
Supply Of Equipment, Instrument & Furnitures For Gajapati District Under Nhm. Exercise Bicycle Nebulizer Shoulder Wheel 4 Nasal Speculum 5 Cervical Traction (Manual) 6 Lumber Traction (Manual) 7 Gaittrainning Apparatus Led Head Lamp 10 Jobson Horn Pro-Odisha

National Health Mission has published Supply Of Equipment, Instrument & Furnitures For Gajapati District Under Nhm. Exercise Bicycle Nebulizer Shoulder Wheel 4 Nasal Speculum 5 Cervical Traction (Manual) 6 Lumber Traction (Manual) 7 Gaittrainning Apparatus Led Head Lamp 10 Jobson Horn Pro. Submission Date for this Tender is 15-12-2021. Medical Equipment Tenders in Odisha. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Equipment, Instrument & Furnitures For Gajapati District Under Nhm. Exercise Bicycle Nebulizer Shoulder Wheel 4 Nasal Speculum 5 Cervical Traction (Manual) 6 Lumber Traction (Manual) 7 Gaittrainning Apparatus Led Head Lamp 10 Jobson Horn Pro
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Equipment, Instrument & Furnitures For Gajapati District Under Nhm. Exercise Bicycle Nebulizer Shoulder Wheel 4 Nasal Speculum 5 Cervical Traction (Manual) 6 Lumber Traction (Manual) 7 Gaittrainning Apparatus Led Head Lamp 10 Jobson Horn Probe 11 Eustachian Catheter 12 Tuning Fork 13 Tongue Depressor 14 Nasal Speculum 15 Illuminated Vision Chart (Near Vision) 16 Illuminated Vision Chart (Distance Vision) 17 Asha Kit-Vision Screening Card For 6/18 Vision,Measuring Tape(6 Meter) 18 Mouth Mirror 19 Spoon Excavator 20 Consultation Table 21 Chair For Staff (Office) 22 Plastic Chair In Waiting Area 23 Almirah 24 General Rack 25 Stool For Patient 26 Instrument Cabinet 27 Examination Table 28 Partisan Screen 29 Foot Step 30 Medicine Rack 31 White Board (Medium) 32 Fan 33 Inverter (2Kva With 2X180mah Battery) General 34 Clinical Thermometer 35 Bp Instrument(3Size Cuff) – Aneroid 36 Stethoscope 37 Pulse Oximeter (Finger Type) 38 Stopwatch 39 Examination Lamp 40 Torch 41 Kidney Trey (Medium) 42 Weighing Machine (Adult) 43 Weighing Machine (Infant) 44 Hanging Weighing Scale (Toddler) 45 Stadiometer (Adult) 46 Infantometer 47 Measuring Tape 48 MUAC Tape 49 Steam Sterilizer (Medium / Large) 50 Auto Clave (10 Litre) 51 Auto clave Box( Drum ) 52 Tray instrument/ 53 Cheatle’s Forceps and its Jar (SS) Pregnancy 54 Digital Haemoglobin meter (without Strip) 55 Glucometer 56 Cusco Speculum (Medium) 57 Sim’s Speculum (Medium) 58 Sim’s Speculum (Large) 59 Uterine Sound 60 Sponge Holder 61 Allis Forcep (Medium) 62 Allis Forcep (Large) Non- 63 Mouth Mirror 64 Tongue Depressor(Disposable) 65 Spoon Excavator Common 66 Snellen Chart (illuminated) (EYE Department ) 67 Auroscope /AUTOSCOPE 68 Tuning Fork (512 Hz) 69 Nasal Speculum (Small) 70 Nasal Speculum (Large) 71 Nasal Forceps for Foreign body removal 72 Dental Explorer 73 Exercise Bicycle 74 Shoulder Wheel 75 Walker 76 Cervical Traction (Manual) 77 Gait training apparatus 78 Infrared Lamp 79 Nebulizer 80 Saline Stand 81 Bed Pan 82 Bed side urinal 83 Dressing cum observation Table 84 Needle holder for Stitching 85 Tooth Forceps 86 Plain forceps 87 Artery Forceps 88 Sinus Forceps 89 Set of AMBU Bag (to include Adult, paediatric and neonatal AMBU bag and masks and oral adjuncts) 90 Tourniquet (Adult & paediatric) 91 Colour coded Bins (one set) – medium size (foot operated) 92 Plastic Tub with lid (10” base) EIF 93 Heavy Duty Racking System for Drug store Facility Assessment for PHC 94 Binocular