
Item Wise E Tender For Porcurement Of Laboratory Consumables For The Department Of Microbiology Department Of Slbs Government Medical College And Hospital Nerchowk, District Mandi, Himachal Pradesh Item Wise E Tender For Porcurement Of Laboratory Cons, mandi-Himachal Pradesh

Department Of Medical Education And Research has published Item Wise E Tender For Porcurement Of Laboratory Consumables For The Department Of Microbiology Department Of Slbs Government Medical College And Hospital Nerchowk, District Mandi, Himachal Pradesh Item Wise E Tender For Porcurement Of Laboratory Cons. Submission Date for this Tender is 09-02-2022. Footwears Tenders in mandi Himachal Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Item Wise E Tender For Porcurement Of Laboratory Consumables For The Department Of Microbiology Department Of Slbs Government Medical College And Hospital Nerchowk, District Mandi, Himachal Pradesh Item Wise E Tender For Porcurement Of Laboratory Cons
Open Tender
Himachal Pradesh

Tender Details

Item Wise E Tender For Porcurement Of Laboratory Consumables For The Department Of Microbiology Department Of Slbs Government Medical College And Hospital Nerchowk, District Mandi, Himachal Pradesh Item Wise E Tender For Porcurement Of Laboratory Consumables For The Department Of Microbiology Department Of Slbs Government Medical College And Hospital Nerchowk, District Mandi, Himachal Pradesh , Ampicillin10 Mcg / Disc , Azithromycin15 Mcg / Disc , Aztreonam 30 Mcg / Disc , Ampicillin / Sulbactam 10 / 10 Mcg / Disc , Amoxyclav 20 / 10 Mcg / Disc , Amikacin 30 Mcg / Disc , Cefuroxime 30 Mcg / Disc , Co-Trimoxazole25 Mcg / Disc , Cefexime5 Mcg / Disc , Ceftazidime30 Mcg / Disc , Cefaclor30 Mcg / Disc , Cephalexin30 Mcg / Disc , Ceftriaxone30 Mcg / Disc , Ciprofloxacin5 Mcg / Disc , Cefotaxime30 Mcg / Disc , Cefoperazone75 Mcg / Disc , Cefepime30 Mcg / Disc , Cefoxitin30 Mcg / Disc , Cefopodoxime10 Mcg / Disc , Cefazoline30 Mcg / Disc , Ceftazidime / Clavulanic Acid 30 / 10Mcg / Disc , Clindamycin2 Mcg / Disc , Chloramphenicol 30 Mcg / Disc , Colistin ( Methane Sulphonate ) 10 Mcg / Disc , Doripenem10 Mcg / Disc , Doxycycline 30Mcg / Disc , Erythromycin 15 Mcg / Disc , Ertapenem10 Mcg / Disc , Fosfomycin200 Mcg / Disc , Gentamycin10 Mcg / Disc , Gatifloxacin5mcg / Disc , High Level Gentamycin 120Mcg / Disc , Gemifloxacin 5 Mcg / Disc , Imipenem10 Mcg / Disc , Levofloxacin5 Mcg / Disc , Linezolid 30 Mcg / Disc , Meropenem10 Mcg / Disc , Minocycline30 Mcg , Moxifloxacin5 Mcg / Disc , Mupirocin 5 Mcg / Disc , Nalidixic Acid30 Mcg / Disc , Netilimicin 30 Mcg / Disc , Nitrofurantoin 300 Mcg / Disc , Norfloxacin 10 Mcg / Disc , Ofloxacin 5 Mcg / Disc , Penicillin –G 10 Units , Piperacillin 100 Mcg / Disc , Piperacillin / Tazobactam 100 / 10 Mcg / Disc , Polymyxin–B 300 Units , Rifampicin 5 Mcg / Disc , Streptomycin 10Mcg / Disc , High Level Streptomycin 300Mcg / Disc , Teicoplanin 30 Mcg / Disc , Ticarcillin / Clavulanic 75 / 10Mcg , Tetracycline 30 Mcg / Disc , Tigecycline 15 Mcg / Disc , Tobramycin 10 Mcg / Disc , Vancomycin 30 Mcg / Disc , Vancomycin E-Strips 0.16-256 G / Ml , Bacitracin10 Units / Disc , Bile Esculin , Lead Acetate Paper Strips 70Mmx 5Mm , Novobiocin 5 Micro