Bids Are invited for Spd:3Phase 4Pole 230V/255V,25Ka/100Ka - Surge Protection:#Voltage: 230V/255V, Lightining Current10/350?s:(25Ka/100Ka), Flow Current:(25Karms/100Arms), Voltage Protection: 1.5Kv, Surge Current:(8/20?s)(25Ka/100Ka), Short Circuit :(25Karms/100Arms), As Per Technical Specification Attached With The Bid Document , Spd- Lightning & Surge Arrestor 1Phase A - Modular Combined Lightning & Surge Arrestor Spd Of Make:- Dehn, Vnom:-230Vac, Vmax:-264V, Lightning Impulse Current:-50Ka @ 10/350 Micro Sec, Voltage Protection Level Of 2.2Kv , Spd:Parallel Connect,24V/34V,10Ka - Surge Protection: Voltage: (24V/32V),Arrester Gas Discharge Tube , Current:(0.55A),Gland 1/2-14 Npt Male Thread,Frequency:67 Mhz,Surge Current (8/20): 10Ka,Lightining Current(10/350?s):1 Ka,Voltage Protection:58V.#, As Per Technical Specification Attached With The Bid Document , Spd: Series Connect, 24V/34V,10Ka - Surge Protection:Voltage: (24V/34V),Arrester Gas Discharge Tube , Current:(0.5A),Gland M20 X 1.5 / 1/2 Npt Male Thread,Frequency:7 Mhz, Surge Current (8/20): 10Ka,Lightining Current(10/350?s):1 Ka,Voltage Protection:55V.#, As Per Technical Specification Attached With The Bid Document , Ethernet Spd For Camera / Flow Computer# - Ethernet Spd For Camera / Flow Computer , Surge Protection:Voltage:48V, Arrester Gas Discharge Tube , Current:(1A), Lightining Current(10/350Ìs) :1Ka, Voltage Protection: 600V, Surge Current (8/20, As Per Technical Specification Attached With The Bid Document Total Quantity : 1