
Supply Of Medicine And Lab Reagents And Equipments injection tablet , capsule , syringe , syrup , drops , cream lotion etc 1. lnj. Atropin Suiphat iml 2. Inj.AntiD 30o 3. lnj. Anti D 150 4. inj. ceftriaxone 125mg. 5. mni. Choloroquine Phos. 4O, Karauli-Rajasthan

Medical And Health Services has published Supply Of Medicine And Lab Reagents And Equipments injection tablet , capsule , syringe , syrup , drops , cream lotion etc 1. lnj. Atropin Suiphat iml 2. Inj.AntiD 30o 3. lnj. Anti D 150 4. inj. ceftriaxone 125mg. 5. mni. Choloroquine Phos. 4O. Submission Date for this Tender is 05-04-2022. Medicine Tenders in Karauli Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Supply Of Medicine And Lab Reagents And Equipments injection tablet , capsule , syringe , syrup , drops , cream lotion etc 1. lnj. Atropin Suiphat iml 2. Inj.AntiD 30o 3. lnj. Anti D 150 4. inj. ceftriaxone 125mg. 5. mni. Choloroquine Phos. 4O
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Medicine And Lab Reagents And Equipments injection tablet , capsule , syringe , syrup , drops , cream lotion etc 1. lnj. Atropin Suiphat iml 2. Inj.AntiD 30o 3. lnj. Anti D 150 4. inj. ceftriaxone 125mg. 5. mni. Choloroquine Phos. 4Omg/lml, 5m1. 6. inj. Choloroquine Phos. 4OmJR/lml, 2m1. 7. inj. Digoxin 1ml. 8. inj. Dexamethasone 4mg./lml. 2m1. - 9. inj. Diazepam Smg./lml, 2m1 10. inj. Diclophanic Sodium 7s mg/lmI, 3ml 11. inj. Dicyclomine Hel, 2ml 12. inj. Dopamine 4Omg./lmI, 5mi 13. inj. Eetophyllin/mheophyllin 2 ml mni. Ethamsylate i2Smg/lml, 2m1 - - inj. Fursamide lOmg/lml,2m1 - - - 14. 15. 16. inj. Hydro-Cortisone Succinate 10omg. 17. inj. Hydro-cortisone Succinate 200mg. 18. lnj. promethozine 2 ml 19. inj. Postarsium choloride lOmi - 20. in). Ketamin 1omg./lml, 1omI vail 21. in). Magnasium Sulphate 22. in). Methylergometrine 0.2mgJlml 23. inj. Metochlopramide Smg/lml/,2m1 24. inj. Oxytocin 51u/lml 25. in). Paracetamol 15OmgJlml, 2m1 26. inj. Pentazocin 3Omg/iml, 27. inj. Phenotoion Sodium 5Omg/iml, 2m1 28. In). Q.D.H. 30o ng./iml, 2m1 — in). Rabies vaccine 29. 30. inj. Rantidine 25mg/iml, 2m1 31. inj. S.B.C. lOml —s—I 32. inj.Tetanuslmmuno-globin(Human)25olu 33. Inj.Tetanuslmmuno.globin(Human)50oIu - 34. inj.Tetanuslmmunoglobin(Human)10o0Iu. 35. in). Tetanus Toxid 0.5m1 36. Inj. Tramdol 50mg 37. inj. xylocaine 2% 30ml38. inj.Hyocin 39. inj. Aminophyllin 1Oml 40. inj. Morphine 10mg/mi 41. inj. Phenarmin mylate 2ml 42. inj. Diphtheria antitoxin 20oooiu 43. inj .Rabiesimmunogiobin(Human)1s01u/mi 44. ini. Calcium Gluconat 100mg/rn l lOml 45. inj. Adernehne 1ml 46. inj. Promethazin 25mg/lml2mi 47. inj. Tidilan 2ml 48. inj. Hydroxprogestron 500mg 49. inj. Chlordiopride(Largectii)5Omg. 50. lnj. Oxytocin 51. inj.Methyergametrin 52 ins. Didoxin 53. inj. Alpha Beta Arteether 1Somg./lmi 54. inj. Alpha Beta Arteether 75mg./lml 55. inj. xylocin Heavy 2m1 56. inj. Succinyicholine lOml vial(5Omg/ml) Sy. Albendazol 1OmlSy. Albendazol lOml Sy. chloroquiene Somg/Sml, 6oml Sy. co-Trimaxazole 5Oml 60. Sy. rarazoladine 25mg/sml, 60m1 61. Sy. Ibuprofen+Paracetamol 50m1 Sy. Paracetamol 12Omg/Sml/6oml 62. 