
E-Nit 49 Gmca Of 2021 Tender For The Supply Of Drugs And Medical Consumables , Name Of The Drugs / Disposables / Medical Consumables , A V Tubing ( Blood Lines ) , Abo Gel Cards ( Matrix Rev Card 1*24 , Ac Lenses A / S , Acetone Liquid , Ahg Combs, MMABM HOSPITAL GMC, ANANTNAG-Jammu And Kashmir

Government Medical College has published E-Nit 49 Gmca Of 2021 Tender For The Supply Of Drugs And Medical Consumables , Name Of The Drugs / Disposables / Medical Consumables , A V Tubing ( Blood Lines ) , Abo Gel Cards ( Matrix Rev Card 1*24 , Ac Lenses A / S , Acetone Liquid , Ahg Combs. Submission Date for this Tender is 10-01-2022. Medicine Tenders in MMABM HOSPITAL GMC, ANANTNAG Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : E-Nit 49 Gmca Of 2021 Tender For The Supply Of Drugs And Medical Consumables , Name Of The Drugs / Disposables / Medical Consumables , A V Tubing ( Blood Lines ) , Abo Gel Cards ( Matrix Rev Card 1*24 , Ac Lenses A / S , Acetone Liquid , Ahg Combs
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir
Mmabm Hospital Gmc, Anantnag

Tender Details

E-Nit 49 Gmca Of 2021 Tender For The Supply Of Drugs And Medical Consumables , Name Of The Drugs / Disposables / Medical Consumables , A V Tubing ( Blood Lines ) , Abo Gel Cards ( Matrix Rev Card 1*24 , Ac Lenses A / S , Acetone Liquid , Ahg Combs Sere 5Ml , Ahg Gel Cards ( Matrix Ahg Card 1*24 , Alcohol Swab 1*100 , Alcon Phaco Tip 30 , Anti Sera A1 , Anti Sera Ab , Anti Sera Abd , Arterial Catheters , Av Fistulla Nedle 17G , Band Aid 1*1001*100 , Bandage Cloth , Bandage Rolled 10Cm*5Mts , Bi-Pap Masks , Blood Transfusion Sets , Cannula 27G , Casco Balls , Catgut A / S , Catgut Chromic S.2.0 4241 , Catgut Chromic S.3.0 4237 , Cell Clean / Probe Clean ( Sysmax 1*50Ml , Cell Pack Na+K Mannual , Cfas 12*3Ml Cat , Cfas Hba1c 3*2Ml , Cfas Lipids 3*1Ml Cat , Chamber 100Ml , Check Retracting Pediat.Instru , Check Retractors Adult Instrum , Chest Drainag Catheter / Tub A / S , Chest Drainage Bag , Childhood Autism Rating Scale , Chol Hico Gen.2 400T Cobas Int , Ciprofloxcin Eye Drops , Circonim Thread 3-0 , Citrosterile 5 Ltr Cane , Cleanac , Cleanac Pack For Na+K , Cleance 3 , Cleancell Elecsys Cob 6*380Ml , Cleaner Erba H360 , Close Wound Drainage Devic A / S , Cobas Cup Intega With Hole , Cobas Intgra Cleaner Cat. , Composite Finishing Kit , Composite Kit ( Light Care ) , Conners 3 Handsc With Dsm-5 Set , Control For Cbc , Control Kit ( Sysmax ) , Cotton Absorbent 500Gm , Cotton Buds , Cotton Holders Aluminum Cotton , Cough Expectoran , Cover Glass ( Cover Slips ) Box , Cpd Bags ( Blood Bag ) , Cpitn Probe Who Trinit 621 Pro , Crape Bandage 10Cm*4M , Crape Bandage 15Cm*4M , Creaj Gen.2 700T C0bas Int , Creatinine 240Ml Mannaul , Creatinine Kit , Crescent , Crown & Bridge Terminating P.K , Crown And Bridge Cutting Bur , Crp Omega 100 / 50 / 25T , Cyclogyl Eye Drops , Daily Cleaning Solution , Dialyser F6 Hps , Dialyser Fx8 , Diamond Burs , Diasafe Plus Fliter , Diclofenac Suppositories , Diluent Erba H360 , Diluent / Cell Pack , Dispo Endotracheal.T A / S Cufed , Dispo Endotracheal.T A / S Plain , Dispo Esr Tubes , Dispo Face Mask , Dispo Face Masks N-95 , Dispo Glass ( Pack ) , Dispo Gown , Dispo Laryngel Mask A.Ways S.2 , Dispo Laryngel Mask A.Ways S.3 , Dispo Laryngel Mask A.Ways S.4 , Dispo Laryngel Mask A.Ways S.5 , Dispo Molina Sheets , Dispo Needles 26G 1*100 , Dispo Nursing Caps , Dispo Shoes Cover , Dispo Skin Traction Set , Dispo Syring 10 Ml1*50 , Dispo Syring 1Ml1*100 , Dispo Syring 20Ml 1*25 , Dispo Syring 2Ml1*100 , Dispo Syring 3Ml1*100 , Dispo Syring 50Ml 1*25 , Dispo Syring 5Ml1*100 , Dispo Tongue Depressor , Dispo Triple Layer Mask , Dispo Vantilater Cercuit A / S , Distilled Water 1*5Ltr Cn 1*5Ltr , Distilled Water Tube 10Ml , Double J Stunt , Dressing Pad 10*10Cm , Dressing Pad 10*20Cm , Dressing Pad 20*10Cm , Dressing Pad 20*20Cm , Dressing Pad 5X5 , Dressing Primapore , Drip Set , Dropper Alpha , Dst-J India Kit , Dycal Paste , Dycal Root Canal Sealeant , Dyslexia Early Screening Test , Ear Buds , Early Reading Assessment Kit , Ecg Electrodes , Ecg Jelly , Ecg Paper Bpl , Ecg Paper Edan , Ecg Paper Eli 100 , Ecg Paper Mac 400 , Ecg Paper Rms , Edta Tubes , Elastic Adhesive Bandage 10Cm , Elastic Adhesive Bandage 8Cm , Elyte-2P ( Sodium Potassium ) 15T , Entry Blade , Esbachs Reagent , Esr Tubes , Et Tubes , Ethanol 500Ml , Ethyl Alcohol 70% , Ethyl Alcohol 99.9% , Euginol , Examination Gloves1*100 , Extension Line Assorted , Eye Drapes , Eye Drops Cyclopentoate , Eye Drops Moxifloxacin 5Ml , Eye Drops Tabramysin , Eye Drops Tropcamide , Eye Pad , F2 Glp Kit 0.2 1000 Thermo , F2 Multi Channel Pipette ( 8C ) , Face Mask With Viser ( P Of Eyes , Face Shield , Falcon Tube , Feeding Tube Assorted , Femoral Catheter , Finger Pluggers 15-40 , Flexometalic Pvc Cuffed Tube , Flux ( Dental ) , Fogging Solution Z Pro , Foldable Lenses A / S , Folleys Catheter A / S , Formacreasol1 No , Formalin Liquid 10Ltr , Formalline Liquid 5 Ltr , G Kit , Gargle Povidine Iodine , Gauze ( Cloth ) 1*1 , Gemsa Stain , Gic Filling , Gilliam Autism Rating Scale Kit , Glass Slides 1*50 / 100 , Gloves Post Partum A / S , Gluc Hk Gen.3 800T Cobas Int , Gluco Meter , Gluco Strips , Glucometer Dialysis Sec. , Glucometer Strips , Glucometer Strips Dialysis Se 1*50 , Glycerin 100Ml , Glycerin 400Gm , Gp Solvent Bottle 10-15Ml , Guide Wire J Tip , Guide Wire St Tip , Gutta Parcha A / S , Gutta Purcha 45-80 , H Files 15-40 , Haemo Bicarb Bc-25 A+B ( 10Ltr ) , Haemobicarb Bc 27 K Free , Haemobicarb Bc-26 , Hair Remover Razor , Halothene Liquid , Hand Sanitizer 100Ml , Hand Wash , Hand Wash 100Ml , Hand-Santizer 500Ml , Hb Meter , Hb Strip 1*50 1*50 / 100 , Hba1c Test , Hba1c Tq A1cd-2 Integra , Hba1c Tq Gen.3 150T , Hbsag Cards , Hbsag Elisa , Hcv Cards , Hcv Elisa , Hcv Kit ( G Kit ) , Hdl.C Gen.4 350T Cobas Int , Headstorm Files , Hemolynace 3N ( Lyse ) 500Ml , High Flow Masks , Hip Drape , Hitachi Cup , Hiv Cards , Hiv Elisa , Hiviral Transport Kit ( High ) 1*50 , Housing Kit ( Ref. Electrode ) , Hydrogen Peroxide , Hydrophilic Foldable Lens A / S , Hyprosol Pfs , Infant Feeding Tube A / S , Inj Cefperazone 1Gm , Inj.Acyclovir 250 / 500Mg , Inj.Adenosine , Inj.Adernaline1*50 , Inj.Albumin 20% 100Ml , Inj.Amidrone , Inj.Amikacin 100Mg , Inj.Amikacin 250Mg , Inj.Amikacin 500Mg , Inj.Amino-Acid 250Ml , Inj.Aminophylline , Inj.Amoxaline Calvinac 1.2Gm , Inj.Amoxilline Cv 625Mg , Inj.Amoxycillin+Clavunic ( Ja ) , Inj.Ampicelin 500Gm , Inj.Anti Snake Venom , Inj.Arv , Inj.Atropine Sulphate , Inj.Atropine Sulphate 0.6 ( Ja ) , Inj.Attracurium , Inj.Avil , Inj.B Benzyle Pencillin 12Lac , Inj.Betamathasone , Inj.Biphasic Insulin 30 / 70 , Inj.Bupivaccain , Inj.Bupiviccain Heavy , Inj.Buscopan , Inj.Calcium Gluconate , Inj.Cefaparazone Salbectum , Inj.Cefipine , Inj.Cefotaxime 125 Mg , Inj.Cefotaxime 1Gm , Inj.Cefotaxime 500Mg , Inj.Cefotaxime+Sulbactam ( Ja ) , Inj.Cefotaxoime 250Mg , Inj.Cefperazone 1Gm , Inj.Ceftazidime 250Mg , Inj.Ceftazidime Tazobactum , Inj.Ceftraxone 250 , Inj.Ceftriaxone 1Gm , Inj.Ceftriaxone 1Gm ( Ja ) , Inj.Ceftriaxone 500Mg , Inj.Ceftriaxone Sulbactam ( Ja ) , Inj.Ceftriaxone+Sulbactam 1.5G , Inj.Ceftriaxone+Tezobactum1.25 , Inj.Cefuroxime 1.5Gm , Inj.Ciprofloxacin 100Ml , Inj.Ciprofloxacin 2Mg ( Ja ) , Inj.Clindamycin 300Mg , Inj.Clindamysin 600Mg , Inj.Colistin , Inj.Delzium , Inj.Dexamethasone , Inj.Dexamethasone 4Mg ( Ja ) , Inj.Dextrose 10% , Inj.Dextrose 25% , Inj.Dextrose 5% , Inj.Dextrose Normal Sline , Inj.Diazepam , Inj.Diclofenac Sodium , Inj.Dicyclomin , Inj.Digixion , Inj.Distilled Water 10Ml Tube , Inj.Dopamine , Inj.Drotaverine Hydrochloride , Inj.Dubatamine , Inj.Dubutamine 250Mg ( Ja ) , Inj.Enoxaparin 40Mg , Inj.Enoxapirin 60Mg , Inj. Ephedrine , Inj.Eptoin ( Phentoin ) , Inj.Erythropotin 10000Iu , Inj.Erythropotin 4000 Iu , Inj.Esmolal , Inj.Ethamsylate , Inj.Etophylline+Theophylline , Inj.Fhentaynil , Inj.Frusemide ( Lasix ) , Inj.Frusemide 10Mg ( Ja ) , Inj.Gentamycin 2Ml , Inj.Gentamycin Sulphate ( Ja ) , Inj.Glycopyrate , Inj.Haemaccel , Inj.Haloperidol 5Mg , Inj.Heparin 25000Iu , Inj.Heparin Sodium 1000Iu ( Ja ) , Inj.Heparin Sodium 5000Iu , Inj.Hydrocatosone 100Mg , Inj.Hynadase ( Hylase ) , Inj.Hyoscine Butyl Bromide , Inj.Influnza Vaccine 1*5 Dose 1*5 , Inj.Infusion Orinadizole , Inj.Insulin 30 / 70 , Inj.Insulin 40Iu Solubile ( R ) , Inj.Insulin Recombinant ( R ) ( Ja ) , Inj.Ironsucrose , Inj.Isolyte P 1*25 , Inj. Isoflurane 250 Ml , Inj.Isophane Insulin 40Mg ( N ) , Inj.Isoprenaline , Inj.Ketamine , Inj.Ketorolac 30Mg ( Ja ) , Inj.Labetalol 5Mg ( Ja ) , Inj.Labetilol , Inj.Levetiracetam 500Mg , Inj.Levocarnitine 500Mg , Inj.Levofloxacin Infusion , Inj.Linezolid , Inj.Linezolid 600Mg ( Ja ) , Inj.Linzolid 100Ml , Inj.Liposomal Amphotericin-B , Inj.Lorazepam 4Mg , Inj.Magnisium Sulphate , Inj.Manitol 100Ml , Inj.Manitol 20% 100Ml , Inj.Manitol 20% 350 Ml ( Ja ) , Inj.Mephentermine , Inj.Meropenum 1.5Gm , Inj.Meropenum 125Mg , Inj.Meropenum 1Gm , Inj.Meropenum 1Gm ( Ja ) , Inj.Meropenum 500Mg , Inj.Metachloropromide , Inj.Methylergometrine , Inj.Methylprednisalone 500Mg , Inj.Methylprednisolone 1Gm , Inj.Methylprednisolone 40Mg , Inj.Metoprolal 50 , Inj.Metronidazole 100Ml 1*100 , Inj.Metronidazole 50Mg ( Ja ) , Inj.Midazolam , Inj.Mitomycin C 2Mg , Inj.Moxifloxin 100Ml , Inj.Myopyralate , Inj.Neostigmine , Inj.Niparin , Inj.Nitroglycerine , Inj.Nitroprussde , Inj.Nor-Adrenaline 4Mg , Inj.Noradrenaline 2Mg / Ml 2Ml , Inj.Normal Saline 100Ml , Inj.Normal Saline 3% 100Ml , Inj.Normal Saline 500Ml , Inj.Nvm Forte , Inj.Octreotide , Inj.Olanzapine 10Mg , Inj.Ondaseteron 2Mg / Ml , Inj.Ondenstron 8Mg , Inj.Oxytocin , Inj.Pam , Inj.Pantoprazole 40 Mg , Inj.Parecetamol Ifusion 100Ml , Inj. Pcm Suppositories , Inj.Pcm 2Ml , Inj.Pentazocine Lactate , Inj.Phenaramine Malaete , Inj.Pilocarpine , Inj.Pipercillin+Tazobactum Ja , Inj.Pipercillin+Tb 1.125 , Inj.Pipercillin+Tezobactum4.5G , Inj.Piroxican 2Ml , Inj.Potchlor , Inj.Prochloroperazine , Inj.Promethazine , Inj.Propofol 100Mg , Inj.Propofol 200Mg20ml , Inj.Pylocarpile , Inj.Rabies Anti Serum , Inj.Rantidine , Inj.Remdisvir 100Mg , Inj.Ringer Lactate , Inj. Ropin 0.5% , Inj.Sodium Bicarbonate , Inj.Spasmforte , Inj.Stimatil , Inj.Stp ( Thiopentone ) 500Mg , Inj.Streptokanese , Inj.Succinylcholine , Inj.Superpass , Inj.T.Toxide , Inj.Thiamine , Inj.Tinidazole , Inj.Tramadol , Inj.Tranxamic Acid , Inj.Trigecycline , Inj.Vancomycin 1Gm , Inj.Vancomycin 500Mg , Inj.Vatiman-K , Inj.Vecuronium Bromide , Inj.Xylocaine 2% , Inj.Xylocaine 2% ( Ja ) , Inj.Xylocaine 4% , Inj.Xylocaine With Adrenalline , Inj.Xylocard , Intasol 500Ml , Intasvisc Ppf , Integra Microcuvetten , Introducer Needle 18G , Io Lenses A / S , Io Lenses Rigid , Ise Cleaning Solution 5*100Ml , Ise Deproteinizer Cobas Intg. , Isoflurene Liquid 250Ml , Isoflurene Liquid 30Ml , Isotonic Sol ( Diluent ) 18Ltr , Iv Dressing Pu All Sizes ( Sd117 , Johnson Buds , K Filesa / S , K Nit Files A / S , K3 Edta Vacutainer , Keratom , Kit Maintenance 1400 / 400Plus , Kit Maintenance E2010 / E411 12 , Kit Maintenance E210 / E411 6M , L.P Needles , Labels , Lamp Halogen 12.V , Lancets 1*100 / 200 , Ldhi Gen 2 300.T Cobas Intg , Ldl.C Gen3.200T Cobas Int , Leshimans Stain , Lipase ( Lipc ) , Liquid Paraffin 100Ml , Liquid Paraffin 500Ml , Lotion Calamine 50Ml , Lotion Gamabanzine ( Lindaline ) , Lyse 500Ml1*500Ml , Lyse Erba H360 , Macantash 1*25Mtr , Malaria Ab Cards ( M.P Cards ) , Mango / Pomegranate Juice Pack , Matrix Lyss 1*250Ml , May And Grunwald Stain , Mercury Pure Dental , Mersilk 1 C.No 5062 , Mersilk 2.0 C 5036 , Mersilk 3.0 C.No Nw 5003 , Mersilk S. 5000 4226 3347 , Mersilk Size 5.0 C 5079 , Methnol Solution , Methyl Celulose 3Ml , Micro Motor Burs R / S , Micro Pipette 10-100 , Micro Pipette 100-1000 , Micro Tips Big , Micro Tips Dna / Rna 1000Ul , Micro Tips Dna / Rna 10Ul , Micro Tips Dna / Rna 200Ul , Micro Tips Dna / Rna 20Ul , Micro Tips Small , Mineral Trioxide Aggregate , Mini Mental State Examination Kit , Monofilament 70Cm S.3.0 Sm036 , Monofilament Black 100C Nw3347 , Monofilament Black S.2.0 3336 , Monofilament Black S.4.0 3319 , Monofilament Size 4 Sm008 , Mount Mirer Top Packet Stainle , Mouth Paint Clothrimazole , Moxifloxin Dx E / D , Moxifloxin E / D , Moxifloxin E / O , Mucous Extractor Sterile.Dispo , Multi Sticks ( Aspen ) 1*100 , Multi-Channel M / Pipet 10-100Ul , Multichamber Urinary Drug , Murcury , Mvr 20 G , N 95 Masks ( Disposible ) , N / 10 Hcl 500Ml , Na+K Electrodeeach , Nasal Air Ways A / S , Nasal Oxygen Peadiatric , Nasal Oxygen Set Adult , Needle Destroyer , Nepaphenac E / D , Nephro Bicarb K , Niti Open Coil Spring , Nitrile Gloves A / S , Nubelizer Masks A / S , Oint.Heparin Sod. Benzyl Nico. , Oint.Muprocin , Oint.Soframycin , Ointment Beclamethasone , Ointment Povidine Iodine 15Gm , Ointment Povidone Iodine 30Gm , Oral Airways ( Guidal Airways ) , Orometer Kit , Ors Powder , Orthodontic Bracket Bonding , Oxygen Masks A / S , Paper Point Indivadula S.15-80 , Paper Tapea / S , Paper Tape Sarapore , Parafilm , Patient Drapes , Pc Clinchem Multi 5Ml , Pc Hba1c Path ( Hba1c Control ) , Pc Troponin Elecsys , Pc Universal 2Ml , Peritoneal Dialysis Adm Set , Peritoneal Dialysis Adm. Set , Personal Protection Kit , Phenyl Liquid Cane 1*5Ltr 1*5Ltr , Phenytion Sodium 25Mg / 1Ml 200M , Photo Articulation Test Kit , Pit & Tissue Sealant Syringe K , Plain Catheter K-90 A / S , Plain Towel , Poligiecaprone S 2.0 C.No 1602 , Poliglecaprone 3.0 1326 , Polycaxone Holel 9245 , Polydioaxnone Size 1 9352 , Polydioaxnone Size 1 Nw9262 , Polydioaxnone Violet S.1 9248 , Polyglactin 1.0 2338 , Polyglactin 90Cm Nw2347 , Polyglactin 910 S.1.0 2346 , Polyglactin 910 S.2.0 2341 , Polyglactin Braided S.20 2762 , Polyglactin Mm2.0 2317 Sm016 , Polyglactin S.1 Sm149 , Polyglactin S.3.0 2637 , Polyglactin Size 3.0 2437 , Polygleapron 1602 , Polyproplene S-A 15Cm Sm207 , Polypropylene Blue 1.0 833 , Polypropylene Blue 1.0 846 , Polypropylene Blue 3.0 852 , Polypropylene Blue 5.0 889 , Polypropylene Blue 6.0 872 , Polypropylene Blue 8346 , Polypropylene Blue 844 , Polypropylene Blue 846 , Polypropylene Blue 870 , Polypropylene Blue S.1 834 , Polypropylene Blue S.1 843 , Polypropylene Blue S.1.0 830 , Polypropylene Blue S.2.0 844 , Polypropylene Blue S.3.0 800 , Polypropylene Blue S.3.0 820 , Polypropylene Blue S.5.0 180 , Polypropylene Blue S.5.0 892 , Polypropylene Mesh 15Cm Sm201a , Polypropylene Mesh Sm 200 , Polyzen-D E / D , Pop Bags , Pop Plaster A / S , Post Martam Bags1*5 , Povidine Iodine 2Ltr , Povidine Iodine Scrub 100Ml , Povidine Iodine Sol 5% 100Ml , Povidine Iodine Sol.10% 100Ml , Povidine Iodine Sol.5% 500Ml , Povidine Iodine10%Lotion 500Ml , Povidine Iodine7.5% Scrub500ml , Ppe Kit , Ppe Suits , Precicontrol Clinchem Multi 1 , Precicontrol Universal 2*2Ml , Pressure Infusion Bag 1 Ltr 1 Ltr , Pressure Infusion Bag 1.5 Ltr 1.5 Ltr , Pressure Infusion Bag 500Ml , Pressure Transducer , Probe Set Integra 400 , Procell Elecsys Cob 6*380Ml , Proctolysis Enema , Prolene 1.0 C.N0 Nw830 , Prolene 2.0 Cd 844 , Prolene Mesh A / S , Prophylaxes Paste 100Gm , Pulp Devitalizing Agent , Pvc Gloves , Qiaamp Viral Rna Extraction , Radiopaque Glass Inomer R.Matr , Rapid Antigen Kit , Re-Breathing Bag 0.5 Ltr , Re-Breathing Bag 1 Ltr , Re-Breathing Bag 1.5 Ltr , Re-Breathing Bag 2 Ltr , Reagent Pack Sensacore ( Na+K ) , Real Time Pcr Meril Covid-19Strip , Receptive Expressive Emergent , Red Top / Clot Act 1*100 , Reference Electrode , Reference Ifs Sensacore , Rf 100 Tests , Rf 25Tests1*25 , Rna Extraction Kit Covid-19 , Rna Genemag Purification Kit , Rna Hipur Purification Kit , Rpr Tests , Rubber Dam Sheet 5*5 Inch , Ryles Tube Pvc A / S , Salbair , Salbutamol Inhalation 100Mg , Saline Nasal Drops , Savlon Lotion , Scalp Vein Set , Screw Caped Containers , Self Etching Bond 7Th Instrume , Sensacore Quality Control , Separators ( Dental ) , Sgot K75 Mi Tulip , Sgpt 75 Mi Tulip , Shepherded Hook Expololer Doub , Signal Lock , Silicon Impression Material Li , Silicon Tube , Silk Black Braided S.1 5062 , Silk Black Braided S.1 Sm080 , Silk Black Braided S.3.0 5087 , Silk Black Braided S.5.0 5079 , Silk Black Branded 3.0 5085 , Silk Black Branded 4.0 5082 , Silk Black Branded S.1.0 5037 , Silk Black Branded S.1.0 5332 , Silk Black Branded S.2.0 5036 , Silk Black Branded S.3.0 5028 , Silk Thread 10.0 , Silk Thread 2.0 3347 On Needle , Silk Thread 5062 , Silk Thread Bb 1.0C.No 8241*6 , Silk Thread Bb 3.0 C.No 822 1*6 , Silk Thread Bb S.1 825 , Silk Thread Bb Size 2 C 826 1*6 , Silk Thread Bb Size 2.0 C 823 1*6 , Silver Amalgum , Silver Nitrate , Silver Sulphadiazine 500Gm , Silver Sulphadizine 50Gm , Simco Bulb , Simco Cannula Dispo A / S , Simco Cannula Mrtalic , Slide Labels , Sm.39 Black Monofilament S1 ( 39 , Soap , Sodalime 5Kg , Sodium Hypochlorite 10% 1*5Lt 1*5Ltr , Sodium Hypocholorite Dialysis 1*10Ltr , Sodium Hypochrlorite 5% 1*5Ltr , Soft Rolls Cotton , Sol.Glularaidehyde 5Lts ( Cidex , Solution Amino Acid 200Ml ( Ja ) , Solution Glutaral Disinfectan 1*1 , Solution Salbutamol Nebuliser , Spine Drape , Spirit ( Ltr ) , Spirit Lamp , Spreader , St K Electrode , St Na Electrode , Stainless Steel Bracket Kits , Standard Q Strip Covid-19 Strip , Stomach Syphon , Stromatolyser ( Sysmex ) Wh1*500 , Stupack Surg S Bb 1.0 C.N0 214 , Stupack Surg S Bb 2.0 C.No 212 , Stupack Surg Silk 2 Bb C.No 21 , Stupack Surg Silk Bb 1 C.No215 , Stupack Surg Silk Bb 3.0 C212 , Stuttering Severity Instrument , Suction Catheter ( Dispo ) , Suction Set Standered ( Dispo ) , Sun Boards , Surgical Glovesa / S ( Pair ) , Surgical Gloves 7Size , Surgical Pad , Sutupack S.S Size1.0 C214 ( 137 ) , Sutupack Surgical S S.2.0 213 , Sutupack Surgical Silk 3.0 212 , Sutupack Surgical Silk S.1 215 , Sutupack Surgical Silk S.2 216 , Suturing Needles , Syp.Ammonium Chlorid Cough , Syp.Ascoril-D , Syp.Carbamazepine , Syp.Dextromethorphan , Syp.Fluoxetine , Syp.Ibuprofen , Syp.Levetiracetam , Syp.Levocarnitine 30Ml , Syp.Loose , Syp.Oxcarbazepine , Syp.Paracetamol 60Ml , Syp.Pirecetan 100Ml , Syp.Resperidone , Syp.Sodium Volprate 100Ml , Syp.Vitamin A 100Ml , Syr.Salbutamol , Sys Wash Elecsys Cobas , T3 Cs Elecsys , T3 Elecsys Cobas E.200T , T4 Cs Elecsys V2 Cat. , T4 Elecsys Cobas E.200T , Tab.Aceclofenac 100Mg , Tab.Aceclofenac Seratiop 100Mg , Tab.Aceclofenac+Pcm 325Mg , Tab.Acelofenac+Seratiopepdase , Tab.Acyclovir 200Mg , Tab.Acyclovir 400Mg , Tab.Acyclovir 800Mg , Tab.Albendazole 400Mg , Tab.Alprazolam 0.25Mg , Tab.Alprozolam 0.5Mg , Tab.Amidarone 200Mg ( Ja ) Strip , Tab.Amisulpride 50Mg , Tab.Amlodepin 10Mg , Tab.Amlodepin 5Mg , Tab.Amlodepin+Atenolol , Tab.Amlodepin+Atenolol 25Mg J Strip , Tab.Amlodepin+Atenolol 50Mg J Strip , Tab.Amlodepine 2.5Mg , Tab.Amlodipine+Hydrochloro Ja Strip , Tab.Amoxcillin+Cv 375Mg , Tab.Amoxycillin+Clavulanic 625 , Tab.Amoxycillin+Cluvanic ( Ja ) , Tab.Ascorbic Acid , Tab.Aspirin 75Mg , Tab.Asprin 75Mg ( Ja ) Strip , Tab.Atenolol 50Mg , Tab.Atravastin 20Mg , Tab.Atravastin 40Mg , Tab.Azithromycin 250 , Tab.Azithromycin 500Mg , Tab.Cabagolin , Tab.Calcium 500Mg , Tab.Carbamazepine 200Mg , Tab.Carvidilol 6.25Mg , Tab.Cefixme 200Mg , Tab.Cefodoximin , Tab.Cefodoximin 200Mg , Tab.Cefuroxime 250Mg , Tab.Cefuroxime 500Mg , Tab.Cetirizine 10Mg , Tab.Chlorodiazipoxide 25Mg , Tab.Chlorzoxazone & Diclofenac , Tab.Cholorodiazepoxide 10Mg , Tab.Chymoral Plus ( Trypsin ) , Tab.Ciprofloxacin+Tinidazo ( Ja Strips , Tab.Ciprofloxcin 500Mg , Tab.Ciprofloxcin+Tz ( 500+600 ) Mg , Tab.Clobazam , Tab.Clonazepam 1Mg , Tab.Clonezepam 500Mg , Tab.Clopidogrel , Tab.Daclatasvir 30Mg , Tab.Daclatasvir 60Mgtab. , Tab.Dexamethasone 0.5Mg , Tab.Diamox1*36 , Tab.Diclofenac Sodium 50Mg , Tab.Diclofenac Sodium 75Mg , Tab.Diclofenac+Serapiopepdase , Tab.Dicyclomin 10Mg , Tab.Dicyclomine & Paracetamol , Tab.Divalprox Sodium 500Mg , Tab.Domperidone 10Mg , Tab.Enapril 2.5Mg , Tab.Enapril 5Mg , Tab.Enapril 5Mg ( Ja ) Strip , Tab.Erythromycin 500Mg , Tab.Esctaloparm , Tab.Favipiravir 200 , Tab.Fluconazole 150Mg , Tab.Fluvir 75 , Tab.Fluvoxamine 100Mg , Tab.Folic Acid , Tab.Formalane Jar , Tab.Frusimide+Spirnolactone , Tab.Glibenclamide 5Mg , Tab.Glimpride 1Mg , Tab.Glimpride 2Mg , Tab.Glipizide 5Mg , Tab.Hydroxy Chloroquine , Tab.Labetalol 100Mg , Tab.Levetrictatem 500Mg , Tab.Levocetrizine 5Mg Strip , Tab.Levofloxcin 500Mg , Tab.Levofloxin 250Mg , Tab.Linzolid 600Mg , Tab.Lithium Carbonate 300Mg , Tab.Lithium Carbonate 450Mg , Tab.Lorazepam 1Mg , Tab.Losartin 25Mg , Tab.Losartin 25Mg ( Ja ) Strip , Tab.Losartin 50Mg , Tab.Losatin+Hydrochlothozid Strip , Tab.Lyser-D ( Diclofenac+Serria ) , Tab.Metachlorpromide , Tab.Metaprolol 20Mg , Tab.Metaprolol 25Mg , Tab.Metformin 500Mg , Tab.Metoprolol 50Mg , Tab.Metprolol 25Mg ( Ja ) Strip , Tab.Metprolol Extended50mg ( Ja Strip , Tab.Metprolol+Amlodipine5mg ( J 1*10 , Tab.Metrondizone 200Mg , Tab.Metronidazole 400Mg , Tab.Montilocast 5Mg , Tab.Neurobion , Tab.Nifidepine 10Mg , Tab.Norfloxacin 400Mg , Tab.Olanzipine , Tab.Olmesartan 20Mg , Tab.Olmesartan H , Tab.Olmesartin 40Mg ( Ja ) Strip , Tab.Ondansetron Md 4Mg , Tab.Ondenstron 8Mg , Tab.Oxcarbazepine , Tab.Pantoprozole 40Mg Strip , Tab.Paracetamol 500Mg , Tab.Paracetamol 650Mg , Tab.Pcm+Prochloroperazine , Tab.Phenobarbitone 30Mg , Tab.Phenytoin 100Mg , Tab.Predneslone 20Mg , Tab.Rabiprazole , Tab.Ramapril 5Mg ( Ja ) Strip , Tab.Ramapril+Hydrochlorot ( Ja Strip , Tab.Rantidine 150Mg , Tab.Resovastin 10Mg , Tab.Resovastin 20Mg , Tab.Ribavirine 200Mg , Tab.Sertraline 100Mg , Tab.Silenfil Citrate 50Mg , Tab.Sitagliptin 100Mg , Tab.Sitagliptin With Metformin , Tab.Sodium Valproate 500Mg , Tab.Sofasbuvir 400Mgtab. , Tab.Tamsulisin 0.4Mg , Tab.Telecaststrip , Tab.Telmisortin 20Mg ( Ja ) , Tab.Telmisortin 40Mg , Tab.Telmisortin 40Mg ( Ja ) Strip , Tab.Telmisortin+Chlorothiz ( Ja Strip , Tab.Theophylline ( Sr ) 400Mg , Tab.Theophylline With Etophyll , Tab.Thiamine , Tab.Tindazole 300Mg , Tab.Torsemide 20Mg ( Ja ) Strip , Tab.Torsimide 10Mg , Tab.Wysolone 30Mg , Tab.Zinc Dt 20Mg , Temporary Filling Material , Test Tube Glass , Test Tube Ps / Ria Vial Dispo.12*75 , Test Tube Racks , Thermal Meter Digital , Thermal Paper , Thermal Printing Paper , Three Way Cannula , Three Way Stop Cock Cannulla , Three Ways Folleys Catheter 18 , Tissue Paper , Tmt Paper , Token Test For Children Ttfc-2 , Topical Skin Adhesive 0.5Mil , Tourinicate Black , Tp Gen.2 300T Cobas Int , Tracheastomy Cuffed S.6 , Tracheastomy Cuffed S.7 , Tracheastomy Cuffed S.8 , Tracheastomy Cuffed S.9 , Tracheostomy Cuffed A.S Dispo. , Tracheostomy Cuffed S.5.5 , Tracheostomy Plain A / S. Dispo. , Traingular Bandage Shoulder , Transducer Protector , Trigl 250T Cobas Int , Trolly Sheet , Trop T Cards , Tropicamide E / D , Troponin T Hs Cs Elecsys Cat , Troponin T Hs Elecsys 100T , Trypan Blue , Tsc Maintenance Kit 4008S , Tsh Calset Elecsys , Tsh Elecsys Cobas.E 200T , Twin Nasal Oxygen Catheter , Ua Gen 2 400T Cobas , Umbilical Cotton 75*3Mm C 276 , Uniform Bag , Unilateral Cheek Retracter Use , Urea 100Ml Tulip 75T , Ureal 500T Cobas Int , Urine Collection Bag , Urocolour 10P Sd 1*100 Tests , Usg Jelly , Vdrl Cards , Venti Mask Venture , Venturi Masks For Oxygen.Dispo , Vickryl 10.0 , Vickryle A / S1*12 , Vickryle No.1 C 2347 , Vickryle Size 5-0 C.No.Nw2303 , Vigamox Eye Drops , Viral Transport Medicine ( Med ) , Viscosafe 14 , Western Aphasia Battery Revis Kit , Widal Kit , Wire Stainles Steel Dental 19G , Wire Stainless Steel 23 G , X-Ray Dental Films1*15 , X-Ray Detectable Ab Sponge , X-Ray Developer , Xylocaine Mouth Spray , Xylociane Jelly , Xylometazoline Nasal Drop 0.10 , Y Connection Turp , Yankaur Section Set , Zinc Oxide Powder , Zinc Oxide Readymix , Zinc Phosphate , Zip Lock Large , Zip Lock Small , Cream Beclomethasone, Neomycin And Clotrimazole 0.025% + 0.5% + 1% , 15Gm , Suspension Amoxycillin Oral ( Drysyrup ) 125Mg / 5Ml, 30Ml , Acetylcysteine Solution 200Mg / Ml, 10 Ml , Antihemophilic Factor With Von Willebrand Factor ( Vwf ) 250 Iu, Per Vial , Budesonide ( A ) + Formoterol ( B ) Inhaler, 400Mcg ( A ) + 6Mcg ( B ) / 120Mdi , Budesonide ( A ) + Formoterol ( B ) Inhaler, Inhalation Mdi / Dpi 100Mcg ( A ) + 6Mcg ( B ) / Dose ( 120 Mdi , Budesonide ( A ) + Formoterol ( B ) Respules 20Mcg+0.5Mg, , Budesonide Inhalation And Suspension 0.5Mg / 2Ml , Budesonide Inhalation Suspension Respules 0.25Mg / 2Ml , Budesonide Inhaler 100 Mcg / Puff 200 Mdi Pack , Budesonide Inhaler 200Mcg / Dose ( 200 Metered Dose ) , Budesonide Respules 0.5Mg / Ml, 2Ml Respules , Calamine Lotion, 50 Ml Bottle , Calamine Lotion ( Calamine 8%, Diphenyl Hydramine Hcl 1% W / V Camphor 0.1% W / V ) , 100Ml Bottle , Cap. Amoxycillin 250Mg , Cap. B-Complex , Cap Cyclosporin 100Mg , Cap Cyclosporin 50Mg , Cap. Deferiprone 500Mg , Cap. Fluoxetine20mg , Cap Formeterol Fumarate 12Mcg + Fluticasone Propionate 500 Mcg Pack Size 30 Cap Bottle , Cap. Gabapentitine 300 Mg , Cap. Hydroxyurea 500Mg , 1X10 Cap , Cap. Itraconazole 100Mg , Cap. Omeprazole 20Mg , Cap. Pantoprazole And Domperidone Sr40mg + 30Mg , Cap.Pregabalin 75 Mg , Cap. Ramipril 2.5Mg , Cap Thalidomide 100Mg , Cefixime Dry Syrup 50Mg / 5Ml, 30 Ml Bottle , Cetrimide+ Chlorhexidine Solution 15%+7.5% ( Each 1 Litre Pack , Cholecalcelferol Sachet Vitamin D3 ( 60, 000 Iu Per Gm ) , Each Sachet Of 1Gm , Cream Fusidic Acid 2%, 20Gm Tube , Cyclopentolate Eye Drops 1 % W / V, 5Ml Vial , Disposable Gloves Different Size , Dried Factor Ix Concentrate Plasma Derived 500 Iu / 600 Iu ( 500 Iu ) , Dried Factor Ix Concentrate Plasma Derived 500 Iu / 600 Iu ( 600 Iu ) , Dried Factor Viii Concentrate Plasma Derived 1000 Iu ( Low Range ) , Per Vial , Dried Factor Viii Concentrate Plasma Derived 250 Iu ( Low Range ) , Vial , Dried Factor Viii Concentrate Plasma Derived 500 Iu ( Low Range ) , Per Vial , Drops. Vitamin D3 400 Iu 15 Ml Bottle , Eye Drops Carboxypropyl Mehtylcellulose 1% W / V , 6Ml Vial , Eye Drops Ciprofloxacin 0.3% W / V , Eye Drops Latanoprost 0.005%W / V, 2.5 Ml Bottle , Eye Drops Moxifloxacin 0.5% W / V, 5 Ml Bottle , Eye Drops Ofloxacin 0.3% W / V, 5Ml Bottle , Eye Drops Tobramycin 0.30%W / V, 5Ml Bottle , Feracrylum Dressings, 3% ( 10Cmx10cm ) / Piece , Gel Lignocaine 2%, 30Gm , Glycerol Oral Liquid, 500 Ml Bottle , Hydrocortisone Cream 1% W / W, 10Gm Tube , Hydroxyethyl Starch ( Hfs 130 / 0.4 ) 6% W / V With Sodium Chloride 0.9% W / V Iv Infusion, 500 Ml Bottle , Infusion Paracetamol 1%W / V , 100 Ml Bottle , Inj. Amikacin 250Mg / 2Ml , Inj. Amikacin 500Mg, Per Vial / Amp , Inj. Amino Acid, 250 Ml Bottle , Inj. Amiodarone Hydrochloride 50Mg / Ml, Per Amp. , Inj.Amoxycillin + Clavulanic Acid1gm + 200Mg , Inj. Amphotericin B 50Mg, Per Vial , Inj. Ampicillin 500 Mg , Inj. Anti D 150Mcg / Vial ( Each Vial ) , Inj. Anti Rabbies Vaccine, 1Ml Vial , Inj. Artesunate 60Mg / Ml, Vial , Inj. Artisunate 120Mg / Ml, Vial , Inj. Atracurium Besylate 10Mg / Ml , 2.5Ml Ampule , Inj. Biphasic Isophane Insulin 30 / 70 ( 30% Soluble Insulin And 70% Isophane Insulin ) 40Iu / Ml In 10Ml , Vial , Inj. Bupivacaine Heavy Amp 0.5%, 5Ml Amp , Inj. Bupivacaine Hydrochloride In Dextrose 5Mg + 80Mg Per Ml , Inj. Caffeine Citrate 20Mg / Ml , 3Ml Vial , Inj. Calcium Gluconate 10%, 10 Ml Vial. / Amp , Inj. Carboprost 125Mcg , Inj. Caspofungin 50Mg , Inj. Cefaparazone + Salbectum 1 Gm + 0.5 Gm , Inj. Cefepime 1Gm , Inj. Cefoperazone 250Mg + Salbactum 125Mg , Inj. Cefoperazone Sulbactum 750Mg , Inj. Cefotaxime 1Gm , Vial , Inj. Cefotaxime 250Mg, Vial , Inj. Cefotaxime 500Mg, Vial , Inj. Cefperazone + Salbactum 1Gm , Vial , Inj. Ceftatizimine 250 Mg , Inj. Ceftazidime 1Gram , Inj.Ceftriaxone1gm , Inj.Ceftriaxone 500Mg , Inj. Ceftriaxone And Tazobactum 1000+125Mg , Vial , Inj. Ceftriaxone + Sulbactum 1.5Gm , Vial , Inj. Cefuroxime 1.5Gms , Inj. Ciprofloxacin 200 Mg / 100Ml, 100Ml Bottle , Inj. Cisplatin 50Mg / 50Ml, 50Ml Vial , Inj. Clindamycin 150Mg / Ml, 2 Ml Amp. , Inj. Colistin Sulphate 200000 Iu 10Ml Vial , Inj. Dexamethasone 4 Mg / Ml ( 2Ml Amp ) , Inj. Dexmedetomidine 200Mcg / 2Ml , Inj. Dextrose 10% Ip, 500Ml , Inj. Dextrose 25% / 20% Ip, 100Ml , Inj. Diazepam 5Mg / Ml, 2Ml Amp. , Inj. Diclofenac Sodium 75Mg / Ml ( Each 1Ml Amp ) , Inj. Dicyclomine 10 Mg / Ml, Per Amp. , Inj. Diltiazem 5Mg / Ml, 5 Ml Single Dose Vial , Inj. Dobutamine 50 Mg / Ml, 5Ml Amp , Inj. Docetaxel 20Mg / Ml, 4 Ml Vial , Inj. Dopamine Hydrochloride 40 Mg / Ml, 5Ml Amp , Inj. Doxycycline 100Mg, Per Vial , Injectin Fluphenazine 25Mg, 1 Ml Amp. , Injection Adenosine 3Mg / Ml , 2Ml Intravenous Infusion Vial / Amp , Injection Bleomycin 15Iu, Per Vial , Injection Carboplatin Bp 450Mg / 45Ml, ( I.E 10Mg / Ml ) , Injection Carboprost 250 Mcg / Ml, 1Ml Amp / Vial , Injection Dacarbazine 500Mg , Injection Doxorubicin Injection 50Mg / 25Ml, 25Ml Vial , Injection Factor-Viii Inhibitor Bypassing Agent ( Feiba ) 500Iu, Per Inj. , Injection Fluconazole 2Mg / Ml , 100Ml Bottle , Injection Iohexol 350Mg I / Ml, 100Ml Vial , Injection Labetolol Hydrochloride 5Mg / Ml, 20Ml Multi Dose Vial , Injection Methyl Prednisolone 125Mg Vial , Injection Potassium Chloride 15%W / V , Injection Promethazine 25 Mg / Ml, 2Ml Amp , Injection Vitamin D3 ( 300000 Iu ) , Injection Vitamin D3 ( 600000 Iu ) , Injection Zoledronic Acid 4Mg, Per Vial , Inj. Emicizumab 105Mg / 0.7Ml, Per Vial , Inj. Emicizumab 150Mg / Ml, Per Vial , Inj. Emicizumab 30Mg / Ml, Per Vial , Inj. Emicizumab 60Mg / 0.4Ml, Per Vial , Inj. Etoposide 20Mg / Ml , Inj. Fentanyl Citrate 50Mcg / Ml, 2Ml Amp , Inj. Ferric Carboxymaltose 500Mg / 10Ml , Inj. Furosemide 20Mg, 2Ml Amp. , Inj. Gemcitabine 1Gm , Inj. Gemcitabine 200 Mg , Inj. Glycine Irrigation Solution 50Mg / Ml , Inj. G-Mcsf 500Mcg ( Recombinant Human Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor ) , Inj. Heparin Sodium 5000 Iu / 5Ml , Inj. Hepatitis-B 10Mcg, 0.5 Ml Vial , Inj. Human Albumin 20% 100Ml Bottle / Bag , Inj. Human Anti D Immunoglobulin ( Im Use ) 300Mcg, Vial , Inj. Hyoscine Butyl Bromide 20Mg, 1 Ml Amp. , Inj. Ifosfamide 1Gm , Inj. Imipenem And Cilastatin 500 Mg / Vial , Inj. Imipenem+Cilastatin 500Mg+500Mg , Inj. Immunoglobulin 10% , 100Ml Bottle , Inj. Immunoglobulin 5% 100Ml Bottle , Inj. Iohexol 300Mg / Ml , 50Ml Pack , Inj. Ironsucrose 20 Mg / Ml, 5Ml Amp , Inj. Isophane Insulin 40 Iu / Ml, 10Ml Vial , Inj. Labetalol Hydrochloride 20 Mg / 4Ml, 4Ml Amp , Inj. Leucovorin Calcium 10 Mg / Ml, 5Ml Vial , Inj. Levetiracetam 100Mg / Ml, 5 Ml Vial , Inj. Lignocaine Hydrochloride 2% +Adrenaline 1:200000 ( 5Mcg / Ml ) , Inj. Lignocaine Hydrochloride 2% +Adrenaline 1:80000 ( Dental Cartridge ) , Inj. Lignocaine Hydrochloride 2% , Per 30Ml Vial , Inj. Magnesium Sulphate 500Mg / Ml , 1Ml Amp , Inj. Magnesium Sulphate Ip 50% W / V, 10 Ml Vial / Amp , Inj. Mannitol 20% , 100Ml Bottle , Inj. Mannitol 20%, 300 Ml Bottle , Inj. Mannitol 20%, 500 Ml Bottle , Inj. Meropenam 125 Mg, Vial , Inj. Meropenem 500Mg , Inj. Methylcobalamine 1500Mcg / 2Ml, 2 Ml Amp. , Inj. Methylergometrine 0.2Mg / Ml, 1Ml Amp , Inj. Methyl Prednisolone 1000Mg , Inj. Methyl Prednisolone Sodium Succinate For 500 Mg , Inj. Methyl Prednisolone Sod. Succinnate 40 Mg , Inj. Metoclopramide Hydrochloride 5Mg / Ml, Per Amp , Inj. Metoprolol 1Mg / Ml, 5 Ml Vial , Inj. Midazolam 1 Mg / Ml, 5 Ml Vial , Inj. Midazolam Sodium ( Powder ) 5Mg / Ml , Inj. Minocycline 100Mg , Inj. Morphine Sulphate10 Mg / Ml, 1Ml Amp , Inj. Multiple Electrolytes And Dextrose Type Iii Ip ( Electrolyte M Injection ) , 500Ml Bottle , Inj. Multiple Electrolytes And Dextrose Type I Ip ( Electrolyte P Injection ) 500Ml Bottle , Inj. Neostigmine 0.5Mg / Ml, 1 Ml Amp. , Inj. Noradrenaline 2Mg / Ml, 2Ml Amp , Inj. Normal Saline ( Ip ) 0.9% 500Ml , Inj. Ondansetron 2 Mg / Ml, 2Ml Amp , Inj. Oxaliplatin 100Mg , 50Ml Pack , Inj. Oxaliplatin 50Mg ( Lyophilized ) , 25Ml Vial , Inj. Paclitaxel 100 Mg , Inj. Paclitaxel 260 Mg, 43.4 Ml Vial , Inj. Palonosetron 0.25Mg / 5Ml , Inj. Pantoprazole 40Mg, With Wfi , Inj. P.D Fluid ( Peritoneal Dialysis Fluid ) , Inj. Pentavalent Vaccine 0.5Ml Vial, 0.5 Ml Vial , Inj. Pheniramine ( 22.75Mg ) , 2Ml Amp , Inj. Phenytoin ( Sodium ) 50Mg / Ml, 2Ml Amp , Inj. Phytomenadione ( Vitamin K1 ) 1Mg / 0.5Ml, 0.5Ml Amp. , Inj. Piperacillin And Tazobactum 1.125Gm , Inj. Piperacillin And Tazobactum 2.25G , Vial , Inj. Piperacillin And Tazobactum Usp 4 Gm + 500 Mg , Inj. Promethazine 25 Mg / Ml, 2Ml Amp , Inj. Ranitidine 25Mg / Ml, 2Ml Amp , Inj. Ranitidine Hcl 25Mg / Ml, 2 Ml Amp. , Inj. Recombinant Human Erythropoietin 2000Iu, 1Ml Prefilled Syringe , Inj. Recombinant Human Erythropoietin 4000Iu, 0.4Ml Prefilled Syringe , Inj. Recombinant Human Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor 300Mcg / Ml , Inj. Rh - Erythropoetin 10000Iu , Inj. Sodium Bicarbonate ( I.V ) 7.5% , Inj. Sodium Chloride 0.9% Isotonic , Inj. Sodium Chloride And Dextrose 0.9% + 5%, 500Ml Bottle , Inj. Soluble Insulin 40Iu / Ml, 10Ml Vial , Inj. Succinyl Choline 50Mg / Ml, 10 Ml Vial , Inj. Surfactant , 5Ml Vial, Per Mg Of Phospholipids In The Pack , Inj. Teicoplanin 200Mg , Inj. Tenectapilase 40Mg / Amp ( Each Amp ) , Inj. Tetanus Immunoglobulin 250 I.U., 1Ml Vial. , Inj. Tetanus Toxoid 0.5Ml, 0.5 Ml Vial , Inj. Thiopentone Sodium Ip 1G / Vial , 20Ml Vial , Inj. Torasemide 10Mg / Ml , Inj. Tramadol 50Mg / Ml, 2Ml Amp , Inj. Valethamate Bromide8 Mg / Ml, 1Ml Amp , Inj. Vancomycin 1Gm , Inj. Vancomycin 250Mg , Inj. Vancomycin 500 Mg , Inj. Vitamin K1 1Mg / 0.5Ml Single Dose , 0.5Ml Amp , Instrument Disinfectant ( Ortho Phthalaldehyde 0.55% ) ( Each 5 Litre Pack ) , Ipratropium Bromide 500Mcg And Levosalbutamol 1.25 Mg Respule, 2.5 Ml Respule , Iron Drops 15 Ml Bottle. , Ketocinazole Shampoo 2% Of Soin ( 60Ml Pack , Levo Salbutamol 1.25Mg Inhalation Solution, Per Respule , Levo Salbutamol Inhaler, Inhalation Mdi / Dpi 50Mcg Pack 200 Mdi , Levo Salbutamol + Ipratropium Inhaler ( 50Mcg+20Mcg 200Mdi Pack ) , Levo Salbutamol Respules 0.31Mg Inhalation Sol. , Levo Salbutamol Respules 0.63Mg Inhalation Sol. , Liquid Halothane, 250Ml Bottle , Liquid Paraffin, Per 500Ml Bottle , Luliconazole Cream 1% W / W, 10 Gm Tube , Muprocin Ointment 2% ( Each 5Gm Tube ) , Ofloxacin Infusion 200Mg / 100Ml In 100Ml Bottle , Oint. Povidone Iodine 0.05, 15Gm Tube , Oint. Povidone Iodine, 30Gm Tube , Permethrin Cream1% W / W, 30 Gm Tube , Pilocarpine Eye Drops 2% W / V, 5 Ml Bottle. , Powder Who Ors 20.5Gm Sachet ( Reduced Osmolarity Ors Grams / Litre Reduced Osmolarity Ors Ammol / Litre . } , Proparacaine Hydrochloride Ophthalmic Solution 0.5%, 15Ml Bottle , Recombinant Coagulation Factor Viia 2Mg , Recombinant Factor Vii-A 1Mg, Vial , Recombinant Third Generation Factor Viii ( 1000 Iu ) As Per Wfh Standard Guidelines, Vial , Recombinant Third Generation Factor Viii ( 1500 Iu ) As Per Wfh Standard Guidelines, Vial , Recombinant Third Generation Factor Viii ( 250 Iu ) As Per Wfh Standard Guidelines, Vial , Recombinant Third Generation Factor Viii ( 500 Iu ) As Per Wfh Standard Guidelines, Vial , Salbutamol Syrup 2 Mg / 5Ml, 100 Ml Bottle , Saline Nasal Sol 0.65%W / V, 10 Ml Bottle , Sevoflurane With Indexing Collar Usp 99.97%, Per 250Ml , Sol. Povidone Iodine 5%, 500Ml Bottle , Solution Glutraldehyde 2% V / V, 5 Ltrs Pack , Solution Isolyte-P 500Ml Bottle Pack , Solution Povidoneiodine 5%, 100Ml Bottle , Solution Povidone Iodine Scrub / Cleansing 7.5%W / V Povidoneiodine 7.5%, 500Ml Bottle , Solution Sodium Chloride 0.9% 3 Litres Pack , Sterile Water For Injection, 5Ml Plastic Ampoule , Surfactant Intratracheal Suspension, Each 4Ml Pack , Suspension Cefpodoxime 50Mg / 5Ml, 30 Ml Bottle , Suspension Chlorpheniramine Maleate ( Pediatric Only ) 2 Mg / Ml, 30 Ml Bottle , Suspension Mefenamic Acid 50Mg / 5Ml, 60 Ml Bottle , Suspension Ofloxacin 50 Mg / 5Ml, 30 Ml Bottle , Suspension Ondansetron 4Mg / 5Ml, 30 Ml Bottle , Susp. Metronidazole 200 Mg / 5Ml , 60Ml Bottle , Susp. Paracetamol 125Mg, Chlorpheniramine Maleate 1Mg Phenylephrine Hydrochloride 5Mg / Ml Suspension , Each Bottle Of 30Ml , Susp. Sodium Valproate / Valporic Acid 200Mg / 5Ml, 100Ml Bottle , Syp. Albendazole 200Mg / 5Ml Suspension, Single Dose, Per Bottle Of 10Ml , Syp. Domperidom 1Mg / Ml , Per Bottle Of 30Ml , Syp..Promethazine 5Mg / Ml, Per 60 Ml Bottle , Syrup Calcium Each 5Ml Contains: Each 5 Ml ( 1 Teaspoonful ) Contains: Vitamin D3 ( Cholecalciferol Ip ) 200 Iu, Vitamin B12 Ip 2.5 Mcg, Calcium Phosphate Equivalent To Elemental Calcium 82 Mg, 200 Ml Bottle , Syrup Cough Expectorant ( Each 5 Ml Contains Diphenhydramine Hcl 14.08 Mg + Ammonium Chloride 138 Mg, + Sodium Citrate 57.03 Mg, + Menthol 1.14 Mg , Syrup Hydroxyzine 10Mg / 5Ml, 100Ml Bottle , Syrup Iron Folic 1Ml Of Syrup Containing: 20 Mg Of Elemental Iron And 100 Mcg Of Folic Acid, 50Ml Bottle , Syrup. Lactulose 3.35G / 5Ml, 100 Ml Bottle , Syrup Levocetirizine Di -Hydrochloride 2.5Mg / 5Ml, 60 Ml Bottle , Syrup Ofloxacin 100Mg / 5Ml , Syrup Paracetamol 250Mg / 5 Ml, 60 Ml Bottle , Tab. Aceclofenac 100 Mg , Tab. Acetazolamide 250 Mg, Blister , Tab. Acetylsalicylic Acid 150 Mg , Tab. Acetylsalicylic Acid 325Mg , Tab. Acetylsalicylic Acid 75 Mg , 14X10 Tab , Tab. Acyclovir 200Mg , Tab. Acyclovir 800Mg , Tab. Albendazole 200Mg , Tab. Alfuzocine 10Mg , Tab. Allopurinol 100Mg , Tab. Amisulpride 50Mg , Tab. Amlodipine 2.5Mg , Tab. Amlodipine And Atenolol 5 Mg +50Mg, Blister , Tab. Amoxicillin ( D.T ) 250Mg , Tab. Aripirazole 10Mg , Tab. Atorvastatin 10 Mg , Tab. Atorvastatin 20 Mg , Tab. Atorvastatin 40 Mg , Tab. Azathioprine 50Mg , Tab. Azithromycin 250 Mg , Tab. Betahistine 8 Mg , Tab. Bupropion Extended Release 150 Mg , Tab. Calcium 500Mg ( Calcium Carbonate 1250 Eq To Calcium 500Mg + Vitamin D3 250 I.U. ) , Tab. Calcium Carbonate 500Mg , Tab. Capectabine 500Mg , 1X10 Tab , Tab. Carbamazepine 200 Mg , Tab. Carvedilol 3.125 Mg , Tab. Cefixime 100Mg , Tab. Cefpodoxime 200Mg , Tab. Cefuroxime 500Mg , Tab. Cetirizine Hydrochloride 10Mg , Tab. Chloridiazepoxide 10Mg ( 1X10 ) , Tab. Chloridiazepoxide 25Mg , 1X10 Tab , Tab. Chloroquine Phosphate 250Mg , Tab. Cinnarizine 25 Mg , Tab. Ciprofloxacin 250Mg, Blister , Tab. Ciprofloxacin 500Mg , Tab. Ciprofloxin + Tinidizole 500Mg + 600Mg , Tab. Clopedogrel And Asprin 75 Mg + 75 Mg , Tab. Clopidogrel 75 Mg , Tab. Clotrimazole Pessaries 200 Mg , Tab. Clozepine 100Mg , Tab. Co-Trimoxazole 80Mg + 400Mg , Tab. Daclatasvir 60Mg , Tab. Deferasirox 500Mg , Tab. Diazepam Ip 5Mg , Tab. Diclofenac Sodium And Paracetamol 50 Mg + 325 Mg , Tab. Dicyclomineand Paracetamol 20Mg + 325Mg, Blister , Tab. Dicyclomine Hydrochloride 10Mg , Tab. Digoxin 0.25 Mg , Tab. Diltiazem 30 Mg , Tab. Domperidone 10Mg. , Tab. Enalapril 5Mg , Tab. Escitalopram 10Mg , Tab. Ethambutol Ip 600Mg , Tab. Favipiravir 200 Mg , Tab. Febuxostat 40Mg , Tab. Fluconazole 150Mg , Tab Folic Acid 400 Mcg ( 1X10 ) , Tab. Folic Acid 5Mg , Tab. Glimipride 2Mg ( 1X10 ) , Tab. Glyceryl Trinitrate ( Sublingual ) 2.6Mg , Tab. Hydroxyzine 10Mg , Tab. Hydroxyzine 25Mg , Tab. Ibuprofen 200Mg , Tab. Imatinib 400 Mg , Tab. Imipramine 25Mg, Blister , Tab. Ivermactin 12Mg , Tab. Lamivudine 150Mg , Tablet Erlotinib 150Mg , Tablet Iron Folic Acid ( Each Blue Coated Tablet Containing 60 Mg Elemental Iron And 500Mcg Folic Acid ) , Tablet Misoprostol 100Mcg , Tab. Levetiracetam 500Mg , Tab. Levocetrizine 5Mg , Tab. Linezolid 600 Mg , Tab. Lithium Carbonate 300 Mg , Tab. Losartan 25 Mg , Tab. Losartan 50 Mg , Tab. Losartin Potassium And Hydrochloirde 50 Mgs +12.5Mg , Tab. Mebendazole 100Mg , Tab. Mefanamic Acid 500Mg , Tab. Mefloquine 250Mg , Tab. Melphalan 2Mg , Tab. Metformin Hydrochloride Extended- Release 850Mg , Tab. Metformin Hydrochloride Sr 1000 Mg , Tab. Metoprolol 25 Mg , Tab. Metoprolol 50Mg , Tab. Mifepristone 200 Mg , Tab. Misoprostol 200Mcg , Tab. Montelukast 10Mg , Tab. Montelukast 5Mg , Tab. Nicorandil 5Mg , Tab. Norfloxacin 400Mg , Tab. Ofloxacin 200 Mg , Tab. Ofloxacin 400Mg , Tab. Olanzapine 10 Mg , Tab. Olanzapine 5Mg , Tab. Olmesartan 20Mg , Tab. Ondansetron Md 4Mg , Tab. Phenytoin Sodium 50Mg , Tab. Piroxicam 20Mg , Tab. Prasugrel 10Mg , Tab.Quetiapine 50Mg , Tab. Ramipril 2.5 Mg. , Tab. Ranitidine ( Hcl ) 150Mg ( 1X10 ) , Tab. Rosuvastatin 10Mg , Tab. Salbutamol Sulphate 4Mg , Tab. Sodium Valproate 500 Mg , Tab. Sofosbuvir 400Mg. , Tab.Stavudine+Lamivudine ( 30Mg+150Mg ) , Tab. Tadalafil 20Mg , Tab. Tamoxifen 10Mg , Tab. Telmisartan 40Mg , Tab. Tenofovir Alfenamide 25Mg , Tab. Terbinafine 250 Mg ( 1X10 ) , Tab. Thiamine 100Mg , Tab. Ticagrelor 90Mg , Tab. Tinidazole 500Mg , Tab. Torsemide 10 Mg , Tab. Tranexamic Acid 500 Mg , Tab. Trihexyphenidyl Hydrochloride 2Mg , Tab. Vitamin-C 500Mg ( Chewing Tablet ) , Tab. Vitamin D3 ( 60000 Iu ) ( Chewing Tablet ) , Tab. Zidovudine 300Mg , Tab.Zidovudine+Lamivudine+Nevirapine ( 300Mg+150Mg+200Mg ) , Tropicamide Eye Drops 1%W / V, 5Ml Bottle , Vitamin A Syrup Each Ml Containing 100000 Iu Of Vitamin A, 100Ml Bottle , White Disinfactant Fluid, Isi Grade 3 ( 5Ltr Pack ) , Xylometazoline Nasal Drops 0.05% W / V ( Paeditric ) , Cap.Amoxycillin 500 Mg , Disposable Syringe With Needle 5Cc , Inj. Adrenaline 1 Mg / Ml, 1Ml Amp , Inj. Atropine Sulphate 0.6 Mg / Ml, 1Ml Amp , Inj. Ceftriaxone 250Mg , Inj. Dextrose 5% Ip, 500Ml , Inj. Diclofenac Sodium 25 Mg / Ml, 3Ml Amp , Inj. Hydrocortisone Sod. Succinate 100 Mg , Vial , Inj. Normal Saline ( Ip ) 0.9% 100Ml , Inj. Oxytocin 5 Iu / Ml, 1Ml Amp , Inj. Pantoprazole 40 Mg , Vial , Inj. Pheniraminemaleate 22.75Mg / Ml, 2Ml Amp , Inj. Theophylline And Etofylline 50.6Mg + 169.4Mg 2Ml Amp. , I.V Fluid Set ( Sterilized As Per Drug Act. ) Moulded Chamber With Inbuilt Airvent , One Way I.V Cannula Size 18 , One Way I.V Cannula Size 20 , One Way I.V Cannula Size 22 , Solution Povidoneiodine 10%, 100Ml Bottle , Suspension Co-Trimoxazole Oral 40Mg+200 Mg Per 5Ml, 50Ml Bottle , Suspension Metronidazole Benzoate Oral 100Mg / 5Ml, 60Ml Bottle , Syp.Paracetamol 125 Mg / 5 Ml, 60Ml Bottle , Tab. Albendazole 400 Mg . , Tab. Amlodipine 5 Mg . , Tab. Atenolol 50 Mg . , Tab. Azithromycin 500 Mg . , Tab. Calcium And Vitamin D3 500Mg+ 250Iu . , Tab. Cefixime 200Mg . , Tab. Cetirizine 10Mg, Blister . , Tab. Co-Trimoxazole . 