G / Disc , Onpg , Optochin , Vfactor , X Factor , E Coliatcc 25922 , Staphylococcus Aureus Atcc 27853 , Staphylococcus Aureus Nctc 1803 , Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Atcc 27853 , Enterococcus Faecalis Atcc 29212 , Beta Streptococcal Latex Kit Group A, B, C, D, F & G , Menningitis Latex Agglutination Kit , H.Influenzae Type B, Streptococcus Influenza , Eschrechiae Coli K1, Group B Streptococcus, N.Menningitidisgroup A, B, C, Y And W135 , Pregnancy Test Kit For Beta Sub Unithcg , Chlamydia Trachomatis Latex Test , Plasma Rabbit , Defibrinated Bloodsheep , Salmonella Antisera Poly O , Salmonella Antiserao2 , Salmonella Antisera O4 , Salmonella Antisera O9 , Vibrio Antisera 1 , Vibrio Antisera 139 , Vibrio Antisera Ogawa , Vibrio Antisera Inaba , Shigella Antisera Polyvalent , Shigelladysenteriae A , Shigellaflexneri B , Shigellasonnei D , Shigellaboydii C , Escherichia Coli Entero-Invasive 28Ac , Escherichia Coli Entero-Invasive 112Ac , Escherichia Coli Entero-Invasive 124 , Escherichia Coli Verocytotoxin Producing157 , Bird Seed Agar Powder , Corn Meal Agar With Dextrose Powder , Corn Meal Agar With Dextrose Powder , 2% Malt Extract Agar Base Powder , Potato Dextrose Agar 2% Powder , Corn Meal Agar Powder , Sabouraud Chloramphenicol Agar Powder , Sabouraud Cycloheximide Agar Powder , Tween 80 Powder , Yeast Agar Base Powder , Yeast Nitrogen Agar Base Powder , Candida Differential Chrome Agar Base Powder , Muller Hinton Agar Powder , Sabouraud Dextrose Agar Powder , Glucose Powder , Maltose Powder , Sucrose Powder , Lactose Powder , Cellobiose Powder , Galactose Powder , Trehalose Powder , Raffinos Powder , Meliobiose Powder , Xylose Powder , Inositol Powder , Dulcitol Powder , Adonitol Powder , D-Arabinose Powder , Dextrose Powder , Fructose Powder , Mannitol Powder , Sorbitol Powder , Mannose Powder , Salicine Powder , Amphotericin B 0.002-32Mcg / Ml , Itraconazole 0.002-32Mcg / Ml , Ketoconazole 0.002-32Mcg / Ml , Fluconazole 0.016-256Mcg / Ml , Voriconazole 0.002-32Mcg / Ml , Scrub Typhus Elisa Kit Igg 96 Test , Scrub Typhus Elisa Kit Igm 96 Test , Hepatitis A Virus Igm Elisa Kit 96 Test , Hepatitis E Virus Igm Elisa Kit 96 Test , Hepatitis C Igg Avidity Elisa Kit 96 Test , Hepatitis B Igmelisa Kit 96 Test , Hepatitis D Virus Igm Elisa Kit 96 Test , Igm Elisa For Leptospirosis 96 Test , Igm Elisa For Brucellosis 96 Test , Toxopasmosis Igg Elisa 96 Test , Toxoplasmosis Igmelisa 96 Test , Dengue Igmelisa 96 Test , Chikungunya Igmelisa 96 Test , Hepatitis Be Ag Elisa 96 Test , Hepatitis Be Ab Elisa 96 Test , Je Virus Igmelisa 96 Test , Je Virus Iggelisa 96 Test , Varicella Zoster Igm Elisa 96 Test , Ebv Igm Elisa 96 Test , Measelesigmelisa 96 Test , Mumps Igm Elisa 96 Test , Rubellaigmelisa 96 Test , Hsv- Iigmelisa 96 Test , Hsv-Ii 96 Test , Cmv Igm Elisa 96 Test , Dengue Ns1elisa 96 Test , Parvovirus B-19 Igm Elisa 96 Test , West Nile Igm Elisa 96 Test , West Nile Igg Elisa 96 Test , Human Adenovirusigg Elisa 96 Test , Rota Virus Group Specific Ag Elis 96 Test , Human Adeno Virus Igm Elisa 96 Test , Covid-19 Igm Elisa 96 Test , Giemsa Stain Methylene Blue, Eosin & Azure B , Absorbent Cotton Swab Sterile Swab , Cover Slips No. 1 22Mm×22Mmx ( 0.13-0.16Mm ) , Liquid Soap Detergent , Marking Pencil Diamond , Carborundum Dental Discs 22X0.3Mm , Crystal Violet Powder , Ammonium Oxalate Powder , Sodium Bicarbonate Powder , Safranine Powder , Basic Fuchsin Powder , Potassium Iodide Crystals , Methylene Blue Powder , Albert Stain A Liquid , Alberts Stain B Liquid , Silver Methenamine Vial , Fluorescinisothiocyanate Poly Bottle , Auramine O Powder , Rhodamine B Powder , Zn Stainliquid , Gram Stain Kitliquid , Xylene Liquid , Methylene Blue Stain Liquid , Haematoxylin Stain Liquid , Orange –G Liquid , Formalin Liquid , Leisman, S Stain Liquid , Haematoxylin Stain In Gm Form Powder , Hydrochloric Acid 36% Liquid , Glycerin Liquid , New Methylene Blue Liquid , Orange-G Powder Liquid , Brilliant Cresyl Blue Powder , Bromo-Cresol Green Solutio Liquid , Chloroform Ar Liquid , Polyethylene Glycol 300 Liquid , Ethylether Liquid , Ferric Chloride Anhydrous 98% Powder , Gelatin For Bacteriology Powder , Gramis Safaranine 0.5% Liquid , Mercuric Oxide Red Ar Powder , Mannitol Ar Powder , N-N-Dimethyl Foramide Liquid , Picric Acid Liquid , Ehrlich, S Reagent Liquid , Carbol Fuchsin Ready To Use Liquid , Rp Slide , Widal Salmonella Ag ( To, Th, Ah, Bh ) Widal Slide 4X5ml , Ra Factor Latex , Crp Latex , Aso Latex , Ana Latex , Scrub Typhus Rapid Card Test Card , Pan Malaria Card Test Card , Dengue Virus- Ns1 &Igm Rapid Card , Vdrl Antigen Rapid Card , Hcv Card Test Rapid Card , Hbsag Rapid Card , Agar Powder Powder , Meat Extract Powder , Bhi Media Powder , Cooked Meat Medium Powder , Deoxycholate Citrate Agar Powder , Cled Powder , Hugh &Leifson Medium Powder , Lj Medium Base Powder , Macconkey Agar Base Powder , Macconkeybroth ( Double Strength ) Powder , Mueller Hinton Agar Powder , Cary Blair Medium Powder , Nutrient Agar Powder , Peptonepowder , Nutrient Broth Medium Powder , Selenite F Broth Medium Powder , Stock Culture Medium Powder , Tsi Powder , Tcbs Powder , Urea Agar Base Powder , Xld Agar Powder , Yeast Extract Powder , Bile Esculin Agar Powder , Mannitol Motility Test Medium Powder , Deoxychlolsaurenatriumsalz Powder , L-Arginine Powder , L-Ornithine Powder , L-Lysine Powder , Ayers & Johnsonagarpowder , Starchpowder , Dextrose Anhydrous Powder , Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate ( Anhydrous ) , Powder , Ferric Chloride Powder , Lactose Monohydrate Powder , N- Acetyl –L – Cysteinepowder , Phenylalenine Agarpowder , Potassium Chloride Powder , Potassium Iodide Powder , Phenol Crystal Powder , Potassium Nitrate Powder , Buffer Capsule Ph 4 , Buffer Capsule Ph 7 , Buffer Capsule Ph 9.2 , Alkaline Bile Salt Agar Powder , Sorbitol Mac Conkey Agar Powder , Tetrathionate Broth Powder , Palcam Media Powder , Loeffler Serum Medium Powder , Microhematocrit Tube Glass , Forceps Toothed 6” Stainless Steel , Forceps Plain 6” Stainless Steel , Neubauer’S Chamber Glass , Sahli Hemoglobinometer Glass , Elisa Plate 96 Wells Polystrene , Heating Element Of Autoclave 3000 Watt , Heating Element Of Autoclave 2000 Watt , Liquid Co2 Cylinder50 Lb , Universal Sterile Container 50Ml Plastic , U V Tube Light 4 Feet Glass , Latex Gloves Smallunsterile 6.5” , Latex Gloves Smallsterile6.5” , Latex Gloves Medium Unsterile7” , Latex