
Tender For The Work Of The Proposed Up-Gradation Of Fire Fighting System At North Tanker Berth(Ntb) And South Tanker Berth (Stb) Commonly Known As Oil Tanker Berths (Otb) To The Requirement Of Oisd Standard 156 Of 2017 Are Furnished Below -, COCHIN-Kerala

Cochin Port Trust has published Tender For The Work Of The Proposed Up-Gradation Of Fire Fighting System At North Tanker Berth(Ntb) And South Tanker Berth (Stb) Commonly Known As Oil Tanker Berths (Otb) To The Requirement Of Oisd Standard 156 Of 2017 Are Furnished Below -. Submission Date for this Tender is 07-02-2022. Couplings Tenders in COCHIN Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For The Work Of The Proposed Up-Gradation Of Fire Fighting System At North Tanker Berth(Ntb) And South Tanker Berth (Stb) Commonly Known As Oil Tanker Berths (Otb) To The Requirement Of Oisd Standard 156 Of 2017 Are Furnished Below -
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Tender Details

Tender For The Work Of The Proposed Up-Gradation Of Fire Fighting System At North Tanker Berth(Ntb) And South Tanker Berth (Stb) Commonly Known As Oil Tanker Berths (Otb) To The Requirement Of Oisd Standard 156 Of 2017 Are Furnished Below -A Fire Pump House (common for both NTB & STB) B Foam Pump House (For the use of NTB) C Fire Control Room (common for NTB & STB Jetty), located in the first floor of Fire Pump House. D NTB Jetty. E STB Jetty -1.1 Construction of a masonry platform (Total area: 35 M2) supported on new marine pile foundations as an extension of the existing Fire Pump House for accommodating 1 No. each Fire Pump and Jockey pump as per the Scope of Work & Technical Specification 1.2 Supply, erection, testing & commissioning of 1 No. Diesel Engine driven Vertical Turbine Fire Pump of capacity 500 M³/hr. as per the Scope of Work & Technical Specification. (List of materials required are furnished below) (i) 10” Fire pump delivery line of 300 # as per the specification, to be connected to the existing 300 #, 10” Fire water line (ii) 10 NRV (300#) (iii) 10 Gate Valve (300#) 1.3(i) Dismantling, transportation and storage of 1 No.1000 Ltrs capacity & 2 Nos. 150 Ltrs. Capacity each Diesel Tanks from the Pump House. 1.3 (ii) Supply and installation of 3 Nos. individual diesel tanks SS 316 grade and 3 mm thick having 500 M³ capacity for three Nos. Diesel Engines of Fire Pumps with connected diesel lines. 1.4 Supply, erection, testing & commissioning of 1 No.Electric Motor Driven Vertical Turbine Jockey Pump of capacity 43 M³/hr. including the connected line and all accessories as per the Scope of Work & Technical Specification. 1.4.1 4 Gate Valve 300# 1.4.2. 4 NRV 300# 2.1 Supply and installation of automated control panel for all the 3 Nos. Fire Pumps & 1 No. Jockey Pump including cabling works as per the Scope of Work & Technical Specification. 2.2 Supply, installation & Commissioning of Fire Alarm & Detection System as per the Scope of Work & Techincal Specification which consists of :- (i) Supply & installation of 3 Nos. Gas Detectors at NTB (ii) Supply & installation of 3 Nos. Gas Detectors at STB (iii) Supply & Installation of 4 Nos. IR Flame Sensors NTB. (iv) Supply & Installation of 4 Nos. IR Flame Sensors STB. (v) Supply & Installation of Smoke Detection System at Fire Contyrol Room (vi) Supply & Installation of Hooter at Fire Control Room for producing audible Alarm and 3 KM range Siren. (vii) Supply and laying of necessary FRLS Cabling including routing of cables through submarine conduits from NTB Jetty to Fire Control Room. (viii) Supply and laying of necessary FRLS Cabling including routing of cables through conduits from STB Jetty to Fire Control Room. (ix) Integration of MCP Alarm System to the new Alarm Panel (x) Installation of Mimic Panel at Fire Pump Control Room to identify location of triggered MCP/Gas Detector/Flame Sensor (xi) Facilitating   starting/stopping/changeover of the existing DG set at Fire Pump Room from Fire Control Room. 3.1 Fixed Water Curtain System at NTB as per the Scope of Work & Technical Specification. (i) Supply and installation of 3000 LPM Jumbo curtain nozzles to serve as water curtain between Marine Loading Arms and Ship Tanker for segregation of hazardous areas. (ii) (a) Supply and installation of cement lined Jumbo Curtain line of 6 dia of 300 # with Gate Valve and Deluge valve arragement including flanges, bends, reducers , cupling etc. required. (ii) (b) Supply and installation of Deluge valve with 150 NB , flanged UL Listed (SEAT BRONZE)ANSI B 16.5 # 300 RF, horizontal mounting with test and alarm, drip and drain valve& water. (iii) 6 dia of 300 # Gate Valve (iv) Supply and laying of FRLS Electrical Cables including conduiting, supply and installation of cable trays etc. as required. 