Supply Of Small Instruments And Consumable/Disposable Items- stretcher , back rest , thyroid shield , neck guard , lead apron , water bed , air bed , pulse oxymeter ,hot water kettle , hotwater bag , thermoflask , ssbasin , weight machine , stethoscope , instrument tray , foetus weighing machine ,organ weighing machine , pointed forcep , dissecting scissor , scissor with one pointed and one bulnt end , cartilage knife , dura stripe r, bulls eye lamp , tongue depressor , thud icum arm nasal speculum , aural speculum , indirect laryangeal mirror , dressing forcep , rotaining tool , foreign body hook aural ,tuning fork , self fork , self illuminating otoscope ,microear cup forcep , portable light source , head light , nasal suction point ,vulsellum ,,ventose , maternal forcep , fetal skull pelvic , cord clamp , maggils forcep , allis forcep , long artery forcep , mosquito forcep , sponge holder , intestinal clamp , babcock , right angle , plain forcep , twicher , towel clip ,bowl , foot step ,hook , tetra drum , galipot ,rt tube , rebreathing bag , paediatric circuit , paediatric ambu mask , paediatric airway , paediatric pulse oxymeter , miller blade , lma , gel , facemask with metal ring , oxygen flow meter , oxygen key , oxygen connector , ambu , larynagoscope bulb , oxygen xylinder wrench , o2 mox , double gauge double stage pin regulated mox regulator , bpc flow meter with humidifier jar and mox regular , coronoid retractor , rowe zygoma elevator , small retractor , metallic suction tip wide ,bone holding forpce , wire twister , wire cutter , micromotor , etc