
Tentage and other Implied works in connection to various programs to be organized from time to time by Uttar Pradesh State Sugar Corporation Ltd. at its various units located in Uttar Pradesh Sl. No. Item Description 1 Providing&FixingofStageonScaff, Lucknow-Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh State Sugar Corporation Limited has published Tentage and other Implied works in connection to various programs to be organized from time to time by Uttar Pradesh State Sugar Corporation Ltd. at its various units located in Uttar Pradesh Sl. No. Item Description 1 Providing&FixingofStageonScaff. Submission Date for this Tender is 20-12-2021. Dustbin Tenders in Lucknow Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tentage and other Implied works in connection to various programs to be organized from time to time by Uttar Pradesh State Sugar Corporation Ltd. at its various units located in Uttar Pradesh Sl. No. Item Description 1 Providing&FixingofStageonScaff
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Tentage and other Implied works in connection to various programs to be organized from time to time by Uttar Pradesh State Sugar Corporation Ltd. at its various units located in Uttar Pradesh Sl. No. Item Description 1 Providing&FixingofStageonScaffoldingheavyironbase andheavyplyplatformonthetopforstonefoundation ceremony display on rental/hire Basis. 2 4 FT Height 3 6FT Height 4 8FT Height 5 Providing and fixing of durable and elegant staircase for VVIP stage with 4 wide and high steps and suitable size landing, all confirming to ease of access and security protocols of VVIPs on Rental/Hire Basis. 6 Providing and fixing gloss SS railings on 3 sides of VVIP stage with 2.5 feet height at front andsides on Rental/hire basis. 7 Providing & Laying of German hanger Pandalmade of toughened aluminiumalloycastedintosectionsjointtogethertoformaV shapeStructurewithspeciallydesigned3layered weather/waterproofPVCFabricofwhitecolorwhicharefire retared and heat tightened by industrial ratchets on Rental/Hire 8 25 Meter Span 9 30Meter Span 10 40Meter Span 11 Providing&LayingofGermanhangerPandalwithcloth/fabric decoration made of toughened aluminium alloy casted into sections joint together to form a V shape Structure with specially designed 3 layered weather/waterproof PVC Fabric of white color whicharefireretaredandheattightenedbyindustrialratchets on Rental/Hire Basis. 12 12Meter Span 13 15Meter Span 14 Providing and Fixing of Air conditioning for open stage 15 Providing and Fixing of Air conditioning Heating equipements with oil filter radiation technologyon hire/rental basis. 16 ProvidingandFixingofsufficientAirconditioningforopenstage area (approx 30 Ton) on hire/rental basis. 17 Providing and fixing of pagoda tentmade of toughened aluminiumalloycastedintosectionsjointtogethertoforma Structurewithspeciallydesigned3layeredweather/waterproof PVCFabricofwhitecolorwhicharefireretaredforcrewand other officers on rental/hire basic. 18 3 MTR X 3 MTR 19 5 MTR X 5 MTR 20 6 MTR X 6 MTR 21 Providing & Fixing of genset with fuel & M-Oil used for the power supplytoallequipmentusedduringeventlikelight,fan,Large Coolers, Air-Conditioners, Swiss Cottage, Sound, DMFD and other required etc. during the event (per day) on Rental/Hire basis. 22 125 KVA 23 82 KVA 24 62 KVA 25 ArrangementofSoundSystemwithJBLColoumn,Speakerbox, JBLstagemoniterspeakerbox,Topspeakerbox,OSP6000/10 Amplifier, High Power amplifier by Wt25000/50000/100000 amplifier 2 VVIP podium set microphone on rostrum and electronicmediastage,hornsspeakerthroughoutthepandal, transformers with cabling etc. & a battery emergency backup on Rental/Hire basis. 26 Big Event for VVIP(s) 27 2000 people gathering 28 1000 people gathering (For general meeting & reharsal) 29 Providing & Fixing of Barricading of two rows with 48 OD MS Pipe verticalaswellashorizontalof4.5to5.5feetabovetheground level which is embedded 0.75 mtrs inside ground joint with specially designed iron clamps to hold them together with aluminium paint finish as per requirement on Rental/Hire Basis. 30 Providing & Fixing of Barricading of three rows with 48 OD MS Pipe verticalaswellashorizontalof4.5to5.5feetabovetheground level which is embedded 0.75 mtrs inside ground joint with specially designed iron clamps to hold them together with aluminium paint finish as per requirement on Rental/Hire Basis. 31 ProvidingandFixingofcompletewoodenballibarricadinginside andoutsideasperarrangementsofsecurityandsittingplan, heightofbarricadingmustbeapproximately4.5to5.5ft.above thegroundlevel,whichisembedded0.75mtrsinsideground jointedwitheachothermaintainingthesymmetryonrental/hire basis. 32 Providing & Fixing of Security Wire Mesh one inch square wire on a iron angle frames designed in a way such that they can be joined together to provide security for the VVIP area on Rental/Hire basis. 