20Mg + 100Mg . , Tab. Diclofenac Sodium 50 Mg . , Tab. Domperidone 10Mg . , Tab. Glimepiride 1 Mg . , Tab. Metformin 500 Mg . , Tab. Metoclopramide 10Mg . , Tab. Metronidazole 400 Mg . , Tab. Misoprostol 200 Mcg . , Tab Pantoprazole 40 Mg . , Tab. Paracetamol 500 Mg, Blister . , Tab. Ranitidine 150Mg . , Tab. Sodium Valproate / Valporic Acid 200 Mg , 1X10 . , Tab. Theophylline And Etofylline 23Mg+77Mg . , Three Way I.V Cannula Size 18 . , Three Way I.V Cannula Size 20 . , Three Way I.V Cannula Size 22 . , Two Way I.V Cannula Size 16 . , Two Way I.V Cannula Size 18 . , Two Way I.V Cannula Size 20 . , Two Way I.V Cannula Size 22 . , Cap / Tab. Doxycycline 100Mg ( 1X10 ) . , Inj. Compound Sodium Lactate 500Ml ( Ringer Lactate Solution ) . , Inj. Metronidazole 500Mg / 100Ml, 100Ml Bottle . , Tab. Metronidazole 200Mg . , Tab. Zinc Dt 20Mg . , Inj. Ethamsylate 250Mg / 2Ml, 2Ml Amp . , Inj. Snake Venom Anti Serum Lypholized ( Polyvalent Anti Snake Venum ) 10Ml , 10Ml Vial . , Inj. Dextrose 5% With 0.45% Sodium Chloride 500Ml . , 2Way 100% Silicon Follies Catheter 16 Fr. . , 2Way 100% Silicon Follies Catheter 18 Fr. . , 2Way 100% Silicon Follies Catheter 20 Fr . , 3 Way Disposable Stop Cock Cannula Sterilized ( Eto / Gamma Radiated ) . , Abdominal Drain Kit Size;24, 28, 32 . , Absorbable Gelatine Sponge 70Mm X 50Mm X 10Mm Sterilized. Haemostatic, Absorbable Gelatin Base Foam Specially Prepared For Surgical Use . , Acc Flow Set With Regulator . , Ambu Bag Adult With Face Mask ( Silicon Type ) . , Ambu Bag Peadiatrics With Face Mask ( Silicon Type ) . , Antistatic Face Masks Rubber Size 0. . , Antistatic Face Masks Rubber Size 1 . , Antistatic Face Masks Rubber Size 2 . , Antistatic Face Masks Rubber Size 3 . , Antistatic Face Masks Rubber Size 4. . , Antistatic Face Masks Rubber Size 5 . , Arterial Cannula 20 / 22 G . , Autoclave Single Drum 15 Inch X 12 Inch Isi Marked . , Auto Disable Disposable Syringe 5Ml With Needle . , Bains Circuit For Anaesthesia Machines.. . , Blue Coloured Non-Chlorinated Plastic Bags For Glassware And Metallic Body Implant Size 20 X 20 . , Blue Coloured Non-Chlorinated Plastic Bags For Glassware And Metallic Body Implant Size 26 X 26 . , Blue Coloured Non-Chlorinated Plastic Bags For Glassware And Metallic Body Implant Size 33 X 40 . , Bone Marrow Biopsy Needles Metallic ( Adult ) . , Bone Marrow Biopsy Needles Metallic ( Paed. ) . , B.P Blade Size 15 ( Isi / Ce ) ( Box Of 100 Numbers ) . . , B.P Blade Size 20 ( Isi / Ce ) ( Box Of 100 Numbers ) . . , B.P Blade Size 21 ( Isi / Ce ) ( Box Of 100 Numbers ) . . , B.P Blade Size 22 ( Isi / Ce ) ( Box Of 100 Numbers ) . . , B.P Blade Size 23 ( Isi / Ce ) ( Box Of 100 Numbers ) . . , B.P Blade Size 24 ( Isi / Ce ) ( Box Of 100 Numbers ) . . , Catheter Central Venous Double Lumen With Flow Switch. ( Complete Kit Containing Y-Port Introducer Needle With Kink Resistant J-Guide Wire, Blade, Dilators, 10Ml Syringe And Suture ) Flow Switch. Size: 7Fr ( 20Cm ) , 16 / 18G Usfda / European Ce ( Full Quality Assurance ) / Bsi Compliant. . , Catheter Central Venous Triple Lumen With Flow Switch. Complete Kit Containing Y-Port Introducer Needle With Kink Resistant J-Guide Wire, Blade, Dilators, 10Ml Syringe And Suture ) Size 7Fr ( 20Cm ) , 16G Usfda / European Ce . , Catheter Foley’S Latex 2 Way, Size 18Fr . , Catheter Foley’S Latex 2 Way, Size 20Fr . , Catheter Foley’S Latex 2 Way, Size 22Fr . , Catheter Foley’S Latex 3 Way, Size 18Fr . , Catheter Mallicot Assorted Size . , Catheter Mount For Boyles Apparatus. . , Cautery Tip . , Chest Drainage Bags. . , Chest Drainage Catheter 20 F. . , Chest Drainage Catheter 24F. . , Chest Drainage Catheter 28F. . , Chest Drainage Catheter 32F. . , Closed Suction System ( Catheter For Closed Suctioning Having Rotatable Twist For Isolation Of Catheter And Dual Density Suction Catheter ) . . , Close Wound Drainage Device Under Negative Pressure ( Closed Wound Suction Unit ) . Size Of Bellow 200 Ml, Catheter Size 16. . , Close Wound Drainage Device Under Negative Pressure ( Closed Wound Suction Unit ) . Size Of Bellow 200 Ml, Catheter Size 18. . , Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Fluid ( 2Ltrs Bag Twin Bags ) : 1.5% . , Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Fluid ( 2Ltrs Bag Twin Bags ) : 2.5% . , Corrugated Drainage Sheet, Sterile, Multichannel, With Radio Opaque Line, Single Use - All Sizes. . , Cvp Monometer. . , Disposable Abdominal Sheets / Lapractomy Sheets 250Cm X 150 Cm. . , Disposable Airway Size 00 . , Disposable Airway Size 0 . , Disposable Airway Size 1 . , Disposable Airway Size 2 . , Disposable Airway Size 3 . , Disposable Airway Size 4 . , Disposable Apron ( Polythene ) Standard Size . , Disposable Bed Sheets 210Cm X 150Cm. . , Disposable Dhs Drape . , Disposable Drap Sheet Plastic 210 X 120Cm . , Disposable Draw Sheets 100Cmx 160Cm . , Disposable Elbow Drape. . , Disposable Endotracheal Cuffed With Radio Opaque Line, Sterile, Single Use Size : 4.5 Mm . , Disposable Endotracheal Cuffed With Radio Opaque Line, Sterile, Single Use Size 4 Mm . , Disposable Endotracheal Cuffed With Radio Opaque Line, Sterile, Single Use Size 5.5 Mm . , Disposable Endotracheal Cuffed With Radio Opaque Line, Sterile, Single Use Size 5 Mm . , Disposable Endotracheal Cuffed With Radio Opaque Line, Sterile, Single Use Size : 6.5 Mm . , Disposable Endotracheal Cuffed With Radio Opaque Line, Sterile, Single Use Size 6 Mm . , Disposable Endotracheal Cuffed With Radio Opaque Line, Sterile, Single Use Size 7.5 Mm . , Disposable Endotracheal Cuffed With Radio Opaque Line, Sterile, Single Use Size 7 Mm . , Disposable Endotracheal Cuffed With Radio Opaque Line, Sterile, Single Use Size 8.5 Mm . , Disposable Endotracheal Cuffed With Radio Opaque Line, Sterile, Single Use Size : 8 Mm . , Disposable Endotracheal Plain With Radio Opaque Line, Sterile, Single Use Size 2.5 Mm . , Disposable Endotracheal Plain With Radio Opaque Line, Sterile, Single Use Size : 3.5 Mm . , Disposable Endotracheal Plain With Radio Opaque Line, Sterile, Single Use Size 3 Mm . , Disposable Endotracheal Plain With Radio Opaque Line, Sterile, Single Use Size 4.5 Mm . , Disposable Endotracheal Plain With Radio Opaque Line, Sterile, Single Use Size 4 Mm . , Disposable Endotracheal Plain With Radio Opaque Line, Sterile, Single Use Size : 5.5 Mm . , Disposable Endotracheal Plain With Radio Opaque Line, Sterile, Single Use Size 5 Mm . , Disposable Gown With Arm.. . , Disposable Hip U Drape Plastic. . , Disposable Knee 0 Drape. . , Disposable Laprascope Drape 160 X 160Cm . , Disposable Laryngeal Mask Air Way Size 2 ( Silicon ) . , Disposable Laryngeal Mask Air Way Size 3 ( Silicon ) . , Disposable Laryngeal Mask Air Way Size 4 ( Silicon ) . , Disposable Needle Size 16 ( Pack Of 100 ) . , Disposable Needle Size 18 ( Pack Of 100 ) . , Disposable Shoulder Drapes. . , Disposable Single Use Insulin Syringe With Integrated Needle Made Of Polypropylene Plastic With Latex Free Rubber Stopper. Should Have No Dead Design And Tribevel Needle With 31 G Needle . , Disposable Spinal Drape . , Disposable Surgical Pad Size 10X10cm. . , Disposable Surgical Pad Size 20 X 10Cm. . , Disposable Syringe With Needle 10Cc . , Disposable Syringe With Needle 1 Cc . , Disposable Syringe With Needle 20Cc . , Disposable Syringe With Needle 2Cc . , Disposable Syringe With Needle 3Cc . , Disposable Syringe With Needle 50Cc . , Disposable Ventilator Circuts ( Adults ) . . , Disposable Ventilator Circuts ( Paediatrics ) . . , Disposable Water Proof Gowns For Surgeons . , Double Lumen Endotracheal Tubes ( Left ) Size:32 Fr . , Double Lumen Endotracheal Tubes ( Left ) Size:35 Fr . , Double Lumen Endotracheal Tubes ( Left ) Size:37 Fr . , Double Lumen Endotracheal Tubes ( Left ) Size:39 Fr . , Double Lumen Endotracheal Tubes ( Left ) Size:41 Fr . , Double Lumen Endotracheal Tubes ( Right ) Size:37 Fr . , Double Lumen Endotracheal Tubes ( Right ) Size:39 Fr . , Double Lumen Endotracheal Tubes ( Right ) Size:41 Fr . , Double Lumen Subclavian Catheters For Dialysis Access. . , Drain Bags . , Ecg Jelly 250 Ml Tube. . , Eye Drape 70X70 Cm . , Face Mask With Wizer For Protection Of Eyes And Face.. . , Filters For Ventilators. . , Flexometallic Pvc Cuffed Tube ( With Metallic Spiral Ring Upto Connector And Low Pressure Cuff Sizes From 3.0 To 9.0 Mm ) . . , Flow Meter For Oxygen Cylinders, Isi / Iso. . , Fogging Machine Solution For Fogging Machine, Per Lt. . , Fogging Machine With Micromist Aerosol Generator And The Droplet Size Of Less Than One Micron. Should Have Stainless Steel Tank And Fitting Compatible To Acidic And Alkaline Nature Liquids, Per Machine . , Gloves Post-Partum ( Isi / Ce ) Size 6.5. . , Gloves Post-Partum ( Isi / Ce ) Size 6. . , Gloves Post-Partum ( Isi / Ce ) Size 7.5. . , Gloves Post-Partum ( Isi / Ce ) Size 8. . , Guide Wire Ptfe Coated 150Cm 0.25 . , Hiv Drape Packs; Set For Doctor / Medical Staff;4 Packs, Disposable Gown With Water Proof Interlining On Chest, Hood Cap, Face Mask, Long Shoe Cover, Arm Guard, Gloves Disposable, Disposable Protective Glasses . , Hme Viral Filter For Boyles Machine. . , Hollow Fibre Dialyzer 1.3 . , Hollow Fibre Dialyzer 1.6 . , Hollow Fibre Dialyzer 1.8 . , Infant Feeding Tube Size 10 . , Infant Feeding Tube Size 5. . , Infant Feeding Tube Size 6 . , Infant Feeding Tube Size 7. . , Infant Feeding Tube Size 8 . , Infant Feeding Tube Size 9 . , Iv Dressing ( Pu ) All Sizes. . , Iv Set With Flow Regulator. . , Kidney Biopsy Gun. . , Kidney Biopsy Needles. . , Makintosh Sheeting Per Mt.. . , Micro Drip Set . , Moline Sheets 60Cm X 90Cm . , Mucus Extractor Sterile.. . , Nasal Oxygen Set, Twin Bore ( Accessory For Compressed Air Breathing ) For Adult Use.. . , Nasal Oxygen Set, Twin Bore ( Accessory For Compressed Air Breathing ) For Peadiatric Use.. . , Nasopharyngeal Air Ways Size 6. . , Nasopharyngeal Air Ways Size 7. . , Nasopharyngeal Air Ways Size 8 , Nebulizer Mask Adult. , Nebulizer Mask Paediatric. , One Way Paediatrics I.V Cannula No. 24 , One Way Paediatrics I.V Cannula No. 26 , Oxygen Mask Adult. , Oxygen Mask Paediatric. , Paed. Drip Set. ( Measured Volume Set ) , Paediatrics Anaesthesia Set ( Jackson Rees Modification ) With 0.5 And 1 Ltr Bag , Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter ( Adult ) , Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter ( Paediatrics ) , Picc Line Single Lumen , Pressure Infusion Bag 1 / 2 Ltr , Pressure Infusion Bag 1 Ltr , Pressure Monitoring Line / High Pressure Extension Line ( Pmo Line ) Length 150 Cm, Prime Volume 1.40 Ml. , Pressure Monitoring Line. , Red Coloured Non-Chlorinated Plastic Bags For Autoclaving Or Microwaving / Hydroclaving Followed By Shredding Or Mutilation Or Combination Of Sterilization And Shredding Size 20 X 20 , Red Coloured Non-Chlorinated Plastic Bags For Autoclaving Or Microwaving / Hydroclaving Followed By Shredding Or Mutilation Or Combination Of Sterilization And Shredding Size 26 X 26 , Red Coloured Non-Chlorinated Plastic Bags For Autoclaving Or Microwaving / Hydroclaving Followed