E-Tender Under Rate Contract For Chemicals For Various Departments E-Tender Under Rate Contract For Chemicals For Various Departments-1 1-14 Ph Range Indicator Paper 2. 1-Amino-2-Naphthol-4-Sulphonic Acid 3. 1-Ethyl-3- ( 3-Dimethylaminopropyl ) Carbodiimide ( Edc ) 4. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6- Pentafluorobenzylbromide 5. 2-Thio Barbituric Acid Ar 6. 3- ( 4, 5-Dimethylthiazole 2- Yl ) , 2, 5 Diphenyltetrazolum Bromide, Ar ( Mtt ) 7. 4 - ( Dimethylamino ) Pyridine ( Dmap ) 8. 4- [ 2- ( N, Ndimethylamino ) Ethylaminosulfonyl ] 9. 4-Aminoantipyrine 10. 6.5-9.0 Ph Range Indicator Paper 11. 7 - ( 2-Aminoethylamino ) -2, 1, 3- Benzoxadiazole 12. Absolute Alcohol 13. Absolute Alcohol 14. Acetic Acid 15. Acetic Acid ( Glacialar ) 16. Acetic Acid Lr 17. Acetic Anhydride 18. Acetic Anhydride Ar 19. Acetone 20. Acetone Ar 21. Acetone Lr 22. Acetonitrile Ms / Ms Grade 23. Acetyl Acetone 24. Acetyl Chloride 25. Acid Fuchsin 26. Acridine Orange Stain 27. Acrylamide 28. Acrylamide Ar 29. Activated Charcoal Powder 30. Adonitol Powder 31. Adonitol Disc 32. Adrenalin Powder 33. Agar Powder Bacteriological 34. Agarose 35. Albert’S Stain A 36. Albert’S Stain B 37. Alcain Blue 38. Alcian Blue 39. Alkaline Peptone Water 40. Alpha Keto Glutaric Acid 41. Alpha-Naphthol 42. Alpha-Naphthylamine 43. Aluminium Chloride 44. Alzerin Red 45. Amaranth Red Solution 46. Ammonia Solution ( 25-30% ) 47. Ammonium Hydroxide ( Ar ) 48. Ammonium Molybdate 49. Ammonium Oxalate 50. Ammonium Per Sulfate 51. Ammonium Sulphate 52. Ammonium Aluminium Suphate 53. Ammonium Chloride 54. Ammonium Hydroxide Ar 55. Ammonium Persulphate 56. Ammonium Sulplate 57. Andrade’S Indicator 58. Aniline Blue 59. Antibiotic Disc Ceftolazonetazobactam ( 30 / 10 Mcg ) 60. Antibiotic Disc Imipenem- Relebacatm 10 / 25 Mcg 61. Antibiotic Disc Meropenemvaborabactam 20 / 10Mcg 62. Antibiotic Gradient Strips To Determine Micceftazime- 63. Antibiotic Gradient Strips To Determine Mic- Ceftolozonetazobactam ( 0.016-256 Mcg / Ml ) 64. Antibiotic Gradient Strips To Determine Mic- Eravacycline ( 0.002 - 32 Μg / Ml ) 65. Antibiotic Gradient Strips To Determine Mic- Imipenem- Relebactam ( 0.002 / 4 - 32 / 4 Μg / Ml ) 66. Antibiotic Gradient Strips To Determine Micmeropenem / Vaborbactam ( 0.004 / 8- 64 / 8 Μg / Ml ) 67. Antibiotic Gradient Strips To Determine Mic- Plazomicin ( 0.016 - 256 Μg / Ml ) 68. Antibiotic Powder – Cefiderocol 69. Antibiotic Powder – Cifederocol ( Pure Powder ) 70. Antibiotic Powder - Cyclohexamide / Actidione 71. Antibiotic Powder Amikacin Sulphate ( Pure Powder ) 72. Antibiotic Powder Amphotericin 73. Antibiotic Powder Ampicillin ( Pure Powder ) 74. Antibiotic Powder Aztreonam ( Pure Powder ) 75. Antibiotic Powder Cefotaxime Sodium Salt ( Pure Powder ) 76. Antibiotic Powder Cefoxitin ( Pure Powder ) 77. Antibiotic Powder Ceftazidime With Carbonate ( Pure Powder ) 78. Antibiotic Powder Ceftrixone Sodium Salt ( Pure Powder ) 79. Antibiotic Powder Chloramphenicol ( Pure Powder ) 80. Antibiotic Powder Ciprofloxacin ( Pure Powder ) 81. Antibiotic Powder Clindamycin ( Pure Powder ) 82. Antibiotic Powder Cloxacillin Pure Powder 83. Antibiotic Powder Colistin Sulfate ( Pure Powder ) 84. Antibiotic Powder Dalbavancin ( Pure Powder ) 85. Antibiotic Powder Dalbavancin ( Pure Powder ) 86. Antibiotic Powder Daptomycin ( Pure Powder ) 87. Antibiotic Powder Daptomycin ( Pure Powder ) 88. Antibiotic Powder Doxycycline Hydrochloride ( Pure Powder ) 89. Antibiotic Powder Erythromycin ( Pure Powder ) 90. Antibiotic Powder Fluconazole 91. Antibiotic Powder Fosfomycin 92. Antibiotic Powder Gentamicin ( Pure Powder ) 93. Antibiotic Powder Imipenem Monohydrate ( Pure Powder ) 94. Antibiotic