6 sy. AmoxiciUine 12smg/imI 64 Sy. Phenytoin Sodium 2smg/imi _______ 85. 5y• Azitnromycn1O0mg/snI 66 sy. (cpm+dentroetho) 1oo ml _______ 67. sy. Metranidazol Sy. Cefadroxil 69. sy. Cetirizine Smg/5m1/3om1 70. sy. Qinine suir. lsomg./5m1 71. sy. Promethazin 30 ml Sy._vitamin_B complex _ 119 - Tab. Ascorbic Acid 5oomg. 120 Tab. Iron with Folk Acid (Adult) 121 Tab. Iron with folic Acid (Ped) 122 Tab. ciniragin 25mg 123 Tab. Mesoprostoe 200mg. 124 Ciprofloxin Eye Drops 125 Ciprofloxin Eye oint. 126 Paracetamol oral_Drops — 127 Ascorbic Acid oral Drops - 128 Tobramycin Eye Drops 129 Tobramycin Eye Drops - 130 Tobramycin+Dexamethason Eye Drops 131 Tobramycln+Dexamethason Eye ont. 132 Flu rbiprofen_Eye_Drops 133 Sodium aoride Opthalmic Solution 5% 134 Gumpaint 135 Mouth Wash Chlorhexadine 136 Mouth wash H2o2 137 Sengnat-F Tooth Paste 138 Sensodint-Kf Tooth Paste - Betamethasone Ont. 5gm. 139 140 Betamethasone+Gentamycin 15gm 141 Betamethasone+Gentamycin+Micozolel5gm. 142 Gamma Benzene Hexachloride 1% Lotion 143 Benzoic Acid+Salieylic Adid 6%+3% ont. 144 Acyclovil_5%_ont. 145 Silver Sulphadiazine 1% Ont. 250gm. Tab. Lactobacillus - Tab. Folic Acid 5mg. 146 147 147 Tab. Folic Acid 5mg, Cap. Omeprazole 2omg. Tab.diclofen Sodium+Paracitamol 50mg+500mg 148 149 150 Tab. Dicyclonin+Paracitamol 151 Tab. Domperidome 1o mg 152 cloTrimazol (Passalles) 153 O.R.S. 21gm.pack 154 Iron Oral Dorp - 155 Citrazin oral Drop 156 salain Nasal orop (Adult) 157 Salain Nasal Drop (Ped) Tab. Ethamsylate 25o Mg. 159 Inj. Iron Sucrose 10o Mcg. 160 Xylometazolin Nasal Drop 161 Cefexime 162 syp. ofloxacin + oridazal - 163 Syp.Calcium 164 Syp. Zink 165 Multi vitamin oral Drop 166 ZInc oral Drop 167 Vitamin D Granulas .-v.u.u.n. V LoOnl-inlmlninl I UnI I Zinc oral Drop Vitamin D Granulas 168 Tab. sodum valprate 2oomg. 169 Tab. sodum valprate 40omg. - 1f0 Anti Fungle Mouth Paint 171 inl• Drotavarin 172 Tab. Drotavarin50o mg. 173 Tab. Multi Vitamin 174 Cefaxim Oral Drop 175 Syp. Salbutamol 176 Syp.Terbutolin 177 Syp._Citrazin.