3.2 Fixed Water Curtain for Tower Cooling at NTB (i) Supply and installation of SS 316 Grade Water curtain line of 2 dia has to be tapped with flanged valves from existing 6” Tower monitor line at NTB. (ii) Supply and installation of 6 Nos. MVWS spray nozzle (k 64) of dia 15 mm for the cooling of 2 Towers. 3.3 Supply & installation of 2 Nos. Jumbo Curtain Nozles of capacity 3000 LPM (180 M³/Hr.) at NTB to serve as as a water curtain shield for the Firemen approaching the Fire. (i) Supply and laying of 6 waterline tapped from 6line of each Ground water Monitor at Berth to install the above Jumbo Curtain Nozles. (ii) 6 Gate Valve 3.4 Line modification repairs/replacement works at NTB (i) Removal of existing 6 Fire Water Line between 10 Headerline and 8 NJRP line laid under deck (33.5 mtrs. length) (ii) Supply, fabrication and installation of new 8 Fire Waterline between 10 Headerline and 8 NJRP line under deck. (iii) Connecting of replaced 8 line to the existing 6 line towards Tower Monitor 1, Ground Water Monitor 1, proposed Jumbo Curtain 1 and 8 NJRP line. (iv) Removal of two Nos. actuator valves with actuators in Tower Monitor lines at NTB (v) Supply and installation of two Nos. Deluge valves in Tower Monitor lines of NTB in place of removed actuator valves including electrical cabling work.(Deluge valve with 150 NB , flanged UL Listed (SEAT BRONZE)ANSI B 16.5 # 300 RF, horizontal mounting with test and alarm, drip and drain valve& water ) (vi) Removal of two Nos. existing defective foamline actuator valves with actuator at NTB (vii) Supply and installation of two nos. Foamline actuator valves with actuator. (viii) Servicing and repairing of Two Nos. remotely operated Tower Monitors at NTB to make it fully operational. (ix) Servicing and repairing of Two Nos. manually operated Ground Water Monitors to make it fully operational. (x) Rectification of electrical line faults, if any, from the Fire control room to NTB berth. (xi) Greasing of all Gate valves in the fire fighting line at NTB and changing of gland packing if required. (xii) Overhauling/repairing of 5 Nos. NRVs in Fire water lines and Foam lines at NTB. (xiii) Extension work of existing 8” Hydrant line laid upto NJRP by 5 meters to facilitate easy accessibility. (xiv) Repairing/servicing of existing defective 2 Nos. double headed Hydrant outlets at NTB 4.1 Fixed Water Curtain System at STB as per the Scope of Work & Technical Specification. (i) Supply and installation of 3000 LPM Jumbo curtain nozzles to serve as water curtain between Marine Loading Arms and Ship Tanker for segregation of hazardous areas. (ii) (a) Supply and installation of cement lined Jumbo Curtain line of 6 dia of 300 # with Gate Valve and Deluge valve arragement including flanges, bends, reducers , coupling etc. required. (ii) (b) Supply and installation of Deluge valve with 150 NB , flanged UL Listed (SEAT BRONZE)ANSI B 16.5 # 300 RF, horizontal mounting with test and alarm, drip and drain valve& water. (iii) 6 dia of 300 # Gate Valve Supply and laying of FRLS Electrical Cables including conduiting, supply and installation of cable trays etc. as required. 4.2 Fixed Water Curtain for Tower Cooling at STB (i) Supply and installation of SS 316 Grade Water curtain line of 2 dia has to be tapped with flanged valves from existing 6” Tower monitor line at STB (ii) Supply and installation of 6 Nos. MVWS spray nozzle (k 64) of dia 15 mm for the cooling of 2 Towers. 4.3 Line modification repairs/replacement works at STB (i) Removal of two Nos. actuator valves with actuators in Tower Monitor lines at STB (ii) Supply and installation of two Nos. Deluge valves in Tower Monitor lines of STB including electrical cabling work.(Deluge valve with 200 NB , flanged UL Listed (SEAT BRONZE)ANSI B 16.5 # 300 RF, horizontal mounting with test and alarm, drip and drain valve& water ) (iii) Removal of two Nos. existing defective foamline actuator valves with actuator at STB (iv) Supply and installation of two nos. Foamline actuator valves with actuator. (v) Servicing and repairing of Two Nos. remotely operated Tower Monitors at STB to make it fully operational. (vi) Servicing and repairing of One No. manually operated Ground Water Monitor to make it fully operational. (vii) Rectification of electrical line faults, if any, from the Fire control room to STB berth. (viii) Greasing of all Gate valves in the fire fighting line at STB and changing of gland packing if required. (ix) Overhauling/repairing of 2 Nos NRVs in Fire water lines and Foam lines at STB. (x) Repairing/servicing of existing defective double headed Hydrant outlets at STB 5 Testing and Commissioning Charges of Entrire Fire Fighting System. 6 Third Party Inspection Charges as per the Scope

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