Bids Are invited for Plaster Dental stone - Dental plaster Type 3, medium strength, medium strength, medium setting, pkt of 1 KG , Inj lignocaineHcl with adrenaline 2% vial - 30 ml vial for dental use, Containing 2% lignocaine, 1:80,000 adrenaline, With Preservative and antioxidant for extended shelf life , Inj Lignocaine 2% without adrenaline - 30 ml vial for dental use, 2% lignocaineWith Preservative and antioxidant for extended shelf life , Inter dental Brush for narrow space - Suitable for manual cleaning ofnarrow interdental space, High quality durable bristles, with angulated handle and plastic protective cap, pkt of min 05 brushes , Inter dental Brush for wide space - Suitable for manual cleaning ofwide interdental space, High quality durable bristles, with angulated handle and plastic protective cap, pkt of min 05 brushes , Super soft tooth Brushes - high quality nylon bristle of diameter .02 mm or less, - ergonomic flexible handle for easy and effective cleaning,suitable for cleaning of sensitive teeth and gums , Dental Floss - for interdental area cleaning, floss with handle, single use disposable, shred resistant, wax coated, pkt of 50 floss , Miracle mix - radiopaque silver alloy reinforced glass ionomer cement for dental use, Suitable for core build up and large size dental restoration, Fluoride releasing property, pkt containing cement powder, alloy, liquid bottle and measuring scoop, min shelf life of 2 years and above , Normal Saline - Sodium chloride 0.9 %w/v , Sterile, non-pyrogenic, Single dose container, Bottle of 500 ml , Sodium Hypochlorite solution - 5.25% w/v sodium hypochlorite solution for dental use, For cleaning and disinfecting root canal, Bottle of 500 ml, Shelf lifemin 1 year , Dental plaster - Type- II dental plaster, Medium setting, Fine textured, Moisture free, Pkt of 1 kg , Disposable Syringe 5 ml - Single use plastic syringe of 5ml capacity, EO Sterile, non pyrogenic, With 24 G Hypodermic needle, Pkt of 100 , Alginate - alginate i