+_PCM 178 Syp. Phenobrbitone 179 Inj. vitamin 03 6Lac 180 Clotrimazole oint. 10 gm, 15 gm 181 sy ofloxacin 182 5yp.Cepodoxime 183 Syp. Azithromycin 184 TabPrimaqune7.5mg 185 Tab Primaqune 2.5mg 186 Amlodipine +Atinolol Smg+5Omg 187 Tab Atrovastin 10mg 188 Tab Losartin 25mg 189 Tab Losartin 50mg 190 Tab Trihexyphenidyl 2mg IiaU i rinexypneniayl zmg 191 Diclofen sodium gel 1%lOgm tube 192 — Diclofen sodium gel 1% 15gm tube 193 Diclofen sodium gel 1%2Ogm tube 194 Ing Ondanesetrone 195 Bleeching Powder 25 kg weight 196 chloroscope 197 Gamaxine 198 Plastic bottle 125ml pvc Orthotidiline solution 500 ml 200 Cap Omeprozole+Domparidone 201 IV set 202 lVCanulano-.22p IVCanulanno.-24a 204 lvCanulano.264 205 Surgical gloves 7, 7.5, 6.5 206 Disposable syringe 5 ml 207 Disposable syringe 2 ml 208 Disposable syringe 1o ml 209 Adhesive plaster r._n_.J.J_ .t.et_a._.? 210 lng.RL500ml 211 Ing. GDW5% 500 ml 212 Ing.DNs500ml 213 Ing. Isolyte p 500 ml 214 Ing. Isolyte M 5oo ml 215 Ing. Isolyte M 500 ml ,r 216 IngGDw1O%5o0m1 217 Temophos Liquid per leter. 218 Pyrithrun 2% per leter. 219 Bandaid 220 Povidine iodine lotion 100 ml, 221 Povidine iodine lotion 500 ml Cotton 100 gram 223 Cotton 500 gram 224 Cotton 1000 gram 225 Ing Insulin soluble 4o lu per ml Cord clamp 227 228 Teb. Metronidazole 400 mg Ing Rantidine 2 ml 229 ACT combi pack (adult) 230 Sugical sprit 5oo ml 231 Teb multivitamine 232 Sanitary napkins 233 Black Disinfacnt fluid 5 leter 234 Black Disinfacnt fluid 20 leter 235 — ORS2lgram pack 236 Makintoss 237 Ing. Mertonidazole 1o0 ml - 238 Ing. Ciprofloxacine 10o ml lng.ASV 240 lng.Antid 15o 241 Mouth wash chiorhexadine - 242 Ing Meth’ylergometrine 1 ml 243 Ing Pentazocine 1 ml 244 245 IngQDH 2m Povidine iodine ointment 15 gram 246 Medacated soap 247 Hypodermic niddle 22, 24 248 -_249 250 251 Salbuta Inhaler Tab. Azithromycine 500 mg Tab. Azithromycine 250 mg Tab. Azithromycine 10o mg 4 Gdw 10% 500 ml - Ing. Mannitol 100 ml Baby Kit Teb. Norfioxacine 400 mg Ing. Mannitol 350 ml 252 253 254 255 256 Oint. Beclomethasone+Neomycine Oint. Gentamycine 15 gm Catgut 1-0 Catgut 2-0 - 259 260 Opration towel 38”x90” Suture cutting needle no. 6/8 263 Tab. Chlorine 265 Folleys_catheter_no._18 Folleys catheter no. 16 266 267 Folleys catheter no. 12 Tab..Lactic_acid_bassilus 268 Ing. Magnisium sulphate 50 mg/ml 269 Bandage 10cm x 4mtr. 270 Gauze than 1 20cmx9mtr. 271 Bandage 15cm x 5mtr. 272 Tab. Pyrizinamide 750 mg 273 CAP. DOxYCYCLINE 100 - TAB AZITHROMYCIN 100 274 275 TAB. NICOTEX GUM 4 MG. 276 TAB. NICOTEX GUM 2 MG. TAB. zINK SULPHATE 10 MG. - INJ..TRENAXAMIC ACID 277 278 279 INJ. ARTESUNATE 60 MG. VIAL 0 Hand sanitiser 100 ml. sod. Hypo chloride sol. 5 ltr. I 281 282 TAB. LOSARTEN + HCT 283 TAB. MONTELUKAsT+LOvOCETRIZiN - INJ. ATROPINE SULPHATE 1 ML -_284 285 TAB. HYDROXYZINE HCL 25 MG. 286 TAB. DEXAMETHASONE 0.5 PERMETHRIN 5% CREAM -.