33 Chholdari for police official residing at site for security purpose at 34 Providing and Fixing of complete Swiss cottage iron frame specially designed with waterproof, heatproof PVC fabric, inside of which is partitioned with both side teak finish both side laminated poly for an elegant look to VVIP room, complete with all accessories such as brandnewnonwovensyntheticcarpet,oilfilterradiatororAir- conditioner, sofa set with towells & stainless on rental/hire basis. 35 Making temporary toilet for C.M. & V.I.P. using plywood etc complete as per direction of responsible incharge authority/ official present at the venue on hire/rental basis. 36 Providing & Fixing of complete Mojo-Barricading inside& outside as per arrangements of security & sitting plan , height of barricadingmustbeapproximately4ft.atsiteonRental/Hire Basis. 37 Providing&FixingofSecurityViewCutterWallMountedonMS Pipe Structure for restricting direct view of VVIP to the audience on Rental/Hire Basis. 38 9inchesraisedplatformonwoodenboardsmountedoniron framesandframesmountedonironbasetocoverunleveled groundoverandprovideflatplatformunderentireareaofSwiss cottage & other required area on Rental/Hire Basis. 39 Providing & Fixing of Cultural Stage on Scaffolding heavy iron base and heavy ply platform on the top surroundingwith MSrailing. 2 staircase each with landing and each step 6 high and side railing, also 6 ft. wide ramp with railing with a slope of ratio 1:10 ft. long for wheel chair on rental/hire Basis. 40 Providing & Laying of Front, Side & back of German Hanger pandal structuredbyadditionalalloysection(s)80mmX120mmheavy alloy, joint together to from a structure where heat absorbing PVC fabric is inserted into the structure tightened by industrial ratchets to provide wind shield for the area within it and retain the temperatureinsidepandal onRental/HireBasisasper requirement at site. 41 Providing & Fixing of Brand new Woven Synthetic Polymer Carpet forMainDias&insidetheentrancearea,VVIParea&other required area complete with Chemical Pasting on rental/Hire Basis. 42 Providing & Fixing of Pipe structure Tent covering on height of 18ft withcenterGangway30ftwidespanfreewithultrawhitecloth coveringtoprotectguests&audiencefromdirectsunlighton Rental/Hire basis. 43 Providing and Laying of Brand New 5 wide X 5mm thick welcome red color, Non-Woven synthetic Runner for distinguishing the main path for VVIP complete with chemical pasting on Rental/hire basis. 44 Providing&LayingofusedGoodQualityNon-WovenSynthetic Carpettoprotectthepandalareafromdustandgrassforentire pandal & required area on Rental/Hire Basis. 45 Providing&FixingofDustProtectionPolyCoverOverVVIParea, CMGallary&otherareatoprotectfromdust&removedjust beforetheVVIParrivalprovidingfreshmattingonRental/Hire Basis. 46 Providing & Fixing of 3 Tier Stage for electronic Media in order to provide view to all camaras placed on the each ramp of the stage equippedwithvariousplugpints&Socketsandisolatedfrom general audience on Rental/Hire Basis. 47 Providing&FixingofStageFurniturewithVVIPcushionedchairs, Kaleen,VVIPCenterTables(s),Towel(s)&HandTowel(s)forVVIP on Rental/Hire Basis. 48 Providing and Fixing of Octonorm stalls including one octonorm table on rental/hire basis. 49 Providing and Fixing of Extra Octonorm tables on rental/hire basis. 50 Providing & Fixing of Chairs with cushioned Back & Base for VIP(s) laid into Blocks of row & columns in the foremost part of pandal as per the direction of responsible in charge authority/official present at the venue on rental/Hire Basis. 51 Providing&Fixingofultrawhitecover(s)overcushionedBack& BaseChairsforVIP(s)laidintoBlocksofrow&columnsinthe foremostpartpfpandalasperthedirectionofresponsiblein charge authority/official present at the venue on rental/Hire Basis. 52 Providing & Fixing of MouldedPolymer Chairs for guest(s)& Audience laid into Blocks of row & columns in the part of pandal as per the direction of responsible in charge authority/official present at the venue on rental/Hire Basis. 53 Providing & Fixing of MouldedPolymer Chairs for guest(s)& Audience laid into Blocks for rehersal purpose on rental/Hire Basis. 54 Providing&FixingofT-ironfoldingtableswithwoodentopfor various purposeinside pandal as perthe direction ofresponsible inchargeauthority/officialpresentatthevenueonrental/HireBasis. 55 Providing&FixingofTablesheetcoverT-ironfoldingtableswith wooden top for various purpose inside pandal as perthe direction of responsible in charge authority/official present at the venue on rental/Hire Basis. 56 Providing&FixingofStitchedSattornBorderonT-ironfolding tableswithwoodentopforvariouspurposeinsidepandalasper the direction ofresponsible in charge authority/official present at the venue on rental/Hire Basis. 