
Supply Of Laboratory Reagents Kits And Other Items 2 Iiicullure Tmansport Swahs W / Dcy-Engky Neutrul Broth 3 Allahne Saline Pcplanc Waler ( Asi’W ) Akernalive Thioglyeollate Medium ( Nih Thioglwllate Broth ) ( Thioglyeollatc Broth, Ahernaiv, sawai Madhopur -> Rajasthan-Rajasthan

Medical And Health Services has published Supply Of Laboratory Reagents Kits And Other Items 2 Iiicullure Tmansport Swahs W / Dcy-Engky Neutrul Broth 3 Allahne Saline Pcplanc Waler ( Asi’W ) Akernalive Thioglyeollate Medium ( Nih Thioglwllate Broth ) ( Thioglyeollatc Broth, Ahernaiv. Submission Date for this Tender is 24-01-2022. Bottles Tenders in sawai Madhopur -> Rajasthan Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Supply Of Laboratory Reagents Kits And Other Items 2 Iiicullure Tmansport Swahs W / Dcy-Engky Neutrul Broth 3 Allahne Saline Pcplanc Waler ( Asi’W ) Akernalive Thioglyeollate Medium ( Nih Thioglwllate Broth ) ( Thioglyeollatc Broth, Ahernaiv
Sawai Madhopur -> Rajasthan

