Supply Of Dental Materials Supply Of Dental Materials To Govt. Dental College Kannur , Dental Materials , A J Wilcock 014 , A J Wilcock Ss 016 , A J Wilcock Ss 018 , Alginate , Aquasil Soft Putty/Regular Set , Blue Bite Cement(For Bite Raising) , Bonding Kit (Light Cure) , Bonding Kit(Chemical Cure) , Brass Wire Separators , Carborandom Disc , Closed Coil Spring With Eyelet Hooks , Crimpapable Hook 2.7Mm , Dental Stone , Elastic Chain Closed , Elastic Chain Long , Elastic Chain Short , Elastic Thread , Elastics Blue , Elastics Green , Elastics Pink , Elastics Red , Elastics Yellow , Elgiloy Wire , Emery Paper , Etching Gel , Expansion Screw-Lower , Gic I , Holy Spray , Hyrax Screw , Inter Dental Stripper With Ipr Kit , Ligature Wire , Lingual Button , Lingual Sheath , Mini Master 022Mbt 5 X 5 , Modules , Moisture Insensitive Primer , Niti Wire ( Rectangular Upper And Lower 019X025) , Niti Wire ( Round 014 Upper And Lower ) , Niti Wire ( Round 016 Upper And Lower ) , Niti Wire (Rectangular Upper And Lower 016X022) , Niti Wire (Rectangular Upper And Lower 017X025) , Niti Wire (Round 012 Upper And Lower ) , Open Coil Spring , Orthocal , Pea Kit 022 Mbt , Polishing Buff , Polishing Cake , Preformed Pea Molar Band With Tube , Preformed Ss Rectangular Wire Upper & Lower , Primer For Ceramic With Silane Coupler , Pumice Powder , Reverse Curve Niti 016 Upper And Lower , Reverse Curve Niti 018 Upper And Lower , Sand Paper , Separating Medium 3.5 Litre , Separators , Soft -Liner 1-1Pkg Powder 100G /Liquid 100G(97Ml) , Soldering Kit , Soleder And Flux , Stainless Steel Rectangular Upper And Lower 019X025 , Stainless Steel Rectangular Upper And Lower 019X025 , Stainless Steel Rectangular Upper And Lower 019X025 , Stainless Steel Wire 20 Gauge , Stainless Steel Wire 21 Gauge , Stainless Steel Wire 22 Gauge , Stainless Steel Wire 23 Gauge , Stainlesssteel 200 Gm Big Spool , Tma Wire Straight018x025 , Tma Wire Straight 021X025 , Weldable Bracket , Air Tube For Compressor Confident (6*4Mm)Meter , Chair Bulb (12V/55W) , Coe Pac Dressing (Packets) , Dental Stone (Packets) , Disposable Glass , Gracey Curettes (1 Set Of 7 Instruments) , Sature Thread(Tiangular) No 16(Box 24*2) , Sature Thread(Tiangular) No 18(Box 24*2) , Surgical Blade (No 12) (Packets) , Surgical Blade (No 15) (Packets) , Vinyl/Nitrile Gloves- Small Size , Suture Thread (Black Silk) , Airotor Handpiece , Applicator Tips , Beading Wax , Bonding Agent , Boxing Wax , Casting Crucible , Cellophane Sheets , Ceramic Castingmetal (Ni-Cr) - Box , Check Retractor , Composite Reastorative Material , Dental Flask , Die Stone , Dispensing Gun , Disposable Glass , Edentulous Perforated Tray U & L - 25 Each , Etchant , Flask Clamp , Gas Torch , Glass Ionomer Restorative Cement , Hanau - Articulator ( Wide Due Arcon 183 -2 With Spring Facebow , Happen Dish , Investment Powder And Liquid - Box , Large Kidney Tray , Light Body Elastomer , Lower Edentulous Non-Perforated Tray , Luting Cement , Mean Value Articulator , Metal Polishing Brush , Mouth Mirror With Handle , Polishing Cake , Pumice Powder , Sand Paper Mandril , Sectionalimpression Trays , Small Kidney Tray , Sticky Wax , Tray Adhesive , U&I Silicone Dentulous Mould , U&L Silicone Edentulous Mould , Upper Edentulous Non- Perforated Tray , Upper Teeth Enlarged Die Mould Incisor (Silicone) - Set , Upper Teeth Enlarged Die Mould Molar (Silicone)- Set , Wireless Composite Light Cure