57 Providing & Fixing of 400 W Matel Halide lights forSecurity Purposefor3daysbeforeeventintopandalprovidingadequate visibility in night, morning & in case of bad weather on Rental/Hirebasis. 58 Providing & Fixing of 6MM/10MM Wiring into four luines including phase(s) neutral & Earth throughout pandal providing power supplytohalogenlights&LEDlightsforsecuritypurposebefore the main event on Rental/Hire Basis. 59 Providing & Fixing of Armoured Cable Connecting the Genset to the Main Board to run the security lights for leak proof transmission of power on Rental/Hire Basis. 60 Providing & Fixing of Armoured Cable Connecting the Genset to the MainBoardandtheAir-Conditioner(s)(heatingequipements)to the Main board for leak proof transmission of power on Rental/Hire Basis. 61 Providing & Fixing of Panel Box with MCB and changeover system for controllingofelectrical equipmenton stage& pandalarea on Rental/Hire basis. 62 Providing & Fixing of Large LED flood Lights for security purpose for a night before event & during event on to the main stage providing adequate visibility in night,morning&in caseofbadweather on Rental/Hire basis. 63 Providing & Fixing of Large LED flood Lights for the main event on rental/hire basis. 64 Providing& FixingofLarge8X10Led Screenfor betterview of stage to audience in rear of pandal on Rental/Hire Basis. 65 Providing & Fixing of Scafolding Platform of 5 Height for placement ofLEDScreenforbetterviewofstagetotheaudienceinrear of pandal on Rental/Hire Basis. 66 Providing & Fixing of position cooler as per requirement of site on rental/hire basis. 67 Providing&Fixingofposition,fansasperrequirementofsiteon rental/hire basis. 68 Providing & Fixing of mist fans of high quality having suitable water sprayrotatorymotion,andahighpressurepumpwithsuitable nozzleswhichworkontheprincipleofflashevaporativecooling, alsoresponsibleforproducingultrafinefogwhichevaporates upon contract with heat in the surrounding and effectively reduces the temperature in the area at site on rental/hire basis. 69 Providing and Fixing of Chemical earthing on hire/Rental basis. 70 Stikers(2FX2F)forseatingarrangementofdifferentsections on vinyl sheet on rental/hire basis 71 Providing and Spraying (fogging) insecticides to all area for making venue non-allergic, odourless, non-toxic, VOC free, non carcinogenic and earth friendly clear on regular basis for everyday and whenever required right from beginning of mobilsation to last minute of event. Agency need to keep minium two fogging machine in working condition on site on rental/hire basis. 72 Providing and fixing Cross Roads Box Gate in position as per rquirement of site on rental/hire basis. 73 Providing and fixing Entrance Gate for VVIP /Media in position as per rquirement of site on rental/hire basis. 74 Providing and fixing Boards /Hoardings/Standies in position as per rquirement of site on rental/hire basis. 75 Providing and fixing Cutouts in position as per rquirement of site on rental/hire basis. 76 Providing and fixing Sinages in position as per rquirement of site on rental/hire basis. 77 Providing and fixing Flags in position as per rquirement of site on rental/hire basis. 78 Providing and fixing Back drop/ Drop Downs in position as per rquirement of site on rental/hire basis. 79 Videography and photography of the event complete in all respect with CDs. 80 Stickers for seating arrangement of different sections on vinyl sheet on rental/hire basis. 81 Providing Fire Marshalls &fire extinguishers Appropriate numbers as per requirement of event on rental/ hire basis. 82 Providingand fixing P2 LED wall to be used as main backdrop with watachout servers to be installed one day prior for program , the setup shoul include allaudio & video system as per need of the programfor VVIP on Rental/Hire basis. 83 Providingand fixing complete bedding set including dunlop mattress, two sheet covers ,pilow on Rental/Hire basis. 84 ProvidingRajai on Rental/Hire basis. 85 Providingblanket on Rental/Hire basis. 86 Providing folding bedson Rental/Hire basis. 87 Providing dust bins (40-50 litres) with polyethene on Rental/Hire basis. 88 Providing and fixing portable bath rooms with showers, taps, accessaries fittings with one bucket and one water mugon Rental/Hire basis. 89 Rangoli with colours and flower petals decoration inside the D on rental/hire basis complete. 90 Providing Flower Decoration work on main stage, Ramp & StaircasewithBouquet(s),Cutflowers&Seasonaldecorated flower in front of main stage, Ramp, Staircase, Podium & Backdrop Center Table Etc.on Rental/Hire basis. 91 Providing Flower Decoration work on main stage for (VVIP) on Rental/Hire basis. 92 Providing Flower Decoration work on main stage (General) on Rental/Hire basis.

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INR 2360 /-
INR 200000.0 /-
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