Tender Details

Supply Of Laboratory Reagents Kits And Other Items 2 Iiicullure Tmansport Swahs W / Dcy-Engky Neutrul Broth 3 Allahne Saline Pcplanc Waler ( Asi’W ) Akernalive Thioglyeollate Medium ( Nih Thioglwllate Broth ) ( Thioglyeollatc Broth, Ahernaive ) S Amies Transport Medium W / Chircoal 6 Apr Medium M ( Triple Sugar. H-On Apr ) Columbia Blood Apr Base Cooked Meat Medium ( Revised As Cooked M Medium ) ( R C. Medium ) Reagan Lwe Medium Hoyle Medium Base Potassium Telturite 3 S% ( I Ml Per Vial ) Loet!Lcr Medium Base Horse Serum Donor Herd Gamma Irradiated Sterile Macconkey Hli Vegt Apr Wf Cv, Naci, 0 Inj Ls%Agar S.No. ITEMS 1 I I,cuhuretN Tranpcel swaN wfAmies Medium (13) 2 llicuhure’ Transmwt SwaN wIl)cy-Lnpky Neutralizitig Broth 3 AlLalinc Saline Pq’ionc waler (ASPw) 4 Akernatnc Thioglycolla*e JiMkdpuin (Nih nhioOiycollate Broth) (Thioiplycollate Broth, Akeriative) s Aniies Tmansport Mediun wI charcoal 6 Agar Medium M (Triple Sugar, Iron Agtir) 7 Cokumbia Blood Agar Base j 8 Cooled Meal Medium (Revised as Cooked M Medium) (R c.Medium) I 9 REAGAN LwEMEDIUM 10 Hoy)e Medium Base I F 11 Potassium Tellurite 35%(t ml per vial) I F I F H F H Fi 12 Loefiler Medium Base 13 Horse Serum Donoc herd (Jamrna irradiated Sterile filtered 14 MacConkey HiVeg Agar wi Cv,NaCI, 0003% NR and I5%Agar 15 Mycoplasma Agar Base (PPLO Agar Base) 16 Mycoplasma Enrichment Supplement H ii 17 Nutrient Broth WI 1% Pcptone Hi Fi 18 Nutrient Agar WI 1% Pep(onc Iii Fi — LI i 19 NurenI Ajar, I 5% 20 Peptone watcr 21 ryra7inam.dase Apr 22 Sckmnle F flrod (Twin Pack) Medium 1 1(In accoedance with IP 20o7) 23 Sluarn Transporl Medium w/o Methykiw fliue iih Charcoal 24 Tellurile Blood Ajar Base 25 Ilaemoglobin Powder 26 Vitanerso Growth Supplement (Twin Pack) 27 Potassium Tellurite 1% (I ml per vial) 28 Transport charcoal Medium 29 TransponL.quidMcdium 3o Stuart Tmansport Medium (Tmansport Medium. Sluarl) 31 Tryptic Soya Agar 32 Field’s Tiyptic Digest Broth (Tryptic Digest Broth) 33 Tryptone Tellurite Agar Base 34 Potassium Tellurite 1% (I ml per vial) 3s Autoclavable Petri Plates Polycarbonatc, Clear, transparent and unbreakable, size 90 mm, diamcter x 1s mm. 36 MAKARTHY Tube, Aluminium Cap wih Silicon Rubber Gasket, Flat boitom vol. 20m1, Dpm. : r 28x85mn, 1.0. 1.2mm, Thick wall 37 wash bottle; capacity SoOmI 38 Metaloop -sL 39 Sterile Cotton Swab / iEelcl in 10o ml hwilc IlI :lil 41 S;eriSwmipu L)i niectani Vires Si,c 7” 7” 42 lfnc1rvt1M I’lu Il 1:i ii 1’l ii El 43 ixilcs. icngcni. Li,nIimlcm1 ‘iIh SGrc Cqp mnd l1iiriiig Ring. lOOml 44 Seir tle lure ‘iws’e Swnh’ 45 MilL. I!SBL. — 46 ItSUL MULTI II I:, II 47 48 49 II F Stes,n Inndicatcr 1’are I iivibrjôThI Identi(jcatio,i Kit i iISalIi1rm Ib” Idcinilication Kit II I: F F I:I 5o IIIM(qilityl)4 flmcticmsciI Ku toe SgImone1Ia Iii 51 Geobacilius ssoemmpl Ft 5 Anacro I3o - S Tr nspireni untwcakablc iolycarbonac lli boiL. suie 19 ncms z I 3.7cmi z9cms. Cajxuciiy: 2.s Fu litre. Acceswncs requird but not piovided. Anserses Pack 1.5 litrc (L.EOo2F) 1 no & Anacro Indieator Tablet (t.E065) 53 Anaerobic System Mark v Il’ ri 54 IlISalmoneIbtu Late,i Test Kit Ili fi 55 McCwtnry Bc*tk wI aluminiun cap Neutral glass. I l autoclavable Fi 56 Sterile Pure viscose Swab ii Fi 57 Nasco Sampling Bag II Fi 58 Thumb Prenn l)espcnsing L)ropmrI Pasteur Pipetics. Stcrilc II Toual volune upto 3 m$ Avaibble in individual Iielile Iil pock 59 iestiube nhoutkim.GLasscap 3ss2OOnrnC3Oipia II r 6o l,alwlcnv ncutraI p11 II — 7III dy. II I | 61 PLASTICINE I LW) Mountant (tiw M.crmcopy) I 63 SQ Potassium Ilydroude Peliets 64 SQ iIydropcn Peroiude aolution 3o% w/ (100 volume,) 6s SQ Charcoal Powcr Activatcd 250 MD 66 Sçore Strips (25 Mnps’wck)) 67 sTERuLE MEMBRANE sYRINGE FILTERs AU. sIzE 68 Lugols lodme 69 Grams Iodine, Siabdized 70 Mcthyleine Blue (Aqueous) 71 Safranin 05% w/v 72 Grams crystal violet 73 Albertva Slain A Kline Concavity Slides 8 Concaviiies Thickness: 3 mm, Size 75 x 56 mm 74 Alberts Stain 13 75 Gram’s Decolourizer 76 Conical Flask Erlenmeyer cap. 2SOml 77 120 Mi, CAPACITY GLAss BOTTLE wiTi i ALL(JMJNIIJt,4 CAP 78 FELIX TUBE 79 DREYIRS TUuBER 80 POINTED FOCEI’s 6o/4I 81

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 19-01-2022 Date Extend 24-01-2022

Key Value

Document Fees
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Tender Value
INR 1.20 Crore /-
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