
Chemical Rate Contract Chemical , 1-B- Chemical , 1- Naphthylamine , 1,10 Phenanthroline , 1-Naphthol , 2- Naphthol , 2,2-Bipyridyl , 3,3- Diamino Benzidine Tetra Hydro Chloride , Acetaldehyde Solution 35 % , Acetone , Acetyl Chloride , Acriflavine , Aliz, As Per Tender Document-Rajasthan

State Forensic Science Laboratory has published Chemical Rate Contract Chemical , 1-B- Chemical , 1- Naphthylamine , 1,10 Phenanthroline , 1-Naphthol , 2- Naphthol , 2,2-Bipyridyl , 3,3- Diamino Benzidine Tetra Hydro Chloride , Acetaldehyde Solution 35 % , Acetone , Acetyl Chloride , Acriflavine , Aliz. Submission Date for this Tender is 22-12-2021. Chemical Supply Tenders in As Per Tender Document Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Chemical Rate Contract Chemical , 1-B- Chemical , 1- Naphthylamine , 1,10 Phenanthroline , 1-Naphthol , 2- Naphthol , 2,2-Bipyridyl , 3,3- Diamino Benzidine Tetra Hydro Chloride , Acetaldehyde Solution 35 % , Acetone , Acetyl Chloride , Acriflavine , Aliz
Open Tender
As Per Tender Document