Powder Imipenem Monohydrate ( Pure Powder ) 95. Antibiotic Powder Itraconazole 96. Antibiotic Powder Kanamycin Powder 97. Antibiotic Powder Ketoconazole 98. Antibiotic Powder Levofloxacin ( Pure Powder ) 99. Antibiotic Powder Linezolid ( Pure Powder ) 100. Antibiotic Powder Meropenem ( Pure Powder ) 101. Antibiotic Powder Meropenem ( Pure Powder ) 102. Antibiotic Powder Miconazole Nitrate 103. Antibiotic Powder Nalidixic Acid ( Pure Powder ) 104. Antibiotic Powder Netillin ( Netilmicin Sulphate ) ( Pure Powder ) 105. Antibiotic Powder Nitrofurantoin ( Pure Powder ) 106. Antibiotic Powder Oritavancin ( Pure Powder ) 107. Antibiotic Powder Oritavancin ( Pure Powder ) 108. Antibiotic Powder Oxacillin ( Pure Powder ) 109. Antibiotic Powder Penicillin-G Sodium ( Pure Powder ) 110. Antibiotic Powder Potassium Clavulanate ( Pure Powder ) 111. Antibiotic Powder Teicoplanin ( Pure Powder ) 112. Antibiotic Powder Tetracycline Hydrochloride ( Pure Powder ) 113. Antibiotic Powder Vancomycin Hydrochloride ( Pure Powder ) 114. Antibiotic Powder Voriconazole 115. Antimicrobial Gradient Strips To Determine Micanidulafungin Strips 0.002 – 32Mcg / Ml 116. Antimicrobial Gradient Strips To Determine Miccaspogungin Strips .002- 32Mcg / Ml 117. Antimicrobial Gradient Strips To Determine Micfluconazole Strips 0.016 – 256 Mcg / Ml 118. Antimicrobial Gradient Strips To Determine Micflucytocine Strips 0.002 – 32Mcg / Ml 119. Antimicrobial Gradient Strips To Determine Micitraconazol Strips 0.002 – 32Mcg / Ml 120. Antimicrobial Gradient Strips To Determine Micketoconazole Strips 0.002 – 32Mcg / Ml 121. Antimicrobial Gradient Strips To Determine Micmicafungin Strips 0.002 – 32Mcg / Ml 122. Antimicrobial Gradient Strips To Determine Micposaconazole Strips 0.002 – 32Mcg / Ml 123. Antimicrobial Gradient Strips To Determine Micstrips Amphotericin B.002- 32Mcg / Ml 124. Antimicrobial Gradient Strips To Determine Micvoriconazole Strips 0.002 – 32Mcg / Ml 125. Aprotinin 126. Aromatic Spirit Of Ammonia 127. Ascorbic Acid 128. Aspartic Acid 129. Bacterial Protein Extraction Reagent In Tris-Hcl Buffer 130. Bacteriodes Bile Esculin Agar 131. Barium Chloride 132. Barrit’S Reagent A For Vp Reaction 133. Barrit’S Reagent B For Vp Reaction 134. Basic Fuchsin 135. Basic Fuschin 136. Bentonite Ar 137. Benzoic Acid Ar 138. Benzyl Benzoate Ar 139. Beta Mercaptoethanol 140. Beta-Mercatoethanol 141. Biebrich Scarlet 142. Bile Salt Agar 143. Bile Salts Powder 144. Bilirubin 145. Bird Seed Agar ( Staibs Medium ) 146. Bis-Acrylamide 147. Bismark Brown 148. Blood Agar Media 149. Blood Culture Medium In Glass Bottles- Brain Heart Infusion Broth Supplemented With 0.05% Sps 150. Borax 151. Borax ( Disodium Tetraborate ) 152. Bordet Gengou Agar W / Blood. 153. Boric Acid 154. Bovine Serum Albumin 155. Bovine Serum Albumin ( Bsa ) , Fraction 5 156. Bovine Serum Albumin Fraction V 157. Brain Heart Infusion Agar 158. Brain Heart Infusion Broth 159. Brewer Thioglycollate Medium 160. Brij 35 161. Brilliant Blue R 162. Bromine Ampoule 163. Bromocresol Blue 164. Bromocresol Green 165. Bromocresol Purple 166. Bromophenol Blue 167. Bromothymol Blue 168. Bstfa:Tmcs 169. Buffer Tablet Ph 9.2 170. Buffer Tablet Ph4.0 171. Buffer Tablet Ph7.0 172. Butanol-1 173. Butylated Hydroxy Toluene 174. Bye Agar ( Barile, Yaguchi And Eveland ) 175. Caffeic Acid Ferric Citrate Test Agar 176. Calamine Powder 177. Calcium Carbonate Ar 178. Calcium Chloride 179. Calcium Chloride Dihydrate 180. Calcoflour White Stain 181. Camphor Ar 182. Campylobacter Agar Base 183. Campylobacter Supplement- Iii ( Skirrow ) 184. Canada Balsam Mounting Medium 185. Canada Balsam Mounting Medium 186. Canavanine Glycine Bromothymol Blue Agar 187. Canavanine