
Bids Are invited for soil investigation - 1. M&L for soil investigation to carry wt. bore at 150mm dia with depth at 10m. Soil investigation should beas per IS 1892-1975. Undisturbed soil samples shall becollected at 1.5m interval and at every change of s-Maharashtra

Indian Army has published Bids Are invited for soil investigation - 1. M&L for soil investigation to carry wt. bore at 150mm dia with depth at 10m. Soil investigation should beas per IS 1892-1975. Undisturbed soil samples shall becollected at 1.5m interval and at every change of s. Submission Date for this Tender is 28-12-2021. Soil Survey Tenders in Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are invited for soil investigation - 1. M&L for soil investigation to carry wt. bore at 150mm dia with depth at 10m. Soil investigation should beas per IS 1892-1975. Undisturbed soil samples shall becollected at 1.5m interval and at every change of s
Open Tender

Tender Details

Bids Are invited for soil investigation - 1. M&L for soil investigation to carry wt. bore at 150mm dia with depth at 10m. Soil investigation should beas per IS 1892-1975. Undisturbed soil samples shall becollected at 1.5m interval and at every change of state SPT shall be done till N Value of 50 or refusal whichever is earliear as per IS-1892 (Clause, drilling for 3.0m depth inside the rock is essential to ensure bouldas or layers at cemented soil are not mistaken for rock. soil investigation report shall includes following details & should be submitted in 04x Copies duly signed by qualified engineer with degree M. Tech having experince ofMinimum 02 Years. The Name, desigation and qualification at the signatory shall be cleary specify. Soil investigation report shall include following details ;-(a)Grain size analysis, indetification & classification of soil.(b)Unit weight (bulk density), natural moisture content liquid limit, plastic limit, shrinkage limit, plasticityindex, specific gravity, dry density and degree of saturation of soil. (c)Differential free swell index (%) & swelling pressure if expansive soil is encountered. (d)Shear Parameters (C-Phi Analysis). (e)Consolidation test (for cohesive soil only). (f)Chamical Analysis of soil and ground water (Water to be obtained from bottom of the bore hole). Depth of water table below GL. , as above - (g)Presence of loose soil if any, and its depth. (h)If weak soil with lesser N Value as specified in table-1 of IS 1893 (Part -I) 2016 is encountered then evaluation of liquefaction potential shall be assessed and remedial actions to be adopted shall be specified. (j)Crushing strength, degree of weathering (CR Value) and RQD of rock samples. (k) For open foundations calculation of Net SBC at 1.5m, 2.0m, 2.5m, 3.0m from shear as well as settlement criteria SBC VALUE Shall be calculated based on C-Phi analysis as well as SPT Value for calculation formulae given in IS : 6403 Shall be used. (l) Wherever pile founda

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Tender Value
INR 2.76 Lakhs /-
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