
Bids Are Invited For Euspongia - 2 , Chalina - 2 , Hippospongia - 2 , Sycon - 2 , Leucosolenia - 2 , Clathrina - 2 , Grantia - 2 , Euplectella - 2 , Hyalonema - 2 , Porpita - 2 , Adamsia - 2 , Pennatula - 2 , Rhizostoma - 2 , Alcyonium - 2 , , POONCH-Jammu And Kashmir

Department of Higher Education has published Bids Are Invited For Euspongia - 2 , Chalina - 2 , Hippospongia - 2 , Sycon - 2 , Leucosolenia - 2 , Clathrina - 2 , Grantia - 2 , Euplectella - 2 , Hyalonema - 2 , Porpita - 2 , Adamsia - 2 , Pennatula - 2 , Rhizostoma - 2 , Alcyonium - 2 , . Submission Date for this Tender is 31-12-2021. Unmanned aerial vehicle Tenders in POONCH Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Euspongia - 2 , Chalina - 2 , Hippospongia - 2 , Sycon - 2 , Leucosolenia - 2 , Clathrina - 2 , Grantia - 2 , Euplectella - 2 , Hyalonema - 2 , Porpita - 2 , Adamsia - 2 , Pennatula - 2 , Rhizostoma - 2 , Alcyonium - 2 ,
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Euspongia - 2 , Chalina - 2 , Hippospongia - 2 , Sycon - 2 , Leucosolenia - 2 , Clathrina - 2 , Grantia - 2 , Euplectella - 2 , Hyalonema - 2 , Porpita - 2 , Adamsia - 2 , Pennatula - 2 , Rhizostoma - 2 , Alcyonium - 2 , Fasciola - 2 , Dugesia - 2 , Taenia Saginata - 2 , Echinococcus - 2 , Dactylogyrus ( Fish Fluke ) - 2 , Ancylostoma - 2 , Neries - 2 , Arenicola - 1 , Earthworm - 2 , Leech - 2 , Pantobdells - 1 , Bonellia Male And Female - 2 , Peripatus - 1 , Astracus ( Cray Fish ) - 2 , Apus - 2 , Prawn - 2 , Sacculina - 2 , Squilla - 2 , Hermit Crab ( Eupagurus ) - 2 , Calappa Crab - 2 , Lobster - 2 , Cancer ( Crab ) - 2 , Lepas Colony - 2 , Gammarus ( Shrimp ) - 2 , Honey Bee Queen, Drone & Worker - 2 , Silk Worm Life Cycle - 2 , Cockroach - 2 , Firefly - 2 , Grasshopper - 2 , Cicada - 2 , Loust ( Short Horned Grasshopper ) - 2 , Drosophila - 2 , Bubble Bee - 2 , Earwing - 2 , Aphid - 2 , Daphnia - 2 , Mysis - 2 , Thenus - 2 , Jewel Beetle - 2 , Leaf Insect - 2 , Lepisma - 2 , May Fly - 2 , Ostrea - 2 , Mytillus - 2 , Pectin - 2 , Pinctada, ( Pearl Oyster - 2 , Aplysia - 2 , Patella - 2 , Lymnaea - 2 , Helix - 2 , Limax - 2 , Chiton - 2 , Planorbis - 2 , Sepia - 2 , Lingula - 2 , Mya Shell - 2 , Ophiderma ( Brittle Star ) - 2 , Echinus ( Sea Urchin ) - 2 , Clypeaster - 2 , Heart Urchin - 2 , Astropecten - 2 , Echinoides - 2 , Herdmania - 2 , Balanoglossus - 2 , Ammocoete Larva - 1 , Myxine - 1 , Torpedo ( Electric Ray ) - 2 , Astrape - 2 , Scoliodon - 2 , Pristis - 1 , Barbus - 2 , Clarias - 2 , Catla Catla - 2 , Mystus - 2 , Rita Rita - 2 , Botia - 2 , Wallago - 2 , Schizothorax - 2 , Polypterus - 1 , Anguilla ( Eel ) - 2 , Amia Calva - 1 , Anabas - 2 , Channa - 2 , Notopterus - 2 , Salmon - 2 , Hilsa - 2 , Exocoetus - 2 , Tetradon - 2 , Fistularia ( Flute Fish ) - 2 , Chimaera - 1 , Antennarius ( Angler Fish ) - 2 , Belone - 2 , Ophiocephalus - 2 , Protopterus - 1 , Lepidosteus - 1 , Glass Fish - 2 , Chela Fish - 2 , Cod Fish - 2 , Clupea - 2 , Diodon - 2 , Cynoglossus - 2 , Flat Fish - 2 , Pleuronectes - 2 , Hemiramphus - 2 , Mackerel - 2 , Mugil - 2 , Pterois ( Lion Fish ) - 2 , Saccobranchus - 2 , Sturgeon - 1 , Synaptura - 2 , Trichogaster - 2 , Hyla - 2 , Axolotol Larva - 1 , Necturus - 1 , Black Rat - 2 , Sea Anemone On Hermit Crab - 2 , Hermit Crab With Shell - 2 , Types Of Claws In Birds - 2 , Types Ofbeaks In Birds - 2 , Mammalian Adrenal Gland Ts - 4 , Mammalian Pituitary Gland Ts - 4 , Mammalian Thyroid Gland Ts - 4 , Mammalian Mature Ovary Ts - 4 , Mammalian Pancreas Ts - 4 , Mammalian Testis Ts - 4 , Mammalian Thymus Gland Ts - 4 , Mammalian Liver Gland Ts - 4 , T.S Of Salivary Gland - 4 , T.S Of Mammary Gland - 4 , Blood Smear - 4 , Spleen - 4 , Duodenum - 4 , Intestine - 4 , Bone - 4 , Cartilage - 4 , Spinal Cord - 4 , Voluntary Muscle Fibres - 4 , Striated Muscles - 4 , Unstriated Muscles - 4 , T.S Of Lung - 4 , 13Hrs Stage - 3 , 18Hrs Stage - 3 , 21 Hrs Stage Wm - 3 , 24 Hrs Stage Wm - 3 , 30 Hrs Stage Wm - 3 , 33 Hrs Stage Wm - 3 , 36 Hrs Stage Wm - 3 , 38Hrs Stage Wm - 3 , 42Hrs Stage Wm - 3 , 48 Hrs Stage Wm - 3 , 53Hrs Stage Wm - 3 , 58Hrs Stage Wm - 3 , 64Hrs Stage Wm - 3 , 68Hrs Stage Wm - 3 , 72 Hrs Stage Wm - 3 , 84Hrs Stage Wm - 3 , 96 Hrs Stage Wm - 3 , 120 Hrs Wm - 3 , Sheep Embryo - 2 , Each Stage Of Meiosis - 3 , Each Stage Of Mitosis - 3 , Scales Of Fishes ( Slides ) - 3 , Placoid Scale - 4 , Ctenoid Scales - 4 , Cycloid - 4 , Spicules Of Spongilla ( Slide ) - 2 , Gemmule ( Slide ) - 2 , Vortecella ( Slide ) - 4 , Paramecium ( Slide ) - 4 , Paramecium Conjugation - 4 , Entamoeba Histolytica - 4 , Amoeba Proteus - 4 , Volvox - 4 , Trypanosoma - 4 , Euglena - 4 , Leishmania Donovani - 4 , Leishmania Tropica - 4 , Plasmodium Vivax - 4 , Malarial Parasite - 4 , Signet Ring Stage - 4 , Hydra ( Slide ) - 4 , Obelia ( Slide ) - 4 , Bed Bug ( Slide ) - 4 , Mite ( Sarcoptes ) ( Slide ) - 4 , Ixode ( Sheep Tick ) - 4 , Ancyclostoma Specimen And Slide ( W.M ) - 4 , Amphoixus Oral Hood, Pharynx, Intestine, Artrium, Gonad Region ( Slide ) Two Each - 2 , Amhioxus ( W.M ) - 3 , Slide Caninet For 1000 Slides - 1 Total Quantity : 1

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