By Shredding Or Mutilation Or Combination Of Sterilization And Shredding Size 33 X 40 , Ryles Tube / Nasogastric Tube ( P.V.C. ) With Radio Opaque Lining. Size: 10 , Ryles Tube / Nasogastric Tube ( P.V.C ) With Radio Opaque Lining. Size:12. , Ryles Tube / Nasogastric Tube ( P.V.C. ) With Radio Opaque Lining. Size: 14 , Ryles Tube / Nasogastric Tube ( P.V.C. ) With Radio Opaque Lining. Size: 16.. , Ryles Tube / Nasogastric Tube ( P.V.C. ) With Radio Opaque Lining. Size: 18.. , Sanitary Pads ( Without Belt ) , Scalp Vein Set Size 21-24 ( Pre-Sterilized As Per Drug Act. ) , Skin Stapler For Precise Skin Closure , Spinal Needle Disposable Size 24 G Quincke , Spinal Needle Disposables ( Lp ) 25 G Quincke , Spinal Needle Disposables ( Lp ) 26 G Quincke , Steri Drapes 30Cm X 30Cm , Sterile Disposable ( Single Use ) Ptfe I.V. Cannula With Integrated 3 Way Stop Cock. Size 16G , Sterile Disposable ( Single Use ) Ptfe I.V. Cannula With Integrated 3 Way Stop Cock. Size 18G , Sterile Disposable ( Single Use ) Ptfe I.V. Cannula With Integrated 3 Way Stop Cock. Size 20G , Sterile Disposable ( Single Use ) Ptfe I.V. Cannula With Integrated 3 Way Stop Cock. Size 22G. , Sterile Fixation Dressing For Iv Cannula, Triple Layered Highly Absorption Pad And Having Window For Visual Inspection For Complications. , Sterile Single Use Reuse Preventing Syringe With Detachable Needles Complying To Iso 7886:4 Type I And Type B, Flow Wrap Package Using Medical Grade Breathable Paper, Eto Sterilized Conforming To Iso 10993-7 And Stopper Made Of Non-Latex Material, Size:10Ml , Sterile Single Use Reuse Preventing Syringe With Detachable Needles Complying To Iso 7886:4 Type L And Type B, Flow Wrap Package Using Medical Grade Breathable Paper, Eto Sterilized Conforming To Iso 10993-7 And Stopper Made Of Non-Latex Material, Size 2Ml , Sterilized Disposable Face Mask ( Double Layer ) ( Pack Of 100 Numbers ) I Two Layered Surgical Mask Of Non-Woven Material With Nose Piece, Having Filter Efficiency Of 99% For 3 Micron Particle Size. Iso 13485 / Iso 9001 / En14683 Or Equivalent , Sterilized Disposable Nursing Cap With Full Elastic ( Pack Of 100 Numbers ) , Sterilized Disposable Operation Sheet ( 220Cm X 150Cm ) , Sterilized Disposable Shoe Covers ( Pack Of 100 Pairs ) . , Sterilized Disposable Surgeon Cap With Elastic ( Pack Of 100 Numbers ) , Sterilized Surgical Gloves For General Use ( Isi / Ce ) Size 6.5. , Sterilized Surgical Gloves For General Use ( Isi / Ce ) Size 7 1 / 2 Per Pair. , Sterilized Surgical Gloves For General Use ( Isi / Ce ) Size 7 Per Pair. , Suction Catheter, Sterile. Size: Fg- 14. , Suction Catheter, Sterile. Size: Fg- 18. , Suction Catheter, Sterile Size;Fg-8. , Suction Drainage Tube , Suction Tips , Three Way With Extension Line Size 100 Cms. , Three Way With Extension Line Size 10 Cms. , Three Way With Extension Line Size 150 Cms. , Three Way With Extension Line Size 200 Cms. , Three Way With Extension Line Size 50 Cms. , Tracheostomy Cuffed Size 5 Idmm. , Tracheostomy Cuffed Size 6.5 Idmm. , Tracheostomy Cuffed Size 7.5 Idmm. , Tracheostomy Cuffed Size 7 Idmm With Radio-Opaque Blue Line -Should Be Made Of Thermo Sensitive Pvc, High Volume - Low Pressure, Velvet Soft Cuff, Should Have A Hollow Obturator With Rounded Tip For Insertion Over A Guide Wire , Tracheostomy Cuffed Size 8.5 Idmm. , Tracheostomy Cuffed Size 8 Idmm With Radio-Opaque Blue Line -Should Be Made Of Thermo Sensitive Pvc, High Volume - Low Pressure, Velvet Soft Cuff, Should Have Hollow Obturator With Round Tip For Insertion Over A Guide Wire , Tracheostomy Cuffed Size 9 Idmm With Radio-Opaque Blue Line -Should Be Made Of Thermo Sensitive Pvc, High Volume - Low Pressure, Velvet Soft Cuff, Should Have A Hollow Obturator With Rounded Tip For Insertion Over A Guide Wire. , Tracheostomy Cuffed Tube Size 5.5 Idmm With Radio-Opaque Blue Line -Should Be Made Of Thermo Sensitive Pvc, High Volume - Low Pressure, Velvet Soft Cuff, Should Have A Hollow Obturator With Rounded Tip For Insertion Over A Guide Wire , Tracheostomy Plain Size;4.5 Idmm. , Tracheostomy Plain Size; 4 Idmm. , Tracheostomy Plain Size; 5.5 Idmm With Radio-Opaque Blue Line -Should Be Made Of Thermo Sensitive Pvc, High Volume - Low Pressure, Velvet Soft Cuff, Should Have Hollow Obturator With Rounded Tip For Insertion Over A Guide Wire , Tracheostomy Plain Size; 5 Idmm. , Tracheostomy Plain Size;6.5 Idmm. , Tracheostomy Plain Size; 6 Idmm With Radio-Opaque Blue Line -Should Be Made Of Thermo Sensitive Pvc, High Volume - Low Pressure, Velvet Soft Cuff, Should Have Hollow Obturator With Rounded Tip For Insertion Over A Guide Wire , Tracheostomy Plain Size;7.5 Idmm. , Tracheostomy Plain Size; 7 Idmm With Radio-Opaque Blue Line -Should Be Made Of Thermo Sensitive Pvc, High Volume - Low Pressure, Velvet Soft Cuff, Should Have Hollow Obturator With Rounded Tip For Insertion Over A Guide Wire , Tracheostomy Plain Size;8.5 Idmm. , Tracheostomy Plain Size; 8 Idmm With Radio-Opaque Blue Line -Should Be Made Of Thermo Sensitive Pvc, High Volume - Low Pressure, Velvet Soft Cuff, Should Have Hollow Obturator With Round Tip For Insertion Over A Guide Wire , Tracheostomy Plain Size; 9 Idmm With Radio-Opaque Blue Line -Should Be Made Of Thermo Sensitive Pvc, High Volume - Low Pressure, Velvet Soft Cuff, Should Have Hollow Obturator With Rounded Tip For Insertion Over A Guide Wire , Tracheostomy Size 6 Idmm With Radio-Opaque Blue Line -Should Be Made Of Thermo Sensitive Pvc, High Volume - Low Pressure, Velvet Soft Cuff, Should Have A Hollow Obturator With Rounded Tip For Insertion Over A Guide Wire , Twin Nasal Oxygen Catheter. , Ultrasound Jelly 250 Ml Tube. , Umbilical Cord Clamp. , Under Buttock Drape , Un-Sterilized Surgical Gloves For General Use Isi / Iso Size 7 1 / 2. , Un-Sterilized Surgical Gloves For General Use Isi / Iso Size 7. , Un-Sterilized Surgical Gloves For General Use Isi / Iso Size 8. , Urine Collecting Bag For New Born / Paediatric Urine Collection Bag, Capacity 100Ml. , Ventimask Venturi For Oxygen Therapy ( Paediatrics ) . , Venturimask Venturi For Oxygen Therapy ( Adult ) , White ( Translucent Non-Chlorinated Plastic Bags For Waste Sharps Including Metals Size 20 X 20 , White ( Translucent Non-Chlorinated Plastic Bags For Waste Sharps Including Metals Size 26 X 26 , White ( Translucent Non-Chlorinated Plastic Bags For Waste Sharps Including Metals Size 33 X 40 , Yellow Coloured Non-Chlorinated Plastic Bags For Incineration Or Plasma Pyrolysis Or Deep Burial Size;20 X 20 , Yellow Coloured Non-Chlorinated Plastic Bags For Incineration Or Plasma Pyrolysis Or Deep Burial Size;26€ X 26€ Thickness 1.5 Mil Load Rating Greater Or Equal To ( ‰¥ ) 35 Kg , Yellow Coloured Non-Chlorinated Plastic Bags For Incineration Or Plasma Pyrolysis Or Deep Burial Size; 33€™Â€™ X 40 Thickness 1.5Mil Load Rating Greater Or Equal To ( ‰¥ ) 35 Kg , Abdominal Sponge: 12 Ply Of Highly Absorbent Gauze With Tail And Radio-Opaque Line. Should Be Made Of Good, Clean, White Gauge. Size: 22.5 Cm X 22.5 Cm , Abdominal Sponge: 12 Ply Of Highly Absorbent Gauze With Tail And Radio Opaque Line Should Be Made Of Good Clean White Gauge Size 30Cms X 30 Cm , Abdominal Sponge: 12 Ply Of Highly Absorbent Gauze With Tail And Radio-Opaque Line. Should Be Made Of Good, Clean, White Gauge. Size: 45 Cm X 45 Cm , Absorbable Gelatine Sponge Based Topical Absorbable Hemostat Without Formaldehde, Should Be Sterilized By Dry Heat. Size: 7Cms X 5Cms X 0.1Cm , Bandage Rolled F-2 Size : 15 Cm X 5 Meters ( Sb ) , Bandage Rolled F-2 Size : 7.5Cm X 5 Meters ( Sb ) , Cotton Elastic Crepe Bandage: 10Cm X 4 Mtr ( Stretched Length ) , Cotton Elastic Crepe Bandage: 15Cm X 4 Mtr ( Stretched Length ) , Elastic Adhesive Bandage: Lanolin Free With Special Interliner For Easy Unwinding And Usage To The Last Inch. Stretch Nlt 60%. Regain Nmt 75%. Should Be Extra Porus. Size: 10 Cm X 4-6 Mtrs. , Elastic Adhesive Bandage: Lanolin Free With Special Interliner For Easy Unwinding And Usage To The Last Inch. Stretch Nlt 60%. Regain Nmt 75%. Should Be Extra Porus. Size: 8Cm X 4-6 Mtrs. , Guaze Cloth Than F-2 Size : 90 Cm X 18 Meters ( Sb ) , Plaster Of Paris Bandage Ip / Bp Size: 10 Cm X 2.7 Meters ( Sb ) The Cloth Shall Be Leno Weave Without Borders In One Continuous Length Containing No Joints. It Shall Be Reasonably Free From Spinning, Weaving And Processing Defects. The Cloth Shall Be Bleached White. , Plaster Of Paris Bandage Ip / Bp Size: 7.5 Cm X 2.7 Meters ( Sb ) The Cloth Shall Be Leno Weave Without Borders In One Continuous Length Containing No Joints. It Shall Be Reasonably Free From Spinning, Weaving And Processing Defects. The Cloth Shall Be Bleached White. , Silver Anti Microbial Dressing: Size: 10Cms X 10 Cms , Silver Anti Microbial Dressing: Size: 10Cms X 20 Cms , Silver Anti Microbial Dressing: Size: 20Cms X 20 Cms , Silver Anti Microbial Dressing: Size: 20Cms X 40 Cms , Silver Anti Microbial Dressing: Size: 40Cms X 40 Cms , Soft Roll ( Cast Padding ) ( Sb ) Size: 10Cm X 3Mtr , Soft Roll ( Cast Padding ) ( Sb ) Size: 15Cm X 3Mtr , Inj. Pneumococcal Vaccine, Single Dose Vial , Syp. Zinc 20Mg Per 5Ml, 100Ml Bottle , Tab. Ascorbicacid 500Mg , Tab. Chlorzoxazone, Diclofenacsodium And Paracetamol 250Mg+50Mg+325Mg , Inj. Streptomycin 0.75Gm , Vial , Tab. Cephalexin ( Dt ) 125 Mg , Tab. Melphalan Tablets 5Mg, 25 Tab Bottle , Tab. Amitriptyline 75Mg , Syrup Phenobarbitone 20Mg / 5Ml , Tab. Carbamazepine 400 Mg , Tab. Divalproax Sodium 500Mg , Tab. Phenytoin 100Mg , Inj. Docetexel 80Mg , Vial , Inj. Irinotecan 100Mg / 5Ml , Vial , Tab. Biclutamide 50Mg , Tab. Alprazolam 0.25Mg , Tab. Alprazolam 0.5Mg , Tab. Amitriptyline 25Mg , Tab. Haloperidol 5Mg , Tab. Imipramine 75 Mg , Tab. Lorazepam 1Mg , Tab. Risperidone 2Mg , Tab. Risperidone 4Mg , Tab. Betahistine 16Mg , Inj. Bevacizumab 100Mg, Vial , Cap.Nifedipine 5Mg , Inj. Adenosine 6Mg / 2Ml , 2Ml Vial , Tab.Metoprolol ( Extended Release ) 50Mg , Tab. Verapamil 40Mg , Adhesive Plaster Porus Hypoallergentic With Optimum Adhesion And High Tensill Srength / Usp / Bpc Size 7.5Cmx10meters ( Sb ) Spool Of 4 To Be Considered As Single Unit For Quoting Rates , Adhesive Plaster Porus Hypoallergentic With Optimum Adhesion And High Tensil Strength / Usp / Bpc Size 10Cmx10meters ( Sb ) ;Spool Of 3 To Be Considered As Single Unit For Quoting Rates. , Cotton Absorbent Packet Of 500 Gms ( Net Wt ) ( Sb ) Confirming To Ip Standards 1985. , 2Nd Molar Bondable Tubes- 018 Slot, 022 Slot Specification: Have A Single Slot For Main Arch Wire Engagement. They Have A Mesh Surface And Attached Hook. Used On Second Molars ( Each ) , 7Th Generation Bonding Self