
supply of Tools &Amp Equipments For Fitter Trade A. TRAINEEs TooL KIT (2o • 1) tr.noos toolkit sl. 1-18 Is required additionally) - — 1 Steel Rule with metrk & Rreiish graduation 2 Try Scuare.i 3 Caliper inside sp-ing type. 1 4 Caliper hermap, Baran-Rajasthan

Department Of Training And Technical Education has published supply of Tools &Amp Equipments For Fitter Trade A. TRAINEEs TooL KIT (2o • 1) tr.noos toolkit sl. 1-18 Is required additionally) - — 1 Steel Rule with metrk & Rreiish graduation 2 Try Scuare.i 3 Caliper inside sp-ing type. 1 4 Caliper hermap. Submission Date for this Tender is 14-02-2022. Earth Moving Machinery Tenders in Baran Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

supply of Tools &Amp Equipments For Fitter Trade A. TRAINEEs TooL KIT (2o • 1) tr.noos toolkit sl. 1-18 Is required additionally) - — 1 Steel Rule with metrk & Rreiish graduation 2 Try Scuare.i 3 Caliper inside sp-ing type. 1 4 Caliper hermap
Open Tender

Tender Details

supply of Tools &Amp Equipments For Fitter Trade A. TRAINEEs TooL KIT (2o • 1) tr.noos toolkit sl. 1-18 Is required additionally) - — 1 Steel Rule with metrk & Rreiish graduation 2 Try Scuare.i 3 Caliper inside sp-ing type. 1 4 Caliper hermaphrodite spring type 1 S Caliper outside spring type 1 6 Divider spring type 1 7 ScrIber 1 8 Centre Punch I 9 Screwdriver 1 10 chsel cold flat - 2 4 2 2 2 1 3 11 Hammer ball peen with handle - 12 Hrmmer bal peen with fhandie — 13 FIle flat.. second cut - 14 FIle flat smooth 15 FilehaIroundsecondcut 16 Hacksaw frame fixed type 17 Safety goggles. 18 Dotpunch 1 B. UNSTRUMENTs AND GENERAL sHoP oUTFmT. For z (1.1) urnl INSTRUMENTS 9 Steel Pule Graduated both in Metric and English Unit 3 20 straightedgesteel 3 21 Spirit tevel metal rype - 2 3 22 Stud Extractor EtI out S 23 Combnation Set 3 24 Micrometer outside 0 25 Micrometer outside. 1 26 Micrometer outside. 27 Micrometer inside with extern ion rods. 28 vernier caliper 29 vernier height gauges 30 vernier bevel protractor Blade with Acute Angle 31 Screw pitch gauge Metric 32 were gauge, metric standard. GENERAL SHOp OUTFiT 33 Surface plate cI/Granite with Stand and Cover 34 Marking table (Mild steel) 35 Universal scribing block, 36 v-Block pair with clamps 37 Angle plate 38 Punch letter set. 39 Punch number set. 40 Portable hand drill (Electric) - Drill twist straight shank 3 mm to 12 mm by 0.5 mm H.5.5. 2 sets 41 42 Drill twist Taper shank 43 Taps and dies complete set in box________.________ 44 Taps and dies complete set - 45 File knife edge smooth 46 File feather edge smooth 47 File triangular smooth 48 File round second cut 49 File square second cut - 50 Feeler gauge 51 File triangular second cut 52 File flat second cut safe dge. - 53 File flat bastard 54 File flat bastard. 55 File swiss type needle 55 FIle Swiss type needle Sc 56 File half round second cut. 25 Si File half round bastard, 58 File round bastard. 59 File hand second cut. 60 Fllecard. 61 OilCan 62 - Pliers combination insulated 63 wooden handle forged Soldering Iron copper bit. 64 Blow Lamp - 65 Spanner- Double Ended 66 Spanner adjustable 67 interchangeable ratchet socket set 0, infLeI L.r1aI1idU1 I aLLJIeL UbkeL L bouble Ended tubular Box spanner set with Tommy bar. Glass maenifying1 69 70 Clamp toolmaker Clamp c clamp C Hand Reamer set (Taper pin straght flute) 71 72 73 74 Machine Reamer parallel (Helical flute) - Scraper flat 75 76 Scraper triangular 77 Scraper halt round Chisel cold crosscut& diamond point. Chisel cold flat Chisel cold round nose Drill chuck with key Pipe wrench 78 79 8o 81 82 83 Pipe vice 84 Adjustable pipe die set BSP 85 wheel dresser (One for 4 units)Star/Dresser with Holder 86 Machine vice - 5wivel Base 87 Machine vice - Swivel Base 88 sleeve drill Morse - 89 vice bench - 99 Machine vice. - 100 wing compass. 101 Hand hammer with handle. 102 Torque wrench (Standard/Ratchet type) 1o3 Power tools for fastening Different Profile gauges (Plate type) ror -_---_ demonstration 1o5 Knurllng tool (Diamond, straight & Diagonal) 1o6 Indexable boring bar with inserts 1o7 Machine maintenance manual for iathe, Pedestal -__e__ rinder,_Drill_machine,_Power_saw 108 Temperature gauge 109 Dowel pin (straight) Standard Tap screws 111 Lapping plate Medium carbon Heat treated alloy steel Metric 112 studs and bolts along with nuts (for display) of standard length (May be manufactured in-house) 113 Caps screws 114 Drill gauges 115 Cast Iron Globe valve (Flanged type) 116 Cii Sluice / Gate valve (flanged type) 117 Stopcock 118 MS. Pipe 119 G.l. Pipe 12o Slip-on Forged steel Flange 121 Bolt & Nut with washer (May be manufactured in- house) . 