
Auction Of Unserviceable And Obsolete Items(Bid 2), SRINAGAR-Jammu And Kashmir

Department Of Technical Education has published Auction Of Unserviceable And Obsolete Items(Bid 2). Submission Date for this Tender is 22-03-2022. Scrap Tenders in SRINAGAR Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Auction Of Unserviceable And Obsolete Items(Bid 2)
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Auction Of Unserviceable And Obsolete Items(Bid 2)- 1 Motor Three phase slip ring motor 5hP control panel for the above motor 2 Generator Synchronous motor synchronised with 5KV shunt of 7.5KV control pannel for above 3 Alternator 3 Phase Alternator 5KW coupled with 7HP Dc Shunt Motor 4 Generator 5hp Dc Shunt Motor Coupled with Dc Generator 3 KW 5 Generator 5hp Dc Series Motor Coupled with Dc Series Generator 3KW 6 Motor 3 Phase Slip Ring Induction Motor 7 hP 7 Motor 1 Phase Capacitor Start Capacitor run Motor 2hp with control Panel and Accessories 8 Motor Shaded Pole type 1.5Kw 230V,50Hz 9 Batteries Batteries Plates 12 V 10 Motor Single Phase Unive al Motor 11 Locke Steel locke 12 Stabiliser Servo stabilizer 13 Power supply Power Supplier 14 Measuring Instruements Wattmeter / Megger / flux meter/ earth tester/ Clamp on meter / phase sequence indicator 15 Measuring Instruements Ammeter/ voltmeter/ Energy meter/Techo meter /power factor /Galvanometer/synchroccope /CT/ A Multimeter / lux meter 16 Motor Hysteresis motor 17 Generator Turbo 2000 with complete fittings 18 Material Locks 19 Material Spanner Set (Taparia) 20 Material Plastic can / jug / wall clock 21 Blower Electric blower 22 Tool Armature growler 23 kit Oil testing set 24 Experimental Kits Thevinin theorem/ Max Power Transfer / Kirchoffs Law Ohms law/ series / parallel resistance / Resonance 25 Experiment Kits Industrial Kelvin double bridge 26 Material Resistance BoxStandard / Resistance Box 27 Measuring Instruements LCR Q meter (Digital,Analog) 28 Measuring Instruements Bridge Insulator Tester 29 Material AC Timer / Light sound Operated Relay/ solid state relay 30 Experimental Kits Stepper motor demonstrator with10Kgm torque meter 31 Experimental Kits Ac synchro Transmitter Receiver Demonstration unit/ Ac synchro Transformer / Differentiation Generator Demonstration unit / crow bar protection / Servo Stabilizer Demonstration unit / dc postion servo system 32 Experimental Kits High Frequency Induction/ Dielectric Heating Demonstration 33 Experimental Kits Thevenin Theorem/Norton Theorem / Superposition Theorem/Reciprocity Theorem 34 Motor 1 phase Motor 35 Motor 1 phase Unive al Motor 36 Motor 1 phase Hyste is Motor 37 Auto transformer Dimme tat Single phase 38 material Sliding Rheostat Double 39 material Rheostat 40 Protection device Air circuit breaker 41 Battery eliminator Battery eliminator 42 Tools Cutter /Poker/ insulation plier/wire stripper / screw driver /nose plier / line tester / cable knife / Tri square / MCB/ Wooden Chiesel / Cell tester / Comm. Meter Screw driver of different sizes 43 Heat convector heat convector 44 Fire Extinggisher Fire Extinguisher 45 Boards Stand Board white / Slack board / Graph check board 46 Computer Pe onal computer system(P-4) with monitor and stabilizer 2KV 47 Wooden Boards Notice Boards 48 Ex. Kit Bridge insulation tester to battery operator backin wheat stone bridge 49 Measuring Instruements Digital / Analog multimeter /Techometer / frequency meter 50 Motor Unive al Motor 51 Motor working cut section model of unive al motor 52 Experimental Kits experiment board for colpit wein bridge oscillator/ Reve ing switch frame double sided external controller 53 Instruement Cell discharge tester 54 Transformder single phase variac 55 Material motor load single phase 56 Transformer Alfa 3 phase Aircooler variable Autotransformer input 415V,Ac 50Hz output 0-470V 57 Experimental Kits Schering Bridge 3 phase capacitor loading bank 415V,50Hz output 0-420V 58 