1. Withdrawing Of Submersible Pump Motor Set Along With Pumping Machineries At P H No. 1 Of Nandra Water Supply Scheme, Under Cmd, Phe Dte. 2. Repairing Of Chlorine Machines And Fitting, Fixing Of Tube Light And Roof Top Light Sets At P H No. 1,5& 6 Of Rayan Water Supply Scheme, Under Cmd, Phe Dte. 3. Withdrawing Of Submersible Pump Motor Set Along With Pumping Machineries At P H No. 2 Of Jogeswadihi Water Supply Scheme, Under Cmd, Phe Dte. 4. Withdrawing Of Submersible Pump Motor Set Along With Pumping Machineries At P H No. 2 Of Nandrawater Supply Scheme, Under Cmd, Phe Dte. 5. Repairing Of Chlorine Machines And Fitting, Fixing Of Tube Light And Roof Top Light Sets. At P H No. 5 And 6 Of Rayan Water Supply Scheme, Under Cmd, Phe Dte. 6. Withdrawing of Submersible Pump motor set along with pumping machineries at P H No. 2 of Rayan Water Supply Scheme, under CMD, PHE Dte. 7. Repairing of Chlorine Machines and other works at Pump Houses of Koyrapur, Bonpaskamarpara, TalitSimdal ,Kasiara and PaschimGopalpur water supply scheme under Central Mechanical Division P.H.E. Dte. 8. Repairing of Chlorine Machine, Roof top Lights etc. and other works at Pump Houses of Fakirpur ,Isufabad, Ura , Golgram , Bahighanya , Rajkusum, and Krishnapur water supply scheme under Central Mechanical Division P.H.E. Dte. 9. Repairing of Chlorine Machine, Roof top Lights etc. and other works at Pump Houses of Jogeswardihi ,Bolgona, Natungram , and Katwa S D Hospital water supply scheme under Central Mechanical Division P.H.E. Dte. 10. Repairing of Voltage Stabilizer, Roof top Lights etc. and other works at Pump House No. -1, 2 of Uttar Radhakantapur water supply scheme under Central Mechanical Division P.H.E. Dte. 11. Repairing of UPVC pipe line and Valve chamber at Extension Building and in front of pump house No 2 of Burdwan Medical College & Hospital under Central Mechanical Division, P.H.E. Dte, Purba Bardhaman. 12. Supply and installation of PVC Ball Valve of different water storage tank at different building (CBS, OT, Sisu, etc) at Burdwan Medical College & Hospital under CMD, PHE Dte. 13. Dismantling and repairing of PVC water Storage Tank at C.B.S. chest unit of Burdwan Medical College & Hospital, Burdwan under Central Mechanical Division, PHE Dte. Purba Bardhaman. 14. Withdrawing of Submersible Pump motor set along with pumping machineries at P H No. 1 of Jogeswadihi Water Supply Scheme, under CMD, PHE Dte. 15. Withdrawing of Submersible Pump motor set along with pumping machineries at P H No. 3 of ChotoboinaWater Supply Scheme, under CMD, PHE Dte.