
Supply, Of Various Types Of Laboratory Items Including Chemicals, Glassware, Equipment, Biological Material, Plants, Slides, Miscellaneous Etc-, srinagar-Jammu And Kashmir

Islamic University Of Science And Technology has published Supply, Of Various Types Of Laboratory Items Including Chemicals, Glassware, Equipment, Biological Material, Plants, Slides, Miscellaneous Etc-. Submission Date for this Tender is 22-02-2022. Test Tubes Tenders in srinagar Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply, Of Various Types Of Laboratory Items Including Chemicals, Glassware, Equipment, Biological Material, Plants, Slides, Miscellaneous Etc-
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Supply, Of Various Types Of Laboratory Items Including Chemicals, Glassware, Equipment, Biological Material, Plants, Slides, Miscellaneous Etc-Insectivorous plants 1. Drosera indica 2. Drosera burmani 3. Venus fly trap(Dionea) 4. Sercinia 5. Utricularia 6. Nepenthes-leaf pitcher Orchid Plants 1. Orchid plant entire 2. Orchid plant with inflorescence 3. Orchid Bulbophyllum Parasitic plants 1. Balanophora 2. Orobanchie 3. Cassytha with host 4. Orobanchie with host 5. Loranthus 6. Stiga with host 7. Loranthus with host 8. Viscum album with host Hydrophytic plants 1. Eichhornia 2. Pistia 3. Elodea 4. Jussiaea Root Morphology 1. Aquatic Root 2. Coralloid Root (Cycas) 3. Clinging Root Sundew 4. Root Nodules Legume 5. Nodulated Root 6. Fasciculated Roots 7. Epiphytic Root (Orchid) 8. Pneumatophore Root 9. Palmate Root 10. Fusiform root 11. Napiform root 12. Moniliform Root 13. Tuberous Root Stem Morphology 1. Cladode Asparagus 2. Phylloclade of Opuntia 3. Phylloclade of Muehlenbeckia 4. Corm (Colocasia) 5. Phylloclade of Euphorbia 6. Offset-Pistia 7. Bulb tunicated 8. Phyllode of Acacia 9. Bulbil of Agave 10. Bulbil of Dioscorea 11. Rhizome 12. Stolon Scaly bulb Bryophyta 1. Aneura 2. Conocephalum 3. Anthoceros sporophyte 4. Astrella fertile 5. Cyathodium 6. Dumortiera fertile 7. Fossombronia fertile 8. Lunularia with gemma cup 9. Jungermania 10. Notothylus sporophyte 11. Plagiochasma 12. Monoclea fertile 13. Bryum 14. Pogonatum fertile 15. Sphagnum 16. Pallavacinia fertile 17. Pellia fertile 18. Porella with sporophyte 19. Reboulia 20. Polytrichum fertile 21. Sphagnum 22. Marchantia with sporophytes 23. Sphagnum with sporophytes 24. Riccardia 25. Riccardia with sporophyte 26. Minium 27. Bryum with sporophyte 28. Notothylus sporophyte 29. Andrea 30. Barbula 31. Riccia 32. Moss Funaria 33. Targionia fertile Pteridophyta 1. Azolla 2. Psilotum plant 3. Selaginella vegetative plant 4. Sellaginella fertile plant 5. Equistem 6. Marsilea vegetative 7. Marislea fertile 8. Dryopteris 9. Equisetum prothallus 10. Isoetes entire plant 11. Lycopodium with cone 12. Lycopodium clavatum 13. Lycopodium phlegmeria 14. Lycopodium selago 15. Lycopodium cernum 16. Equisetum veg. plant 17. Marsilea fertile plant 18. Psilotum with synangia 19. Fern Prothallus with sex organs 20. Fern prothallus with sporophyte 21. Fern Gleic 22. Ophioglossum 23. Marsilea germinating sporocarp 24. Regnalidium fertile Gymnosperm 1. Cycas germinating 2. Cycas cercinate vernation 3. Cycas male cone 4. Cycas microsporopyll 5. Cycas megasporophyll 6. Cycas ovule 7. Gnetum young plant 8. Gnetum twig with leaf 9. Cephalotaxus stem with leaf 10. Cephalotaxus male cone 11. Cephalotaxus female cone 12. Aurocaria with male cone 13. Zamia with female cone 14. Aurocaria with female cone 15. Ginkgo male cone 16. Ginkgo female cone 17. Ginkgo ovule 18. Abies with male cone 19. Abies with female cone 20. Agathis with male cone 21. Agathis with female cone 22. Gnetum with male cone 23. Gnetum ovule 24. Taxus male cone 25. Taxus female cone 26. Taxodium male cone 27. Taxodium female cone 28. Ephedra male cone 29. Ephedra female cone 30. Gnetum seed 31. Podocarpus male cone 32. Podocarpus female cone 33. Picea male cone 34. Picea female cone 35. Juniperus male cone 36. Juniperus female cone 37. Biota with male cone 38. Biota female cone Fungi 1. Helminthosporium 2. Phoma 3. Phytophthora on Potato leaf 4. Phytophthora on Colocasia leaf 5. Puccinia on wheat leaf 6. Puccinia on wheat stem 7. Polyporus 8. Puccinia on barbery 9. Synchytrium on leaf 10. Synchytrium on fruit 11. Synchytrium black potato 12. Ustilago covered smut 13. Ustilago loose smut 14. Ustilago on oat 15. Ustilago barley 16. Ustilago on wheat 17. Ustilago on maize/maize smut 18. Ustilago on sugar-cane 19. Taphrina 20. Ring spot of brassica 21. Ring spot of potato 22. Peziza clusters 23. Citrus canker 24. Leaf curt of tomato 25. Leaf curl of chillies 26. Leaf curl of papaya 27. Leaf mosaic 28. Black rust of Wheat 29. Powdery mildew on Pea 30. Leaf blight disease 31. Downy mildew on Grapes 32. Leaf spot on Sorghum 33. Ergot of Barley 34. Damping off disease 35. Club root of Crucifers 36. Mosaic disease 37. Late blight of Potato 38. Early blight of Potato 39. Bacterial blight on Banana 40. Mosaic of Tobacco 41. Red stripes of Sugarcane 42. Red rot of Sugarcane 43. Leaf chlorosis 44. Necrosis of flower 45. Peach leaf curl 46. Wilts 47. Agaricus 48. Clavaria 49. Morchella 50. Pezziza clusters Lichens 1. Lichen Crustose 2. Lichen Foliose 3. Lichen fruiticose 4. Lichen Usnea fertile 5. Lichen Ramalina 6. Lichen Parmelia fertile 7. Lichen Phycia fertile 8. Lichen Cladonia fertile 9. Lichen Graphis fertile 10. Lichen apothecia Fossils 1. Impression 2. Compression 3. Petrifaction 4. Moulds 5. Casts 6. Amber List of mislleneous items No Name of the item 1. Buchnra brushes 2. test tubes ordinary 3. Measuring flasks

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