gonadotropin Inlection P so0o Lu. 280 — 339 Alpr.aoum Tab PP 0.2s mg 1o(10 Tab lister 2*1 340 Awrazolam Tab IF O.Smg 1OxIO lab luster 282 — 341 lu-wtlbi Tab IF 25mg Film Coated 1n10 Tab strlp 2*3 345 Oilo .iJni Tablets IF SO mg (Coated Tablets) tblo Tab sbip 2*4 349 Db.epam bi IF 10mw/and (IM/Iv us.l Ouiesam Tab PP s nmge 2 ml Amp 2s Ampoules 285 — 350 - 10xb Tab strlpmllst.r . - 1OxIO Tab strip/ Blister salbutamol InhalatIon 100 mcg Idose Salbutamol Nebule solution ID s mg/mi 1:1 370 S.hutavnol Tablet #4 ng 309 310 371 3n 20miwtfr.d dose container 10 ml vial 311 373 salbutamdTabP2mg 1oKlOTabIlster 312 374 ophylbe and Itotyllnn. Injection (Anhydrous nheoplrØlIna S0.6a • (totylllne 169.4 miJ 2 313 Theophyilne and EWtyIIf4 Tablet (nheophyllne IP 23mg + 375(tofywIne77mg) 1OxIO Tab Blister 314 432 s.mutamol Swnip P Zmgj smil 100 ml Iottle(w*th cw)t 315 44C Deauom.bOiphna liii’ syrup P 13.5mg / sail 30 mi Bottle with 316 442 Samne Iliad Selutlon (Drops) (Sothin dIorlde 0.6s 0/.l 10 ml droppr/squ.aze Bottle 317 617 Budesonlde Powd.r lOr Inhalation 2o0 mq 30 capsules 311 620 Xylometarollne Nasal Drops IP 0. 1% 319 692 cmmh Sy upfEwectorant(30) ml 32o 710 Acebrophyllne T.bbt/Capnule 100 mg 321 377 compound sodium lactate lnj. P 322 371 itroae in) P 2s% wv 323 379 Diatrasa Inj #10% 324 31o Dextrose In) #5% — Smil vlaI!bottle(wlth a seperate daipper) in a unit carton measuring SOimd (wIth cap) 1Bl(20 Tabeets 500 ml FFS/BFs Bottle 100 ml FFs / IFS Bottle sw0 ml FF5/IFs Bottle 500 nil FFs/IFs Bottle sodium chloride injection • —W lfS%LmI? 3 544 CbWadZ1M Tablet P 7s mngl 33* 31scoblcAcjdTablpsoomg? 10*10 Tab llster 2oi1Q Tab strip 339 33* CalcIum Ghiconate lnJ PP 1o% (Iv use) 10 nd Amp 2s ampoules 340 390 Ferrous sulphate with Folk Acid Tab PP Each fibmn coated Tab. containIng Dried Ferrous Sulphate W-equwv 1o0 mg Elemental Iron and Folk Acid PP 0.s mg 10*10 Tab Strip/SIster 341 392 FoIc Add Tab IPsing 10*10 Tab Blister 342 — 393 Uultwe*a..ln Dmops Each ml contains YR A 3ow0 Iu, vit 03 0 Pu, YR II 1mg. RiboflavIn. Phosphate Sodium 2mg. D- Ponthenol 2.5.ngp NuclneimWde 1oe.g Pyrldoidn. HQ. lmg Cyanocobtleinin lmq. Lysine HQ 1omg 15 ml lottie (with dropper wiuld should bw able to screw and cap the bottle) in a unit 343 Multleltanln Tablets NFl rormula sugar coated vR A 25o0 PU vR 112mg vIt-160.Smg vlt-csOmg calcium Pamohtenaten 1mg VR-D3-aOOsU VIt-*2-2 mg Muclnamlde-2S.ng rolk Acid. carton 10*10 Tab St 1Sllstte ‘ 344 — 395 VitamIn I Complex Inj NFl ii ad vial 345 397 vitamin B complex tablet NFl (prophylactic) II 2mg 12-2mg II- 0.5mg Nladnanlde 2smg calciun pantothenate 1mg (With wproprlate averages) 10*10 Tab strip/Blister 346 441 calcium and vItamin 03 suspenslon (Each slmd CoMaIIis CalcIun Ce’bonate equivalent to alemental calcium 25o me, vitamln 03|12s Pu) eottielwith measur n ‘s‘s 147 441 Iron and Folk Add suspension. Each Snil contains Ferrous Fumerate squis.lant to elemental Iren Ioomg. rolk Acid 3o0 mq 100 niP lottie In a unit carton wmh a separate Dropper (Details lnBq 348 472 Zinc Sulphate Dispersible Tablets PP Elemental ZInc 10 ing 10*10 Tab striw/Bnister — S.. —, ..aw. 349 lion sucrose bijection usP/IP 20mg/mni (For IV une) Each in) 41* cunulmi Fermic Hydroald. in comelea with Sucrose equle. to •eammr*aI Won 20 5 ml Ampoule (Amber colour) cwlum with VItamin 0 Tablets us, /cak4um and Coleeakiferol Tablet IP/Cakium and vItamin 03 Tablets IP(E)emental calcium 5o0 .vw, vntamin D3-ZS0 IU) (Non. 351 623 u_r____ chobckaI.rol granules 60,00011u /gm 1 mm S.det(s0 S.cheti 352 624 kbcobelamln liii 5o0 ncj/ntl I ml. Ampoule 353 629 ThIanine Tablets P 1o0 mg lOmtO Tab strip 354 652 Wthyl