Starter DOL Motor Starter 59 starter Three and four Point Starter for Dc moto 60 Motor 3Kw Dc Shunt Motor 61 Starter speed control kit for 3 Phase Induction / Dc shunt Motor/ star delta starter / reve ing switch 62 Phase Regulator Phase Regulator LOA 2.50;5KVA 63 Motor Stepper Motor 220V.Single Phase 50Hz,1/2 Hp 64 motor Single Phase Induction Motor Variable type capacitor Start 65 motor Ac Commutator Motor 230V,50Hz 66 Power supply Stabilized Dc power supply 67 Line tester Leakage Current Tester/ line tester 68 fan Table Fan 69 Gas Handy Gas 70 Extension card Power Strip 4 Way 71 Table Office table Wooden / Tea pay 72 Board White Board 73 Generator Generator Set 74 Solder Antistatic temperature controlled service station(combined soldering and desoldering station)model SVS 500AS consists of station with desoldering gun+soldering iron and holde for both 75 Transformer Constant voltage transformer 76 Generator MG Set 77 Generator Motor Alternator Set 78 TV Television coloured 79 AC Window AC, 1.5 Tonn 80 Experimental Kits PN juction diode /LED characteristics/clipping and clamping circuits/common emmitter/Two stage Rc coupled amplifier / SC peed control kit S KIT / LDR characteristics /Photo diode and lamp holder/Thermistor characteristics / PLL and detection of FM signal/Photo Thermistor holder /DIAC /F.E.T /logic probes characteristicsapparatus / stepper motor contol kit / Regulated power supply using Zener diode / resistance 81 Measuring Instruements CRO 82 Signal Generator Distortion factor meter / RF signal generator 83 Microprocessor Kits 8086 / 8086 microprocessor trainer/ /water level controller /RPM speed measurement tutor 84 Experimental Kits PID control traineer/ 8086 based trainer kit with assembler ASC / seven segement display /Digital logic trainer / PSIM / Scr speed/ dc motor control kit 85 Experimental Kits Experimental Board for FET/Feedback Amplifier/Diode characteristics /Astable Multivibrator /RC coupled Amplifier/ 8085/ 8086/speed control kit/control kit full bridge/Bistable multivibrator/ Triac / inverting and non inverting amplifier /OP Amp / ic trainer/ / PNER Pakage / Power electronic ckt. / low transist or 86 PLC PLC Trainer with Censor / hand held programmer 87 UPS 3KVA Single Phase UPS (with out Batteries ) 88 Printer Konica Monalta Printer 1350W 89 UPS Luminous UPS Line interactive 90 Projector multimeter Projector 91 computer Computer system 92 SMPS SMPS Power Supply for Computer 93 Soldering Soldering iron / Bow lamp 94 oven Electric oven 95 Bench vice Bench Vice 96 Jigsaw Jigsaw 0.37 HP 97 tool kit Tool kit / box 98 Gas bukhari Gas bukhari 99 Iron Iron Auto/Manual 100 Coil winding machine Coil Winding machine 101 Charger Battery charger 102 Drill Power drill / Hand Drill 103 saw Hand saw 104 frame Hacksaw Frame 105 contactor Contactor control Cut Board 106 Desert cooler Desert cooler 107 Light Emergency light/Auditorium light 108 fan Exahaust fan /Ceiling fan 109 inverter Inverter 1Kva 110 toaster Hot air blower/ Toaster 111 Stabiliser Demo Servo stabilizer Deomonstrate type 112 Stabilizer Servo stabilizer 5KVA 113 Washing Machine Washing machine 6L 114 fan Table fan without gear 115 Water Purifier Water Purifier 116 Iron clad Double pole Iron clad Double pole 117 Transformer SIngle phase Transforemer 0.5kva 118 Furniture wooden Bench 119 Furniture Computer chair 120 Furniture Computer table 121 Furniture Rotating chair 122 Furniture Rotating tool 123 Furniture Office chai 124 Moving Chair with arms(1No),without arms(2No) 125 Gas Bukhari Without cylinder;Make:-Delonghi 126 Office Table Steel stand,wooden top with rack 127 Water Cooler Make:-Usha 128 Refrigerator Make:-Allwyn(1 No);Godrej Classic(1 No) 129 Muffle Furnace Make:-Tonco with energy regulator 0-100 130 Window AC Voltas Make:-Voltas Vectra(2 No);Tonco(1 No) 131 Parko Installed with single phase motor 132 Refrigerator Model 133 Exhaust Fan Make:-Khosla,Voltage:-220/230V,Sweep:-300 