Etch Agent Specification: Bottle ( Each ) , Abrasive Strips Double Sided Specification: Abrasive Strips Used For Interproximal Slicing Or Reduction ( Each ) , Absorbent Paper Points ( Iso Size ) Specification: 20. ( Each ) , Absorbent Paper Points ( Iso Size ) Specification: 25. ( Each ) , Absorbent Paper Points ( Iso Size ) Specification: 30 ( Each ) , Absorbent Paper Points ( Iso Size ) Specification: 35. ( Each ) , Absorbent Paper Points ( Iso Size ) Specification: 40. ( Each ) , Air Rotor Burs ( Assorted ) Specification: Diamond Points Multilayered For Cavity Cutting Straight Fissure Bur 008, ( Each ) , Air Rotor Burs ( Assorted ) Specification: Inverted Cone ( Each ) , Air Rotor Burs ( Assorted ) Specification: Round 3 Mm Dia ( Each ) , Aj Wilock Wires 012 Wire Spool, Grade Special Plus Spool Length 25 Feet , Aj Wilock Wires 014 Wire Spool, Grade Special Plus Spool Length 25 Feet , Aj Wilock Wires 016 Wire Spool, Grade Special Plus Spool Length 25 Feet , Aj Wilock Wires 018 Wire Spool, Grade Special Plus Spool Length 25 Feet , Aj Wilock Wires 020 Wire Spool, Grade Special Plus Spool Length 25 Feet , Alginate Impression Material Specification: Dust Free Packet ( Each ) , Arch Bar, Pediatric. , Arch Bar. Specification: Adult ( Each ) , Articulating Paper Specification: Blue / Red. ( Each ) , Begg Bondable Round Tubes, Pack Of 50 , Bleaching Kit Specification: Hydrogen Peroxide Bleech Kit For Office Use. ( Each ) , Bondable Lingual Buttons Specification: Have A Mesh Base And Round Protuberance. Bonded On Tooth Surfaces For Attaching Various Auxiliaries To The Button Eg. Used On Lingual Surface Of Tooth For Cross Elastics Or Couple And Used To Bond On Impacted Canine For Orthodontic Traction ( Each ) , Broaches Specification: Pkt Of 10 ( 10-40 ) ( Each ) , Calcium Hydroxide Powder Specification: Bottle For Dental Use ( Each ) , Cavity Preparation Kit. For Composite Restoration, Containing Assorted Air Rotor Burs ( 10-12 ) No. , Ceramic Repair Kit Specification: Kit Containing Hf Acid, Silane, Composite. ( Each ) , Coaxial Wire Spool, An Initial Leveling And Aligning Wire. For Bondable Fixed Retainers , Cold Cure Denture Monomer ( Acrylic ) Powder Jar , Liquid ( Can ) ( Same Manufacturer ) , Cold Cure Denture Polymer ( Acrylic ) Powder Jar, Liquid ( Can ) ( Same Manufacturer ) , Cold Cure Monomer ( Acrylic ) Specification: Liquid ( Each ) , Cold Mould Seal Specification: Separating Medium. ( Each ) , Composite Finishing Kit. Specification: Pack Of 12 ( Each ) , Crown And Bridge Cutting Bur Specification: For Tooth Preparation ( Assorted ) Flat And Tapered , Small Flame ( Each ) , Curved Begg Bracket, Mesh Base Pack Of 100 , E-Chain, Medium Short Continuous Used To Fit Over The Bracke.3Ts And Arch Wires To Connect The Teeth Together 1 Reel , Edta + Carbomide Peroxide Paste Specification: For Root Canal Treatment Syringe Type With Disposable Tips ( Each ) , Elastomeric Chain ( Continuous, Short And Medium ) , Used As Force Delivering Component During Space Closure In Fixed Orthodontic Mechanics. , Elastomeric Modules ( Ligerings ) Specification: Used For Engaging Wire In The Brackets In Fixed Orthodontics Treatment ( Pack Of 1000 ) ( Each ) , Etchant Specification: 37% Phosphoric Acid. Used To Etch / Condition The Tooth Surface For Bracket Bonding ( Each ) , Eugenol Specification: For Dental Use ( Each ) , Finger Plunger Specification: 20 Nos , 25 Mm Length ( Each ) , First Permanent Molar Stainless Steel Crown Kit, Performed And Pre Contoured Stainless Steel Kit Of 100 Crowns. , Flat Begg Bracket, Mesh Base Pack Of 100 , Flux Specification: Material Applied Before Soldering. It Helps Solder Flow Or Wet Properly In Terms Of Its Adhesive Property While Molten And Helps Prevent Oxidation. ( Each ) , Gic Luting Cement Specification: Used For Luting / Cementing Of Orthodontic Bands ( Each ) , G.I.C Type I Specification: Used As Luting Agent And Cementation Of Bands ( Each ) , Glass Fibre Post. Specification: Assorted Sizes Of Different Dia ( Each ) , G.P.Solvent Specification: Bottle ( Each ) , Green Stick Specification: ( For Border Moulding ) Packet ( Each ) , Guttaperchapoints 2% Taper, 20 ( Assorted ) , Gutta Percha Points 2% Taper, 25 , Gutta Percha Points 2% Taper, 30 , Gutta Percha Points 2% Taper, 35 , Gutta Percha Points 2% Taper, 40 , Gutta Percha Points 2% Taper, 45-80 ( Assorted ) , Guttaperchapoints 2% Taper Specification: ( 15-40 ) , .20 ( Assorted ) ( Each ) , Guttaperchapoints 2% Taper Specification: ( 15-40 ) , 25 ( Assorted ) ( Each ) , Guttaperchapoints 2% Taper Specification: ( 15-40 ) , 30 ( Assorted ) ( Each ) , Guttaperchapoints 2% Taper Specification: ( 15-40 ) , 35 ( Assorted ) ( Each ) , Guttaperchapoints 2% Taper Specification: ( 15-40 ) , 40 ( Assorted ) ( Each ) , Headstrom Files Specification: 25Mm Length ( 15-40 ) ( Each ) , Impression Compound Specification: For Primary Impression ( Pack ) ( Each ) , Intraoral Elastics 1 / 4 Inch, Force Level 3.5 Oz , Intraoral Elastics 3 / 16 Inch, Force Level 6.0 Oz , Intraoral Elastics 5 / 8 Inch, Force Level 4.5 Oz , Iopa X-Ray Films Specification: ( Speed-E ) Pack Of 150 Films. ( Each ) , K- Files Specification: 21 Mm, 45-80 ( Each ) , K- Files Specification:21 Mm, 8 ( Each ) , K- Files Specification:25 Mm, 15-40 ( Each ) , K- Files Specification: 25 Mm, 15 ( Each ) , K- Files Specification:25 Mm, 45-80 ( Each ) , K- Files Stainless Steel, 21 Mm, 10 , K- Files Stainless Steel, 21 Mm, 15-40 , K- Files Stainless Steel, 21 Mm, 15 , K- Files Stainless Steel , 21 Mm, 6 , K- Files Stainless Steel , 25 Mm, 10 , K- Files Stainless Steel, 25 Mm, 6 , K- Files Stainless Steel, 25 Mm, 8 , K- Flex Files Stainless Steel, 21 Mm, 10 , K- Flex Files Stainless Steel, 21 Mm, 15-40 , K- Flex Files Stainless Steel, 21 Mm, 15 , K- Flex Files Stainless Steel, 21 Mm, 45-80 , K- Flex Files Stainless Steel, 21 Mm, 6 , K- Flex Files Stainless Steel, 21 Mm, 8 , K- Flex Files Stainless Steel, 25 Mm, 10 , K- Flex Files Stainless Steel, 25 Mm, 15-40 , K- Flex Files Stainless Steel, 25 Mm, 15 , K- Flex Files Stainless Steel, 25 Mm, 45-80 , K- Flex Files Stainless Steel, 25 Mm, 8 , Ligature Wire 009 Inch, Spool Weighing 500 Gm , Ligature Wire 010 Inch, Spool Weighing 500 Gm , Ligature Wire , 28 Guage. , Ligature Wire, 30 Guage. , Light Cure Material Composites Kit With Etchant Bonding Agent Specification: ( Nonofilled ) Composites Different Shades, With Bonding Agent, Applicator, Tips Ce Certified ( Each ) , Mbt Brackets Size 018, Mesh Base Medium Size Brackets Color Coded Power Arm On Canine And Pre-Molars Set Of 10 , Mbt Brackets Size 022, Mesh Base Medium Size Brackets Color Coded Power Arm On Canine And Pre-Molars Set Of 10 , Mercury Pure Dental Specification: Triple Distilled ( Each ) , Mineral Trioxide Aggregate ( Mta ) Specification: White Powder ( Each ) , Modeling Wax Specification: Pack ( Each ) , Niti Closed Coil Spring 6 Mm, Pack Of 10 , Niti Closed Coil Spring 9 Mm, Pack Of 10 , Niti Open Coil Spring Specification: Used For Space Creation Mechanics ( Each ) , Orthodontic Composite Bonding Material Specification: Bonding Material. Used As Adhesive For Orthodontic Bracket Bonding To Tooth Surface. Polymerises By Light Activation ( Each ) , Palatal Sheaths , Pack Of 100 , Patient Drapes Specification: Pedo. ( Each ) , Performed Bands Size 34-42, Upper Triple Lower Double With Pre-Welded Tubes ( Non-Convertible ) , Performed Rectangular Stainless Wires 016X022 Lower, Avoid Arch Form-Pack Of 10 Lower , Performed Rectangular Stainless Wires 016X022 Upper, Avoid Arch Form-Pack Of 10 Upper , Performed Rectangular Stainless Wires 017X025 Lower, Avoid Arch Form-Pack Of 10 Lower , Performed Rectangular Stainless Wires 017X025 Upper, Avoid Arch Form-Pack Of 10 Upper , Performed Rectangular Stainless Wires 019X025 Lower, Avoid Arch Form-Pack Of 10 Lower , Performed Rectangular Stainless Wires 019X025 Upper, Avoid Arch Form-Pack Of 10 Upper , Pit And Fissure Sealant , Wet Bond Kit Syringe, Sealant Natural Shade With Applicator Tips. , Plaster Of Paris ( P.O.P ) Specification: For Dental Use ( Each ) , Preformed Molar Bands With Pre Welded Buccal Tubes ( Upper Double And Lower Single ) - Mbt Prescription -018 Slot, 022 Slot, Size 35-42 With Upper Triple And Lower Double Tubes A Set Of A Particular Size Includes 4 Bands Viz: Ur, Ul, Lr, Ll Of Each Size ] , Pulp Devitalizing Agent. Specification: Devitalizing Paste , Arsenic Free ( Each ) , Pumice Powder Specification: Pkt. ( Each ) , Reamers Specification: 08. ( Each ) , Reamers Specification: 10. ( Each ) , Reamers Specification: 15-40. ( Each ) , Resin Endodontic Sealer Specification: For Root Canal Obturation ( Each ) , Rotary Endo Files ( Different Length Starter / Refill Pack ) Specification: Niti Files2 ( Nickel Titanium ) ( Each ) , Roth Brackets Slot Size 018, Mesh Base Medium Size Brackets Color Coded Power Arm On Canine And Pre-Molars Set Of 10 , Roth Brackets Slot Size 022, Mesh Base Medium Size Brackets Color Coded Power Arm On Canine And Pre-Molars Set Of 10 , Rubber Dam Sheets, Paedo / Adult , Rubber Dam Sheets. Specification: Adult ( Each ) , Separators Specification: Elastomeric Rings To Create Space Between Teeth For Banding ( Pack Of 1000 ) Each , Shellac Base Plate Specification: Pack ( Each ) , Silicon Impression Material Light Body / Putty Specification: ( Pkt Contains Base Plate And Catalysts Paste, Mixing Tips ( Each ) , Silver Solder With Flux, For Soldering Auxiliaries , Stainless Steel Bracket Kits -Alexander Prescription ( 018 Slot ) Specification: Used On Individuals Teeth In Fixed Orthodontics Treatment. Have Single Wing Brackets On Canines And Bicuspids. Should Have A Mesh Base And Rounded Smooth Brackets, Wings Tarnish And Corrosion Resistant ( Complete Kit ) ( Each ) . , Stainless Steel Bracket Kits -Mbt Prescription ( 018, 022 Slot ) Specification: Used On Individuals Teeth In Fixed Orthodontics Treatment Twin Wing From 5- 5 With Hooks On 3, 4, 5. Should Have A Mesh Base And Rounded Smooth Brackets, Wings Tarnish And Corrosion Resistant ( Complete Kit ) ( Each ) . , Stainless Steel Bracket Kits Roth Prescription ( 018, 022 Slot ) , Used On Individuals Teeth In Fixed Orthodontics Treatment Twin Wing From 5-5 With Hooks On 3, 4, 5. Should Have A Mesh Base And Rounded Smooth Brackets, Wings Tarnish And Corrosion Resistant ( Complete Kit ) , Super Elastic Round N1t1 Wires 016X016 Lower, Avoid Arch Form-Pack Of 10 Lower . , Super Elastic Round N1t1 Wires 016X016 Upper, Avoid Arch Form-Pack Of 10 Upper . , Super Elastic Round N1t1 Wires 016X022 Lower, Avoid Arch Form-Pack Of 10 Lower . , Super Elastic Round N1t1 Wires 