
Bids Are Invited For Ignition Tube ( Packet Of 100 ) , Spraying Bottle For Paper Chromatography , Liebig Condenser B- 24 Joint 300 Mm. , Thermometer Pocket B - 24 , Charcoal Cavity , Thieles Tube, 150 X 18 Mm , Air Condenser , , GURGAON-Haryana

Department of Higher Education has published Bids Are Invited For Ignition Tube ( Packet Of 100 ) , Spraying Bottle For Paper Chromatography , Liebig Condenser B- 24 Joint 300 Mm. , Thermometer Pocket B - 24 , Charcoal Cavity , Thieles Tube, 150 X 18 Mm , Air Condenser , . Submission Date for this Tender is 24-01-2022. wrist watch Tenders in GURGAON Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Ignition Tube ( Packet Of 100 ) , Spraying Bottle For Paper Chromatography , Liebig Condenser B- 24 Joint 300 Mm. , Thermometer Pocket B - 24 , Charcoal Cavity , Thieles Tube, 150 X 18 Mm , Air Condenser ,
Open Tender

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Ignition Tube ( Packet Of 100 ) , Spraying Bottle For Paper Chromatography , Liebig Condenser B- 24 Joint 300 Mm. , Thermometer Pocket B - 24 , Charcoal Cavity , Thieles Tube, 150 X 18 Mm , Air Condenser , Glass Plate 3 For Chromatography , Boiling Tube, 25 X 150 , Test Tube 10 Ml., 15 X 125, Pack Of 100 , Capillary Tube , Glass Stopper B 24 , Magnetic Beads, .5 , 9 X 50 Mm. , Magnetic Beads, 1, 9 X 35 Mm. , Sintered Glass Crucible G 24, 30 Ml. , Spg, 25 Ml. , Pyknometer , Stalgometer , Ostwals Viscometer , Burette, 10 Ml. , Burette, 25 Ml. , Burette, 50 Ml. , Watch Glass, 3 , 2 - Naphthol , Acetanilide , Acetophenone , Acetone , Aceto Nitrile , Alpha Naphthol , Aluminium Chloride Hexahydrate , Ammonium Carbonate , Ammonium Chloride ( Nice ) , Ammonium Sulphide Soln. , Aniline , P-Anisidine , Anthracene , Aresnic Tri Oxide , Barium Chloride , Barium Sulphate , Benzaldehyde , Benzanilide , Benzophenone , Benzyl Chloride , Bromine Amp. , N- Butanol , Dl - Camphor , Carbon Di Sulphide , Charcoal Powder , Chlorine Water , Chloroform , Cobalt Nitrate , Sulphuric Acid , Copper Acetate , Copper Sulphate , , D Galactose , D Glucose ( Dextrose Anhydrous ) , P - Dichloro Benzene , Dichloro Methane , Di Methyl Glyoxime , Di Phenyl Amine , D Mannose ( Nice ) , D Rhamanose ( Nice ) , D Xylose , Edta , Eriochrome Black T , Ethyl Alchohol , Ferric Chloride, Hydrated , Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate , Ferrous Sulphate, Hydrated , Ferrous Sulphide Sticks , Glacial Acetic Acid , Hexane, Fraction From Petroleum , Hcl , Hydroquinone , Hydroxylamine Hcl , Iodine Resublimed , Iron Metal Turning , Potassium Chloride , L - Alanine , L - Aspartic Acid , L - Leucine , Lactose , Lead Acetate , Liquid Paraffin , L - Lysine , Magneson Reagent , Maltose , Meta Cresol , Meta Di Nitro Benzene , 2, 4 Dinitro Aniline , Methanol , Mehtyl Orange Soln. , N Phenyl Anthranilic Acid , Napthalene , Nesslers Reagent , Nickel Sulphate Soln. , Ninhydrin Soln. , Nitric Acid , Nitro Toluene ( Nice ) , Nitro Benzene , Ortho Cresol , Ortho Phosphoric Acid , Oxalic Acid , Para Cresol , Para Di Chlorobenzene , Para Nitro Aniline , Phenol Red , Phenolphthaline Indicator Soln. , Phthalic Acid , Pot. Permegnate , Potassium Thiocyanate , Potassium Di Chromate , Potassoium Ferrocyanide , Potassium Ferricyanide , Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate , Potassium Hydroxide Flakes , Potassium Iodide , Potassium Nitrite Crystals , Potassium Oxalate , Sciffs Reagent , Silicone Grease , Silicone Oil , Silver Nitrate , Sodium Carbonate , Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate , Sodium Chloride , Sodium Di Hydrogen Orthophosphate , Sodium Metal ( Nice ) , Sodium Nitropruside , Sodium Sulphide , Sodium Sulphite , Sodium Thio Sulphate , Starch , Succinic Acid , Sucrose , Sulphur Powder , Thio Urea , Tollens Reagent , Toluene , Toluiidine Blue , Triethyl Amine , Vaniline

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