
E-Tender for event management agency for organization of Arogye Mela 1040-41 Dt 17-01-2022 dome , exhibition room arrangement service TENDER FOR SELECTION OF A PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZER FOR ORGANISATION OF AROGYA MELA-2022 Financial BID (1) Inaugur, Ajmer-Rajasthan

Department Of Ayurveda has published E-Tender for event management agency for organization of Arogye Mela 1040-41 Dt 17-01-2022 dome , exhibition room arrangement service TENDER FOR SELECTION OF A PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZER FOR ORGANISATION OF AROGYA MELA-2022 Financial BID (1) Inaugur. Submission Date for this Tender is 27-01-2022. Crockery Item Tenders in Ajmer Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

E-Tender for event management agency for organization of Arogye Mela 1040-41 Dt 17-01-2022 dome , exhibition room arrangement service TENDER FOR SELECTION OF A PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZER FOR ORGANISATION OF AROGYA MELA-2022 Financial BID (1) Inaugur
Open Tender

Tender Details

E-Tender for event management agency for organization of Arogye Mela 1040-41 Dt 17-01-2022 dome , exhibition room arrangement service TENDER FOR SELECTION OF A PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZER FOR ORGANISATION OF AROGYA MELA-2022 Financial BID (1) Inaugural and Valedictory Session & Seminar Hall/Dome – S.N. Item Quantity/Size 01 Water Proof Dome with Wooden Floor covered by synthetic green carpet decorated with frill, flex and potted plants 01 (84x120ft) As per direction 02 Entrance gate (Bhim gate) with Banner 01 03 Well Decorated Stage (36X24X4ft) with LED P3.0 with Digtal Watch out server and all audio visual equipment needed for programme conduction wall backdrop (32 X16ft) Sofa Set for 16 members (2x2), Tables (as required) Dias-1, Lord Dhanvantari Photo, Flower pot, candle stand etc. 01 04 Entrance signage (12x8 ft) designer flex Entrance Arch at gate Entry (14X12-WXH) and 3D cut out for Area name description 02 05 Chairs with cover for visitors-400 06 PA- 4 JBL Tops, 4 Bases, 4 Audio Monitors, 4 Cordless handheld, 2 Podium Mic, 24 channel Mixer, 2 Delay Tops and AV system, 2- LCD for delay output (54”)With recording 02 07 Projector 5500 Lumins & 10X8 screens Masked Screen (with Thematic creative ) - 2 Sets with all accessories for Presentation running, with switcher & spliter, slide Changers & AV Monitor etc 02 08 Sofa set (for 40 person seating) with white cover & Centre table in front as per required 09 Side closing panels & wings with flexesn mounting as per stage deign n size 10 Back stage area creation for Program synchronizing team (2) Exhibition Dome – S.N. Item Quantity/Size 01 Water Proof Dome-(02) with wooden floor covered by synthetic green carpet decorated with frill, flex and potted plants02 Octonorm stalls with name & no. (Fascia) Including 2- octonorm table, 1-table (6ft X 2.5ft X 3ft with white frill),2- chairs, 2 racks Steel 6X3 with 4 partition, 1 dustbin, 3-spot Led light Minimum 20W, 1-power plug, 1 water camper with 50 disposable glasses (non plastic) per day. 70 (Approx) As per requirement 03 Entrance signage (10 x 6 ft) 02 04 Help and control desk with PA system 01 05 Exhibition Kit (including slip pad, pin, tape, pen, two side tape roll, stapler etc) 100 (3) Mela Office/Reception/Control Room : – S.N. Item Quantity/Size 01 White Trush Tentage (Water Proof Trust) with Wooden Floor covered by synthetic green carpet, decorated with frill, flex and potted plants 02 (15x30ft) 01 (15x15ft) 02 Help and control desk with PA system 01 03 Registration cum help desk counter for VIPs, media, sponsors etc. 02 04 Departmental registration counter area 02 05 Furniture (table10, chairs 40, internet ready computer with printer and net photocopier, scanner, lockable almirah -2, 2 telephone (1for incoming & 1 for incoming -outgoing call (WLL)) from 17 to 20 Feb.2022.Anti mosquito, room freshener and fire fighter. 