134 Bread Kneading Machine Model 135 Digital Power Meter Make:-ELEX,Voltage:-230V 136 Dial Indicator(Temp meter) Make:-Remax,Range:- 50-200 Centigrade 137 Solar Drier Model 138 Desert Cooler Model 139 Geyser Voltage:- 230 V,Capacity:-25 Litres 140 Lifter-Hoist Model 141 Mechanical Elevator Model 142 Fire Extinguisher Capacity 4.5 kg used for oil & Electrical Fire 143 Petrol engine Model 144 Diesel Engine Model 145 Ultra Sonic Flaw detector Model KUB110 146 Tensometer Make:-KUDALE 147 Azay Tool room Microscope MP of eye piece-6X,MP of Objective lense:-K10X 148 Moniter(Computer) Make:- Samron(1 No),Make:-Compaq(1No),Make:-Salora(1 No) 149 CPU(Computer) Make:-Samsung(1No),Make:-Compaq(1 No),Make:-LG(1 No),Make:-HP(26No),Make:-Acer(02 No),Make:-Wipro(1 No) 150 HP Desktop Make:-Compaq 151 Compute Make:-HP(16No),Make:-Wipro(1 No),Make:-Philips(1 No) 152 Printer HCL(1 No),Make:-EPSON(1 No),Make:-HP Laser jet(1 No),Make:-HP(1 No),1350 w 153 UPS 600 VA(1 No),Make:-LUMINOUS VISTA(2 No),Make:-OMCAM Control system(1 No) 154 Computer key board Make:-COMPAQ(1 No),Make:-ACER(1 No),Make:-NUNICORP(1 No) 155 Computer Speaker AC Input 230-50Hz-14 W(2No),Make:-Zenith PC with AC input 220V-50Hz(2No) 156 DVD Writer Make:-Super rite master 157 Telephone receiver Make:-Siemens 158 Fan Make:-Khaitan,50W,210 Rpm,220/250 AC,One table and one roof fan 159 Heating Blower AC Input 220 V 160 Room Heater AC Input 220 V 161 LPG Gas Cylindar Capacity:-5litres 162 Microprocessor based Unive al Testing Machine Capacity:-600 kN 163 To ion Testing Machine capacity 200 Kg 164 To ion testing Machine Fully compact 165 Profile Projector Optical measuring instrument 166 Brinell Hardness Testing Machine Measures the hardness of a material 167 Piston Model 168 Connecting rod Model 169 Stablizer 1 KW,3 KW,5 KW 170 Automativ stabilizer 10KVA 171 Eye Piece lens attached to Profile Projector 172 Weights Machine dead weights circular &Small circular weights 173 Chai Wooden 174 Computer Table Wooden 175 Computer Chair Revolving & without arms 176 CNC Train Master Lathe Machine with PC Computeried Numerical control Lathe Machine 177 CNC Train Master Milling Machine with PC Computeried Numerical control Milling Machine 178 Pen drive Make:- HASP HL 179 Multi Media Projector Make:-NEC;Model:-NP40G 180 Samtek Online Online UPS 181 Battery units One unit comprises of 9 batteries 182 Autocad 2002,Mechanical Auto desk,Catia V5,Ansys,Master CAM,Solid Works 3D CAD software in 25 disc 183 Gas Heater Make;-Delonghi 184 Revolving stool Stool 185 Grave sand Apparatus wooden board fixed vertically on two pilla 186 Jack Weight lifting capaciy:-1000kg 187 Step pulley system of pulleys made up of many different size 188 Single purchase winch crab lifting machine in which one set of gea is used 189 Worm & Worm Wheel Gear arrangement in which worm meshes with a worm wheel 190 Double purchase winch crab lmproved form of lifing machine in which different set of gea are used 191 Jib Crane Overhead lifting device 192 Fly Wheel Mechanical device 193 Screw Jack Machine operated by turning a lead screw for lifting weights 194 Unive al Force Table A force board that has chains attached to center ring 195 Pulleys wheel carrying a flexible rope on its rim 196 Motor Range upto 1 HP 197 Sofa set (2No long),(2 No small) 198 Television 20” monochrome make Binatane (1 no), colour make contel vision 199 Television 14” monochrome philips (1no), colour( 1 no). 