122 Pipe threading die with handle 122 PIpe thread i, die with handle — 123 Ji€s & Fixture (sample)-For demonstration (May be manufactured in-house) 124 Pulleys (for v-belt or Flat belt) 125 Steel keys (Maw be manufactured in- house) 126 — Damaied old spur gear 127 V-belt and Flat belt 128 Packing gasket 129 washer, dutch, keys, jib, cotter &circlip 130 Hollow punch 131 Drill Drift (May be manufactured In- house) 132 Bearing different types 133 lifting sling 134 Bearing extractor I 35 Pulley extractor c. TooLs FoR ALLIED TRADE - sHEET METAL woRKER additional Items are to be provided for the Allied Trade Train 136 Trammel 137 Pocker 138 Prick punch 139 Mallet. 140 Aviation Snips straight Cut 141 Flat headed hammers with handle. 142 Planeshing hammer. 143 Snip bent Left Cut 144 Stake hatchet with Leg. 145 Stake grooving. D.woIFi[DusToFTooLs rOR t2TEAtf roR r4f!r1 WIsTRUMENT 146 slIp Gauge as Johnson metric set. 147 Gauge snap Go and Not Go - Gauge plug 148 149 Gauge telescopic set. 150 Dial test indicator on stand 151 Sine bar 152 Dial vemnier caliper. (Universal type) Screw thread micrometer with interchangeable. Pitch anvils for checking metric threads 60. 153 153 Screw thread micrometer with interchangeable. Pitch anvils for checking metric threads 6o. Depth micrometer. 0-25 mm 155 Digital vermer caliper. 156 Digital Micrometer outside. 157 Comparators Gauge - Dial Indication with stand Bracket a Eiwineers try souare knife-edge Ti .9 Surface roughness comparison pLite.. - jN 0 Digital vernier caliper Jo 1 vernier Bevel protector ERAL SHOP OUTFIT 2 Carbide wear Block. - 1 3 Lathe tools H.s.s. tipped set. — 4 Lathetools bit. 5 Lathe tools bit. -. 6 lathe tools bit. 1i 167 Arm strong type tool bit hoder. 168 Arm strong type tool bit holder. 169 - Arm strong type tool bit holder. 170 SiiIcon wrenches 171 Pipe cutter wheel type. 172 Pipe bender machine spool type with stand 173 Adjustible pipe chain tonge to take pipes - Adjuut.ibie spanner 174 E. GENERAL MACHINERY INSTALLAmiON 175 SS and Sc centre lathe (all geared) with minwnum specificatiomi Pillar Type Dfllhng machine Drilling macháne bench 176 177 178 D.E. peaestal Gnnding machine withwheels rough and smooth $6. LiST OF TOOLS & Accessories FOR Pneumatics AND H 197 compressor unit Pneumatic Trainer Kit, each consisting of the following matching components and accessories: I. single acting cylinder II. Double acting cylinder IlI. 3/2-way valve Iv, 3/2-way valve V. One-way flow control valve vl. 5/2-way valve vII. 5/2-way valve vIII. 5/2-way pneumatic actuated valve Ix. 3/2-way roller lever valve x. Shuttle valve (OR) xl. Two-pressure valve (AND) 98 Pressure gauge XIiI. Manifold with self-closing XIV. Pushbutton station for electrical signal input xV. Relay station xVI. 3/2-way single solenoid valve XvII. 5/2-way single solenoid valve XVIII. 5/2-way double solenoid valve xIx. Power supply unit, XX. Profile plate, Anodised Aluminium Pneumatic workstation with 40 square mm aluminium profile legs, wooden work surface, and 199 one pedestal drawer unit having 5 drawers, each with handles and individual locks, on metallic full panel drawer slide: 200 Carrier for mounting components, such as Pe & relay boxes. 201 Cut section model for pneumatic components 202 Hyaraulic Trainer Kit, each consisting of the ollowing matching components and accessories: I. Hydraulic Power pack lI. Pressure relief valve Ill. Drip tray, steel - IV. Pressure Gauge V. Four-way distributor vI. Double acting hydraulic cylinder I 200 VII. VIIl. Suitable wei€ht Mounting kit for weight for fori Ix. 3/2-way directional control valve X. 4/2-way directional control valve xl. 4/3-way directional control valve XII. Non-return valve. -e-e xIIl. Pilot-operated check valve XIV. one-way flow contrd valve xv. T-Connector with self-sealing coupling nipples (2 Nos.) and quick coupling socket (1 No.). xVI. Profile plate, Hydraulic woikstation with 40 square mm aluminium profile legs, wooden work surface, and I one pedestal drawer unit having s drawers, each c with handles and individual locks, on metallic full a 203 panel drawer slide: e 204 cut-section models for hydraulic components

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INR 9.90 Lakhs /-
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