
Supply Of Laboratory Items Including Chemicals, Glassware, Plants, Slides, Equipment, Biological Material, Niscellaneous Etc-1 Aulosira 2 Anabaena Wm 3 Chrococcus Wm 4 Nostoc Wm 5 Nostoc In Root Section 6 Oscillatoria Wm 7 Spiruli, islamia-Jammu And Kashmir

Department of Higher Education has published Supply Of Laboratory Items Including Chemicals, Glassware, Plants, Slides, Equipment, Biological Material, Niscellaneous Etc-1 Aulosira 2 Anabaena Wm 3 Chrococcus Wm 4 Nostoc Wm 5 Nostoc In Root Section 6 Oscillatoria Wm 7 Spiruli. Submission Date for this Tender is 22-02-2022. Coats and Jackets Tenders in islamia Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Laboratory Items Including Chemicals, Glassware, Plants, Slides, Equipment, Biological Material, Niscellaneous Etc-1 Aulosira 2 Anabaena Wm 3 Chrococcus Wm 4 Nostoc Wm 5 Nostoc In Root Section 6 Oscillatoria Wm 7 Spiruli
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Supply Of Laboratory Items Including Chemicals, Glassware, Plants, Slides, Equipment, Biological Material, Niscellaneous Etc-1 Aulosira 2 Anabaena Wm 3 Chrococcus Wm 4 Nostoc Wm 5 Nostoc In Root Section 6 Oscillatoria Wm 7 Spirulina Wm 8 Acetabularia Wm 9 Chlamydomonas Wm 10 Chara Vegetative Wm 11 Chara Reproductive Wm 12 Chara Sexual V.S 13 Chlorella Wm 14 Cladophora Wm 15 Cladophora Reproductive Wm 16 Oedogonium Vegetative 17 Oedogonium Capcells Wm 18 Oedogonium Macrandrous Wm 19 Oedogonium Nannandrous Wm 20 Oedogonium Oogonial Wm 21 Vaucheria Vegetative Wm 22 Vaucheria Reproductive Wm 23 Dictyota Tetrasporic Thallus 24 Ectocarpus Unilocular Wm 25 Ectocarpus Plurilocular Wm 26 Sargassum Thallus ( Leaf ) Ts 27 Batrachospermum Veg. Wm 28 Batrachospermum Fruiting Wm 29 Polysiphonia Antherdial Wm 30 Bacterial Typical 31 Coccus Form 32 Bacillus Form 33 Spirill Form 34 Gram Positive Bacteria 35 Gram Negative Bacteria 36 Root Nodule Of Legume Ts 37 Escherichia Coli 38 Small Pox Virus 39 Polio Virus 40 Mucor ( Zygote ) Wm 41 Phytophthora Host Leaf Ts 42 Rhizopus Wm 43 Rhizopus Sporangia Wm 44 Rhizopus Sexual Wm 45 Aspergillus ( Euratium ) Conidia 46 Morchella Ts 47 Neurospora Ts 48 Penicillum Veg. 49 Yeast Budding 50 Yeast Cell 51 Agaricus Stipe Ts 52 Agaricus Pileus Vs 53 Agaricus Stipe And Pileus Vs 54 Agaricus Button Stage Vs 55 Polyporus Ts / Ls 56 Puccinia Uredo On Wheat Leaf Ts 57 Puccinia Teleuto On Wheat Stem Ts 58 Puccinia Aecidia On Barbery Leaf 59 Puccinia Pycnia Vs 60 Ustilago Spores Wm 61 Ustilago With Host 62 Alternaria 63 Fusarium 64 Aspergillus 65 Lichen Thallus Ts 66 Lichen Thallus Wm 67 Lichen Soredia Wm 68 Lichen Apothecium Vs 69 Anthoceros Thallus Ls / Ts 70 Anthoceros Sporophyte Wm 71 Anthoceros Sporophyte Ts / Ls 72 Funaria Antheridia Vs / Wm 73 Marchantia Thallus Ts 74 Marchantia Gemmae Cup Vs 75 Marchantia Gemmae Wm 76 Marchantia Antheridia Head Vs 77 Marchantia Archegonial Head Vs 78 Marchantia Sporophyte Vs 79 Moss Protonema 80 Moss Capsule Ls / Ts 81 Moss Peristome 82 Riccia Thallus Ts / Wm 83 Riccia Mature Sporophyte Vs 84 Sphagnum Wm 85 Sphagnum Sporophyte 86 Sphagnum Antheridial 87 Sphagnum Archegonial 88 Botrychium Stipe Ts 89 Equisetum Prothallus Vs 90 Equisetum Root Ts 91 Equisetum Rhizome Ts 92 Equisetum Stem Ts 93 Equisetum Cone Ts / Ls 94 Fern Prothallus Young 95 Fern Prothallus With Antheridia 96 Fern Prothallus Archegonia 97 Fern Prothallus With Sporophyte 98 Fern Prothallus Ts 99 Lycopodium Stem Ts 100 Psilotum Stem Ts 101 Psilotum Rhizome Ts 102 Selaginella Root Ts 103 Selaginella Rhizophore Ts 104 Selaginella Leaf Wm / Ts 105 Selaginella Stem Ts 106 Selaginella Strobilus Wm / Ls 107 Cycas Normal Root Ts 108 Cycas Coralloid Root Ts 109 Cycas Leaf Let ( Pinna ) Ts 