Glycine Bromothymol Blue Agar 188. Candida Bromocresol Green Agar 189. Carbol Fuchsin 190. Carbol Fuschin 191. Carbol Fuschin ( Dilute ) 192. Carbol Fuschin ( Strong ) For Zn Staining 193. Carbolic Acid 194. Carmine 195. Cary Blair Transport Media 196. Charcol Activated 197. Chelating Resin 198. Chloroform Ar 199. Chocolate Agar ( Prepoured Plates ) 200. Chocolate Agar Plate 201. Christensen’S Urea Agar Base 202. Chrome Uti Agar Media Modified With Supplement 203. Chromium Potassoium Sulphate Dodecahydrate ( Crk ( So4 ) 2.12H2o 204. Chromogenic Medium For Detection And Isolation Of Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae ( Cpe ) Must Be Along With All Required Supplements / Growth Factor Mix / Selective Mix 205. Chromogenic Medium For Overnight Detection Of Gram-Negative Bacteria Producing Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase With Good Species Identification. Must Be Along With All Required Supplements / Growth Factor Mix / Selective Mix 206. Chromogenic Medium For The Isolation And Differentiation Of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus ( Mrsa ) Including Low Level Mrsa. Must Be Along With All Required Supplements / Growth Factor Mix / Selective Mix 207. Chromogenic Medium 208. Chromogenic Medium 209. Chromogenic Medium, 210. Chromogenic Medium, 211. Chromotrope 2R 212. Citric Acid 213. Cled Agar With Bromothymol Blue Indicator 214. Clostridium Difficile Agar Base 215. Clostridium Difficile Medium Supplement - Dcycloserine And Cefoxitin 216. Colchecine 217. Columbia Blood Agar Base 218. Columbia Blood Agar W / 10% Sheep Blood 219. Complete Culture Medium With Lglutamine And Antibiotics 220. Congo Red 221. Congo Red 222. Congo Red 223. Cooked Meat Medium 224. Cooked Meat Medium W / Glucose, Hemin & Vitamin K 225. Coomassie Brilliant Blue 226. Coomassie Brilliant Blue ( % ) 227. Coomb’S Sera 228. Coommassie Blue Powder ( G250 ) 229. Copper Sulphate 230. Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate 231. Corn Meal Agar 232. Cornmeal Agar With Polysorbate 80 233. Cotton Blue 234. Creatinine 235. Critic Acid ( Monohydrate ) 236. Cryptococcal Differential Agar 237. Crystal Violet 238. Crystal Violet 239. Crystal Violet Powder 240. Crystal Violet Ready To Use 241. Czapek Dox Agar, Granulated 242. D, L- Phenylalanine Powder 243. D-Alanine 244. Dapi Mounting Medium 245. Deionized Water 246. Deoxycholate Agar 247. Deoxycholate Citrate Agar ( Dca ) Agar ) Plate 248. Dermato Supplements ( Cyclohexamide ) 249. Dermatophyte Agar Base 250. Dexamethasone Ip Powder 251. Dextran T40 252. Dextrose 253. D-Fructose Powder 254. D-Galactose Powder 255. D-Glucose Lr Grade Powder 256. Di Ethyl Ether Ar 257. Di Ethyl Ether Lr 258. Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate 259. Diacetyl Monoxime 260. Diastase Powder 261. Dimethyl Amino Benzaldehyde 262. Dimethyl Sulphoxide 263. Dinitrophenyl Hydrazine 264. Diphenyl For Bird Seed Agar 265. Dipotassium Edta ( Anhydrous ) 266. Dipotassium Hydrogen Phosphate Ar 267. Disinfectant Solution For Fogging 268. Disodium Hydrogen Orthophosphate Ar 269. Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate Ar 270. Dithiothreitol 271. D-Mannitol Certified Powder 272. D-Mannose Powder 273. Dmem ( Liquid ) 274. Dmem Cell Culture Tested ( Liquid ) 275. Dmem With L- Glutamine For Cell Culture ( Powederd ) 276. Dpx Mountant 277. Dpx Mounting Medium 278. Drabkin’S Solution 279. D-Sorbitol Powder 280. Dulcitol Powder 281. Dulcitol Disc 282. D-Xylose Powder 283. Edta 284. Edta Ar 285. Edta Di-Sodium Salt 286. Edta Disodium Salt For Mol.Biology 287. Edta Lr 288. Edta Tri-Pott. 289. Egg Albumin Flakes 290. Egg Yolk Agar Base, Modified 291. Entamoeba Medium 