016X022 Upper, Avoid Arch Form-Pack Of 10 Upper . , Super Elastic Round N1t1 Wires 017X025 Lower, Avoid Arch Form-Pack Of 10 Lower . , Super Elastic Round N1t1 Wires 017X025 Upper, Avoid Arch Form-Pack Of 10 Upper , Super Elastic Round N1t1 Wires 019X025 Lower, Avoid Arch Form-Pack Of 10 Lower , Super Elastic Round N1t1 Wires 019X025 Upper, Avoid Arch Form-Pack Of 10 Upper , Super Elastic Round Nickel Titanium Arch Wire 012 Lower, Avoid Arch Form-Pack Of 10 Lower , Super Elastic Round Nickel Titanium Arch Wire 012 Upper, Avoid Arch Form-Pack Of 10 Upper , Super Elastic Round Nickel Titanium Arch Wire 014 Lower, Avoid Arch Form-Pack Of 10 Lower , Super Elastic Round Nickel Titanium Arch Wire 014 Upper, Avoid Arch Form-Pack Of 10 Upper , Super Elastic Round Nickel Titanium Arch Wire 016 Lower, Avoid Arch Form-Pack Of 10 Lower , Super Elastic Round Nickel Titanium Arch Wire 016 Upper, Avoid Arch Form-Pack Of 10 Upper , Surgical Bur. Specification: For Straight Hand Piece, ( Each ) , Teeth Anterior U / L, Set Of 12 ( All Shades / Sizes ) , Teeth Full Set U / L, ( All Shades / Sizes ) , Teeth Posterior U / L, Set Of 16 ( All Shades / Sizes ) , Temporary Filling Material Specification: Premixed Ready To Use ( Each ) , Tma Wire -036€, Used In Fixed Orthodontic Treatment For Loop Mechanics. Has Mat Finished Surface. ( A Tube Containing 10 Lengths ) , Tma Wires- 16 X 22, 17 X 25, Used In Fixed Orthodontic Treatment For Loop Mechanics. Has Mat Finished Surface. ( A Tube Containing 10 Lengths ) , Tma Wires Straight Length Round Rectangular Pre Formed Arch Form, 032, 036 17X25, 19X25, 21X25, 17X25, 19X25, 21X25 Used As Arch Wires In Fixed Orthodontic Treatment 1 Pack Of 10 Wires , Total Etch Bonding Agent Single Bottle Specification: Nanofilled ( Each ) , Wire. Specification: Stainless Steel, 19 Guage. , Wire. Specification: Stainless Steel 23 Guage. ( Each ) , Wire, Stainless Steel 18 Gauge. , Wire, Stainless Steel 19 Gauge. , Wire, Stainless Steel 20 Gauge. , Wire, Stainless Steel 21 Gauge. , Wire, Stainless Steel 22 Gauge. , Wire, Stainless Steel 23 Gauge. , Wire, Stainless Steel 26 Gauge. , Zinc Oxide Impression Paste: Specification: Eugenol Free ( Each ) , Zinc Oxide Powder Specification: Bottle ( Each ) , Inj.Frusemide 10 Mg / Ml , 2Ml Amp , Tab. Spironolactone 50Mg , Alcon Phaco Cassets , Alcon Phaco Tip Sleves , Sodium Hylourinate 14% , Neo Disher Ir , Balanced Salt Solution , Ab Gel ( Pack ) , Adhasive Plaster , Adhasive Plaster 7.5 Size 12 Cm , Albumin Kir , Alkaline Phosphate , Alpo4 , Amylase , Angocath 24G ( I V Cannulla ) Cathey , Anti-D 150 , Antisera Abd , Aso Regent , Asthalin Inhal , Auto Pippets 0-100 , Auto Pippets 100-1000 , Autoclave Tap , B.P Blade 23, 25, 24 , Baby Needles , Bandage Rolled , Bandid , Bed Sheets Cloth All Colours , Betadin Loction 10 % 500 Ml , Betadin Ointment , Bio Medical Wast Collection Bags All Colours , Blanket Cover , Blankets , Blood Lancet , Blood Sugar , Blood Transfusion Sets , Blood Urea , Blue Top Edta , Broom Sticks , Budatev Respules , Budecort Inhal , Budecort Inhal , Cap Dulcolex Supastry , Capillary Tubes , Card Clamp , Catgut 1.0 , Catgut 2.0 , Catgut 4228 , Catgut 4259 , Cautry Pads Disposable , Cautry Pencil Disposable , Ceadowood Oil , Cell Aa , Cell Cleaner 50 Ml , Cell Medium , Cell Pack 20 Liter , Chamber Set , Chlorophenicol Ointment , Cidex , Clamine Loction , Colin 500Ml , Cotton 500Gm , Cover Glass Slip , Cpd Bags 350 Ml , Crp , Ctg Paper ( Cardiotocography ) , Detergent Powder , Detergent Powder , Dinoprostone Gel , Dispo Syrings 10 Ml , Dispo Syrings 2 Ml , Dispo Syrings 20 Ml , Dispo Syrings 25 Ml , Dispo Syrings 3Ml , Dispo Syrings 5 Ml , Dispo Syrings 50 Ml , Disposable Bed Sheets , Disposable Caps , Disposable Gown , Disposable O.T. Sheets , Dressing Pad , Dressing Pads , Dressing Pads , Drip Set , Drops Cholorophenical , Drops Enzyme , Drops Saline Nasal Drops , Drops Thiamine , Drops Vitami D3 , Dynaplast Tape , Ecg Eadan Paper , Ecg Electrodes , Ecg Paper Maiccg , Eletrolyte Regent , Endotracealtube 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5 , Endotracealtube 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5 , Endotracealtube Cuffed , Esr Tubes , Esr Tubes , Feeding Tube5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Size , Feeding Tubes 10 Size , Follys Catherter 16, 18 , Formolin , Gaz Cloth , Gentamycin Eye Drops , Glass Slides , Glass Tube 5 Ml , Glovesnon Sterilised 7 Size , Gluco Strips , Glycerine Suppostries Adult , Gravendex Cards , Hand Sanitizer , Harpic Loction , Hbsag , Hcl , Hcv Cards , Heamaccell Infusion , Heamocoagulase Solution , Heamocoagulase Solution , Hiv Cards , Horpic Loction , I. V Cannulla 20G , I.V Cannulla 18 G 22 G , I.V. Cannulla 18G , I.V. Cannulla 22 G , I.V. Cannulla 24 G , I / R Gloves Surgicare 6.5 Size , I / R Gloves Surgicare 7 Size , I / R Gloves Surgicare 7.5 Size , Infant Formulla 6 Months To 1 Year , Infant Formulla Upto 6 Months , Injamoxycillin + Calvulanic Acid 1.2 Grm , Inj Adenosin 2 Ml , Inj Adrenaline , Inj Amituran , Inj Amkacin 100 Mg , Inj Amkacin 500 Mg , Inj Ampicillin 250 Mg , Inj Ampicillin 500 Mg , Inj Anti-D 300 , Inj Astymin , Inj Atracrurium 2 Ml , Inj Atropin , Inj Avil , Inj Betametasone , Inj Bupavaciane 5% Heavy , Inj Buscopan ( Hyocine Butylbromide ) , Inj Calcium Gluconate , Inj Carboproste 0.25 Mg , Inj Cefotaxime 150Mg , Inj Cefotaxime 250 Mg , Inj Cefotaxime 500 Mg , Inj Ceftraxone + Salbactame 1.5 Grm , Inj Ceftraxone 1 Grm , Inj Ceftraxone 125Mg , Inj Ceftraxone 250 Mg , Inj Ceftraxone 500 Mg , Inj Ciprofloxin , Inj Ciprofloxin Infusion , Inj Clindamycin 900 Mcg , Inj Dexamethasone , Inj Dextrose 10% , Inj Dextrose 25% , Inj Dextrose 5% , Inj Dextrose Normal Saline ( Dns ) 500 Ml , Inj Diazepam , Inj Diclofinac Sodium , Inj Diclofinac Sodium , Inj Diltiazem Hcl , Inj Dobutamine , Inj Dopamine , Inj Drotaverine , Inj Elomidants , Inj Elomidute Vasocurim ) , Inj Enoxaparin 60 Mg , Inj Ephedrain , Inj Epidocin , Inj Esmolol 100 Mg , Inj Etomidate , Inj Etophyline + Theophyline , Inj Fructodex , Inj Frusemide 10 Mg , Inj Glycopyrate , Inj Hamaccel , Inj Heparin , Inj Hydrocartisone 100 Ml , Inj Infusion Dex 25% , Inj Infusion Dex 5% 500 Ml , Inj Iron Sucrose , Inj Isolyte-P 500 Ml , Inj Isoxsuprine 5Mg , Inj Ketamin 10 Mg , Inj Labetalol , Inj Levofloxin , Inj Linzolid , Inj Madazolam , Inj Magnesium Sulphate 2 Ml , Inj Mephentermine , Inj Methergin , Inj Methylpredinisolone , Inj Metochlopramide , Inj Metronidazole , Inj Multi Vitamin Infusion , Inj Mvi , Inj Neostigmine , Inj Nitroglycerine , Inj Non Adraline , Inj Nor Adrenaline , Inj Normal Saline ( Ns ) 500 Ml , Inj Normal Saline 100 Ml , Inj Nornmmal Saline 3% , Inj Ondansetron , Inj Oxytocin , Inj Pantoprazole 40 Mg , Inj Paracetamol Infusion 100Ml , Inj Paractimol 2 Ml , Inj Phenobarbitone , Inj Phenytoin 2 Ml , Inj Piperacillin + Tozabactum 4.5 Gm , Inj Pottassium Chloride , Inj Pralidonime ( Pam ) , Inj Propafol 1 % 10 Mg , Inj Ranitidine 2 Ml , Inj Ringer Lactate 500Ml , Inj Sodium Bicarbonate , Inj Stemetil , Inj Sucoline ( Succnylcholine 1 Ml ) , Inj Superspas , Inj Tinidazol , Inj Tramadol , Inj Tranexamic Acid 5 Ml , Inj Valethamate Bromide , Inj Vancomycin , Inj Vecrounim , Inj Viscopress , Inj Vitamin K1 Mg , Inj Xylocard 2% , Inj Xylocin 2% , Insulin Syringe 1 Ml , Isforinc Gas , Isofluane Gas , Lbw Formula , Leishman Stain , Lignocaine Jelly , Lizol 500 Ml , Lp Needles 23G , Lp Needles 25G , Lp Needles 26G , Macantash Appran , Macantash Sheets Rubber , Mdazolam Spray , Mersilk 2.0 , Mersilk 3.0 , Mersilk 5062 , Microtips 100-1000 , Micro Tips 0-100 , Microgen , Microgen , Midzolam Spray , Molin Sheet , Monocryl 2.0 , Monocryl 3.0 , Montose Kit , Moxifloxin Eye Drops , Multilode ( Copper T ) , Multilode ( Copper T ) , Mvi Aspirator , N 95 Masks , N / 10 Hcl , Nasal Pronges Adult, Pead, Neonate , Nasal Pronges Infant Pediatrics , No2 Regulators , Nubolizer Mask , Oint Mupirocin , Operation Gown Cloths , Operation Gown Cloths , Oxygen Mask , Oxygen Regulators , Paper Tape , Phenyl , Piclin 100 Ml Syp , Pmo Line , Proctoclysis Enema , Red Top Tube , Ryles Tube , Sabutamol Inhalar , Sachets Prebiotic , Salbutamal Inhaler , Salbutamol Respules , Salbutamol Respules , Sanitry Pads , Sanitry Pads , Savlon Loction 1000 Ml , Savlon Loction 1000 Ml , Sgot , Sgpt , Shoe Cover Disposable , Shoe Cover For Dispenser , Soap Dettol , Soap Dettol , Sodium Hydrochloride 1*5 , Sovoflarine Gas , Spirit 100 Ml , Sr .Calcium , Sr Bilrubin , Sr Magnesium , Sr. Creatinine , Sr. Phosphorus , Stromatolyser 500 Ml , Suction Catheter 9, 10, 12 , Suction Drain , Suction Pipes , Suction Ruber Pipes , Suction Tubes 10, 12, 14 , Suction Tubes For Baby , Suction Tubes For Baby , Surgical Spongs , Surgical Spongs , Syp Albandazole , Syp Amoxyclav Double / Single Strength , Syp Anti Cold , Syp Azithromycil 100Mg And 200 Mg , Syp Calcium , Syp Cefixime 50Mg And 100 Mg , Syp Cefpodoxime 50Mg And 100 Mg , Syp Clarithromycin 125Mg , Syp Domperidone , Syp Drotaverine , Syp Gaqdinal , Syp Hydroxyzine , Syp Iron , Syp Levetiracetam , Syp Levosalbutamol , Syp Metronidazole , Syp Montelenkast Levocetrizine , Syp Oflaxin 50Mg And 100 Mg , Syp Ondentrone , Syp Parentilpamoate , Syp Phenytoin , Syp Retidine 75Mg , Syp Valparine , Syp Zinc , Tab Amlodopin 5 , Tab Amlodopin H , Tab Amoxycillin P.C. 625Mg , Tab Cefpodoxim 100Mg And 50 Mg , Tab Cefuroxim Cv 500 Mg , Tab Dalcin 600Mg , Tab Envas 2.5Mgand 5 Mg , Tab Folic Acid , Tab Formolin , Tab Iron , Tab Labitalol , Tab Lansoprazole , Tab Levogen Z , Tab Livogen Z , Tab Lyser D , Tab Misoprostol 200 Mg , Tab Pantop 40 Mg , Tab Pantop Dsr , Tab Paractimol 625 Mg , Tab Petril 0.5 Mg , Tab Shelcal Hd , Tab Thiamine 100Mg , Tab Tranestate , Tab Ursodeoxycholic Acid 75Mg And 150Mg , Thermal Paper , Three Way Cathter , Total Protein , Towel Turkish , Triple Layer Masks , Tube Drain Assorted 18, 14 , Urinary Catherter 6, 8, 10 , Urine Bags , Urine Bags Pidiatrics , Urine Catherter Pidiatrics , Urine Strips 10 Para , Usg Jelly , Usg Paper Type 5 ( Sony ) , Vdrl Cards , Vicryl 1.0 , Vicryl 2.0 , Vicryl 2347 , Vicryl 3.0 , X Ray 10X12 , X Ray 12X15 , X Ray 8X10 , X Ray Developer 12.5 Liter , X Ray Fixer 12.5 Liter , Xylocain Jelly

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 04-01-2022 Corrigendum-CUM--EXTENSION to e-NIT 49 GMCA of 2021 Date 10-01-2022
2 27-12-2021 Corrigendum to e-NIT 49 GMCA of 2021 Other 05-01-2022

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INR 1000 /-
INR 100000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 30 Lakhs /-
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