06 20 CCTV live recording with screen 07 Chemical Toilets (for Male & Female) 20 08 Resting Lounge 45X45, white Tentage (water Proof Trust) with Wooden Floor covered by synthetic green carpet, decorated with frill flex and potted plants, with furniture, 100 chairs etc 09 Cuboidal 6mm LED Branding panels(outdoor unit which gets visible in day light) each unit having a set of four walls of size 4X8 & masked flexed design framed panel on all four fronts around the LED wall with required processors & programming accessories which should help us to showcase our services n products to all the roamers around the Mela Ground & Dyanamically mode of presenting the content 10 Centre Atrium, highlights the Theme of Mela & Ayurved with its panchtatvam theme (Area 20X20) (4) Green House – S.N. Item Quantity/Size 01 Green House (Covered with Green Net) covered by synthetic green carpet, Visitors chairs-10, table-10 01 (45x45 ft) (5) VIP Lounge – S.N. Item Quantity/Size 01 White Trush Tentage (Water Proof Trust) with Wooden Floor covered by synthetic green carpet, decorated with frill, flex and potted plants 01 (20x50ft) TENDER DUCUMENTArogya mela 2021-22 Bhartpur - CopyD: Ayurved Accounts Acct 3 Purchase 2020-21 Arogya Mela 2021-22 Bhartpur TENDER DUCUMENTArogya mela 2021-22 Bhartpur - Copy.doc - 11 - 02 VIP Lounge arrangement – Sofa set (for 20 member), 4 center table, LED TV, 2 Heater /Blower/AC, Mattresses, toilet facility etc. as per direction. Anti mosquito, room freshener and fire fighter. 03 Tea/Coffee biscuit, water bottle arrangement for 100 person /day in Special Crockery for VIP lounge and As per direction 400 (6) Yoga Hall – S.N. Item Quantity/Size 01 White Trush Tentage (Water Proof Trust) covered by synthetic green carpet, decorated with frill, flex and potted plants 01 (30x50ft) 02 Well Decorated Stage (30X20X3ft) with backdrop (20 X15), mattress, chair-50, 2 GBL Tops with AV 1-3.8mm LED wall 12X8 which actas backdrop & output screen for viewers to follow that session of Yoga (7) Specialty Clinics – S.N. Item Quantity/Size 01 White Trush Tentage (Water Proof Trust) with wooden floor covered by synthetic green carpet, decorated with frill, flex and potted plants 01(45 x280ft) (As per direcation) 02 Octonorm Clinics with name & no. (Fascia) Including 1-octonorm table, 1- patient examine table (6ft X 2.5ft X 3ft), 2-doctor’s chair, 1-patient stool, 2-visitor chair, 2- bench, 1-wash basin, 1 dustbin, 2-spot light, 1-power plug, water camper with non plastic disposable glass for each clinic 15 (3x3mtr or As per direction) (8) Cafeteria – S.N. Item Quantity/Size 01 White Trush Tentage (Water Proof Trust) with wooden floor covered by synthetic green carpet. (45x60x20ft height) 02 Furniture - Round table -10, (with cover) chairs 60, Dustbin big size 06, wash basins with water facility. (9)Open Space area – S.N. Item Quantity/Size 01 Open Space covered by synthetic green carpet, decorated with frill, flex, potted plants and decorative lights Approx 50x2000ft 02 1 Canopy (Drinking Water facility for visitors), Drinking R.O. 150 Water campers per day arrangement during entire event period for visitors (non-plastic material) TENDER DUCUMENTArogya mela 2021-22 Bhartpur - CopyD: Ayurved Accounts Acct 3 Purchase 2020-21 Arogya Mela 2021-22 Bhartpur TENDER DUCUMENTArogya mela 2021-22 Bhartpur - Copy.doc - 12 - 03 Tin Shed wall 8 ft height 1200 ft. (9600 sq.ft) (10) Venue Arrangements and Decoration S.N. Item Quantity/Size 1 Welcome Gate Approx 15x15ft. (pillar size 4X4 X15ft) at outside of venue map up of “AROGYA MELA-2022” Banner. 03 As per direction 2 Welcome hoardings on entrance gate made up of flex of approved design as per organizer. Size 10 X 20ft 04 3 Standy with steel frame both side of the path at passage area 6x3ft and 2 standy for lectures. 