292. Eosin 293. Eosin ( Red ) 294. Ethanol Ar 295. Ethidium Bromide 296. Ethyl Acetate 297. Ethylene Glycol 298. Euparal Mounting Medium 299. Fast Blue B B Salt 300. Fast Blue Bb 301. Fast Green Fcf 302. Ferric Ammonium Sulphate 303. Ferric Chloride 304. Ferric Chloride Anhydrous, A.R. 305. Ferric Sulphate 306. Fetal Bovine Serum Cell Culture Tested 307. Ficol-Hypaque For Lymphocyte Isolation ( Hystopaque ) 308. Filter Cards For Cyto Spin 309. Fluid Thioglycollate Medium 310. Formaldehyde 311. Formic Acid 312. Fructose 313. Fructose Disc 314. Galactose Disc 315. Gc Agar Base 316. Gc Agar Base Media 317. Geimsa Stain Solution 318. Gelatine 319. Gentian Violet 320. Giemsa Powder 321. Giemsa Stain In Gurr’S Buffer 322. Giemsa Stain Powder 323. Giemsa Stain Ready To Use 324. Gluconate Test Medium 325. Glucose Broth 326. Glucose-6-Phosphate Powder 327. Glutaraldehyde 328. Glycerol 329. Glycerol 330. Glycine 331. Glycogen 332. Glycogen From Rabbit Liver 333. Gold Chloride 334. Gordon-Mcleod Reagent 335. Gram Stain Kit 336. Gram’S Iodine 337. Guanidine Thiocyanate 338. Haemoglobin Powder Media 339. Haemophilus Growth Supplement Media 340. Haemophilus Test Medium Base Media 341. Haemophilus Test Medium Supplement 342. Hand Disinfectant 343. Hand Disinfectant 344. Heamatoxylin 345. Hektoen Enteric Agar 346. Hemin Powder 347. Hemoglobin Powder Enrichment Supplement 348. Hexamine 349. Hichrome Candida Agar Base Modified 350. Hicrome Candida Differential Agar Media 351. Hicrome Candida Selective Supplement 352. Hippurate Hydrolysis Broth 353. Histamine Dihydrochloride Powder 354. Horse Serum 355. Hugh & Leifson O / F Media With Glucose 356. Hydrochloric Acid 357. Hydrochloric Acid 358. Hydrochloric Acid Solution 1.0 N, Bio Reagent, Cell Culture Tested 359. Hydrogen Peroxide 360. Hydrogen Peroxide 361. Hydroquinone 362. Immersion Oil 363. India Ink 364. Indole Reagent Paper Strips 365. Inhibitory Mould Agar 366. Inhibitory Mould Agar With Gentamicin 367. Inositol Powder 368. Inositol Disc 369. Instant Hand Disinfectant Gel 370. Instant Hand Disinfectant Gel 371. Inulin 372. Inulin Disc 373. Iodine 374. Iodine Crystal 375. Iso-Amyl Alcohol 376. Isoflurane Liquid 377. Isoleucine 378. Isopropyl Alcohol 379. Isopropyl Alcohol 380. Kaolin Ar 381. Kcl 382. Kcl ( Research Gr ) 383. Koh Crystals 384. Koh Solution 385. Kovac’S Reagent ( Indole Test ) 386. Kovacs Reagent Strips ( For Indole Test ) 387. L- Arginine Monohydrochloride 388. L- Glutamine Cell Culture Tested 389. Labolin 390. Lactophenol Cotton Blue Stain 391. Lactose Disc 392. Lactose Powder 393. L-Arabinose Powder 394. L-Asparagine Monohydrate Powder 395. L-Cysteine Hcl 396. Lead Acetate 397. Lead Acetate Paper Strips 398. Leishman Stain Powder 399. Leishman Stain Twin Pack 400. Leupeptin 401. Light Green ( 44043 ) 402. Light Green Sf 403. Liquid Paraffin Thick 404. Liquid Phenol Ar 405. Lithium Carbonate 406. Lj Medium Slant For Cultivation Of M. Tuberculosis 407. Lj Medium Slant With Amikacin ( 30 Mg / L ) 408. Lj Medium Slant With Ethambutol ( 2 Mg / L ) 409. Lj Medium Slant With Isoniazid ( 0.2Mg / L ) 410. Lj Medium Slant With Levofloxacin ( 2 Mg / L ) 411. Lj Medium Slant With Lincomycin, Nalidixic Acid And Cycloheximide For Cultivation Of M. Tuberculosis 412. Lj Medium Slant With Rifampicin ( 40 Mg / L ) 413. Lj Medium Slant With Streptomycin ( 4 Mg / L ) 414. L-Lysine Hydrochloride Powder 415. Loeffler’S Methylene Blue 416. L-Ornithine Hydrochloride Powder 417. L-Rhamnose Powder 418. Lugols’S Iodine 419. Luria Bertani Broth, Miller 420. Luria Broth 421. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 422. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 423. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 424. