
Bids Are Invited For 1 Acetone AR 2 Agar Powder 3 Benzene AR 4 Citric acid (anhydrous) AR, 500 g 5 Drabkin solution 6 Eosin (Powder) 7 EosinMethylene Blue Agar 8 Ethanol (Absolute) 9 GiemsaStain 10 Giemsa stain for microscopy 11 Glycerol 12 Gr, NEW Delhi-Delhi

integrated institute of technology has published Bids Are Invited For 1 Acetone AR 2 Agar Powder 3 Benzene AR 4 Citric acid (anhydrous) AR, 500 g 5 Drabkin solution 6 Eosin (Powder) 7 EosinMethylene Blue Agar 8 Ethanol (Absolute) 9 GiemsaStain 10 Giemsa stain for microscopy 11 Glycerol 12 Gr. Submission Date for this Tender is 25-01-2022. Waxes Tenders in NEW Delhi Delhi. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Bids Are Invited For 1 Acetone AR 2 Agar Powder 3 Benzene AR 4 Citric acid (anhydrous) AR, 500 g 5 Drabkin solution 6 Eosin (Powder) 7 EosinMethylene Blue Agar 8 Ethanol (Absolute) 9 GiemsaStain 10 Giemsa stain for microscopy 11 Glycerol 12 Gr
New Delhi

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For 1 Acetone AR 2 Agar Powder 3 Benzene AR 4 Citric acid (anhydrous) AR, 500 g 5 Drabkin solution 6 Eosin (Powder) 7 EosinMethylene Blue Agar 8 Ethanol (Absolute) 9 GiemsaStain 10 Giemsa stain for microscopy 11 Glycerol 12 Gram Staining Kit 13 Isopropyl Alcohol 14 Leishman Stain for Microscopy 15 Mac Conkey Agar 16 Mannitol Salt Agar 17 Methanol 18 Nutrient Agar 19 Peptone 20 Phenol 21 PhenolLiquid 40% 22 RA Kit 23 Reagent Grade Distilled Water 24 Sabourd Dextrose Agar 25 Silver Nitrate AR 26 SodiumChloride 27 Sodium Citrate 28 SodiumHypochlorite solution 4 % 29 Triple Sugar Iron Agar 30 WidalTestKit (Slide Test) (4x 5 ml) 31 Widal Test Kit (Tube Test) (4 x 5 ml) 32 Barfoeds Reagent 33 Benedicts Reagent 34 Biuret reagent 35 FehlingSolution A 36 Fehling Solution B 37 Acacia 38 AceticAcid 39 Acetic Anhydride 40 Alpha Napthol 41 AluminiumHydroxide 42 Ammonia solution 43 AmmoniumMolybedate 44 Ammonium Oxalate Monohydrate 45 AmmoniumSulpahte 46 AmmoniumThiocynate 47 Aniline 48 Ascorbic Acid 49 Brilliant Green 50 Bromine Water 51 Buffertablet pH 4 52 Buffer tabletpH 7 53 Buffer tabletpH 9 54 Caffiene 55 Calcium carbonate 56 Calcium nitrate 57 Camphor 58 Carboxy methyl cellulose 59 Castor oil 60 Cerric Ammonium Sulphate solution 0.1N 61 Ceto Steryl Alcohol 62 Cetrimide 63 Cetyl alchol 64 Chloral Hydrate 65 Chloroform 66 Cholesterol 67 Coconut oil 68 Dextrose 69 Dragendorffs reagent 70 Emulsifying wax 71 Eucalyptus oil 72 Ferric Ammonium Sulphate (Anhydrous) 73 Ferric Chloride 74 FerricChloried Anhydrous 75 Ferrous Sulphate 76 Formic Acid 77 Gaur Gum 78 Gelatin Powder 79 Hayems reagent 80 Hydrochloric Acid (Concentrated) 81 Hydrogen /oxide 82 Hydrogen Sulphide Powder 83 Iodine 84 Lactose monohydrate 85 Lanoline 86 Lead Nitrate 87 Liquid Ammonia 88 Liquid paraffin 89 Magnesiumhydroxide 90 Magnesium stearate 91 MagnisiumOxide 92 Mannitol 93 Methyl Red 94 MethylViolet Dye 95 Millions Reagent 96 Molish Reagent 97 Molybedic Acid 98 Mordant Black 11 Powder 99 Ninhydrin Solution 100 Nitric Acid 101 Oxalic Acid 102 Perchloric acid 103 Petrolium Ether 104 Phenopthalein Indicator 105 Phloroglucinol 106 Picric Acid 107 Pot. dihydrogen phosphate 108 Potassium Chloride 109 Potassium Chromate 110 Potassium hydrogen phthalate 111 Resorcinol 112 Seliwanoffs reagent 113 Sodium Bicarbonate 114 SodiumCarbonate 115 Sodium Hydroxide 116 Sodium Thiosulpahte 117 Starch insoluble 118 Starchsoluble 119 Stearic acid 120 Sucrose 121 Sulphanilamide 122 Sulphuric Acid Concentrated 123 Talcum 124 Tannic Acid 125 Tragacanth 126 TURCKS Regaent 127 Urea Crystal Pure 128 Vannilin 129 Yellow soft paraffin 130 Zinc chloride 131 Zinc Metal Dust 132 Zinc Oxide 133 ABO Kit (blood Grouping Kit) 134 Adenine 135 Aniline Blue 136 Antibiotic Amikacin Discs (5x50 discs) 137 AntibioticCefotaxime Discs (5x50 discs) 138 Antibiotic cephazolin Discs (5x50 discs) 139 AntibioticCotrimaxozle Discs (5x50 discs) 140 AntibioticErythromycin Discs (5x50 discs) 141 AntibioticGentomycin Discs (5x50 discs) 142 AntibioticPencillin Discs (5x50 discs) 143 AntibioticTetracycine Discs (5x50 discs) 144 Bacitracin discs (5x50 discs) 145 Calcium chloride anhydrous 146 Calcium Hydroxide AR/ACS 147 Corn Meal Agar 148 CRP Kit 149 Heparin 150 Methylene blue 151 Muller Hinton Agar 152 Oxidase discs (50 discs/vial) 153 Paraffin wax 58-60 C° solid, 500g 154 Potassium oxalate 155 Sodium phosphate monobasic anhydrous

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 14-01-2022 18-01-2022
2 18-01-2022 25-01-2022

Key Value

Document Fees
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Tender Value
INR 1.70 Lakhs /-
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