
Bids Are Invited For 2, 4-Dinitrophenyl Hydrazene 10G - Thomas Baker , Acetic Acid 500G - Thomas Baker , Acetic Anhydride100ml - Thomas Baker , Acetyl Chloride 500Ml - Thomas Baker , Alpha-Naphthol 250G - Thomas Baker , Ammonia 250Ml, 500Ml - Thomas-Jammu And Kashmir

Department of Higher Education has published Bids Are Invited For 2, 4-Dinitrophenyl Hydrazene 10G - Thomas Baker , Acetic Acid 500G - Thomas Baker , Acetic Anhydride100ml - Thomas Baker , Acetyl Chloride 500Ml - Thomas Baker , Alpha-Naphthol 250G - Thomas Baker , Ammonia 250Ml, 500Ml - Thomas. Submission Date for this Tender is 06-12-2021. Kitchen Equipment Tenders in Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For 2, 4-Dinitrophenyl Hydrazene 10G - Thomas Baker , Acetic Acid 500G - Thomas Baker , Acetic Anhydride100ml - Thomas Baker , Acetyl Chloride 500Ml - Thomas Baker , Alpha-Naphthol 250G - Thomas Baker , Ammonia 250Ml, 500Ml - Thomas
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For 2, 4-Dinitrophenyl Hydrazene 10G - Thomas Baker , Acetic Acid 500G - Thomas Baker , Acetic Anhydride100ml - Thomas Baker , Acetyl Chloride 500Ml - Thomas Baker , Alpha-Naphthol 250G - Thomas Baker , Ammonia 250Ml, 500Ml - Thomas Baker , Ammonium Molybedate 1G - Thomas Baker , Ammonium Thiocyanate 200Ml - Thomas Baker , Aniline Chloride 250, 100 - Thomas Baker , Baking Soda 200G - Thomas Baker , Barfoed’S Reagent 250Ml - Thomas Baker , Bendict’S Solution 500Ml - Thomas Baker , Benzenesulfonyl Chloride 10G - Thomas Baker , Carbon Tetrachloride 500Ml - Thomas Baker , Centrifuge Tubes 15Ml - Thomas Baker , Chloro Phenol 200Ml - Thomas Baker , Chloroform 500Ml - Thomas Baker , Chromatography Paper - Thomas Baker , Citric Acid 500G - Thomas Baker , Citric Acid 200Ml - Thomas Baker , Copper Sulphate500g - Thomas Baker , Cristal Violet 100Ml. - Thomas Baker , Di- Methyl Foramide 200Ml - Thomas Baker , Diethyl Ether 500Ml - Thomas Baker , Disposable Syringes5cc In Box - Thomas Baker , Eppendorf Stand - Thomas Baker , Eppendorf Tubes 1.5Ml - Thomas Baker , Ethanol1 Itr - Thomas Baker , Ether 1 Bottle - Thomas Baker , Ethyl Alcohal In Botle - Thomas Baker , Fehling A And Fehling B 500Ml - Thomas Baker , Filter Crucible ( 50Ml ) ( 30Ml ) - Thomas Baker , Filter Papers - Thomas Baker , Formaldehyde 100Ml - Thomas Baker , Formic Acid 200Ml - Thomas Baker , Fuchsine 125Ml - Thomas Baker , Funnel - Thomas Baker , Gram Staining Kit - Thomas Baker , Grams Iodine 100Ml - Thomas Baker , Haemocytometer Cover Glass - Thomas Baker , Hydrochloric Acid 500 Ml - Thomas Baker , Inoculation Loops - Thomas Baker , Iodine100 G - Thomas Baker , Iodomethane 10G - Thomas Baker , Mackonky Agar 500G - Thomas Baker , Meta Cresol 50Gm - Thomas Baker , Methylene Blue Indicator 125Ml - Thomas Baker , Micro Pipette Stand - Thomas Baker , Micro Tips 10Μl - Thomas Baker , Micropipettes ( 0.2 To 2.5 Μl, 0.5 To 10 Μl, ) - Thomas Baker , Microtips 1Ml, 200Μl - Thomas Baker , Musclin Cloth In Roll - Thomas Baker , Nitricacid 500Ml - Thomas Baker , Nutrient