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 425. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 426. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 427. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 428. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 429. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 430. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 431. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 432. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 433. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 434. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 435. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 436. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 437. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 438. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 439. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 440. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 441. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 442. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 443. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 444. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 445. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 446. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 447. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 448. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 449. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 450. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 451. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 452. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 453. 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Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 512. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 513. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 514. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 515. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 516. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 517. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 518. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 519. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 520. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 521. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 522. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 523. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 524. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 525. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 526. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 527. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 528. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 529. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 530. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 531. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 532. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 533. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 534. Lyophilised Bacterial Strain 535. Lysine Hydrochloride Amino Acid Disc 536. Lysol 537. Lysol 538. Lysozyme 539. M. Tuberculosis Atcc 25177 ( H37ra ) 540. M. Tuberculosis Atcc 27294 ( H37rv ) 541. Macconkey Agar Media 542. Macconkey Agar Media 543. Macconkey Agar Medium With Crystal Violet Without Nacl With Special Fractioned Bile Salts 544. Macconkey Agar W / O Crystal Violet With 0.5% Sodium Taurocholate 545. Macconkey Agar W / O Crystal Violet, Nacl, With 0.5% Sodium Taurocholate 546. Macconkey Agar With Crystal Violet 547. Macconkey Agar Without Crystal Violet With Nacl W / Special Fractioned Bile Salts 548. Macconkey Broth ( Double Strength ) With Neutral Red 549. Macconkey Broth With Neutral 550. Magnesium Carbonate 551. Magnesium Chloride 552. Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate 553. Magnesium Citrate 554. Magnesium Sulphate 555. Malachite Green 556. Malt Extract Agar Base With Mycological Peptone 557. Maltose 558. Maltose Disc 559. Maltose Powder 560. Mannitol Disc 561. Mannitol Salt Agar 562. Mannose Disc 563. Mayers Mucicarmine Stain 564. Mcfarland Standard ( 0.5Mcfarland ) 565. Mcfarland Standard Set ( Each With 1 Tube Of 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 Mcfarland Standard ) 566. Melibiose Disc 567. Menadione Powder 568. Mercuric Oxide ( Red ) 569. Mercuric Sulphate 570. Metanil Yellow 571. Metaphophoric Acid 572. Methanol 573. Methanol 574. Methanol 575. Methanol Hplc Grade 576. Methanol Solution For Leishman Stain 577. Methanol Dry Solvent 578. Methyl Red 579. Methyl Red Reagent 580. Methyl Salicylate Ar 581. Methyl Violet 582. Methylated Spirit 583. Methylcitric Acid 584. Methylene Blue 585. Methylene Blue 586. Methylene Blue 587. Methylene Blue Stain 588. Methyl-Tetra- Butyl Ether 589. Microbiology Media - Prepoured Mannitol Salt Agar Plates, 590. Moeller Decarboxylase Broth Media 591. Moeller Decarboxylase Broth Media With Lysine Hydrochloride Tube 592. Moellers Decarboxylase Base Media 593. Moellers Decarboxylase Base With L-Arginine 594. Moellers Decarboxylase Base With L-Lysine Hydrochloride 595. Moellers Decarboxylase Base With L-Ornithine Hydrochloride 596. Moller Decarboxylase Broth Base Media With Lysine Hcl Tube 597. Mr-Vp Medium ( Glucose Phosphate Broth ) 598. Mstfa ( N-Methyl-N-Trimethylsilyl Trifluoroacetamide -30Ml 599. Mucate Broth 600. Mueller Hinton + 5% Horse Blood + 20Mg / L Β-Nad* 601. Mueller Hinton Agar602. Mueller Hinton Agar Media 603. Mueller Hinton Agar No.2, Cation- Adjusted 604. Mueller Hinton Agar Plate 605. Mueller Hinton Ii Broth ( Cation- Adjusted ) 606. Muller Hinton Agar No. 2 + 5% Sheep Blood 607. Muller Hinton Agar No. 2 On 90Mm Plates, Non-Collapsable Petri-Plate. 608. Muller Hinton Agar No. 2 Plates, Non-Collapsable Petri-Plate. 609. Mupirocin E-Test Strip 610. Mycoplasma Urogenital Broth Base 611. Mycosel Agar 612. N Butanol- Ms Grade 613. N, N, N′, N′-Tetramethyl-Pphenylenediamine Dihydrochloride 614. N, Nmethylene Bis Acrylamide 615. N. N. Dimethyl Formamide 616. N. N. Dimethyl Formamide 617. N-1-Napthyl Ethylenediaminedihydrochloride 618. N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine 619. Naoh ( To Adjust Ph ) 620. Napthol As D Chloroacetate 621. Napthol As Β-1 Phosphate 622. N-Butanol 623. Neopeptone 624. Neutral Red Certified 625. Neutral Red Certified 626. New Fuschin 2 N Hcl 627. Nigrosin Stain 628. Nigrosin Stain 629. Ninhydrin 630. Ninhydrin Reagent 631. Nitrate Broth 632. Nitrate Reduction Reaction Solution A ( 0.8% Sulphanilic Acid In Acetic Acid ) 633. Nitrate Reduction Reaction Solution B ( 0.5% Alpha-Naphthylamine In Acetic Acid ) 634. Nitric Acid 635. Nitroblue Tetrazolium Dye 636. Nitrocefin Disc 637. Nn Dye ? 638. Nn Methylene Bisacrylamide 639. Nnn Modified Medium 640. Non Fat Dried Milk 641. Novobiocin Disc ( 5Mcg ) 642. Np40 643. Nuclear Fast Red 644. Nutrient Agar 645. Nutrient Agar Plate 646. Nutrient Broth 647. Nutrient Gelatin 648. O ‘Meara Reagent 649. O- ( 2, 3, 4, 5, 6- Pentafluorobenzyl ) Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride+F24 650. Oatmeal Agar 651. Oil Red O 652. Onpg Disc 653. Optochin Disc 5Mcg 654. Orange G 655. Ornithine Hydrochloride Amino Acid Disc 656. Orthocresophthelein Complex 657. Orthophenylenediamine ( Opd ) 658. Orthophosphoric Acid 659. Oxalic Acid 660. Oxidase Discs 661. Para