
Supply, Installation & Commissioning Of Teaching Equipment For Establishment Of Nursing Labs (Nursing Foundation Lab, Community Health Nursing Lab, Nutrition Lab, Pre-Clinical Lab, Anatomy & Physiology Lab, Skills Lab & A.V. Aids) On Turn-Key Basis In 04 , patna-Bihar

Bihar Medical Service And Infrastructure Corporation Ltd has published Supply, Installation & Commissioning Of Teaching Equipment For Establishment Of Nursing Labs (Nursing Foundation Lab, Community Health Nursing Lab, Nutrition Lab, Pre-Clinical Lab, Anatomy & Physiology Lab, Skills Lab & A.V. Aids) On Turn-Key Basis In 04 . Submission Date for this Tender is 31-03-2022. Bath and Body Tenders in patna Bihar. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply, Installation & Commissioning Of Teaching Equipment For Establishment Of Nursing Labs (Nursing Foundation Lab, Community Health Nursing Lab, Nutrition Lab, Pre-Clinical Lab, Anatomy & Physiology Lab, Skills Lab & A.V. Aids) On Turn-Key Basis In 04
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply, Installation & Commissioning Of Teaching Equipment For Establishment Of Nursing Labs (Nursing Foundation Lab, Community Health Nursing Lab, Nutrition Lab, Pre-Clinical Lab, Anatomy & Physiology Lab, Skills Lab & A.V. Aids) On Turn-Key Basis In 04 Government Nursing Gnm Schools, 08 Govt. Anm Schools & 01 B.Sc. Nursing College In Different Districts Of Munger & Bhagalpur Division In Bihar -1- Antenatal 1 Abdominal palation mannequin with Leopold manoeuvre 2 Human foetus replicas 3 BP apparatus Manual 4 Stethoscope 5 Fetoscope 6 Thermometer(Digital) 7 Measuring tape 8 Dictaphone 9 Watch with second hand 10 Adult Weighing scale 11 Heamoglobinometer with 100 strips/cuvettee 12 Glucometer (Plasma) with 100 strips/cuvettee 13 Pipette and stirrer 14 Steel bowl 4 15 EDD calculator chart 16 Family planning kit 17 Family planning flip book 18 BPCR flip book 19 Kidney tray medium 20 Hub cutter 21 Puncture proof container 22 Spirit lamp 23 Test tube 24 Test tube holder 25 Steel tray big and medium Labour Room 26 Childbirth simulator with episiotomy repair attachments 27 Cervical dilatation board 28 Cervical dilatation block 29 Pelvis 30 Foetal skull model 31 Neo Natalie 32 Baby doll 33 Artery forceps 34 Straight scissors 35 Curved scissor (Episiotomy scissors) 36 Kidney tray small, medium and large 37 Niddle holder small and medium 38 Toothed dissecting forceps 39 Cheatle forceps 40 Cheatle forceps holder 41 Radiant warmer 42 Foot operated suction machine 43 NR bag 44 Baby weighing machine 45 Infantometer/Penguin mucus sucker 46 Shoulder roll 47 Stop watch 48 Self-inflating resuscitation bag (500 & 250 MI capacity) 49 Mask 0 and 1 size 50 Oxygen Hood 51 Hanging weigher 52 Trays to be kept in the labor room: Delivery tray, Episiotomy tray, Baby tray, Medicine tray, Emergency Drug tray, MVA tray and PPIUCD tray 53 Steel bowl 6 54 Hub cutter 55 Puncture proof container Post- 56 Child Birth Simulator with 48 hr postpartum uterus attachment and episiotomy repair attachments 57 Neo Natalie 58 Baby doll 59 KMC wrap 60 Artery forceps (small + big) 61 Kidney tray small, medium and large 62 Straight scissors 63 Curved scissor (Episiotomy scissors) 64 Niddle holder small and medium 65 Toothed dissecting forceps 66 Plastic Basin(big) 67 Kellys Pad 68 Cheatle forceps 69 Cheatle forceps holder 70 Steel bowl 6 71 Puncture proof container Complication Management 72 Adult Iv arm training Kit 73 IM Injection Training mannequin 74 Catheterization Model 75 Mannuequin for Simulation and Management of PPH (Mama Natalie) 76 