Supply Of Equipment - Structural Analysis Laboratory (Civil/Package/01) : Behavior of column and strut apparatus, Apparatus to verify the deflection of a pin connected truss, Needle beam apparatus to verify Clarks Maxwell theorem, Apparatus to determine flexural rigidity of a beam, Apparatus to verify moment area theorem, Portable three hinged parabolic arch apparatus with facility to determine horizontal thrust. 1. Portable three hinged parabolic arch made of steel members (approximate span = 100 cm, rise = 25cm) based on the availability .2. A dial gauge with 25 mm travel (with a magnetic base), Portable two hinged parabolic arch apparatus including hanger bars made of steel with facility to determine horizontal displacement at roller end. 1. Span of 100cm and rise 25cm. Both ends are hinged but one of the ends is also free to move longitudinally.2. A dial gauge with 25 mm travel (with a magnetic base), Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering Laboratory (Civil/Package/02) : Aquascope complete with cell and slides of standard colors along with 500 ml of Universal indicator and Bromo methyl blue indicator each, Hot Air Oven-Digital, Muffle Furnace, BOD Incubator shaker, ANALYTICAL BALANCE, Floculator Alum Jar Test Apparatus, Distilled Water Plant, COD Analysis Package (Digester + Colorimeter + Vials) COD Digester, Microcontroller Based visible spectrophotometer with Graphical LCD Display, Digestion and Distillation set, Flame Photometer (Digital): Microcontroller based System, Instrument Response /Sensitivity, Magnetic stirrer with hot plate, Advance (Structural and Geotechnical ) Laboratory(Civil/Package/03) : CTM : Servo-hydraulic (Both Load & Displacement Controlled)compression and flexural testing machine, CTM; Automatic Compression Testing Machine Windows Based, Capacity with flexural attachmemt 2000Kn, Proving ring for calibration for machines 2000kn and 500kn, Demec gauge (Demountable mechanical strain gauge), Hand operated Flow Table apparatus for cement mortar as per IS 5512: 2018, Hand operated Flow Table Test apparatus for cement concrete as per IS 1199: 2004, Slump Test Apparatus IS: 7320, Mortar Mixture, Beam Mould, 100mm x 100mm x 500mm Cast iron with ISI mark, Beam Mould, 150mm x 150mm x 700mm Cast iron with ISI mark, Cast iron cube mould for 150mm cube with ISI Certification mark as per IS : 10086-1982, Cast iron cylindrical mould with diameter 150mm and length 300mm with ISI certification mark as per IS : 10086-1982 with tamping bar 16 mm dia, 600 mm long, Steel mould for 70.6mm cube with ISI Certification as per IS : 10080-1982, Hot Air Oven, Sieve Shaker, for fine aggregate Motorised, with Built-in Digital Timer, Flexural Testing Machine for Concrete, TENSILE STRENGTH TEST OF HYDRAULIC CEMENT MORTARS, Base plate (>= 900 mm x 900 mm) for slump flow test of Self Compacting Concrete as per IS 1199 (Part VI), Perforated plate sieve having 4.75 mm square aperture, frame dia 300 mm and height 40 mm conforming to IS 460 (Part II) complete with receiver for Sieve Segregation Resistance test of Self-Compacting Concrete, L-Box Test apparatus, V-Funnel Test, U box as per EFNARC 2005 guide lines, J-Ring Test Apparatus for self-compacting concrete as per ASTM C 1621/C 1621M: Made of stainless Steel Duly powder coated, a base plate 915x915mm, one cone of 200mm bottom dia 100mm top dia and 300mm height, Complete with J Ring of 300mm Dia with 16 nos. Plain rods of 16mm Dia., Standard Cement of Known Specific Surface, Wheel barrow for material transport(200l capacity), Lateral Extensometer (Digital, Longitudinal Compressometer (Digital), Cement Tensile Testing Machine, Laboratory Vane shear apparatus, APPARATUS FOR UNCONFINED COMPRESSION TEST, APPARATUS FOR SEDIMENTATION ANALYSIS USING PIPPETTE METHOD FOR CLAY AND SILT., APPARATUS FOR CONSOLIDATION TEST, APPARATUS FOR RELATIVE DENSITY, Liquid Limit Device, Universal extractor