Microscope with Oil immersion 95 Stool Transport Carrier 96 Test tube rack 97 Table Top Centrifuge 98 Refrigerator 99 Spirit lamp 100 Smear Transporting Box 101 Digital HB Meter 102 ESR Stand with tube 103 Micro Pipette 104 Incubator 105 Rotor/Shaker 106 Semi automated Bio Chemistry Analyzer 107 CBC 3 part 108 TCDC count 109 Nebulizer chamber 110 Pressure cuff & stop watch Other Cost towards management 111 Slide Transport Box 112 Sample transport Box (Thermo cool)` 113 Rack/Cabinet for storage of lab Consumables 114 Cost towards Sample & Diagnostic transportation from PHCs per Annum 115 M242VA/EVA kit 116 Doppler 117 3ml Insullin Cartridge 118 Insulin Pen 119 Needles(For Insulin) 120 Digital Haemoglobin meter with Strip(100 nos) 121 Nebulizer 122 Pulse Oxymeter 123 NSV kits 124 Minilap Kits 125 IUCD Kits 126 2D model or poster kits 127 Portable Tube Seal 128 Tube Stripper 129 Hub Cutter 130 St Martin Forceps 131 Toothed Forceps/Fixation Forceps 132 22G irrigation Cannula 133 Utrata Capsnlorrhexis Forceps 134 Microcapsulorritexis Forcep 135 Enndeation Scissors 136 Vitreono Scissors 137 Lid plates 138 Bowman Lacrimal Probe 139 Descmarres lid Retractor 140 Casttoriejo Callipers 141 Eye Pad 142 Hydrodiesection cannula(26G) 143 Chairs for patient waiting area 144 Bed sight Screen (Screen Separators with stand) 145 Steel Almirah 146 Cupboard/storage chests 147 Examination Table with Foot Step 148 X-Ray View Box 149 Basin 825 ml. Ss (Stainless Steel) 150 Basin deep (capacity 6 litre) 151 Tray instrument/ Dressing with cover 310 x 195x63mm SS, 152 Dressing Drum with cover 0.945 litres stainless steel 153 Hemoglobinometer (strip/micro-cuvette) 154 Weighing Scale, Adult 125 kg/280 lb 155 Instrument Sterilizer 156 Sphygmomanometer Aneroid 300 mm with cuff 157 Surgical Instruments 158 Kelly’s Forceps 159 Cheatle’s Forceps with Holder 160 Needle Holder 161 Scalpel holder with blade 162 Sponge holder 163 Kidney tray 164 Artery Forceps, straight, 160mm Stainless steel 165 Stitch cutter 166 Allis forceps 167 Dressing Forceps (spring type), 160 mm, stainless steel 168 Stethoscope 169 Hub Cutter and Needle Destroyer 170 Artery Forceps-Curved 171 Gauze Cutting Scissors 172 Digital Thermometer 173 Examination Lamp 174 Oxygen Cylinder trolley 175 Slide drying rack 176 Specimen collection bottle(100/pack) 177 Micropipette 178 Yellow Tips for Micropipette 179 Neubauer’s Chamber(CellCounter) 180 ESR Stand with tube 181 TC-DC Count apparatus 182 Stopwatch 183 Sickling test kit 184 Water quality test- H2S Strip test 185 Colorimeter 185 Centrifuge machine 186 Weighing Scale, Infant (10 Kg) 187 Vulsellum Uterine 188 Cusco’s/Graves Speculum vaginal bi-valve 189 Sims retractor/ depressor 190 Sims Speculum vaginal double ended ISS Medium 191 Uterine Sound Graduated 192 Cord cutting Scissors 193 Foetal Doppler 194 Suction Machine 195 Suction Machine 196 Ambu Bag (Paediatric size) with Baby mask 197 Interdental cleaning aids 198 Dental Probe 199 Universal tooth extractor 2201 Tongue Depressor 202 Mouth Gag 203 Tuning fork 204 Nasal Speculum (St. Claire’s)* 205 Ear Speculum – metallic, dull finish 206 Jobson-Horne probe 207 Otoscope 208 VIA Kit for screening cervical cancer 209 Snellen vision chart 210 Near vision chart 211 Doctor’s chair (full back) 212 Doctor’s Table 213 Duty Table for Nurses 214 Steel Cup-board 215 Racks –Steel 216 Patients Waiting Chairs (Moulded)* 3 seated 217 Office Chairs Medium Back 218 