Adult CPR mannequin Scissors Kidney Tray Artery forceps Steel bowl (4 Inches) Family Planning Zoe model with post- partum Uterus Anteverted and retroverted uterus Hand held uterus model Penile model FP counselling kit Contraceptive basket Plastic basin containing OCP (Mala-N) Cu-T 3801A, Cu375 (Multi-load) Male/Female condoms Emergency pills Family planning flipchart MEC wheel and blanket EDD Calculation Chart Sims speculum Cuscus speculum Long artery forceps Mayos scissors 100 Vulsellum/Tenaculum 101 Uterine sound 102 Anterior Vaginal wall retractor 103 Steel bowl 104 Sponge holder 105 PPIUCD forceps 106 Kidney tray medium Infection Prevention 107 Water Source 108 Large Plastic tub 109 Clean cloth 110 SS drum 111 Hub Cutter 112 Puncture Proof, leak Proof, tamper Proof container 113 Cheatle forceps 114 Cheatle forceps holder 115 Boiler 116 Autoclave 117 Big steam steriliser 118 Plastic Container (Closed) Additional 119 shoe dispenser 120 IV Stand 121 Tourniquete 122 Added 1 Brest Changes in Pregneancy 2 Uterine Changes in Pregnancy sgowing height of uterus at different terms of pregnancy 3 Stage of Labour First Stage Second Stage Third Stage 4 Breech Presentation Complete Breech Incomplete Breech Foot Presentation Shoulder Presentation 5 Face Presentation 6 Brow Presentation 7 Twin Pregnancy 8 Placenta Previa different stages 9 Caput succedancum, Cephalohematoma 10 Congenital Malformation of new born Cleft Lip-Palate Spina Bifida Table 2: List of Models and equipment S.No Brief Description of Goods and Services 1. Patient cots (adult) 2. Patient Cots (child) 3. Bed side locker 4. Stools/chair Mannequins 5. Adult male 6. Adult female 7. Child 8. Newborn 9. CPR Instrument 10. Trays of different Sizes 24*16 14*10 11*9 8*5 11. Trays with cover –Assorted sizes 24* 16 14*10 11*9 8*5 12. Bowls with cover 6” diameters 4” diameters 13. Enema can 1 litre 2 500ml 14. Kidney trays of assorted sizes 150x70x30 mm 200x90x40 mm 250x100x50 mm 250x150x40 mm 15. Measuring Jugs 1000 ml 500 ml 250 ml 16. Basins: Assorted size basins Big (400mm/16”) Medium(350mm/14”) Medium(350mm/14”) 17. Catheter dish with cover 18. Knife with cover 19. Feeding cups 20. Douche can 21. Sputum mugs 22. Bed pans 23. Urinal –male 24. Funnel 4” diameters 2” diameters 25. Jars with covers 12x8” 6x4” 26. Dressing Drums 8x4” 12x9” 27. Tub for Sitz bath 28. Saucepan with lid 1 litre 2 litres 29. Kettle 1 litre 2 litres 30. Trolleys with upper and lower shelves 31. Pint measure 32. Galli posts 33. Mugs 34. Bottle brush 35 Green Forceps 36 Added 37 38 Instruments 35. Cheatle forceps 36. Sponge holding forceps 37. Artery clamps Straight 6” Curved 6” 38. Dissecting forceps Toothed 6” Non-Toothed 6” 39. Mosquito Forceps 40. Kocker’s 41. Scissors Surgical 8” Bandage 8” Mayo’s Scissor 1. Straight 2. Curved 42. Tissue forceps 43. Sinus forceps 44. Biopsy Forceps 45. Liver Biopsy Needle 46. Alice Forceps 47. Probe 48. Groove director with probe 49. Mouth Gag 50. Tongue depressor 51. Tongue holding forceps 52. Nasal speculum 53. Aural speculum 54. Re-tractors - Single Hook - Double Hook 55. Bladder sound 56. Male urethral dilators 57. Packing forceps Oral 6” (15.2 cm) Nasal Tilleys fine 55mm, 12.5 cm/5 58. Ear Irrigation syringe 59. Ear speculum 60. Shaving set 61. Safety razor with blades 62. Bard parker knife handle 63. Surgical blades different sizes 64. Suction Catheters 65. Airway 66. Laryngoscope Small Big 67. Proctoscope 68. IV Infusion set 69. Otoscope 70. Direct Ophthalmoscope 71. Tracheostomy set with various of tracheal tubes 72. Head mirror 73. Tuning fork