Gloves Medium Sterile7” , Latex Gloves Large Unsterile7.5” , Latex Gloves Large Sterile7.5” , Diamond Pencil For Glass Marking , Surgical Mask Triple Layerear Sling , N-95 Mask Without Valve , N-95 Mask With Valve , Permanent Marker Pens , Tissue Paper Roll 84 Mitre , Absorbent Cotton Sterile500gm , Non Absorbent Cotton Sterile500gm , Anodized Slide Rack 12X*6”Metal , Anodized Slide Folder Hold 20 Standard Sixed Microscope Slides ( 25X75mm Or 1X3” ) , Personal Protective Equipment ( Complete With Back Closing Gown, Shoe Cover, Cap, Goggle, Triple Layer Mask And Sterile Gloves ) , Adhesive Tape 3? , Rubber Teat10ml , Washing Brush For Glass Tubes Of 5Ml Plastic , Washing Brush For Glass Tubes Of 10Ml , Plastic , Washing Brush For Glass Tubes Of 25Ml Plastic , Laboratory Thermometer Digital , Teasing Needle Steelhandle , Aluminum Foil 12”X10”X 0.002 , Magnifying Lens10x , Tuberculin Syringe Glass , Pasteur Pipetteglass , Pasteur Pipette Plastic , Christensen Citrate Agar 100Gm , L-Phenylalanine 100G , Nigrosin 10Gm , Acid Fucshin 25Gm , Autoclave Safepolypropylene Rectangular Bottle 250Ml , Digital Ph Meter0 To 14 Ph , Test Tube Holdermetal , Spirit Burner Metal , Forcepsmetal , Funnel 75Mm Plastic , Funnel 100Mm Plastic , Petridishes 90 Mm Glass Borosilicate , Petridishes 80X15 Mm Glassborosilicate , Beaker 1000 Ml Glassborosilicate , Beaker 100Ml Glassborosilicate , Beaker 500 Ml Glassborosilicate , Beaker 250Ml Glassborosilicate , Discard Jars With Lid 2 Lt Plastic Transparent , Pipettes With Teat 10Mlglassborosilicate , Conical Flask50mlglassborosilicate , Conical Flask 250Ml Glassborosilicate , Conical Flask 500Ml Glassborosilicate , Conical Flask 1000Mlglassborosilicate , Conical Flask 3000Ml Glassborosilicate , Conical Flask With Screw Cap 250Mlglassborosilicate , Flat Bottom Flask 50Mlglassborosilicate , Flat Bottom Flask 100Mlglassborosilicate , Flat Bottom Flask 200Mlglassborosilicate , Flat Bottom Flask 250Ml Glassborosilicate , Flat Bottom Flask 500Ml Glassborosilicate , Flat Bottom Flask1000mlglass Borosilicate , Flat Bottom Flask 2000Mlglass Borosilicate , Mac Cartney Bottles 84?31Mmglass Borosilicate , Durham’S Tube 50?6Mm Glassborosilicate , Test Tube Brush Metal , Glass Slides 25?75Mm Glassborosilicate , Screw Capped Bottle 200Ml Glassborosilicate , Test Tube10?75Mmglassborosilicate , Test Tube 12?75Mmglassborosilicate , Test Tube 12?100Mmglassborosilicate , Test Tube 15?125Mmglass Borosilicate , Test Tube 15?150Mmglassborosilicate , Test Tube 18?150Mmglassborosilicate , Cover Slips 18?18Mmglass , Cover Slips 22?22 Mm Glass , Graduated Measuring Cylinder 50 Mlglassborosilicate , Graduatedmeasuring Cylinder 100 Mlglassborosilicate , Graduated Measuringcylinder 250 Mlglassborosilicate , Graduated Cylindermeasuring 1000Ml Glassborosilicate , Water Sampling Bottles Rectangular 350Mlglassborosilicate , Reagent Bottle 250Ml , Reagent Bottle 1000Ml , Cavity Slides Glass , Vdrl Slides Glass , Glass Rod 50 Cm Solid , Tubing 5Mm Glass , Plasticine 500 Gm , Petri Dish 90 Mm Disposable Plastic , Broom Stick For Swabs Bamboo , Egg Hen , Tubing 5Mm Rubber , Tubing 10 Mm Plastic , Tubing 5Mm Plastic , Culture Tube With Screw Cap 100 Ml Glass Borosilicate , Culture Tube