Procurement Of Absorption Tank Absorption Tower Tower For Stage 2 Chlorination System At Sipat And Spares For Pt And Cw Chlorination System Of Khargone And Vindhyachal. Procurement Of Absorption Tank Absorption Tower Tower For Stage 2 Chlorination System At Sipat And Spares For Pt And Cw Chlorination System Of Khargone And Vindhyachal. , Absorption Tank:Id-2400Mm X H-2405Mm , Absorption Tower:Id-1400Mm X H-2700Mm , Fabchem:(Ø40nb)Dphrgm Of Pressure Red V/ , Fabchem:(Ø25nb)Dphrgm Of Press Red V/V , Fabchem:Vacuum Relief Valve , Fabchem:Remote Vacuum Regulator , Fabchem:(Ø25nb) Remote V/V Regulating V , Fabchem:(25Nb)Pres Rel V/V (Ss316), , Fabchem:(25Nb)Pres Rel V/V (Abs), , Fabchem:(20Nb) Press Red V/V (En8) , Fabchem:(25Nb) Press Red V/V (En8) , Fabchem:(Ø25nb)Injctr Chk V/V+Dr V/V , Fabchem:(Ø50nb)Injctr Chk V/V+Dr V/V , Fabchem:Injector Assembly(50/80Nb) , Fabchem:(Ø25nb) Flow Ctrl V/V & Flow Mtr , Fabchem:(Ø50nb) Flow Ctrl V/V & Flow Mtr , Fabchem:Flixible Connector(3/8,1.5Ml) , Fabchem:Diff Press Regulator(Ø25nb) , Fabchem:Diff Press Regulator (Ø40nb) , Fabchem:Auxiliary Ton Container Valve , Fabchem:Injector Assembly(100/100Nb) , Lead Washer Cl2 Tonner 20Mm,Thick 1.57 , Needle Valve , R103:75Kg/Hr:Rem.Vac.Regulator-Comp.Assy , R103:75Kg/Hr:Injector:Complete Assembly , R103:75Kg/Hr:Pr. Relief Valve-Comp.Assy , R103:75Kg/Hr:Vacuum Relief V/V-Comp.Assy , R103:75Kg/Hr:Fm & Fc Valve-Comp.Assy , R103:75Kg/Hr:Diff.Pr.Regulator-Comp.Assy , R103:15Kg/Hr:Rem.Vac.Regulator-Comp.Assy , R103:15Kg/Hr:Injector -Complete Assembly , R103:15Kg/Hr:Pr. Relief Valve -Comp.Assy , R103:15Kg/Hr:Vacuum Relief V/V-Comp.Assy , R103:15Kg/Hr:Fm & Fc Valve-Comp.Assy , R103:15Kg/Hr:Diff.Pr.Regulator:Comp.Assy , R103:Cu100- Tube , R104:25 Nb Chlorine Ball Valve => Limited