Agar500 G - Thomas Baker , Nutrient Broth - Thomas Baker , Oxalic Acid 500G - Thomas Baker , Paradimethyl Amino Benzaldehyde 25G - Thomas Baker , Parafilm In Roll - Thomas Baker , Pastel Mortar - Thomas Baker , Pcr Tubes - Thomas Baker , P-Dimethyl Amino Benzaldehyde 100Gm - Thomas Baker , Pectin 250G - Thomas Baker , Petroff-Haussercounting Chamber - Thomas Baker , Petroleum Ether In Liter - Thomas Baker , Ph Strip Prepared With Phenol Red In Pack - Thomas Baker , Phenolphthalein Indicator 125Ml - Thomas Baker , Plant Tissue Culture Tubes - Thomas Baker , Porcelain Dish - Thomas Baker , Potassium Hydroxide500 G - Thomas Baker , Potassium Iodide250 G - Thomas Baker , Pyridine 500Ml - Thomas Baker , Resorcinol250 G - Thomas Baker , Rosalic Acid100ml. - Thomas Baker , Safranin100 Ml - Thomas Baker , Soda Lye100gm - Thomas Baker , Sodium Carbonate 250G - Thomas Baker , Sodium Chloride 500G - Thomas Baker , Sodium Citrate 250G - Thomas Baker , Sodium Hydroxide500 G - Thomas Baker , Sodium Iodide 10G - Thomas Baker , Sodium Nitrite 10G - Thomas Baker , Sodium Thiosulphate 250G - Thomas Baker , Spatula - Thomas Baker , Spirit Lamps - Thomas Baker , Starch 250G - Thomas Baker , Sulphuric Acid500 Ml - Thomas Baker , Surgical Masks - Thomas Baker , Tertiary Butyl Alcohol500ml - Thomas Baker , Tlc Plates ( Silica ) - Thomas Baker , Tollen’S Reagent100ml - Thomas Baker , Toluene 500Ml - Thomas Baker , Zinc Sulphide 10G - Thomas Baker , Beakers 1000 Ml, 200Ml, 250Ml, 500Ml, 100Ml, 25Ml, 50Ml - Fusco , Brush - Fusco , Burette Stand50ml1000 Ml - Fusco , Burettes - Fusco , Chromatography Column ( 25 X 200 Mm ) - Fusco , Conical Flask1000ml, 500Ml, 250Ml, 100Ml, 50Ml - Fusco , Desiccator - Fusco , Droppers - Fusco , Fusion Tube ( Large Size ) - Fusco , Glass Cover Slips - Fusco , Glass Funnel - Fusco , Glass Rod - Fusco , Glass Slides ( Box ) - Fusco , Graduated Cylinder1000cc, 500Cc, 250Cc, 100Cc, 25Cc - Fusco , Magnifying Glass - Fusco , Measuring Cylinder 100Ml, 50 Ml., 500Ml - Fusco , Petridish ( 60 Mm ) 100Mm - Fusco , Petriplates ( Borosil ) - Fusco , Pipette10ml, 5Ml, 2Ml, 1Ml, 0.5Ml, 0.2Ml - Fusco , Pipette Sucker - Fusco , Reagent Bottle 1000Ml, 500Ml, 250Ml, 125Ml, 60Ml - Fusco , Stirring Rods - Fusco , Test Tube - Fusco , Test Tube Brushes - Fusco , Test Tube Holder - Fusco , Test Tube Racks - Fusco , Test Tube Stands - Fusco , Test Tube Tongs - Fusco , Test Tubes 15 X 125 - Fusco , Thermometer ( 0-100 C ) ( 0-300 C ) - Fusco , Thermometer - Fusco , Titration Flask200 Ml. - Fusco , Volume Tubes - Fusco , Volumetric Flask1000ml, 500Ml, 250Ml, 100Ml, 25Ml, 50Ml - Fusco , Volumetric Pipette ( 01, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 Ml ) Each - Fusco , Watch Glass ( 75Mm ) ( 25Mm ) ( 50Mm ) - Fusco , Buchner Funnel - ( 75Mm ) ( 50Mm ) , Gloves ( Pairs ) - Pairs , Glucose - 500G , Wash Bottle - Bottle Total Quantity : 1

Key Value

Document Fees
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Tender Value
INR 2 Lakhs /-
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