200 T.V Colour demonstration type with stands T.V Colour demonstration type with stands 201 Fiber optics trainer kit Make FALCON 202 Cordless phone Make Kuruganti 203 Experimental kit AM Modulator or Diode demodulator Experimental kit AM Modulator or Diode demodulator 204 Satellite Receiver Trainer system Satellite Receiver Trainer system 205 VCR Trainer kit Make Kuruganti 206 Euroclean vacuum cleaner with accessories Euroclean vacuum cleaner with accessories 207 PWM AET-58 PWM AET-58 208 Delta Modulator/Demodulator AET-73D Delta Modulator/Demodulator AET-73D 209 Mobile Telephone Trainer kit Mobile Telephone Trainer kit 210 Tape Recorder Trainer kit Adtron 1 no/ Kuruganti 1no. 211 Audio disk player Samsung/obtek 212 Radio Trainer Radio Trainer 213 Video CD player model VCD-869 214 Cassette Duplicator system model GTX-2B 215 Signal Generator AF+RF ( Make Kinetic) 216 T.V. Pattern Generator(1215) Make Systronics 217 Steno Amplifier Steno Amplifier 218 Mo e key Mo e key 219 Loudspeake 4 inch Loudspeake 4 inch 220 Loudspeake 8 inch Loudspeake 8 inch 221 13 Memory Multifunction desk Telephone 13 Memory Multifunction desk Telephone 222 VHF colour pattern generator VHF colour pattern generator 223 Printer/Fax/Scanner Printer/Fax/Scanner 224 Multimeter Digital 5nos ,Analog 3 nos. 225 Calorimeter Calorimeter 226 Overhead projector Overhead projector 227 Centrifuge Centrifuge 228 Digital Communication TrainerASK/FSK/PSK Digital Communication TrainerASK/FSK/PSK 229 BP Apparatus BP Apparatus 230 VCR Make National 231 Batteries Batteries 232 Transmission Line Trainer Transmission Line Trainer 233 Scientific Calculator Scientific Calculator 234 Small Microphone and Loud speaker Small Microphone and Loud speaker 235 Analog/Digital IC tester model MM-E-ADIT440 236 Power Electronic Trainer Make Adtron 237 Discrete Component Trainer Make Adtron 238 Wein Bridge Make Omega 239 Microcontroller 8051 model (ET-51L) 240 Solid state power supply Make Omega 241 Tc 555 trainer cum IC 741 amplifier trainer. Tc 555 trainer cum IC 741 amplifier trainer. 242 Digtal trainer Make E&E (2 nos),Adtron(1 no),Tech ED-III (5 nos) 243 Stero cassette player Make Ellora 244 Filter circuit Make Romtek 245 Thermistor Characteristics model AM-20 246 Microprocessor 8085 Make Vinytics 247 Micro-Ammeter(0-500 ) Micro-Ammeter(0-500 ) 248 Milli-Voltmeter(0-500mv) Milli-Voltmeter(0-500mv) 249 Voltmeter FET DC Genelindia (2 no), Vaccum Tube (1 no) 250 Power oscilloscope model (DTO-31150),Make BPL-india 251 Rectifier Circuit Make Romtek 252 Audio Amplifier Make Omega 253 Curve Tracer Make Pacific 254 Magnetic Films Big 11 no.Small 7 no. 255 Round type voltmeter/Ammeter Round type voltmeter/Ammeter 256 Heat convector Make Ma hal 257 522- Power Osilloscope Make Systronics 258 Battery Charger Battery Charger 259 FET Characteristics Make VISEN 260 Network Therom model A3 261 Series & Parallel Resonant circuit Make Romtek 262 Thevinen Theorem Thevinen Theorem 263 Norton Theorem Norton Theorem 264 Super-position Theorem Super-position Theorem 265 Emitter Follower Make Romtek 266 Pushpull Amplifier Make Romtek 267 Max power transfer theorem . Make Matrix 268 Triac Characteristics Triac Characteristics 269 UJT Characteristics UJT Characteristics 270 Dirac Characteristics Dirac Characteristics 271 SCR Characteristics SCR Characteristics 272 Tuner Amplier Tuner Amplier 273 Photo voltaic cell Experimental kit Photo voltaic cell Experimental kit 274 Phase shift Audio oscillator Phase shift Audio oscillator 275 Free runiningmultiviberator Make genelindia 276 LVDT Transducer experimental kit Make Kurgentic 277 Linear IC tester Make Mechatronics 278 LED study experimental kit LED study experimental kit 279 T & Π high pass filter . Make Matrix 280 Crystal filter Make Trinity 281 T & Π Attenator Make Trinity 282 Frequency counter Make Mecco model SM-100 283 M-derived filter Make Trinity 284 Constant K-type filter kit . Make Trinity 285 Unive al frequency counter Make Trinity 286 CVT 2kva Make Uniline 287 Instrumentation Transducer Exp Kit Instrumentation Transducer Exp Kit 288 200kHz Function Generator 200kHz Function Generator 289 Transistor Power supply Transistor Power supply 290 Micro Ammeter DC Range 0-500microAmpere Micro Ammeter DC Range 0-500microAmpere 291 Study of Composite Filter LPF & HPF Study of Composite Filter LPF & HPF 292 Power Electronics Trainer Power Electronics