frame, Soil Permeability Apparatus, DISTURBED & UNDISTURBED SAMPLERS, Air tight Digital weighing machine (Digital) capacity -- 1kg L.C. - 0.001gm with Tare facility, In-built Battery Backup and with calibration certificate, Spring weighing machine (Digital) with calibration certificate capacity -- 20kg L.C. – 0.5gm, Digital weighing machine (Digital) capacity -- 10kg L.C. - 0.01gm with Tare facility, In-built Battery Backup and with calibration certificate, Highway and Transportation Laboratory (Civil/Package/04) : 1 Digital Marshall Stability Test Apparatus (with all required accessories) Specification: Standard Marshall Apparatus as per ASTM D1559 (with all required accessories) to determine Marshall strength and volumetric properties of bituminous mix. The apparatus must consists of : 1) A motorized loading unit with two telescopic pillars and an adjustable cross head. Equipment operated on 230 Volts A.C, 50 kN capacity, single speed load frame of displacement of 5cm per minute. Safety cut off switch is provided with the machine to avoid from overloading – 1No, Limit switches are fitted to control upward or downward movement of the pillars. Provision of on-off reversing switch, indicator lamps and a hand wheel to manually move the pillars. 2) 1 No. Compaction pedestral with specimen mould holder for compaction of 101.6mm (4”) Dia specimen. 3) 2 Nos. Compaction Rammers, 4.5kg weight and free fall 45.7cm(18””). 4) 1 No. Breaking head assembly with provision to fix flow meter to accommodate specimen of 101.6mm Dia with dial gauge 0.01 x 25mm travel – 1 Set 5) 6 Nos. Specimen mould 10.1cm internal diameter(4”) x 7.6cm high with base plate and extension collar. 6) 1 No. Kit for specimen extraction, consists of one each load transfer bar, steel ball, specimen extracting plate. 7) Other accessories : (a) Proving Ring capacity 50kN. (b) A dial gauge 0.01 x 25mm (c)Universal Water Bath S.S. with false bottom and pyramid shaped lid to accommodate 6 Nos. marshall specimen (d) Thermometer 0 - 250ºC x 1ºC (e) Weighing balance to measure the mass both in air and water of capacity 3kg. 8)Load shell having capacity of 25Kn and 50KN 9)LVDT having 20mm travel 10) Display arrangement facility for LVDT reading and Load shell * In complete set confirming to IS Code for Marshall Stability Test 2 Bitumen Penetrometer according to IS-1203 3 Apparatus for Ductility Test of Bitumen Apparatus with digital display and cooling confirming to IS:1208 consists of followings: 1) Briquette mould: - It is made up of brass metal. 2)Testing machine-It is an equipment which functions as a constant temperature water bath with suitable arrangement for stirring the water for attaining uniformity in temperature and a pulling device at a pre-calibrated rate. The central rod of the machine is threaded and through a gear system, provides movement to one end where the clip is fixed during initial placement. The other clip end is hooked at the fixed end of the machine .Two clips are thus pulled apart horizontally at a uniform speed of 50 ± 2.5 mm per minute .The machine may have provision to fix three number of moulds so as to test these specimens simultaneously. One complete set confirming to IS Code consist of all the above items One Water bath of approx. 10 liter volume with a perforated shelf, provided with a thermostatically controlled heater. The machine has two rates of travel i.e. 5cm/min and 1 cm/min. A clutch arrangement is provided by which the movement of the moveable bracket can be arrested or restarted without switching the motor off. Suitable to work 4 Specific gravity of bitumen Capacity: 25 ml, 50 ml Material: Glass Specific Gravity Bottle with stopper, The ordinary capillary type specific gravity bottle with a neck of 6mm diameter. The wide mouthed capillary type specific gravity bottle with a neck of 25mm diameter. *In complete set confirming to IS Code. 1202 – 1978 5 CBR of soil sub grade 1) C.B.R mould – A metallic cylinder of 150 mm internal diameter and 175 mm high, provided with a detachable metal extension collar 50 mm in height .It also has a detachable perforated base plate of 10mm thickness , the perforations being not more than 1.5 mm in diameter . It has threaded stay rods and wing nuts for assembling. 