Bids Are Invited For Travelling Microscope , P.N. Junction Diode Appratus , Optical Bench Complete , Tuning Fork , Resonance Tube Appratus , Newtons Cooling Appratus , Potentiometer , Daniel Cell Complete With Rod & Pot , Leclanche Cell Complete , Galvanometer , Meter Bridge , Voltmeter , Ammeter , Vernier Callipers , Screw Gauge , Sonometer , Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate (Mohr Salt) , Sodium Bi Carbonate , Sodium Carbonate , Lead Carbonate , Lead Nitrate , Zinc Sulphate , Ammonium Chloride , Ammonium Carbonate , Lead Chloride , Barium Nitrate , Barium Sulphate , Aluminium Chloride , Zink Carbonate , Nickel Chloride , Calcium Chloride , Silver Nitrate(Liquid) , Kipps Apparatus(Plastic) , Acetone , Burretes(50Ml) , Pipettes , Test Tube Holder , Atomic Model Set , Filter Paper(Pack Of 50) , Capillary Tubes Glass , Hydrochloric Acid , Nitric Acid ,Sulphuric Acid , Laboratory Spirit , Burners Wick , Blade ,Dropping Bottle , Dropper , Cavity Slides , Ethanol ,Universal Indicator , Funnel Glass , Filter Paper , Measuringcylinder-10Ml , Measuring Cylinder-100Ml , Measuringcylinder- 250Ml , Measuring Cylinder- 500 Ml , Measuringcylinder- 1000Ml , Measuring Cylinder- 2000 Ml , Iodinesolution , Fehlings Solution A , Fehlings Solution B ,Benedicts Solution , Buffer Solution Ph-4 And Ph-9 , Waterbath , Cotton Roll , Rubber Cork , Test Tube13 Ml , Ureasetablets , Phenol Red , Xanthoproteic Acid , Beaker-100 Ml ,Beaker-250Ml , Beaker-500Ml , Conical Flask-100Ml ,Conical Flask- 200 Ml , Dissecting Needle , Forceps ,Distilled Water , Test Tube Stands , Electronic Digital Balance, Spatula- 6 , Chromatography Paper , Coverslip ,Compound Microscope , Petroleum Ether , Ph Paperboq Title School Laboratory Items Total Quantity : 25551