Procurement Of Resource Materials -bed with mattress , threa band , finger accupunching ring ,plastic finger exerciser , wooden finger exerciser , pocket exerciser , grip exerciser ,first aid box with all tools , walker for child , walker with wheel and adjustable , mini hand roller , soft ball , jely ball , tampoline , mirror , iron almirah , pen , pencil , pocket , abacus frame ,aduible frame , folding stick , plastic stylus , taylor frame , braile learning frame , geometrical device with all attachment on rubber met board , signature guide cusnote , folding stylus , braile paper , tactile map political , one to ten number , fruits , vegetables , domestic animal i, wild animal , colour cards , peg board , shaps , abcus , abacus with slate , embross chart , odia number , world map , carrom with ludo , reading stand , writing board , corner chair , ritu paribartan model , football , volley ball , dina o rati , bayu vidhyut model , beeds ,high jump stand , know the insects , enjoy foods , daily school items , know the dress , treeand fruits , shape around card , know the colour , count and tell the number , utensils card , animal models , drum with dypsy , flute , whistle , auditory training material , classic audiometer portable , speech trainer , group hearing aids , wall clock , notice board , otoscope , ent set etc