-A INJ. PHENYTOIN EYE HOLL ToWEL FuLL SizE - HOLL TOWEL FULL SIZE SURGiCAL GOWN FOR SURGEONS CARBOXTMETHYLCELLLULOSE DROP. TAB. TRANAXAMIC ACID TAB. PARACETAMOL 500 MG. INJ. AMlKACiN 500 mg. Inj. Amikacin 250 mg - INJ. METHYLPREDNISOLONE 40 MG. Tab aceclofenac + paracetamol Syp. Analyzer - — Syp. Anticold Cephalexin oral suspension -.-..n 288 289 290 291 293 294 298 299 30t cephalexin oral suspension 302 Telmisarten4O mg. tab Cap. Amoxy clavunate 625 rmiq Ii 06 lnjL Cifotaxim 250 mg — Tab. Diclo pcm chlorzoxazone Tab ferrors sulphate + fohc acid Iron + folic acid suspension — 310 Syp. Ibuprofen 311 Glimip. Metformin 1/500 tab. 312 Glimip. Metformin 21500 tab. ‘h4 ‘ im1-gm.i rn - — iimip. rveuuiiiini iovu u. 313 lnj. Cettriaxone 1 gm. 314 lnj. Ceftraxone 500 mg. 315 lnj. Ceftnaxone 250 mg.. 316 Amoxy clavunate oral suspension 3i7 cetirizine+phenylephrine+pcm tab 318 Amoxicillin 2so mg cap 319 Amoxicillin 50o mg cap 320 cephalexin 5o0 cap. 321 Cephalexin 2so cap. 322 Onloxacin oz tab. Tetanus vaccine absorbed 5 ml. vial Syp. antacid Tab. Formaline Formaline Solution 327 Orthildine Solution 328 Cough syrup 1. Sulfuric Acid 5 leter pack 2. 3. Phenol 500 gm Glycerine 400 ml 4. brumsticks per pack 5. Lense Paper 6. Filter Paper . 7. Tissue Paper 8. Dimond Marker 9. Parmanant Marker 10. Eather500mml? 11. HIVKIt 12. Blood sugar Kit 13. HVTube 14. HIV Elisarapidmethod Kit 15. N/10 Solution 500 ml 16. Blood Urea Kit 17. 18. 19. VDRL kit Widal Test Kit ASLO Kit 20. SGOT Kit 21. SGPT Kit 22. HBTube Xray Film 10x12 xray Film 12x15 Rapid Diagnostic Test Kit Face mask (3 layer) M.T Vial 10 ml 34. Paper Tape Parafin Oil 400 ml Haemoglobin Meter Haemoglobin Kit . U U U 23. HBS AG Kit 24. Cholestrol Kit 25. 26. HCV Kit 27. 28. 29. Swine Flu Vaccine 0.5 ml 30. N95 Mask 31. PPE.Kitr 32. 33. 35. Sample Bottle 500 ml NM (Glass) 36. Sample Bottle 500 ml WM (Glass) 37. Sample Bottle 250 ml NM (Glass) Sample Bottle 250 ml WM (Glass) - Sample Bottle 125 ml PVC 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Weight Machine Adult digital 44. 47. B P Appartus Stead Bed 45. 46. Stethoscope - Oxygen cylender 48. Streap Pump DDT spray 49. Mattress foam 50. Binocular Microscope 51. Hubcutter 52. Sputum cup 53. Carbonfusion 25 g. - 54. Eosine 25g 55. 56. Blood Lancet Microglass slide 57. Dengu Kit 58. Anti ABD Kit . 59. 60. Pregnancy card Uristicks 61. Methylene Blue 25 gm 62. Distril Water 5 ml 63. Distril Water 5 leter pack 64. Syphilis kit 65. Ethinol liquid 250 ml 66. Eather 500 ml 67. Phenyl 40% 5ltr. Pack 68. Falcon tube 69. Blood suger Kit 70. Glucometer Strip 71. Glucometer 72. MP test kit 73, Auramim-O 100 gm 74. Serum bilirubin kit 75. SGOT kit 76. SGPT kit 77. Serum Urea 77. Serum Urea 78. Serum creatin 79. Ambu bag 80. Sunction machine 81. Pyrethum Spray pump 82. Exmination Table 83. Labour Table - 84. Stop Watch 85. Sprit Lamp 86. Dropping Bottle 87. Hydro Chloride Acid Cons. Lgd. 88. Gloves 7” 89. Potassium Permanganate 90. Slide Box (100 column) 91. PPE Kit 92. VTM Kit 93. New bomn Baby Kit (mcim NP’j. d’ik. imci TiZi) 94. HB by scale book 95. VDRL Kit 96. UPT kit 97. JSB stain -1 98. JSB|STAIN-2e 99. URINE MULTI STRIP 99. 