
Bids Are invited for Digital Refractometer - The Digital Dairy Refractometer should provide reliable estimates of colostrum quality, blood serum total protein concentration, animal urine specific gravity and the percent solids in milk. Refractometer can t-Gujarat

Kamdhenu University has published Bids Are invited for Digital Refractometer - The Digital Dairy Refractometer should provide reliable estimates of colostrum quality, blood serum total protein concentration, animal urine specific gravity and the percent solids in milk. Refractometer can t. Submission Date for this Tender is 23-12-2021. Handheld Refractometers Tenders in Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are invited for Digital Refractometer - The Digital Dairy Refractometer should provide reliable estimates of colostrum quality, blood serum total protein concentration, animal urine specific gravity and the percent solids in milk. Refractometer can t
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Tender Details

Bids Are invited for Digital Refractometer - The Digital Dairy Refractometer should provide reliable estimates of colostrum quality, blood serum total protein concentration, animal urine specific gravity and the percent solids in milk. Refractometer can test for colostrum quality using the Brix method. A measure of blood serum protein concentration level from plasma. Temperature compensation is automatic for fluids read between 10 and 40 °C (+50 to 104 °F). Digital-Dairy refractometers can be simply calibrated with water. The following specification are required for Digital Refractometer:• BRIXo Unit of Measure:BRIXo Range: 0 to 85o Resolution:0.1o Precision:0.1• LRG Animal Urine o Unit of Measure: Specific Gravity (D20/20)o Range: 1.000 to 1.065o Resolution:0.0001o Precision:0.0005• Blood (Animal) Protein g/dLo Unit of Measure: Total Protein (TPr) g/dlo Range: 1 to 14o Resolution:0.1o Precision:0.1• Milk % Total Solidso Unit of Measure: % Total Solidso Range: 5 to 15o Resolution:0.1o Precision:0.5 Total Quantity : 1

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