110 Cycas Rachis Ts 111 Cycas Microsporophyll Ts 112 Cycas Megasporophyll Ts 113 Pinus Root ( Young ) Ts 114 Pinus Root ( Old ) Ts 115 Pinus Young Stem Ts / Ls 116 Pinus Stem Rls / Tls 117 Pinus Needle Ts 118 Ephedra Ovule Ts 119 Ephedra Stem Tls / Rls 120 Ephedra Stem Ts 121 Ephedra Root Ts 122 Cedrus Stem Ts 123 Cedrus Leaf Ts 124 Gnetum Stem Tls / Rls 125 Gnetum Stem Ts 126 Gnetum Leaf Ts 127 Tradescantia Epidermal Hairs 128 Starch Grains Eccentric 129 Starch Grains Concentric 130 Compound Starch Grains 131 Semi Compound Grains 132 Aleurone Layers, Grain Ts 133 Cystolith 134 Inulin ( Dahalia Root ) Ts 135 Sclereids In Section 136 Water Storage Cells Silica Deposits 137 A. Calcium Oxalate Crystals 138 Trichoblasts In Section 139 Apical Stem Meristem Ls 140 Aerenchyma Ts Or Wm 141 Collenchyma Ts Or Wm 142 Sclerenchyma Ts Or Wm 143 Sclerenchyma Fibersmacerated 144 Cucurbita Young Stem Ts 145 Helianthus Young Stem Ts / Ls 146 Dicot Root Primary Ts 147 Ficus Aerial Root Ts 148 Maze Mature Stem Ts 149 Maze Root Ts 150 Maze Root Ts And Ls On Same Slide 151 Orchid Root Showing Velamen Ts 152 Root With Root Cap Ls 153 Dicot Leaf Typical Ts 154 Dionaea Leaf Ts To Show Glands 155 Ficus Leaf Ts 156 Helianthus Leaf Ts 157 Nyphaea Leaf Ts 158 Maze Leaf Ts 159 Monocot Typical Leaf Ts 160 Dicot And Monocot Stem On The Same Slide 161 Herbaceous And Woody Stem Ts On Same Slide 162 Primary And Secondary Stem Ts On Same Slide 163 Monocot And Dicot Root Ts On Same Slide 164 Dicot And Monocot Leaf On Same Slide 165 Dicot Stem Ts And Ls On Same Slide 166 Monocot Stem Ts And Ls On Same Slide 167 Primary And Secondary Root On Same Slide 168 Redial 169 Conjoint Collateral Open 170 Conjoint Collateral Closed 171 Conjoint By Collateral 172 Concentric Amphivasal 173 Concentric Aphhicribral 174 Anther Wm / Ts 175 Epigynous Flower Ls 176 Hypogynous Flower Ls 177 Perigynous Flower Ls 178 Pollen Grains Different Types 179 Pollen Grains Germinating 180 Amphitropous 181 Anatropous 182 Campylotropous 183 Orthotropous 184 Circinotropous 185 Axile Placentation 186 Basal Placentation 187 Free Central Placentation 188 Marginal Placentation 189 Parietal Placentation 190 Superficial Placentation 191 Microspore Mother Cell Preparing For Division 192 Leptotene Stage 193 Zygotene Stage 194 Pachytene Stage 195 Diplotene Stage 196 Diakinesis Stage 197 Metaphase I 198 Anaphase / Telophase I 199 Metaphase Ii 200 Anaphase / Telophase Ii 201 Meiosis I All Significant Stage In One Slide 202 Meiosis Ii All Significant Stage In One Slide 203 Melabolic Nucleus Stage 204 Prophase Stage 205 Metaphase Stage 206 Anaphase Stage 207 Telophase Stage 208 Chromatin Bridge 209 Laggard Formation 210 Ring Formation 211 Giant Chromosome 212 Multivalent Formation 213 Ts Anther Showing Microsporogenesis 214 Ts Mature Anther With Pollen Grains 215 Ls Ovule Showing Megasporogenesis 216 Ls Ovule Showing Globular / Heart Shaped Embryo 217 Ls Seed Showing Seed Coat, Embryo And Endosperm 218 Mail Gametophyte 219 Female Gametophyte 220 Ts Young Anther Showing Mass Of Parenchymatous Cells 221 Ts Young Anther Showing Differentiation Of Archesporial Cells 222 Ts Anther Showing Different Wall Layers And Sporogenous Tissue 223 Ts Anther Showing Microspore Tetrads 224 Capsella Embryology Set Of 9 Slides -One Celled Stage Ls 225 Two Celled Stage Ls 226 Quadrant Stage Ls 227 Octant Stage Ls 228 Globular Or Heart Shaped Embryo 229 Differentiation Of Cotyledons 230 Precotyledon 231 Bending Of Cotyledons 232 Mature Embryo Ls 233 Earth Worm Drum 234 Prawn Drum 235 Pila Drum 236 Cockroach Drum

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INR 2.0 /-
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