
Purchase Of Chemical Items Reagents , Absolute Alcohol , Absorbent Cotton , Acetic Acid , Acetic Acid Glacial , Acetone , Acid Fast Staining Kit , Acid Fuchsin , Ada , Afb Stain , Agar Powder , Agrinine Hydrochoride , Albert Stain , Albumin ,, srinagar-Jammu And Kashmir

Vir Chandra Singh Garhwali Government Institute of Medical Science and Research has published Purchase Of Chemical Items Reagents , Absolute Alcohol , Absorbent Cotton , Acetic Acid , Acetic Acid Glacial , Acetone , Acid Fast Staining Kit , Acid Fuchsin , Ada , Afb Stain , Agar Powder , Agrinine Hydrochoride , Albert Stain , Albumin ,. Submission Date for this Tender is 13-01-2022. Kitchen Equipment Tenders in srinagar Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Purchase Of Chemical Items Reagents , Absolute Alcohol , Absorbent Cotton , Acetic Acid , Acetic Acid Glacial , Acetone , Acid Fast Staining Kit , Acid Fuchsin , Ada , Afb Stain , Agar Powder , Agrinine Hydrochoride , Albert Stain , Albumin ,
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Purchase Of Chemical Items Reagents , Absolute Alcohol , Absorbent Cotton , Acetic Acid , Acetic Acid Glacial , Acetone , Acid Fast Staining Kit , Acid Fuchsin , Ada , Afb Stain , Agar Powder , Agrinine Hydrochoride , Albert Stain , Albumin , Alcian Blue , Alkalinephosphata ( Alp ) , Amikacin ( 30Mcg ) , Ammonia Solution , Ammonium Molybadate , Ammonium Sulphate , Amoxyclav ( 30 Mcg ) , Ampicillin ( 10Mcg ) , Ampicillin – Sulbactam ( 10 / 10Mcg ) , Amylase , Ana Profile , Analyzer Controller ( 3 Part & 5 Part ) , Andrade Peptone Water , Anti Torch Profile Igg , Anti Torch Profile Igm , Aso Titre , Aspergillin Antigen Detection Kit , Assoretd Inocualting Loop - 2Mm , Assoretd Inocualting Loop - 4Mm , Azide Dextrose Broth , Azithromycin ( 15Mcg ) , Aztreonam ( 30Mcg ) , Bacitracin ( 10 Units ) , Barium Chloride , Beakers : , Benedict Reagent , Benezidine , Bile Esculin Agar , Bile Salt , Bilirubin , Blood Agar Base ( Infusion Agar ) , Blood Bag Single Layer , Blood Bag Triple Layer , Blood Culture Bottle ( Adult Use - For Baactec 9120 ) , Blood Culture Bottle ( Paediatric Use - For Baactec 9120 ) , Blood Group Kit , Blotting Paper , Bone Marrow Needle , Bovies Disk Tape , Brain Heart Infusion Agar , Brilliant Cresyl Blue , Brilliant Green , Brofored Reagent , Bromo Cresol Green , Bromo Cresol Indicater , Bromo Cresol Purple , Bromocresol Purple Azide Broth , Bromothymol Blue , Brucella Agar Base , Buffer Bottle ( Plastic ) 500Ml , Buffered Glycerol Saline Base , Butanal , Butter Paper , Calcium ( Ocpc ) , Calcoflour White Stain , Candida Albicans Atcc 10231 , Candida Differential Hi Veg Agar , Capsule Stain , Casein , Cavity Glass Slide , Cedar Wood Oil For Microscope , Cefipime ( 30Mcg ) , Cefoperazone-Sulbactum ( 75Mcg / 30Mcg ) , Cefotaxime- Clavulanic Acid ( 30 / 10Mcg ) , Cefoxitin ( 30 Mcg ) , Ceftazidime ( 30Mcg ) , Ceftriaxone ( 30Mcg ) , Cefuroxime ( 30 Mcg ) , Cell Clean ( Long Expiry ) , Cell Pack ( Long Expiry ) , Cholesterol , Choping Knife , Christensen’S Urea Agar Base , Ciprofloxacin ( 5Mcg ) , Cled Agar With Bromothymol Blue , Clindamycin ( 10Mcg ) , Colistin Ezy Mic Strip ( 0.0.16-256Mcg / Ml ) , Colorimeter ( Digital ) , Conical Flask ( 100Ml ) , Conical Flask ( 250Ml ) , Conical Flask ( 500 Ml ) , Control Path , Copper Sulphat , Cornmeal Agar , Cortisol , Co-Trimoxazole- ( 23-75 / 1.25Mcg ) , Cotton Role , Cover Slip ( 22X50 Mm ) , Cover Slips : 22X22mm , Coverslips For Haemocytometer , Cresol Red , Cretinine , Crp Latex Test , Cryovial Box , Cryptococcal Antigen Detection Kit , Cryptosporidium Latex Agglutination Test , Crystal Phenol, Ar , Crystal Voilet , Cupric Acetate , Cuvette , D- Fructose , D.P.X. , D-Arabinose , Dark Bottle -250Ml , Decarboxylase Broth Base, Moeller , Dengue Duo Rapid Card Test , Dengue Elisa , Desposable Droper ( 1-2Ml ) , Desposable Droper ( 1-4Ml ) , Dextrose , D-Fructose , D-Glucose Anhydrous , Diacetyl Monoxide , Diethanol Amine , Dimethyl Sulphoxide , Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate , Dispenser ( For Pitetting ) , Disposable Microtome Blade ( Low Profile ) Yorco , Disposable Syringe 2 Ml , Disposable Syringe 3 Ml , Disposable Syringe 5 Ml , Distil Water , Dithyl Ether , D-Maltose Monohydrate , D-Manitol , Dna Extration Kit , Doxycycline Hydrochlorite ( 30Mcg ) , D-Raffinose , Drayes And Felix Glass Test Tube , Dropping Bottle -100Ml , Drubkinssolution , Dulcitol , D-Xylose , E-Coli Atcc 25922 , E-Coli Atcc 43888 , Edta Vial , Egg Albumin Powder , Ehec - O 157:H7 Latex Agglutination Test Kit , Ehrlichs Reagent , Emmon’S Modification , Enterococcus Fecalis Atcc 29212 , Eosin , Erlynmayer Flask , Erythromycin ( 15Mcg ) , Falcon Tubes ( 50 Ml ) , Faucet’S Reagent , Ferric Chloride, Hexahydrate Ar , Field’S Tryptic Digest Broth , Floride Tube , Fluroscent Stain Kit , Fnac Handle , Fontana Staining Kit , Formaldihyde Solution , Fosfomycin ( 50Mcg ) , Fructose , Fsh , Ft3 , Ft4 , Fusidic Acid ( 10Mcg ) , Gentamicin ( 10Mcg ) , Gentamicin ( 120Mcg ) , Ggt , Giemsa Stain Kit , Glass Marker Pancile , Glass Pipett Stand , Glass Pipettes ( 0 – 2 Ml & 0 – 5 ) , Glass Rods , Glass Slide , Glass Test Tube ( 12 X 100 Mm ) , Glass Test Tube ( 12 X 75 Mm ) , Glass Test Tube ( 18 X 150 Mm ) , Gloves ( Sterile ) 6-1 / 2, 7 No, 7-1 / 2, 8 Nos, , Glucose , Gluteraldehyde , Glycerine , Gomori-Methanamine Silver Staining Kit , Gram Stain Kit , H2o2 ( Hydrogen Proxide Solution ) , Haemacytometer Set ( Improved With Corner ) , Haematoxyline Solution , Haemoglobin Meter ( Digital ) , Hav Igm , Hb Meter ( Sahlis ) Standardized , Hbeag , Hbsag , Hcl , Hcv ( 100 Test Pack ) , Hdl , Heavy Duty Gloves , Hemospot Occult Blood Test , Hev Igm , Hi Chrome Agar For Candida. , Hiv Tri Dot , Hydrochloric Acid ( Concentrate ) , Hydrogen Peroxide , Imipenem ( 10Mcg ) , Imipenem-Edta ( 10 / 750Mcg ) , Immersion Oil , Incubator , Indian Ink Stain , Inoculating Needle , Insulin Syringe , Iodine Resublimed , Isopropyl Alcohol , Klibsiella Pneumoniae Atcc 700603 , Kovacs Indole Reagent , Lacto Phenol Cotton Blue Stain , Lactose , Lactose Monohydrate ( Tc-144 ) , Lamp Of Semi Auto Analyserv2 ( 12V-20W , Lancet , L-Arginine ( Tc-052 ) , Latex Gloves ( No. 6.5, 7, 7.5 ) , Ldh , Lead Acetate , Leishman Stain , Levofloxacin ( 5Mcg ) , Lh , Linezolid ( 30Mcg ) , Lipase , Liquer Ammonia , Lithium Carbonate , Lithium Sulphat , Litmus Paper , L-Lysine ( Tc-207 ) , L-Ornithine Monohydro Chloride , Lyophilized Atcc Cultures Strains , Lysine Hydrochloride , Mac Conkey Agar , Macconkey Sorbitol Agar , Magnifying Glass , Malaria Antigen , Maltose , Mannitol Motility Agar , Masson Fontana , Masson Trichrome , Mayer-Mucicarmine Stain , Mercuric So4 , Mercurochrome , Meropanem ( 10Mcg ) , Methanol , Methylene Blue , Microprotien , Microtips ( 200-1000? ) , Microtips ( 2-200? ) , Microtitre Plate , Mucicarmine , Muller Hinton Agar , Mupirocin ( 200Mcg ) , N / 10 Hcl Solution , Naicin Detection Kit , Naoh , Needle Destroyer , Neomycin Sulphate Salt , Netillin / Netimicin Sulphate ( 30Mcg ) , Neutral Red , Nigrosin Stain , Ninhydrin , Nitric Acid , Nitrofurantoin ( 300Mcg ) , Norfloxacin ( 10Mcg ) , Novobiocin ( 30 Mcg ) , Nutrient Agar, Peptone , Nystetin , Ofloxacim ( 5Mcg ) , Onpg Discs , Optochin Disc ( For S.Pnemonioe , , ) , Orinthine Hydrochloride , O-Tolidine Reagent , Oxidase Discs , Parafilm , Parrafin Oil , Pas ( Stain ) , Pasture Pipettes , P-Dimethyl Amino Benzaldehyde , Penicillin-G ( 10Units ) , Peptone Bacteriological , Perfecs Plate , Periodic Acid Schiff Staining Kit , Petri Plates ( Plastic ) , Ph Capsule 4, 7, 9, 12 , Ph Indicator Strip , Phenol , Phenol Red , Phenyl-Hydrazine , Phosphomolybate , Phosphorus ( Total ) , Piperacillin ( 100Mcg ) , Pipera-Tazobactum ( 100 / 10 Mcg ) , Pipettes Stand , Polymyxin-B ( 50 Units ) , Polyvinyl Alcohol , Potasium Dihydrogen Phosphate , Potasium Hydroxide Pellet , Potassium Iodide , Potassium Nitrate Ar , Potato Dextrose Agar , Pregnancy Card , Pre-Sterilzed Disposable Petridish ( 90 Mm ) , Prolactin , Protein ( Total ) , Psa , Pseudomonas Typimurium Atcc 27853 , Ra Latex Test , Rapid Pap Stain Kit , Rbc Diluting Fluid , Reagent Bottle-250Ml , Red Top Plain Vial , Resorcinol , Rotavirus Agglutination Kit , Rpr Latex Agglutination Kit , Rticulocyte Stain , Rubber Bulb ( Pipette ) Big Size , Sabouraud Cyclohexlmide Chloramphenicol Hiveg Agar , Sabouraud’S Dextrose Agar Modified , Saffaramine , Salmonellatyphimurium Atcc 14028 , Schaffer & Fultan Stain , Scrub Typhus Rapid Card Test , Selemite-F Broth ( S-F Broth ) , Semen Diluting Fluid , Sgot / Ast , Sgpt / Alt , Simmon’S Citrate Agar , Slide Cabinet ( 5000 Slides Storage Capacity ) , Slide Rack , Slide Standing Tray , Sodium Acetate , Sodium Carbonate , Sodium Chloride , Sodium Citrate , Sodium Citrate Vial , Sodium Deoxychelate , Sodium Hypochlorite , Sodium Nitropruside , Sodium Nitrtate , Sodium Potassium Tartetate , Sodium Taurocholate , Sodium Tungustic Acid , Spatula , Specific Gravity Meter , Sporotrichin Antigen Dtetction Kit , Sprit Lamp , Staining Glass Rod , Staining Rack , Staphylococcus Aureus Atcc 25923 , Staphylococcus Aureus Atcc 43300 , Staphylococcus Epidermidis Atcc 12228 , Starch , Sterile Cotton Swab , Sterile Discs ( Blank ) , Sterile Scalpel Blade - 23 No. , Sterile Universal Container , Stock Agar , Streptex Latex Agglutination Test Kit , Streptococcus Pyogenes Atcc 19615 , Stromatolyser ( 4Dl ) , Stromatolyser ( 4Ds ) , Stromatolyser ( Wh ) , Stroping Lather , Stuar’Ts Transport Medium , Sucrose , Sudan Black B , Sulpher Powder , Sulpholyser ( Long Expiry ) – 210 , Sulphuric Acid , Surgical Blade 24 No. , Tcbs Agar , Teasing Needle , Test Tube Brush For Washing ( Small & Large ) , Test Tube Holder , Test Tube Rack - Cross Stand , Tetracycline ( 30Mg ) , Thiamine , Thymol ( Disinfectant ) , Ticarcillin-Clavulanic Acid ( 75 / 10 Mcg ) , Tigecycline ( 15Mcg ) , Tissue Paper Roll , Tobramycin ( 10Mcg ) , Total Protein , Tricarboxylic Acid , Trichloro Acetic Acid , Trichome Stain , Triglyceride , Trimethoprim ( 10Mcg ) , Triple Sugar Iron Agar , Trop-T , Tryptone Soya Broth , Tsh , Tube Washing Brush , Tuberculin Ppd 10 Tu , Tuberculin Ppd 5 Tu , Typhi Dot , Urea ( Small Size ) , Uric Acid , Urin Strip 2P , Urine Container , Urine Multistrips ( 10 Parameter ) , Urinometer , Vancomycin Ezy Mic Strip ( 0.016-256Mcg / Ml ) , Vancomycin ( 30Mcg ) , Wash Bottle , Wax , Wbc Diluting Fluid , Westergen Pipettes , Westergen Stand , What Man Paper Size -42 , What’S Man Paper No.3 , Widal ( Slide Agglutination Test ) , Widal ( Tube Agglutinationtest ) , Wilson Blair W / Bg , Wintrobe Tube , Wintrobe Tube Stand , Xylene , Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar ( Xld Agar ) , Zinc Metal Powder , Zn Acid Fast Stain Kit

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 04-01-2022 Technical Corrigendum Technical Bid 13-01-2022

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 5900 /-
INR 200000.0 /-
Tender Value
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