
Library Books Library Books , Electrical Items : , Cbs Publishers And Distributors Thamas Bevan Theory Of Machines. Ed 5. , Cbs Publishers And Distributors Mahadevandesign Data Book , Cbs Publishers And Distributors R K Mehta, A K Malproblems And Sol, Salem-Tamil Nadu

Government Polytechnic College has published Library Books Library Books , Electrical Items : , Cbs Publishers And Distributors Thamas Bevan Theory Of Machines. Ed 5. , Cbs Publishers And Distributors Mahadevandesign Data Book , Cbs Publishers And Distributors R K Mehta, A K Malproblems And Sol. Submission Date for this Tender is 21-03-2022. Machine Tools Tenders in Salem Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Library Books Library Books , Electrical Items : , Cbs Publishers And Distributors Thamas Bevan Theory Of Machines. Ed 5. , Cbs Publishers And Distributors Mahadevandesign Data Book , Cbs Publishers And Distributors R K Mehta, A K Malproblems And Sol
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Library Books Library Books , Electrical Items : , Cbs Publishers And Distributors Thamas Bevan Theory Of Machines. Ed 5. , Cbs Publishers And Distributors Mahadevandesign Data Book , Cbs Publishers And Distributors R K Mehta, A K Malproblems And Solutions Of Electrical Circuit Analysis , Cbs Publishers And Distributors Saythe Performance & Design Of Alternating Current Machines , Cbs Publishers And Distributors N. Krishna Raju , Design Of Reinforced Concrete Structures. , Cbs Publishers And Distributors S B Sehgal A Text Book Of Soil Mechanics. , Cbs Publishers And Distributors Krishnamoorthy Structural Drawing And Detailing. Ed 1. , Cbs Publishers And Distributors Waj Chapman Workshop Technology. Vol I, Ii, Iii. Ed 5. , Cbs Publishers And Distributors Waj Chapman Workshop Tech Vol I, Ii, Iii. Ed 5. , Cbs Publishers And Distributors Joseph Heitner Automotive Mechanics , Cengage Learning Braja Das Principles Of Geotechnical Engineering , Cengage Learning Stephen Herman Industrial Motor Control. Ed 6. , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd S. Ramamrutham Strength Of Materials, Ed 15. , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd Raghuwanshi Workshop Technology. , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd O.P. Khanna Industrial Engineering & Management. , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd Domkundwar A Course In Refrigeration And Air Conditioning. Ed 8. , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd C.P.Arora Refrigeration And Air Conditioning. Ed 3. , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd O.P. Khanna Industrial Engineering And Management , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd M.L.Mathur & R.P. Sharma Internal Combustion Engines , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd S.Ramamurtham Strength Of Materials. Ed 15. , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd G.L.Tamta Mechanical Draughtsmanship. , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd D.N. Ghose Engineering Drawing. , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd R.B. Gupta Automobile Engineering. Ed 7. , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd O.P. Khanna A Text Book Of Material Science & Metallurgy , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd Gupta I C Engineering Metrology. , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd O.P. Khanna Industrial Engineering And Management , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd A.K. Sawhney, Puneet Sawhney A Course In Electrical And Electronics Measurements And Instrumentation. Ed 18. , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd A.K. Sawhney, Puneet Sawhney A Course In Electrical And Electronics Measurements And Instrumentation. Ed 18. , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd Soni, Gupta A Course In Electrical Power. Ed 4. , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd Soni, Gupta And Bhatnagar A Course In Electrical Power. Ed 2. , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd H Partab Modern Electric Traction. Ed 6. , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd S. Ramamrutham Strength Of Materials. Ed 14. , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd S. Ramamrutham & R. Narayanan Theory Of Structures. , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd Saxena Subhash C And Satyapal Arora A Course In Railway Engineering , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd Bridie Estimating And