Purchase Of Common Laboratory Equipments Of Different Types For Various Departments Of Covs, Rampura Phul Electronic Balance, Ph Meter, Incubator, Vortex Shaker, Centrifuge, Hot Water Bath, Deep Freezer, Laminar Flow, Spectrophotometer, Refrigerator, Various Micropipettes, Upright Deep Freezer, Co2 Incubator , Common Laboratory Equipments For Various Departments At Covs, Rampura Phulwith Same Specifications, Same Terms & Conditions And All Accessories ( If Any ) As Mentioned In The Dnit ( Detailed Notice Inviting Tender ) .Note: Please Mention The Amount Of Gst Under Column No. 9 Duly Calculated As Per Total Quantity Required As Per Column No. 4 For Each Item. , Monopan Electronic Balance ( 1Mg To 100G ) , Monopan Electronic Balance ( 0.1Mg To 250G ) , Ph Meter ( Digital ) , Ph Meter ( Digital ) With Rtd Probe , Vortex Shaker , Incubator ( Size-95 Liters ) , Centrifuge ( 17000 Rpm, Non-Refrigerated, Bench Top, 50, 15 & 1.5 Ml Rotors ) , Hot Water Bath ( 18 Liters ) , Hot Water Bath ( 18 Liters, With Circulating Pump ) , Deep Freezer ( Horizontal, 500-560 Liters With Stabilizer ) , Laminer Flow ( Vertical ) -900 X 600 X 600 Mm, Ss Body, Hepa Filter , Spectrophotometer , Refrigerator ( Double Door, 350-400 Liters ) , Micropipettes ( 0.5-10 ?L ) , Micropipette ( 2-20 ?L ) , Micropipettes ( 10-100 ?L ) , Micropipettes ( 20-200 ?L ) , Micropipettes ( 100-1000 ?L ) , Micropipettes ( Multichannel ) 10-100 ?L ( 8 Channel ) , Micropipettes ( Multichannel ) 10-100 ?L ( 12 Channel ) , Micropipettes ( Multichannel ) 30-300 ?L ( 8 Channel ) , Micropipettes ( Multichannel ) 30-300 ?L ( 12 Channel ) , Upright Deep Freezer ( Ultra-Low Temperature, -80°C ) , Co2 Incubator