
Tender For Providing Agril. Labour On Work Done On Work Contract Basis Price Schedule, TIRUPATI-Andhra Pradesh

Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University has published Tender For Providing Agril. Labour On Work Done On Work Contract Basis Price Schedule. Submission Date for this Tender is 26-03-2022. Labour Work Tenders in TIRUPATI Andhra Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Providing Agril. Labour On Work Done On Work Contract Basis Price Schedule
Open Tender
Andhra Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For Providing Agril. Labour On Work Done On Work Contract Basis Price Schedule- 1 Trash twist propping in Sugarcane experimental plots 2 Irrigation to Sugarcane / Ragi experimental plots 3 Earthing up in Sugarcane etc., experimental plots 4 Strengthening of farm fence 5 Cattle pair working in Sugarcane, Redgram, Field bean, Greengram etc., for intercultivation 6 Tractor driver for operating tractor with Farm implements i.e., cultivator / rotovator/ disk harrow, plough etc., 7 Bird scaring in sorghum / maize / bajra etc., experimental plots 8 Harvesting of Sugarcane 9 Sugarcane juice analysis 10 Preparation of Jaggery 11 Spreading FYM & Fertilizer application 12 Man operating power weeder 13 Trimming of field bunds 14 Stubble gathering for land preparation 15 Layout and rectification of irrigation channels 16 Harvesting, Stripping of sugarcane for planting 17 Twisting, bundling, loading, transporting of sugarcane 18 Cutting sugarcane in to setts for spreading 19 Flood Irrigation 20 Spreading of sugarcane setts for planting 21 Planting of sugarcane setts 22 Ragi nursery pulling, bundling, fertilizer application, transplanting of ragi experimental as well as bulk plots 23 Spraying weedicide / pesticide etc., 24 Hand weeding and removal of weeds from field 25 Assistance for sampling and data recording in Sugarcane, ragi, jowar, bajra, maize, sama and korra experimental plots. 26 Threshing, Winnowing, Drying of Ragi / Bajra /Korra / Samalu / Maize / Sweet Sorghum/ Green gram / Field bean / Red gram / Sun hemp/ Horse gram / Daincha/ Cowpea/Paddy experimental and Seed production plots 27 Assistance in hybridization work in millets 28 Assistance in selection of breeding material in millets and sugarcane 29 Rouging in seed plots. 30 Harvesting millets, pulses and oil seeds 31 Sugarcane fluff sowing 32 Watering to nurseries 33 Seed packeting and bagging millets 34 Thinning and gap filling in millets experiments and bulk 35 Trash mulching 36 Application of fertilizers as basal and top dressing in fields 37 Application of Jeevamrutham/ Ghanajeevamrutham /Neemastram /Agnasthrm in field 38 Application of pesticide (dusts) i.e. dusting of powder of chemicals 39 Assistance for hybridization work in groundnut and pulses 40 Assistance for meetings conducted in Regional Agricultural Research Station, Tirupati 41 Assistance for post harvest data collection in groundnut and other crops 42 Assistance for sampling and recording of data in experimental field 43 Assistance in Office 44 Assistance in selection of segregating material/ single plants in progenies in N/S production plots 45 Assistant to the tractor driver during cultivation of fields i.e 46 Cleaning and removal of grass and other tall weeds along field bunds, pathways and around RARS Buildings 47 Cleaning of Cattle Shed 48 Cleaning of weeds on bunds and around tree basins with brush cutter 49 Cleaning premises of seed godown (inside and outside the godown) 50 Collection of Inputs and preparation of Jeevamrutham / Ghanajeevamrutham /Neemastram/ Agnasthrm 51 Collection of soil samples / soil moisture and leaf samples pounding etc., 52 Collection of stubbles and weeds in fields 53 Collection of vermi-compost from pits, cleaning duly filling the pits with cow dung. 54 Cutting of twigs of trees adjacent to buildings viz., RARS/IFT/Godown etc to avoid the entry of rodents, monkeys 55 Day/ night watch at field/ crops /buildings 56 Digging and removal of bushes along field bunds 57 Digging of trench size L10’xW2’xD2’ 58 Drying of experiment produce /Culture/ Germplasm/ Selections in groundnut 59 Drying of groundnut pods 60 Drying, bundling and staking of biomass in fodder crop 61 Earthing up in maize, sunflower and other crops 62 Fixing of wooden pegs and tying of G.I wire around experimental field 63 Grazing of Cattle 64 Gap filling of groundnut, pulses, and other crops 65 Hand grading of variety specific groundnut pods in the experimental produce. 