set 74. Blood Infusion set 75. Oxygen cylinder with stand and humidifier 76. Oxygen mask with tubing 77. Measuring cups 240 ml 120 ml 30 ml 78. Undine 79. Eye wash cup 80. Pipettes and droppers 81. Glass connections - Different Types e.g.: YTL 82. Wolfs Bottle 83. Conical flasks 84. Ounce glass : 4-ounce glass 8-ounce glass 16-ounce glass 85. Dram glass 86. Thermometers : Oral Rectal 87. Pulse oxymeter 88. Urinometer 89. Lactometer 90. Haemoglobinometer with 100 strips 91. Specimen glasses 92. Test tubes 6 ml – 6 Nos 10 ml – 6 Nos 19 ml – 6 Nos 36 ml – 6 Nos 93. Glass slides with cover 94. Bottles 500 ml capacity for lotions and mixtures 95. Atomizer 96. Manometer 97. Glucometer with 100 strips 98. Head mirror Syringe and Needle 99. Syringes : 2ml 5 ml 10 ml 20 ml 100 Tuberculin syringe 101 Insulin syringe with needle 102 Needles –All sizes 103 Lumbar puncture Needle 104 Trocar and cannula for abdominal paracentesis 105 IV cannulas different types and sizes 106 Biopsy needle Adult Children 107 Sternal puncture needle Suture Materials 108 Needle Holder 6” 7” 8” 109 Suture cutting scissors : 8” 6’’ 110 Suture Needle Straight Curved 111 Suture thread: Silk Cotton 112 Catgut tube breaker 113 Suture clip 114 Suture clip applier and remover 115 Mackintosh roll: Full bed length Draw mackintosh Extra for treatment and dressing 116 Hot water bag 117 Ice Caps: Ice Collar Corrugated rubber sheet 118 Gloves different sizes 119 Catheters - Urinary catheter - Foley’s catheter - Nasal catheter - Plaint catheter - Rectal catheter 120 Finger stalls different sizes 121 Air rings 122 Mucus sucker 123 Breast Pump 124 Nipple shield 125 Gastric lavage tube 126 Ryle’s tube 127 Flatus tube 128 Blakemore Seng taken tube 129 Rubber tubes with different diameter and size 130 Rectal syringe with Nozzle 131 Ring Pessaries all sizes 132 Douche nozzle different sizes Miscellaneous 133 Mortar and pestle 134 Nelsons inhaler 135 Wooden shock blocks 136 Spirit lamp 137 Test tube stand 138 Test tube holder 139 Steriliser small 140 Portable autoclave 141 Torch 142 Nail Brush 143 weighing scale : Adult Baby 144 Back rest 145 Splints different sizes 146 Bandages different sizes 147 Adhesive tapes 148 I.V stand 149 Tape measure 150 Bucket with cover 152 Comb 153 Microscopes 154 Sphygmomanometer Aneroid Digital BP Sphygmomanometer 155 Stethoscope 156 Soap and soap dish 157 Dust bins 158 Over bed table (Heart Table) 159 Screen/bed side curtains 160 Three-way adapter 161 Dettol 162 Phenyl 163 Methylated spirit 164 Benedict’s solution 165 Tr.Iodine /betadine 166 Tr.Benzoin 167 Nitric acid 168 Acetic acid 169 Sulphur powder 170 Ammonium sulphate crystals 171 Vaseline 172 Glycerine 173 Liquid paraffin 174 Potassium permanganate crystals 175 Boric solution 176 Hydrogen peroxide 177 Sodium bi carbonate powder 178 Litmus paper strips red and blue Linen 179 Mattress Adult child 180 Mattress cover - Adult - Child 181 Bed sheets Baby cot sheets 182 Draw sheets 183 Pillows- large Small 184 Pillow covers – large Small 185 Sandbag with covers 186 Blankets 187 Bedspreads 188 Towels -Bath -Hand -Surgical -Packing -Towel clips 189 Sponge cloth 190 Hot water Bag cover 191 Ice cap covers 192 Air ring/cushion covers 193 Gowns and mask 194 Patients clothes - Male - Female - Baby dresses of different sizes - Diapers different sizes 195 Trolley cover 196 Dirty linen bag/box 197 Leggings 198 Perineal sheets 199 Triangular Bandages 200 Many Tailed bandages 201 Eye shield 202 Dusters 203 Slings 204 T binder 205 Screen curtains

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