100. 101. 102. URINE MULTI STRIP URINE CONTAlNER CBC ROLL EDTA K3 KIT 103. CLEANER 1 LTR. (Horiba) 104. LYSEBIO I LTR. (Horiba) 105. ABx MINODIL 20 LTR. (Horiba) 106. MINO CLAlR 100 ML. (Horiba) 107. X-RAY FILM SIZE 8X10 108. DENTAL X RAY FILM 109. X RAY CASSETTE 12X15 110. XRAY.CASSETTE-10XI2? 111. X RAY CASSETTE 8X10 112. ENVELOPE 12X15 113. ENVELOPE 10X12 114. ENVELOPE 8X10 115. X RAY FILM HENGER 12X15 116. X RAY FILM HENGER 10X12 117. X RAY FILM HENGER 8X10 118. DEVELOPER 13.5 LTR 119. FIXER 13.5mLTRR 120. LED NUMBERATOZ/1 TOr10R 121. DEVELOPER TANK 122. FIXER TANK 123. X RAY FILM LEAD BOX 124. CR SYSTEM DIGITAL X RAY 10X12 FILM 125. CR SYSTEM DIGITALX RAY 8X10 FILM r 126. HB|SAGmKIT/ 127. DISPOSABLE TEST TUBE 128. PLAIN_VIAL_PLASTiC , 129. DISPO ESR WITH VACCUM 130. S. TOTAL PROTEIN 131. S. ALBUMIN 132. S. TOTAL CHOLESTEROL 133. S._TRIGLYCERIDE 134. S. VLDL 135. S.HDLI 136. PLASTIC BOTTLE W/M 500 ML 137. PLASTIC BOTTLE W/M 250 ML 138. PLASTIC BOTTLE N!M 500 ML 139. PLASTIC BOTTLE N/M 250 ML 140. Infrared Thermal Scanner m 141. Pulse Oximeter 142. BIOWASTE PLASTIC BEG 15 LTR. 143. BIOWASTE PLASTIC BEG 25 LTR 144. DIGITAL XRAY FILM 8X10 145. DIGITAL XRAY FILM 10X12 146. X-RAY FILM SI2E 10X12 147. X-RAY FILM SIZE 12X15 148. Pulse oximeter 149. Thermameter digital 150. Nasal_oxygen.set 151. Oxygen_set_paedriatic 152. CLEANER (Cellscan) 153. LYsE._(Cellscal) 154. diluent20 LTR.(Cellscan) • — • . ... w.. •nb — W — I I S. I I I I 155. Prob cleaner (Cellscan) 156. Shut down cleaner (Cellscan) 157. Prob cleaner (Cellscan) 158. Diluent 20 Ltr (zybio) 159. Lyse LD (zybio) 160. Lyse LB (zybio) 161. Pro cleaner (zybio) 162. CLEANER (biotec) 163. LYSEjbiotec)? 164. diluent 20 LTR. (biotec) 165. Detergent 10 Ltr. (biotec) 166. XrayAtoz 167. Xray 0 to9 Led no 168. xray R & L led marker __________ 169. Xray Led barrier 170. xrayApnn 171. Xray developing agent 172. xray led sheet 4x6 173. Micro pipate 100-1 000 174. Micro pipate 5-50 ______ 175. Micro pipate stand 176. flpbox yellow 177. Tip box blue 178. Smart tips 179. Big tips 180. Riva vial _____._________-_ 181, Clot vial _______________ 182.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 31-03-2022 one change in terms and condition 05-04-2022

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Tender Value
INR 70 Lakhs /-
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