cobubmine Tablet soOmcg 10X10 Tab SIrIp/llst.r 355 653 Methyw Cobalmine Tablet lsoomcg 10x10 Tab strlp/Bllster 3s6 676 VitamIn 03 or.l Sobitlon 60oo0 PU Sin) Glass lottle In unit carton 357 790 Mumlvllambnsyvup? per2o0nnlsyvup 351 147 - FIunarlzIn absing loXiOTabilister 359 391 Black Dislnfectant FhuId (Piwnyl) As per scheduee 0 Grade III S Lbs Can 360 402 SodIum Ilcarbonate Iraj PP 7.5x w/v 10 ml Amo 2s ampoules 361 404 wyr for hi IP 10 ml Ampoule 50 Anpoules 362 634 Pregabdn cap W7s mg lOX 10 Capsule 363 795 vbmln E capsule 4oo ng 1OXIO Tabeets 364 52 Absorbent cotton Wool IP 50o gm per unit 365 $4 Blood Admlnistration Set Blood Transfusion Set per unlt a Gloves SIze 6s lnches,Powdered (Disposable Sterle Surgical Rubber Gw)b r 367 S&a Gloves size 7 lncbes,Powdered (Disposable Sterile surgical Rubber Glowes) 368 57 a Glouws size 7.s lnches,Powdered (Disposable sterile Surgical Rubber Gloves) Ir 369 S9.c Cathete,5lze 16(Foleys Ballon catheter SterlIe,2 way for Urinary Drainage,Single usejSIlkon coated natural Latex rmaterlal(D,talis In Rc) Each Piece 370 S9.d Catheter,Sbe 18(Foleys Ballon catheter sterlIe,2 way for urinary Drabnage,slngle Use,)Sllkon coated natural Latex materlel Each Piece 371 SlOb Infant Feeding Tube size 8FG Each Piece 372 SlO.c Infant Feeding mube size srG Each Piece 37a S11 Perfusion Set with Airway and Needle,(Adult use) sterile Disposable 374 Perfusion set (Infusion set) with Airway and Needle (Paedlatr$c use)SterlI. Dlsposable(Detalls In Rc) Each Piece 375 513 InfusIon set with Mkrodrlp4l.V.)Sterlle Dhsposable(Detalls In Insulin syrInge (40 units) with (fined) a0 e needle shal conforn to is 12227 376 514 Each Piece I”.’ 376 S14 InsulIn syrInge (40 unIts) with (fixed) a06 needle slid confon to Is 12227 Each Piece 377 SIS.c sterile Disposable (single use) Teflon/PTFE LV. Cannula with Integrated 3 way stop cock.Slze 2o6 Each Piece 378 S1S.d sterile Disposable (single use) TellonfPmFE l.v. cannula with integrated 3 way stop cocLSbe 226 EachPeece 379 515.e sterile Disposable (single uwe) Tel lon/ PTFE IV. cannula without portslze 24G Each Piece 380 S17.a Nasal oxygen set, Twin Sore All Sizes Adult Each Piece 381 S17.b Nasal oxmgen Set. Twin Sore All sizes Paediatrlcs Each Piece 382 S21 Plaster of Paris Bandage 1scm x 2.7 rmts/Roll Each Piece 383 S22 Plaster of Parts Bandage 1ocm K 2.7mts Each Piece 384 526 SyrInge 2 ml Hypodermk with Needle attached 24G,Ster*e,Slngle use Disposable Each Piece 385 527 Syringe s ml Hypodermk with Needle attached 24G,st.rb,$lngle usw Disposable Each Piece 386 S28 SyrInge 10 mm4 Hypodermic with Needle attached 22G,Stedle,SbigIe use Disposable Each Piece 387 S8s Face Mask, Disposable Piece 388 S87.b Foldable Intri ocular bose with Injector (Detalls In RC) 18toy24s Each Piece 389 S8$.b standard PAMA Intra ocular Lenses (Details In Rc) 18 to 24 Each Piece 390 s904 Rubber ExanInation gloves m.de of natural rubber latex, Non-sterile, Sbe Large lx1OO Gloves hm Packet 391 S94 umbilical cord damp Each Piece 392 5100 oxygen Mask (Adult) unit 389 S88b standard PAMA Intra ocular Lenses (Detaks In Rc) 18 to 24 Each Plece 390 s90.d Rubber Exanination gloves made of natural rubher lat.J Non-sterile, sãe Large ix1OD Gbves mn Packet 391 $94 umbilical cord damp Each Place 392 $100 oxygen Mask (Adult) Unit 393 SlOl Oxygen Mask (Pediatmic) urethral catheter 9o (FG-14) made up of medical grade Pvc Unit 394 S107 Each Piece 395 5134 Nebulizatlon Mask Adult Each Place 396 S135 Nebulization Mask Pa.diatrle Each Place etc

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INR 9.90 Lakhs /-
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