Costing. , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd G.S. Bridie And J.S. Bridie Water Supply And Sanitary Engineering. Ed 19. , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd Arora S P Building Construction Technology. , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd L N Dutta Estimating Costing. , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd G S Bridieestimating Costing. Ed 6. , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd L.N. Duttaestimating & Costing. , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd S.P.Arora And S.P. Bindra Fire Resistant Construction. , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd Janardhanjha And Suresh Kumar Sinha Earthquake Proof Building. , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd Jain & Jain Engineering Chemistry , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd M.L. Gupta Simplified Transistors Circuits , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd Jain & Jain Engineering Chemistry , Dhanpatrai Publications ( P ) Ltd C V Agarwal, Andranaidu, C. Parameswara Moorthy Chemistry Of Engineering Materials , I.K. International Publishing Pvt Ltd, New Delhi S.S. Bhavikatti Desgn Og Steel Structures. , Jaico Publishing Andrew Parr Hydraulics , John Wiley & Sons Agarwal B D And Broutman L J Analysis And Performance Of Fiber Composites , John Wiley & Sons Douglas C. Montgomery Statistical Quality Control , John Wiley & Sons Mohan Underland Robbins Power Electronics - Converter Applications And Deign. Ed 3. , John Wiley & Sons Terzaghi Soil Mechanics In Engineering Practice. Ed 2. , John Wiley & Sons Lillesand T M & Kiefer R W Remote Sensing And Image Interpretation , Kataria Sunita Rattan Applied Chemistry , Katsons P S Gillmachine Drawing , Khanna Publishers T.R.Banga & S.C.Sharma Engineering Economics And Management , Khanna Publishers G.B.S. Narang Automobile Engineering. , Khanna Publishers Raghuwanshi Workshop Technology , Khanna Publishers Jain & Gupta Production Technology. Ed 12. , Khanna Publishers Jain & Gupta Production Technology , Khanna Publishers R.K. Jain Engineering Metrology. , Khanna Publishers G.R. Nagpal Tool Engineering. Ed 8. , Khanna Publisherssurender K & Umesh Chander Production Engineering Design ( Tool Design ) , Khanna Publishers Nagpal G R Metal Forming Processes , Khanna Publishers O.P.Khanna Industrial Engineering & Management , Khanna Publishers Gbs Narang And V. Kumar Production And Costing , Khanna Publishers M. Arumugam & N. Premkumaren Electric Circuit Theory. Ed 5. , Khanna Publishers S.L. Uppal Eelctrical Power. Ed 2. , Khanna Publishers Vijay R Yadhav Programmable Logic Controllers. Ed 5. , Khanna Publishers Sl Uppal & S Rao Eelctric Power. Ed 6. , Khanna Publishers S Rao Testing, Commissioning, Operation And Maintenance Of Electrical Equipments.Ed 6. , Khanna Publishers P S Bimhra Power Electronics. Ed 19. , Khanna Publishers Vazirani & Ratwani Analysis Of Structures. Vol 1. Ed 17. , Khanna Publishers Agora Textbook Of Surveying Levelling , Khanna Publishers B.P.Verma Civil Engineering Drawing And House Planning. , Khanna Publishers V.N.Vazirani & N.M.Ratwani Analysis Of Structures. , Khanna Publishers Kadiyali L R & Lal N B Principles And Practice Of Highway Engineering. Ed 5. , Khanna Publishers Khanna K & Justo C E G Highway Engineering , Khanna Publishers V.N.Vazirani & S.P.Chandola Transportation Engineering , Khanna Publishers N.A.Shaw Quantity Surveying & Valuation. , Khanna Publishers V.N. Vazirani & S.P.Chandola Estimating And Costing. , Khanna Publishers S.K. Garg Water Supply And Sanitary Engineering. Ed 19. , Khanna Publishers Jha J & Sinha S Kconstruction And Foundation Engineering , Khanna Publishers N.A.Shaw Quantity Surveying & Valuation. Ed 4. , Khanna Publishers V.N.Vazirani & S.P.Chandola Estimating And Costing. Ed 4. , Khanna Publishers Uppal Engineering Chemistry , Khanna Publishers G D Rai Non-Conventional Energy Sources , Khanna Publishers Uppal Engineering Chemistry , Khanna Publishers Chandrika Prasad Advanced Engineering Mathematics , Khanna Publishers Chandrika Prasad Advanced Engineering Mathematics , Khanna Publishers Chandrika Prasad Advanced Engineering Mathematics , Khanna Publishers Chandrika Prasad Advanced Engineering Mathematics , Khanna Publishers A K Gautam Advanced Microprocessors , Khanna Publishers Keshav Kantair Pollution Control Engineering , Khanna Publishers A K Maini All-In-One Electronics Simplified , Khanna Publishers A K Maini Analog Electronics , Khanna Publishers A K Basu & S C Sharmaautomobile Mechanics , Khanna Publishers A K Basuautomotive Electricals And Electronics , Khanna Publishers A K Babuautomotive Engines , Khanna Publishers Ritu Shadevbasic Electrical Engineering , Khanna Publishers M P Poonia, S.C. Sharma, T.R. 