Quotation For Supply Of Laboratory Chemicals For Evs Department, Mizoram University , Laboratory / Scientific Equipment , Orthophosphoric Acid 2.5 Ltrs. , Sulphuric Acid 2.5 Ltrs. , Hydrochloric Acid 500Ml. , Sodium Hydroxide 500Gm. , Methyl Red 100Gm. , Ethyl Alcohol 500Gm. , Boric Acid 500Ml. , Formaldehyde 5L , Ethanol Gr, Acs 500Ml. , Tris Base 500G. , Edta Disodium Salt Dehydrated 500G. , Bromocresol Green 1 Gm. , Acetic Acid 500Ml. , Potassium Permanganate 500Ml. , Potassium Chloride 500Gm. , Sodium Sulphite 500Gm. , Silver Nitrate 10Gm. , Ph 4 Buffer Capsules , Filter Paper-1 , Filter Paper-42 , Ph 9 Buffer Capsules , Folinciocalteu Reagent 500Ml. , Sodium Carbonate Powder 99.5% Acs Regent Sigma Aldrich 500Gm. , Catechol Sigma Aldrich 100Mg. , Nitric Acid 70% 500Ml. , Orthophosphoric Acid 500Gm. , Molybdate 500Gm. , Conc. Sulphuric Acid 500Ml. , Potassium Dichromate 500Gm. , Sodium Hydroxide 500Gm. , Silver Nitrate 25Gm. , Silver Chloride 25Gm. , Potassium Sulphate 500Gm. , Hydrochloric Acid 500Ml. , Grease Box , Sodium Bicarbonate 500Gm. , Tin ( Ii ) Chloride 250Gm. , Ammonium Molybdate 500Gm. , Sodium Thiosuphate 500Gm. , Manganous Sulphate 500Gm. , Ferrous Sulphate 500Gm. , Diphenylamine Indicator , Ethanol 500Ml. , Ethyl Alcohol 500Ml. , Methyl Red , Bromocresol Green Indicator , Boric Acid 500Gm. , Dickman And Bray’S Reagent , Stannous Chloride , Activated Carbon 1000Gm. , Ammonium Acetate , Sabaroud Agar Medium 500Gm. , Nutrient Agar Medium 500Gm. , Rose Bengal , Acetic Acid 500Ml. , Potassium Hydroxide 500Gm. , Trypan Blue , Lactic Acid 500Gm. , Glycerol 500Ml. , Potassium Iodide 500Gm. , Iodine 500Gm. , Chloral Hydrate 500Gm. , Whatman Filter Paper 41 20Box , Spands Trisodium Salt 25Gm. => Limited