2) Steel cutting edge (collar) which a can fit flush with the mould. 3) Spacer disc – A metal disc of 148 mm diameter and 47.7 mm in height used to obtain specimen of exactly 127 .3 mm height. 4) Surcharge weight –Annular metal weights and slotted weights each of 2.5 k g (and 5 kg as spares ) and 147 mm in diameter with a central hole of 53 mm in diameter. 5) Dial gauge- dial gauges 25mm travel with accuracy of 0.01 mm 6) Penetration plunger – A metallic plunger having a diameter of 50 mm and at least 100 mm long. 7) Loading machine- capacity of at least 5000kg (50kN) equipped with a movable base which can move vertically at a rate of 1.25 mm /min and having a load measuring device like a load cell or a proving ring (50kN capacity). 8) Metal rammer – of weight i. 2.6 kg (for light compaction) and ii. 4.89 kg (for heavy compaction) for dynamic compaction. 9) Expansion measuring apparatus – perforated plate with adjustable stem, metal tripod etc. *In complete set confirming to IS Code.2720(Part-16)-1987 6 Stripping value of aggregate A circular tray rotates in a vertical plane at a rate of approximately 100 rpm. by an electrical geared motor 4 bottles of approximately 400 cc are mounted on this circular tray at an angle of 90 to each other with their mouth towards center of the tray. A time switch is provided Suitable for operation on 230 Volts A.C. single phase. Power: Hydraulic,0.75kW Voltage: 380v Material: Steel *In complete set confirming to IS Code. 6241- 1971 7 Aggregate impact testing apparatus as per IS : 2366 ( Part IV ) - 1963 8 1.7 mm IS sieve for Aggregate abrasion testing 9 Flash Point & Fire Point Test of Bitumen 1) Pensky – Marten`s closed tester consisting of following major parts confirming to IS:1209, IS 1448(Part-21) a) Cup –It is made up of brass, the inside of the cup is turned to a slightly larger diameter above the filling mark and the outside may be tapered above the flange. The flange is about 12mm in width and approximately 3mm in thickness. It is equipped with device for locating the position of the lid on the cup and the cup itself in the stove. A handle is attached to the flange of the cup. b) Lid- It includes a stirring device, cover proper, shutter and flame exposure device. Stirring device: consists of a vertical steel shaft of 2.5mm to 3mm diameter and mounted in the center of the cup. It carries two bladed brass propellers. Cover proper: is made of brass and fits the outside of the cup closely. It has four openings. Opening A has an area defined by area of two concentric circles. Openings B and C are of equal areas and approximately half the angular width of opening A. Opening D is provided to grip the thermometer collar. Shutter- 2.5 mm thick and made of brass. It is so shaped and mounted that it rotates on the axis of the horizontal center of the lid. On one extreme position, the openings A, B and C of the lid are completely closed and when in the other extreme position, these orifices are completely opened. Flame exposure device- having a tip with an opening 0.7 to 0.8 mm in diameter. The device is equipped with an operating mechanism which when the shutter is in open position, depresses the tip so that the center of orifice is between the planes of the under and the upper surfaces of the lid proper. A pilot frame for automatic relighting of the exposure flame is to be provided. c) Stove –It consists of an air bath and a top plate on which the flange of the cup rests. Air bath has a cylindrical interior, .41.3 to 42.2mm in depth. The air bath may be either a flame – heated metal