Rosaniline 662. Para-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde 663. Paraffin Wax 664. Pararosaniline 665. Peg 6000 666. Penicillin 0.5 Iu / Disc 667. Pentabarbitone Powder 668. Pepper Mint Oil Ar 669. Peptone 670. Peptone Water Powder 671. Perchloric Acid 672. Perfluroacetic Acid 673. Perfluroacetic Acid 674. Periodic Acid Ar 675. Peripheral Blood Karyotype Medium , Complete Culture Medium , ( + ) Phytohemagglutinin 676. Ph Strips 677. Ph. Indicator Paper ( 3.5 -6.0 ) 678. Phenol Crystal 679. Phenol Crystals 680. Phenol Crystals Lr 681. Phenol Red 682. Phenol Red Tartrate Agar 683. Phenolphthalein 684. Phenolphthalein Phosphate Agar 685. Phenuylboronic Acid 686. Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol Blood Agar Plate 687. Phenyl Hydrazine 688. Phenyl Phosphate Disodium 689. Phenylalanine Malonate Broth 690. Phenylmethylsulfonyl Fluoride 691. Phosphate Buffer Saline Ph 7.4 692. Phosphate Buffer, Ph 6 693. Phosphate Buffer, Ph 7 694. Phosphate Buffer, Ph 7.2 695. Phosphate Buffer, Ph 8 696. Phosphomolybdic Acid 697. Phosphotungstic Acid 698. Phytohemagglitinin 699. Picric Acid 700. Plain Sterile Antibiotic Disc 701. Plasma Rabbit 702. Poly Lysin0.1%Rd 703. Polyacrylamide 704. Ponceau S 705. Potasium Dichromate 706. Potasium Permangnate 707. Potassium Dihydrogen Ortho Phosphate 708. Potassium Chloride 709. Potassium Dichromate 710. Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate 711. Potassium Ferricyanide 712. Potassium Ferrocyanide Ar 713. Potassium Hydroxide 714. Potassium Iodate 715. Potassium Iodide 716. Potassium Iodide 717. Potassium Metabisulphite 718. Potassium Permangnate 719. Potassium Permengnate 720. Potassium Tellurite 721. Potassium Tellurite 1% ( 1Ml ) 722. Potato Dextrose Agar 723. Prednisolone Powder 724. Pre-Poured Liquid Medium In Tubes- Andrade Peptone Water 725. Pre-Poured Liquid Medium In Tubes- Brain Heart Infusion Broth 726. Pre-Poured Liquid Medium In Tubes- Mr / Vp Broth ( Glucose Phosphate Broth ) 727. Pre-Poured Liquid Medium In Tubes- Nitrate Broth 728. Pre-Poured Liquid Medium In Tubes- Of Media With Glucose 729. Pre-Poured Media In 90Mm Polystyrene Plate Macconkey Agar Plate 730. Prepoured Medium - Blood Agar W / Gentamicin ( Tsa W / 5% Sheep Blood ) 10Μg / Ml. 731. Prepoured Medium - Muller Hinton Agar No. 2 + 5% Sheep Blood 732. Pre-Poured Medium For Blood Culture In Glass Bottles- Brain Heart Infusion Broth Supplemented With 0.05% Sps 733. Pre-Poured Medium For Blood Culture In Glass Bottles- Tryptone Soya Broth Supplemented With 0.05% Sps 734. Propanolol Powder 735. Pyr Broth 736. Pyr Reagent 737. Pyr With Reagent 738. Rabbit Plasma With Edta Is Used To Qualitatively Determine The Pathogenicity Of Staphylococci Using The Coagulase Test 739. Raffinose Disc 740. Raffinose Powder 741. Rapid Urease Test Broth 742. Rectified Spirit 743. Resorcinol 744. Rhamnose Disc 745. Ribose 746. Rpmi – 1640: W / L- Glutamine Wo-Sodium Bicarbonate 747. Rpmi 1640 Agar Plates 748. Rpmi 1640 Agar Plates 749. Rpmi -1640 Medium With 0.165Mol / L Mops 750. Rpmi-1640 751. Sabouraud Cycloheximide Chloramphenicol Agar 752. Sabouraud Dextrose Agar With Antibiotics 753. Sabouraud Dextrose Agar Without Antibiotics 754. Safranin 755. Safranine 756. Salicin 757. Salicin Disc 758. Salicylic Acid Ar 759. Salmonella Shigella Agar 760. Schaeffer & Fulton’S Spore Stain 761. Schaeffer & Fulton’S Spore Stain 762. Schiff Reagent 763. Schiffs Reagent 764. Selenite F Broth ( Twin Pack ) A& 765. Sheep Blood 766. Sheep Blood ( 5-10% ) Agar Plates 768. Silver Nitrate 769. Simmon’S Citrate Agar 770. Sodium Bicarbonate 771. Sodium Pyruvate Cell Culture Tested 772. Sodium Acetate 773. Sodium Bicarbonate 774. Sodium Deoxycholate 775. Sodium Hydroxide 776. Sodium Nitroprusside 777. Sodium Taurocholate 778. Sodium Thiosulphate 779. Sodium Acetate Ar 780. Sodium Azide 781. Sodium Barbiturate 782. Sodium Bicarbonate Ar 783. Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous 784. Sodium Chloride 785. Sodium Citrate 786. Sodium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate 787. Sodium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate Di Hydrate 788. Sodium Fluoride Powder 789. Sodium Hippurate 790. Sodium Hydroxide 791. Sodium Hydroxide Pellets 792. Sodium Hydroxide Solution 793. Sodium Hypochlorite 794. Sodium Hypochlorite 795. Sodium Metabisulphate 796. Sodium Metabisulphite Saponine 797. Sodium Nitrite 798. Sodium Nitroprusside 799. Sodium Potassium Tartarate 800. Sodium Potassium Tartarate 801. Sodium Pyrophosphate 802. Sodium Pyruvate Cell Culture Tested 803. Sodium Pyruvate / Pyruvic Acid 804. Sodium Thiosulfate Anhydrous 805. Sodium Thiosulphate 806. Soft Soap 807. Solution For Leishman Stain 808. Sorbitol Disc 809. Soyabean Casein Digest Broth 810. Spectinomycin 100Mcg / Disc 811. Sps-Sodium Polyanethol Sulfonate 812. Starch 813. Sterile Sheep Blood For Preparing Bacteriological Media 814. Stuart’S Transport Medium Base 815. Succinic Acid 816. Sucrose 817. Sucrose ( Extra Pure ) 818. Sucrose Disc 819. Sudan Black B 820. Sudan Black Certified Stain 821. Sudan Iii 822. Sudan Iv 823. Sulfuric Acid 824. Sulphanilic Acid 825. Sulphur Powder 826. Sulphuric Acid 827. Sulphuric Acid 828. Tannic Acid Ar 829. Tartaric Acid 830. Tcbs Agar Plate 831. Teepol 832. Tellurite Blood Agar Plate 833. Tetracycline 10 Mcg / Disc 834. Tetramethoxy Propane 835. Tetrazolium Blue 836. Thioglycolate Broth 837. Thiopentone Sodium Powder 838. Thiosulfate Citrate Bile Salts Sucrose ( Tcbs ) Agar 839. Thymol 840. Thymol 841. Thymol Crystal 842. Tincture Cardamom 843. Tincture Ginger 844. Titanium Dioxide Powder 845. Todd Hewitt Broth 846. Toludene Blue 847. Toluidine Blue 848. Toluidine Blue 849. Tragacanth Ar 850. Transport Swabs W / Oamies Medium W / O Charcoal. 851. Transport Swabs W / Cary Blair Medium 852. Transport Swabs W / Alternative Thioglycollate Medium 853. Trehalose Disc 854. Trehalose Powder 855. Tri Decafluroheptanoic Acid 856. Tri Reagent 857. Tri Reagent 858. Trichloracetic Acid 859. Trichloroacetic Acid 860. Trichomonas Agar Base 861. Trichomonas Selective Supplement 862. Trifluoroacetic Acid 863. Triple Sugar Iron Agar 864. Tris ( 2-Carboxyethyl ) Phosphine Hydrochloride ) 865. Trypan Blue ( 0.5% ) For Cell Culture 866. Trypsin ( 0.25% ) For Cell Culture 867. Tryptic Soya Agar Medium W / 10% Sheep Blood 868. Trypticase Soy Broth 869. Tryptone Soya Agar 870. Ttrizol ) 871. Turpentine Oil Ar 872. Universal Indicator 873. Uranyl Nitrate 874. Uric Acid 875. V Factor Disc 876. Vancomycin Disc 877. Vancomycin Screen Agar Base With All Required Supplements 878. Vcnt Supplement 879. Vibrio O129 Differential Disc 880. Vitamin K1 Supplement 881. Vitamino Growth Supplement 882. Vitox Media With Diluents 883. Water Agar Fot Fungus 884. Whatman Filter 885. Whatman Filter 886. White Paraffin ( Petroleum Jelly ) 887. Wright Stain Powder 888. X Factor Disc 889. X+V Factors Disc 890. Xylene 891. Xylene Cyanol 892. Xylose Disc 893. Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate ( Xld ) Agar 894. Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar ( Xld ) Agar ) Plate 895. Yeast Carbon Base 896. Yeast Morphology Agar 897. Yeast Nitrogen Base Agar 898. Zinc Accetate 899. Zinc Dust 900. Zinc Oxide Ar 901. Zinc Sulphate Heptahydrate 902. Α Napthyl Acetate 903. Α Napthyl Butyrate 904. Cord Blood Culture Media 905. Culture Media For Cvs 906. Cryostat Embedding Media