With Screw Cap30mlglass , Storage Vial 3Ml Glass Borosilicate , Storage Vial 5Ml Glassborosilicate , Hcl 35.40% , Sulphuric Acid 98.08% , Iso-Amyl Alcohol Lab Grade Lab Grade , Methanol Lab Grade , Ethyl Alcohol Absolute Lab Grade , Lactic Acid Lab Grade , Acetone Lab Grade , Acetic Acid Glacial Lab Grade , Ammonium Dihy. Ortho Phosphate Lab Grade , Barium Chloride Lab Grade , Calcium Chloride Lab Grade , Hydrogen Peroxide Lab Grade , Liquid Paraffin Lab Grade , Magnesium Sulphate Lab Grade , Alpha Naphthol Lab Grade , Potassium Dichromate Lab Grade , Potassium Iodide Lab Grade , Potassium Tellurite Lab Grade , Sodium Bicarbonate Lab Grade , Sodium Citrate Lab Grade , Disodium Orthophosphate Lab Grade , Sodiumchloride Lab Grade , Sodium Hydroxide Lab Grade , Sodium Hypochlorite 5.25 % W / V , Phenol Lab Grade , Glutraldehyde 2% , Pot. Hydroxide Lab Grade , Copper Sulphate Labgrade , Para- Dimethyl Amino Benzaldehyde Lab Grade , Nnnn Tetramethyl P-Phenylenediaminedi Hydrochloride Powder , Sulphanilic Acid 99% Lab Grade , D L Phenylalanine Lab Grade , Basic Fuchsin Powder , Bromothymol Blue Powder , Bromo Cresol Purple Powder , Crystal Violet Powder , Malachite Green Powder , Methylene Blue Powder , Methyl Red Powder , Nigrosin Powder , Phenol Red Powder , Safranine Powder , Iodine Powder , Aniline Blue Powder , Cotton Blue Powder , Toluidine Blue Powder , Ph Paper 5-7.5 Strips , Ph Paper 6-10 Strips , Ether Lab Grade , Chloroform Liquid , Auraminerhodhamine Powder , Potassium Permagnate Powder , Nitric Acid 98% Concentrated , Acetic Acid Lab Grade , Iodine Crystals , Potassium Iodide Crystals , Cresol Red Powder , Acid Fucshin Powder , Acridine Orange Powder , Dpx Mountant Lab Grade , Sodium Thiosulphate Lab Grade , Lysol 400Ml , Ethanol Absolute Molecular Grade , Indian Inkliquid , Immersion Oilliquid , Immersion Oilliquid , Casoni Antigen , 2 Tu Of Ppd Rt23 With Tween 80 , Clostridium K-Set , Single Path & Duo Path Lateral Flow Test ( Bacillus Cereus ) , Plasmodium Falciparum Ring Form , Plasmodium Gametocytes , Leishmaniaamastigotes , Toxoplasma Tachyzoites , Bacillus Spp.With Spores , Gram Negative Diplococci In Pmn Cellsn.Gonorrhoeae , Plague Bacillus Methylene Blue Stain , Cryptococcus Gram Stain , Giardia Trophozoitegiemsa Stain , Cryptosporidium Parvumoocsyt ( Modified Zn ) , Rhinosporidiumseeberi ( H& E ) , Cysticercuscellulosae ( H& E ) , Negri Bodies ( Seller’S Stain ) , Staining Racks , Spirit Lamp Steel , Standard Loop Platinum , L- Wire , Straight Wire , Test Tube Rack 3 Tier X 31 Tubes , Viral Rna Extraction Kit-Silica Membrane Column Technology Allowing Extraction Of Viral Rna From Human Samples Compatible With Manual Platform , Rt-Pcr Kits For Detecting Sars-Cov-2 , Magnetic Bead Based Technology Allowing Extraction Of Viral Rna From Human Samples Compatible With Automatic Platform. , Dna Extraction Kit , Rt-Pcr Testing Of Sars Cov-2 Viral Transport Medium ( Vtm ) , Pcr Tubes ( 8 Strip, 0.1Ml, Fast Reaction For Step One Plus Pcr Machine ) , Pcr Tube Cap ( 8 Strip, 0.1Ml Tube Fast Reaction Required For Step One Plus Pcr Machine ) , Pcr Tube Cap ( 8 Strip, 0.2Ml Tube Low Profile ) , Pcr Tube Cap ( 8 Strip, 0.2Ml, Low Profile For Cfx96 Pcr Machine ) , Molecular