80 4 Logo, printed flags of AROGYA MELA-2022 80 5 Entrance signage 12x8 04 6 SKY Balloon diameters 20 ft at height of 150 ft 01 7 Information signage 8 ft x4ft 06 8 Direction signage 3ft x 2ft 20 (11) Transport Arrangements:- S.N. Item Quantity/Size 01 Innova AC for five days for local transportation of staff, delegates, speakers as per directed by nodal officer (250 Km/day) 16 to 20.02.2022 01 02 Swift Dezire AC for five days for local transportation of staff, delegates, speakers as per directed by nodal officer (250 Km/day) 16 to 20.02.2022 01 03 Indica non AC for seven day for local transportation of staff, delegates, speakers as per directed by nodal officer (250 Km/day) From 14 to20 Feb. 2022 03 (12) Other Arrangement:- S.N. Item Quantity/Size 01 Inaugural ceremony arrangement including red ribbon/frill, lamp lighting arrangement with picture of lord Dhanwantri and Rangoli drawing arrangement with flower decoration etc. 02 Closing ceremony arrangement including 300 certificates decorated (Colored). As per direction 03 500 Packed lunch per day for four day including standard quality and sufficient quantity with 200 ml water bottle (with chapatti-6, seasonal vegetable- 1, dal, raita, rice, sweet-1, pickle and salad) for total event time.( non-plastic material) 2000 04 Tea/Coffee in non-plastic material.(2 Times per day) 4000 05 VIP High Tea/Lunch for 100 persons after Inaugural and valedictory ceremony Dt.17-02-2022 & 20-02-2022 100 06 Parking arrangement (free of cost for all visitors at described location by organizer) As per direction TENDER DUCUMENTArogya mela 2021-22 Bhartpur - CopyD: Ayurved Accounts Acct 3 Purchase 2020-21 Arogya Mela 2021-22 Bhartpur TENDER DUCUMENTArogya mela 2021-22 Bhartpur - Copy.doc - 13 - 07 Bouquet/garland arrangement each day as per direction. Shawl -20, Safa -20. 10 X4 =40 Bouquet Per day 10 garlands per day 25 +25 garlands for inaugural and valedictory session 08 Proper Cleaning lighting arrangement of the venue including exhibition area, event area & inner and outer area. For Entire Event Period 09 Fire fighter for Entire Event Area as per standard norms As per direction 10 Proper general lighting arrangement from entrance to last point area and entire event area inclusive stand by sound proof generator with Diesel (125KV)-04 nos. As per direction 11 Poster Display board (3ft X4ft) 25 12 Arrangement of Photography for entire event (200 Photos of size 5 X7 with album and soft copies) 200 13 Arrangement of videography covering entire event (edited 6 Hours in two copy ) with live feed to validictory session & seminar hall/ Dome for 4 days as per direction One job 14 File Folder , Pen, Pad (Non Plastic) 100 15 (01) Accommodation for guest- 4 AC room per day for 5 days with lodging and boarding. 16 to 20.02.2022 (02) Accommodation for 80 persons in Hotel for 5 days 16 to 20.02.2022 16 I.D. Card with Printed Ribbon Best quality 200 (one job) 17 Badge with logo (Arogya Mela-2022) 100 (one job) (13) Man power:- S.N. Item Quantity/Size 01 Coordinator (per day Mela Time) 02 02 Volunteers (per day Mela Time) 10 03 Security guard (per day) 15 04 Waiter (per day Mela Time) 10 05 Safai worker (per day) 1 Printing of Flex (Per Sq ft) 2 Printing Flag 3 Reception Counter 4 Table (octo norm) 5 Table (Normal) 6 Chair (Plastic) 7 Chair Banquet 8 Sofa set ( two seater) 9 Centre Table 10 A V system 11 PA System 12 Rack 13 Glass Counter 14 Tea Per Cup 15 Coffee Per Cup 16 Pack lunch 17 Water Bottle (200 ml) 18 Water Bottle (500 ml) 19 Water Bottle (1 Lt.) 20 Bucket 21 Disposable glass for water 22 Disposable glass for Tea/ Coffee/Milk 23 Walky Talky 24 Pipe Pandal Per sq ft 25 Synthetic Red Carpet (R Ft) 26 ID Cards with Cord 27 Computer with printer 28 Green carpet (R Ff) 29 Side cieling 30 Barricading (R ft) 31 Wooden platform (sq ft) 32 Stage(4 ft. hight ) (sq ft) 33 Man power volunteers 34 Accommodation non ac room near event area 35 Accommodation ac room near event area 36 Second copy of Photograps 37 Extra copy of Videos , CDs 38 Shawl 39 Safa 40 Transport Innova ac 41 Transport Indica non ac 42 canopy 43 Pedestal fan 44 Water camper etc

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Document Fees
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Tender Value
INR 30 Lakhs /-
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