casting or an electric resistance element. The top plate is made of metal and it can be attached to the air bath with the help of three screws in such a manner so as to leave an air gap. d) Thermometers: (i) For low range values, it has measurement range from – 7°C to 110°C and readable upto 0.5°C. (ii) For expected higher values of flash and fire point, thermometer having a range of 90°Cto 370°C and readable to 2°C. *In complete set confirming to IS Code 1209-1978 10 Digital infrared temp gun 11 Digital water bath 60l.capacity with controlled temp 12 Aggregate specific gravity apparatus and bulk density apparatus set up with(wiremesh bucket and cylindrical metal measure of 3l.,15l. and 30l. 13 Magnetic Stirrer with Hot Plate Maximum stirring capacity : 1000 -5000 ml, Heating power: 150 W, Stirring power: 25 W, 220 V, 50 HZ, speed: 0-2400RPM, Size: 20*15*9 cms 14Hand Held GPS 15 Absolute Kinematic Viscosity Bath with CANNON-FENSKE OPAQUE VISCOMETER (IS 1206 part 3 and part 2) Control & Instrumentation Lab (Electrical/Package/01) : Group-A : (Control)Study of a dc motor driven position control system, Study of speed torque characteristics of two phase ac servomotor and determination of its transfer function., To obtain the frequency response of a lag and lead compensator., To observe the time response of a second order process with P, PI and PID control and apply PID control to servomotor, To study and validate the controllers for a temperature control system, Group-B (Instrumentation) : To measure strain developed in a cantilever beam using strain gauges., 2 Study of temperature voltage characteristic of J type thermocouple. 3 Measurement of linear displacement using LVDT. 4 To measure unknown resistance, inductance and capacitance using different bridges.5 and Project set up 6 and Project set up 7 and Project set up Power System Lab (Electrical/Package/02) : 1 Determination of string efficiency Trainer set 2 Earth resistance measurement Unit 3 Series and shunt capacitance computation transmission line TrainerKit 4 Distribution system power factor improvement Trainer Kit 5 IDMT Over Current Relay Kit 6 Biased Differential Relay Kit 7 MHO and reactance type distance relay Kit 8 cable fault locator Basic Electrical Engineering Lab (Electrical/Package/03) : 1 Verification of Superpostion, Thevenins, Norton‟s and Max. Power Transfer Theorem. 2 Series RLC citcuit (Power measurement , Phasor diagram 3 Plotting of B-H curve of magnetic material and calculation of Hysteresis loss. 4 Power and Phase measurement in 3-phase system by 2 wattmeter method. 5 OC and SC test of 1-phase transformer. 6 Study of House wiring. (PC with CAD) Advance Computational Lab (Electrical/Package/04) : 1 Inspiron 24 5000 All-In-One Desktop (DELL ) 2 MiPower Software Full Package 3 The HOMER Pro® microgrid software by HOMER Energy 4 CCTV cameras 5 Overhead Projector with screen , Power Electronics Lab (Electrical/Package/05) : 1 Study of the V-I characteristics of SCR, TRIAC, IGBT and MOSFET. 2 Study of the Cosine controlled triggering Kit. 3 To measure the latching and holding current of a SCR. 4 Study of the single phase half wave controlled rectifier circuit with R and R-L Load 5 Study of single phase full wave controlled rectifier circuits and semi converter (mid-point and Bridge type) with R and R-L Load6 Study of three phase full wave controlled rectifier circuits (Full and Semi converter) with R and R-L Load.7 Study of the Buck converter and boost converter.8 Study of the single phase pwm voltage source inverter. 9 Study the performance of three phase VSI with PWM control using power MOSFET. 10 Study of the forward converter and flyback converter. 11 (Add-on Experiment) SCR Commutation Techniques (Class A,B,C,D And E) 12 and Project set up POWER ELECTRONICS TRAINER WITH BREAD BOARD 13 4 channel CRO 14 & Ph.D research set up, etc For Different Laboratories Of This College.