Office Table 48’’x24’’x30’’ 219 Filing Cabinets (for records)* 220 Stores Almirah 221 Bedspreads 222 Blankets Red and blue 223 Table cloth 224 Doctor’s overcoat 225 Hospital worker ot coat 226 Patients house coat (for female) 227 Patients Pyjama (for male) Shirt 228 Abdominal sheets for OT 229 Pereneal sheets for OT 230 Leggings/ SNCU Staff Dress 231 Stainless Steel Pole Hanging Dustbin 232 Foot Operated Yellow colour dustbin stand 233 Foot Operated Red colour dustbin stand 234 Foot Operated Black colour dustbin stand 235 Foot Operated Blue colour dustbin stand 236 Wheel barrow 236 Green Colour Waste Bin HDPE material 237 Food trolley 238 Cold Box & Ice Pack 239 Aluminium Ladder 240 Water Purifier 241 Eureka Forbes 3 bucket mopping trolley 242 Mats (Nylon) 243 Roller Splint 244 58Yellow Colour Waste Bin 245 Yellow Colour Waste Bin 246 Yellow Colour Waste Bin 247 Red Colour Waste Bin 248 Red Colour Waste Bin 249 Red Colour Waste Bin 250 Blue Colour Waste Bin 251 Blue Colour Waste Bin 252 Blue Colour Waste Bin 253 Black Colour Waste Bin 254 Black Colour Waste Bin 255 Black Colour Waste Bin 256 Puncture Proof Container 257 Needle Cutter 258 10% Hypochloride Solution 259 Gum boots 260 Utility Gloves 261 Mask 262 Head Caps 263 Plastic Apron 264 Shoe Cover 265 Knife 266 Scissor 267 Ampoule Cutter 268 Goggles 269 Disposable Plastic Bag 270 Dust Bin wheeled (Green colour) 271 Hydraulic Trolley 272 Red bag(Plastic) 273 Black bag(Plastic) 274 Yellow Bag(Plastic) 275 Blue Bag (Plastic) 276 Black bag(Plastic) 277 Zipper Bag 278 Hypochlorite Solution 279 Twin Bucket 280 Alginate(3M) 281 GIC Type-2 282 GIC Type-9 283 Zoe Cement 284 Calcium Hydroxide 285 Zinc Phosphate 286 Cavitemp 287 Putty Impression 288 Light body Impression 289 Gold Cure Acrylic 290 Topical Lignocaine Spray 291 Dual cure resin Cement 292 Self Developing X-Ray 293 Guttaperche-6% 294 Guttaperche-2% 295 Tooth Bleaching Agent 296 Polishing Paste 297 Forceps for Extraction 298 Cement Plugged Trimmer 299 Phenol Solid 300 Imersion oil 301 Concentrated Sulphuric Acid 302 Methylene Blue 303 Carbol Fuchin 304 Methylated Spirit 305 Microscope Glass Slide 306 De-ionised Distill Water 307 Phenys 40%,Full Black 308 Diamond Marker Pen 309 Filter Paper 310 Timer 311 Slide Tray 312 Glass Rod 313 Tissue Roll Paper 314 Room Thermometer 315 Slide Capturing Foreshape 316 Falcon Tube Stand 317 Glass funnel 318 Borosil Round Jar 319 Borosil Round Jar 320 Borosil Bottom Flask 321 Borosil Bottom Flask 322 Borosil Jar 323 Borosil Measuring Cylinder 324 Borosil Measuring Cylinder 325 Reagent Dropping Bottles 326 Lense Cleaning Paper Book 327 Plastic Funnel 328 Sputum Container 329 Slide Box 330 Microscope Bulb 331 Blu Filter Glass 332 Appron 333 Muscle Stimulater 334 Ultra Sound Therapy 335 Wheel Chair 336 Gonio-Meter 337 Dyano Meter 338 Knee Hamer 339 Head Light 340 Ear Specula 341 Nasal Speculum 342 Mouth Mirror 343 Tongue Depressor 344 Foreign Body Removal Forceps 345 Periodontal probe 346 Tooth Model 347 Tooth Extraction Forceps Set(Adult ) 348 Dental Chair 349 Dental X-ray with RVG 350 Instrument Set 351 Haemoglobinometer (Strip/Cuvette) 352 Color Vision Chart 353 Digital BP Apparatu 354 Aneroid BP apparatus 355 Urine Analysis(DIPSTICK) 356 Peak Flow Me 357 Lab Autoclave 358 Incubator 360 Centriguge-8 Tubes 361 Needle Destroyer 362 Lumber Traction manual 363 Hydro Collator Unit 364 Traction Bed

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