Grade Ethyl Alcohol , Self Seal Plastic Bags With Biohazard Sign 5.25’’X 7.25’’ , Paraffin Sealing Tape 0.2M Thickx 1’’Widthx 250 Ft , Microcentrifuge Tubes 0.65Ml , Microcentrifuge Tubes 1.75Ml , Micro Centrifuge Tube 1.5Ml , Microcentrifuge Tubes 2.0Ml , Polypropylene Screw Capped Tube 2Ml , Plaster Waste Bottle Nozzle , Nitrile Gloves 6” ( Small ) , Nitrile Gloves 6.5” ( Medium ) , Nitrile Gloves 7.0” ( Large ) , Microtips Plain ( Pipette Tips 200 ?L ) , Microtips Plain ( Pipette Tips 1000 ?L ) , 20Ul Racked Filter Tips ( 1X96tips / Rack ) , Filter Microtips 20?L , 200Ul Racked Filter Tips ( 1X96tips / Rack ) , Filter Microtips 200Ul , 1000Ul Racked Filter Tips ( 1X96tips / Rack ) , Filter Tips 1000 ( 1X96tips / Rack ) , Microtips Plain ( Pipette 0.5?L To 10?L ) , Filter Microtips ( 1X96tips / Rack ) , Measuring Cylinder 500Ml ( Glass ) A Class Certified , Measuring Cylinder 1000Ml ( Glass ) A Class Certified , 5Ml Storage Tubes , Centrifuge Tubes 50Ml , Centrifuge Tubes 15Ml , Disposable Long Nozzle Tips ( 1Ml ) , Falcon Tubes 50Ml , Falcon Tubes 15Ml , Discard Jar 5 Ltr , Dropping Bottle 125 Ml , Weight Boat Large , Disposable Inoculating Loops , Extra Long Filter Tips 1200Ul , Micro Tube Rack 1.5 / 2.0 Ml Tubes , 1L Triple Density Ice Pan , Brush 2” Camel Hair , 0.22Um Nitrocellulose Membranes 300X300mm , Ethanol ( Diluent For Dna Extraction ) Moleculer Grade, Absolute 500Ml / Pack , Rnase Away 500 Ml , Water-Depc Treated , Phosphate Buffer Salineph= 7.2 , Rox Dye , Qrt-Pcr Kit With Rox Containing Taq Mix, Master Mix ( Rox, Dntp’S And Mgso4 ) , Mgso4 , Nuclease Free Water, Buffer. , Qrt-Pcr Kit With Out Rox Containing Taq Mix, Master Mix ( Dntp’S And Mgso4 ) , Mgso4 , Nuclease Free Water, Buffer , Nuclease Free Water , Depc , Pcr Pates Cfx-96 , Cfx -96 Optical Plate Sealer , ( Hepa Filter ) 8?8?3-1 / 16 , ( Hepa Filter ) 8?8?5-7 / 8 , ( Hepa Filter ) 12?12?5-7 / 8 , ( Hepa Filter ) 24?24?5-7 / 8 , ( Hepa Filter ) 24?24?11-1 / 2 , ( Hepa Filter ) 12?12?11-1 / 2 , Serum / Plain Red , Edta Lavender , Citrate Blue , Green Heparin , Syringe 2Ml 100 / Pack , Syringe 5Ml 100 / Pack , Syringe 10Ml 100 / Pack , Human Adenovirus ( Quantitative ) , Cmv ( Quantitative ) , Ebv ( Quantitative ) , Hhv-4 ( Ebv ) , Hhv-5 ( Cmv ) And Hhv6a &Hhv6b , Hhv 6A &6B ( Quantitative ) , Hsv 1 & Hsv 2 ( Quantitative ) , Vzv ( Quantitative ) , Hsv-1, Hsv 2, & Vzv ( Quantitative ) , Bk Virus ( Quantitative ) , John Ccunningham Virus ( Quantitative ) , Enterovirus And Rhinovirus , Human Influenza Virus A &B And Swine Flu ( H1n1 ) , Mers-Coronavirus , Mers-Coronavirus ( N Gene ) , Human Metapneumo Virus A & B , Human Parainfluenza Virus 1-4 , Rsv A & B , Bordetella Pertussis &Parapertussis , Pneumocystis Jirovecii , Norovirusgenogroup I & Ii , Rotavirus , C.Difficile Toxin A & B , Shiga Toxin 1 & Shiga Toxin 2 And Ipah , Hav , Hbv , Hcv , Hdvhev ( Quantitative ) , Hiv- 1 , Parvovirus B 19 ( Quantitative ) , Chikungunya Virus , Cchf Virus , Trypanosomacruzi , Dengue Virus , Dengue Virus 1-4 And Serotype Differentiation , Filovirus , Lassa Virus , Rift Valley Fever Virus , West Nile Virus , Zika Virus , Plasmodium Species And Differentiation

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