66 Hand shelling of groundnut pods, cleaning, separation of sound matured kernels 67 Hand weeding in groundnut, sesame, pulse crops, maize and other crops 68 Harvesting (Pulling) of groundnut crop 69 Harvesting and transporting of green manure crops to threshing floor 70 Harvesting of fodder crops 71 Harvesting of sesame, black gram, greengram, maize, castor, bajra and other crops 72 Harvesting of segregating material, germplasam and single plant progenies in N/S production plots 73 Harvesting, bundling, transport and stacking of redgram plants in threshing floor 74 Harvesting/ picking of cowpea, fieldbean and other crops 75 Inter-cultivation with star weeder in groundnut and other crops 76 Intra row weeding in rows of plants with 1 m width i.e. 77 Irrigation of crops by sprinkler irrigation 78 Irrigation to groundnut and other crops by check basin /ridge and furrow method 79 Lab assistance for lab work 80 Lifting and installation of submersible motor in the borewell 81 Loading of FYM in to RARS Tractor at Veterinary College or near by villages, transporting and unloading in RARS fields 82 Loading, transporting & unloading of furniture , red earth, stubbles etc., with RARS tractor 83 Loading, unloading of seed produce 84 Lot wise manual shelling of groundnut pods for testing the germination 85 Maintenance of RARS, IFT, Library & Hostel buildings. 86 Maintenance of solar street lights by application of distilled water 87 Making of basins for tree/ ornamental plants 88 Manual hand grading of groundnut seed pods i.e., removal of broken / damaged pods, and any other foreign material and separation of sound / healthy pods 89 Mixing of Trichoderma and other cultures with talc for experiment purpose. 90 Mulching of Experimental field with mulching material 91 Packeting of seed material, Blackgram, Redgram, Sesame and germplasm 92 Periodical checking for any pest infection i.e, Reopening of bags, checking and repacking 93 Periodical shifting of bags (30 kgs) i.e., changing from one place to another place within the godown 94 Ploughing with cattle pair at permanent manure trial 95 Preparation of seed bed and formation of bunds and irrigation channels 96 Prunning of edge plants and teak plants 97 Processing of red gram, Greengram, Blackgram seed 98 Pulling of tall weeds in groundnut ,pulse & other crops 99 Rectification of fence at A, B & C blocks field boundaries 100 Rectification of irrigation channels 101 Rectification of windows and wire mesh below the roof to avoid the entry of birds, monkeys into the seed godown 102 Removal off types in groundnut, Blackgram, Redgram and Sesame (Rouging) 103 Row weeding in Pulses Crops (Redgram, Greengram, Blackgram etc.,) 104 Sampling of field bean, green gram, black gram, tomato, Soybean, cowpea & other crops in experimental plots for data purpose 105 Separation of ill/poorly filled pods from sound pods by using specific gravity separator and stacking of sound seed pods 106 Shelling of germplasm accessions 107 Shelling of groundnut pods by hand operated decorticators and separation of broken &Shriveled kernels by hand 108 Shelling of single plant selection/Uniform bulks of segregating material and keeping them in covers after removing shrivelled kernels with out mixing 109 Sowing of groundnut, Sesame and pulse crops behind the plough i. Broad casting ii. For 30 cm row spacing iii.For 22.5 cm row spacing iv. For 1.8/2.1 mt row spacing Redgram) v. Sowing for seed drill 110 Sowing of groundnut, sesame and pulses crops by hand dibbing 111 Sowing of single plant progenies in N/S production plots 112 Sowing of sunflower/maize, pulse crops and other wide spaced crops by hand dibbling 113 Spraying of herbicides/pesticides 114 Spraying of pesticide inside and outside the seed godown/ Central stores 115 Spraying of pesticide to groundnut, pulses and other crops with tractor mounted sprayer 116 Spreading of FYM in the field 117 Standardization of groundnut seed pods i.e, Weighing of bags of size each 30 kg, stitching/packing and stacking in the godown 118 Stripping of groundnut pods by hand 119 Stripping of single plant progenies in N/S production plots 120 Sun drying of groundnut pods to kill the storage pest 121 Sun drying of wet pods to bring down moisture in the pods 122 Threshing and winnowing of redgram 123 Threshing by hand, winnowing, cleaning of sesame, maize, Sunflower, Castor and other Crops 124 Threshing, cleaning, winnowing of green manure crop for seed collection 125 To scare away birds in field crops 126 Transport and arrangement of sprinkler pipes, raisers in the field and irrigation by sprinklers 127 Transport of harvested groundnut plants loading & stripping of groundnut pods by groundnut wet pod thresher 128 Transport, bagging &stacking of groundnut and pulses in the godown 129 Unloading, pre-cleaning of raw seed pods with machine i.e removal of removal of soil and plant dry matter from sound pods and staking of sound seed pods 130 Watering to experiment pots, ornamental plants and lawn 131 Weeding and pulling of tall weeds in lawn 132 Weeding in the basins and making of basins 133 Shifting the seed bags from pre-cleaner to gravity separator and putting in the gravity separator 134 Assistance and supervising the seed quality component during manual hand gravity 135 Weighing the seed bags to standardize to 30 kg capacity 136 Stitching and staking the bag 137 Thinning of Sesame, Millets, fodder jowar and other crops 138 Pot culture work 139 Fumigation of seed godown 140 Booking of seed material 141 Conduct of germination test 142 Tagging of breeder seed labels 143 Conduct of groundnut test (GOT) 144 Machine operation 145 Shifting of bags after processing 146 Packing of Blackgram, Redgram, Greengram and Sesame seed 147 Loading of ill filled pods to vehicle

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