
Bids Are invited for Safeskin KIMBERLAY PURPLE NITRILE Gloves Small - 33466-04 , Safeskin KIMBERLAY PURPLE NITRILE Gloves Medium - 33466-05 , Safeskin KIMBERLAY PURPLE NITRILE Gloves Large - 33466-06 , AXISAFE - Nitrile Gloves (Powder free) Large - AENG 5-Rajasthan

Department of Agricultural Research and Education has published Bids Are invited for Safeskin KIMBERLAY PURPLE NITRILE Gloves Small - 33466-04 , Safeskin KIMBERLAY PURPLE NITRILE Gloves Medium - 33466-05 , Safeskin KIMBERLAY PURPLE NITRILE Gloves Large - 33466-06 , AXISAFE - Nitrile Gloves (Powder free) Large - AENG 5. Submission Date for this Tender is 18-12-2021. wrist watch Tenders in Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are invited for Safeskin KIMBERLAY PURPLE NITRILE Gloves Small - 33466-04 , Safeskin KIMBERLAY PURPLE NITRILE Gloves Medium - 33466-05 , Safeskin KIMBERLAY PURPLE NITRILE Gloves Large - 33466-06 , AXISAFE - Nitrile Gloves (Powder free) Large - AENG 5
Open Tender

Tender Details

Bids Are invited for Safeskin KIMBERLAY PURPLE NITRILE Gloves Small - 33466-04 , Safeskin KIMBERLAY PURPLE NITRILE Gloves Medium - 33466-05 , Safeskin KIMBERLAY PURPLE NITRILE Gloves Large - 33466-06 , AXISAFE - Nitrile Gloves (Powder free) Large - AENG 50 L , Lint free Wipes11.3 x 20 cm - 3367000/4 , Cryo Box with Transparent Cover 4 pcs - 14810 , Tissue Culture Bottle Glass (Autoclavable) 72 pcs - TCB 400 , Haemocytometer - HCCB200 , PLAIN DESICCATOR 200 mm - 11200 , OPTICA Cells For UV Spectrophotometer Quartz 3.5 ml - SQ0350 , Regent Bottles 50 ml (46 x 87) GL32 - 1501012 , Regent Bottles 100 ml (56 x 100) GL 45 - 1501016 , Regent Bottles 250 ml(70 x 140) GL 45 - 1501021 , Regent Bottles 500 ml (86 x 176) GL 45 - 1501024 , Reagent Bottle 1000 ml (105 x 105 x 187) - 1506029 , Regent Bottles 2000 ml (136 x 260) GL 45 - 1501030 , Screw caps for bottle GL 45 - 1503C03 , Reagent Bottle 1000 ml (105 x 105 x 187) GL-80 - 1506029 , Erlenmeyer flask500 ml (GL-45) - 5021024 , Watch Glass 80 mm - 9986072 , GlassMortar & Pestel 100 x 75 mm - 7210041 , Microscpoe Galss Slide 76 x 26 x 1 mm - 9100D01 , Perlite 15 Kg - 22150 , Draining Tray 400 x 300 x 100 mm - 23310 , Soilrite 5 Kg - 22160 , Acrylic seed displayer 9 cavity - 21050 , Geepol 5 liter - 240178 , Disinfactant 500 ml - 27410 , Clean wrap 50 meter - 70310 , Staining box 125 x 125 x 50 mm - 28410 , Acetic Acid Glacial extrapure AR, ACS,Exiplus, Multi-Compendial, @,99.9% 2500 ml - 93602 , Glycine for molecular Biology, 99.5%500 g - 64072 , Sodium Lauryl Sulphate for molecular biology, 99% 100 g - 32096 , Isopropanol GC-HS,99.9 % 500 ml - 10140 , Brilliant Blue R25 g - 93473 , Methanol extrapur AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.8% 2500 ml - 37152 , Phenol: Chloroform: Isoamyl Alcohol (25:24:1) pH 8.0 for molecular biology 500 ml - 69031 , Tris Buffer for HPLC, 99.9% 500 g - 56995 , Mercuric Chloride extrapue AR, ACS, ExiPlus,98% 25 g - 29828 , Chloroform for molecular biology, 99.8% 100 ml - 96764 , Sodium Carbonate, Anhydrous extr

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