Tender Details

Chemical Rate Contract Chemical , 1-B- Chemical , 1- Naphthylamine , 1,10 Phenanthroline , 1-Naphthol , 2- Naphthol , 2,2-Bipyridyl , 3,3- Diamino Benzidine Tetra Hydro Chloride , Acetaldehyde Solution 35 % , Acetone , Acetyl Chloride , Acriflavine , Alizarin , Alpha Benzoin Oxime , Aluminium Powder , Aluminon , Aluminon Reagent , Ammonia Solution , Ammonium Cyanide , Ammonium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate , Ammonium Meta Vanadate , Ammonium Polysulphide , Ammonium Sulphate , Ammonium Sulphide Yellow , Ammonium Tetrathiocyanato Mercurate (I) Reagent , Ammonium Vanadate , Aniline Blue , Aniline Hydrochloride , Aniline Sulphate , Antimomy Pentasulphide , Arsenazo , Arsenic Tri Oxide , Arsenic Tri Sulphide , Barbituric Acid , Barium Nitrate , Benedict’S Reagent , Benzoine 1- Oxime , Benzene , Benzidine , Bismuth (Iii) Nitrate , Bismuth Subnitrate , Bleaching Powder , Borax , Bromine , Bromocresol Green , Bromoform , Bromoform , Brucine 99% , Buffer Soiution Ph-4, Ph7,Ph 9, Ph 10 , Buffer Tablets (Ph – 4.0, 7.0, 9.2) , Cadmium Acetate Dihydrate , Caffeine Anhydrous , Calcium Carbonate , Calcium Fluoride , Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate , Canada Balsum , Carbon Disulphide , Carbon Tetra Chloride , Carbon Tetra Chloride , Catechol , Chloroform , Cinchonine , Citric Acid , Cobalt Acetate Tetrahydrate , Cobaltous Acetate Tetra Hydrate , Cobalt Zincate , Colchicine , Congo Red Indicater Paper , Copper Foil 0.1 Mm , Cupric Acetate , Cupric Chloride Dihydrate , Diethylether , Dimethyl Formamide (Dmf) , Dimethyl Sulphoxide (Dmso) , Diphenyl 1,5 Carbazide , Diphenyl Carbazone , Dithiazone , Dragen Dorff’S Reagent , Ehrlich Reagent , Eosin , Ethanol , Ethyl Acetate , Ethyl Acetate , Fast Blue B Salt , Fehling Solution A , Fehling Solution B , Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate , Ferrous Sulphide Broken Sticks , Fluroescamine (Fluram Reagent) , Fluoroscein 98% , Folin Ciocalteus Reagent , Furfuraldehyde , Formalin Solution , Gallic Acid , Glycerol 87% , Hand Disinfectant Gel With Ethyl Alcohol Base , Hematoxyline (Mohohydrate) , Hexane , Hexane Fraction From Petroleum , Hexane Fraction From Petroleum , Hexane Fraction From Petroleum , Hydrochloric Acid , Hydrogen Fluouride , Hydrogen Peroxide Solution 30% , Hydrogen Peroxide Solution 30% , Indole , Iodine Monochloride Solution (Wijs) , Iso-Octane , Isopropylamine 99% , J-Acid , Laboratory Glassware Washing Thick Solution With (Neutral Ph) , Lead Carbonate , Lead Oxide , M- Dinitro Benzene , M- Dinitro Benzene 99% , Magnesium Acetate , Magnesiumdioxide , Magnesium Nitrate , Magneson , Mannitol , Methyl Orange Indicator Solution , Methyl Red Indicator Solution , Methylene Blue Staining Powder , Mercuric Oxide (Red/Yellow) , Mercurous Nitrate , Mercury (Ii) Nitrate , Mercury Metal , Methanol , Morin Reagent , Millon’S Reagent , Nessler’S Reagent , Naphthanil Black , Nitric Acid , Nitric Acid , Nitrobenzine , N-Octane , O- Tolidine , Ortho-Toluidine , Oxine (8- Hydroxy Quinoline) , P- Chloranil For Synthesis , P- Dimethyl Amino Benzylidene Rhodamine , P-Aminophenol , Para Nitrobenzyl Pyridine , Paint Remover , Phenyl Fluorone , Paraffin Liquid , Paraffin Wax Congealing Point About 60-62 (Degree) , Phenophthalein Indicator Solution , Phenophthalein Powder , Phenol , Phenyl Hydrazine Hydrochloride , Pholoroglucinol , Picric Acid , Platinum Wire Loop For Flame Test , Potassium Chlorate , Potassium Chloro Platinate (Potassium Hexa Chloro Platinate) , Potassium Cyaninde , Potassium Ferricyanide , Potassium Ferrocyanide , Potassium Hexacyanorferrate (Ii) , Potassium Hexacyanorferrate (Iii) , Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate , Potassium Nitrite , Quinaldic Acid Reagent , Quinalizarin , Resorcinol , Rhodamine-B , Rubeanic Acid , Safaranine , Salicylic Acid , Schiffs Reagent , Selenious Acid , Silica Gel G F-254 For Thin Layer Chromatography , Silica Gel-G (For Tlc) , Silicone Grease , Sodium Acetate , Sodium Bicarbonate , Sodium Bismuthate , Sodium Chloride , Sodium Cobalti Nitrate , Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate , Sodium Hypochlorite , Sodium Hypochlorite Solution , Sodium Meta Bisulphite , Sodium Metal , Sodium Oxychloride , Sodium Oxychloride , Sodium Peroxoborate , Sodium Peroxoborate , Sodium Rhodizonate , Sodium Sulphate , Sodium Sulphide , Sodium Sulphite (Anhydrous) , Sodium Lauryl Sulphate , Sodium Thiosulphate Pentahydrate , Sodium A-Naphthyl Phosphate , Stannous Chloride , Sulphur Powder , Sulphuric Acid , Thio Propyl Sepharose , Thymol , Tetraethylene Penta Amine , Tetrahydroxostannate(Ii) , Titan Yellow , Tollen S Reagent , Toluene , Triethyl Amine , Uranyl Acetate Dihydrate (For Microscopy) , Vanillin 99% , Zinc Dust , Zinc Nitrate , Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate , Zine Nitrate , A- Nitroso ß- Naphthol

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 14-12-2021 Date Date 22-12-2021

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 60000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 30 Lakhs /-
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