Trainer 293 Two Stage RC Coupled Amplifier Two Stage RC Coupled Amplifier 294 Zener Diode Characteristics Apparatus Zener Diode Characteristics Apparatus 295 PN Junction Characteristics PN Junction Characteristics 296 Function Generator Function Generator 297 Dimmer State 10Amp Dimmer State 10Amp 298 Complimentary Symmetry Class B Amplifier Complimentary Symmetry Class B Amplifier 299 SCR Single phaseHalf Wave Rectifier SCR Single phaseHalf Wave Rectifier 300 Programmable logic controller Trainer Make Scientech 301 Study of industrial PLC Make Tesca 302 Computer monito . wipro( 2 no),HP (22 no),PCS (13 no),samtel (2 no), 14 monitor 303 Computer mother board. Make Intel 304 TFT monito Make Hp 305 Computer cabinets(video interface unit) Make Star-86A 306 CPUs(Hp Compaq) Make Hp campaq (14 no),PCS (12 no), wipro (2 no), Hp (11 307 Keyboard Make Hp 308 Online UPS 3KVA Make samtek 309 UPS/ -5KVA . Make Nayar (1no),APC (1no). 310 Online UPS 1KVA. Make Gayatri 311 SMPS SMPS 312 Printer Make Konika Minolta 313 Printer (3 in 1). Xerox (1no),Brother (1 no). 314 DVD Drives DVD Drives 315 D-link Router D-link Router 316 Digital Trainer kits Digital Trainer kits 317 Digital counte Digital counte 318 Analog and ac/dc Voltmete Analog and ac/dc Voltmete 319 PCB lithographic machine Make Crescent 320 PCB drilling machine Make Crescent 321 Photostat machine Make Canon 322 Electric oven Make Crescent 323 CRO model 510D, make scientech 324 Component Rack Component Rack 325 Temp control (8578 LX) Temp control (8578 LX) 326 Dual tracking DC power supply Make Aplab 327 CPLD Make Scientech 328 LG Washing machine Make Fabricane 329 Gas heater Make Dellongi 330 Wall clock Make Quartz 331 Reworkstation Make Quick 332 Colour TV Make Flatron 333 Power Supply Power Supply 334 Tool Box(empty) Tool Box(empty) 335 Logic Analyser Logic Analyser 336 8085/8086 Microprocessor kit 8085/8086 Microprocessor kit 337 8051 Microcontroller kit 8051 Microcontroller kit 338 8085 Microprocessorpower supply 8085 Microprocessorpower supply 339 Function Generator Function Generator 340 Load cell Transducer Load cell Transducer 341 E-PROM eraser E-PROM eraser 342 Frequency counter Frequency counter 343 Change over switch Change over switch 344 UV-EPROM eraser UV-EPROM eraser 345 Digital IC regulated power supply Digital IC regulated power supply 346 Prototype PCB machine Prototype PCB machine 347 UV Exposure machine UV Exposure machine 348 Etching machine Etching machine 349 Add On Boxes Add On Boxes 350 Motorised Grinding machine with dual grinding plate. Make Everest 351 Servo Stablizer 10Kva Servo Stablizer 10Kva 352 PCB Lamination PCB Lamination 353 a) Oscilloscope 505S systronics(1 no),505D systronics (1 no),Agronic 16( 354 Low Distortion Audio Generator Low Distortion Audio Generator 355 Frequency Multiplier Frequency Multiplier 356 Transistor Tester make LTKAGE 357 Transistor power supply model 1401A 358 AF/RF Transistored generator TE505(Marconi) AF/RF Transistored generator TE505(Marconi) 359 Deskjet printer make HP 845c 360 OHP model MP340 361 IC regulated supply type ICV IC regulated supply type ICV 362 Power output meter type Power output meter type 363 General purpose stabilizer power supply. General purpose stabilizer power supply. 364 PCB Dryer PCB Dryer 365 5KVA Servo Stabilizer 5KVA Servo Stabilizer 366 Metal sheet Embossing machine Metal sheet Embossing machine 367 Component display board (active& passive) Component display board (active& passive) 368 Decade Box Decade Box 369 Lith Camera Lith Camera 370 Wolf Drill Wolf Drill 371 Crimping Tool Crimping Tool 372 Hand Drill Hand Drill 373 Timer Timer 374 Steel Almirah (Big ) Steel Almirah (Big ) 375 Almirah Steel small door (1no), Glass door (1no). 376 Revolving chair Revolving chair 377 Laboratory Stools Laboratory Stools 378 Steel Table with cabinet Steel Table with cabinet-gem auction

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