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Ed 10. , Mcgraw Hill Yoram Koren Computer Control Of Manufacturing Systems. , Mcgraw Hill Sydney Avner Introduction To Physical Metallurgy , Mcgraw Hill Dieter G E Mechanical Metallurgy , Mcgraw Hill M.P. Groover Industrial Robotics - Technology Programming And Applications , Mcgraw Hill Fu. K.S. Gonzalz R.C. And Lee C.S.G. Robotics Control, Sensing, Vision And Intelligence , Mcgraw Hill Yoram Koren Robotics For Engineers , Mcgraw Hill T.R. Banga & S.C. Sharma Engineering Economics And Management , Mcgraw Hill Herald Knootz And Heinz Weihrich Essentials Of Management , Mcgraw Hill Heinz Weihrich, Harold Knootz Management Global Perspective. Ed 10. , Mcgraw Hill Yoram Koren Computer Control Of Manufacturing Systems. , Mcgraw Hill Md Singh & Kb Khanchandhini Power Electronics. Ed 2. , Mcgraw Hill Wolf Paul Elements Of Photogrammetry , Mcgraw Hill N. Krishna Raju Prestressed Concrete. Ed 4. , Mcgraw Hill Thomas E French, Charles J Vierck, Robert J Foster Engineering Drawing And Graphic Technology , Mcgraw Hill Thomas E French, Charles J Vierck, Robert J Foster Engineering Drawing And Graphic Technology , Mcgraw Hill K N Muthrejaapplied Hydrology , Mcgraw Hill P K Nagbasic And Applied Thermodynamics , Mcgraw Hill Palanichamybasic Civil Engineering , Mcgraw Hill G. Shanmugam & S. Ravindran Basic Mechanical Engineering , Mcgraw Hill Shevgaonkar Relectromagnetic Waves , Mcgraw Hill Subramanyanengineering Hydrology , Mcgraw Hill Ashok Choudhuryfailure Analysis Of Engineering Materials , Mcgraw Hill V B Bhandhariintroduction To Machine Design , Narosa Publishing House Murlidhar & Sundar Rajancomputational Heat Transfer And Fluid Flow , Narosa Publishing House Dubeyfundamentals Of Electrical Drives , Narosa Publishing House Baldev Raj, T Jay Kumar Practical Non-Destructive Testing , Narosa Publishing Houseg K Dubey Fundamentals Of Electrical Drives. Ed 2. , Narosa Publishing Houses Rama Reddy.Fundamentals Of Power Electronics. Ed 1. , Oxford University Press Pushpalata, Sanjay Kumar Communication Skills , Oxford University Press N Subramaniandesign Of Steel Structures , Oxford University Press S.Chakraborty & B.K. Sarkar Discrete Mathematics And Its Applications , Oxford University Press S.Chakraborty & B.K. Sarkar Discrete Mathematics And Its Applications , Oxford University Press Subinoy Gangopadhyayengineering Geology , Oxford University Press Rajagopalanenvironmental Studies , Oxford University Press Rajagopalanenvironmental Studies , Oxford University Press C S P Ojha, R Berndtsson & P N Chandramoulifluid Mechanics And Machinery , Oxford University Press Kuttanintroduction To Mechatronics , Oxford University Press V R Moorthi Power Electronics , Oxford University Press B P Lathi Signal Processing And Linear Systems , Oxford University Press Tarun Rawat Signals And Systems , Oxford University Press R Subramanianstrength Of Materials , Oxford University Press Meenakshi Raman & Sangeeta Sharmatechnical Communication , Oxford University Press V. Natarajan Elements Of Strength Mechanics , Oxford University Press S K Senprinciples Of Electrical Machine Design With Computer Programs , Oxford University Press N. Subramaniamsteel Structures , Oxford University Press Burrough P Aprinciples Of Gis For Land Resources Assessment. , Oxford University Press A S Hornbythe Advanced Learners Dictionary Of Current English , Oxford University Press A S Hornby The Advanced Learners Dictionary Of Current English , Oxford University Press Sathesh Gopi, R. Sathish Kumar & N. Madhu Advanced Surveying. ( Total Station, Gis, Remote Sensing ) , Oxford University Press Williams, Alan Seismic Design Of Buildings And Bridges , Pearson Education Dassat Principles Of Refrigeration. , Pearson Education Date H. Besterfield Total Quality Management , Pearson Education Mikell P. Groover, Emory Zimmers Jr Cad / Cam. , Pearson Education Hughes Eelctrical Technology. Ed 8. , Pearson Education Seropekalpakjian & Steven R. Schmid Manufacturing Engineering Processes For Engineering Materials. , Pearson Education Mikell P. Groover Automation, Production Systems, And Computer - Integrated Manufacturing , Pearson Education W. 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