
Bids Are invited for 1700000346 - MS Electrodes 2.5mmA Medium coated rutile type AC/DC all Position Electrode for Welding mild Steel Structures, Sheet metal work etc. Size: 2.5mm, Welding current: 60-90 AmpsTensile Strength: 45-50kgf/mm2Yield Strength: 42-Karnataka

Nmdc Limited has published Bids Are invited for 1700000346 - MS Electrodes 2.5mmA Medium coated rutile type AC/DC all Position Electrode for Welding mild Steel Structures, Sheet metal work etc. Size: 2.5mm, Welding current: 60-90 AmpsTensile Strength: 45-50kgf/mm2Yield Strength: 42. Submission Date for this Tender is 09-12-2021. Pure Elemental Gases Tenders in Karnataka. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are invited for 1700000346 - MS Electrodes 2.5mmA Medium coated rutile type AC/DC all Position Electrode for Welding mild Steel Structures, Sheet metal work etc. Size: 2.5mm, Welding current: 60-90 AmpsTensile Strength: 45-50kgf/mm2Yield Strength: 42
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Tender Details

Bids Are invited for 1700000346 - MS Electrodes 2.5mmA Medium coated rutile type AC/DC all Position Electrode for Welding mild Steel Structures, Sheet metal work etc. Size: 2.5mm, Welding current: 60-90 AmpsTensile Strength: 45-50kgf/mm2Yield Strength: 42-48 kgf/mm2 Elongation: 27% minimum , 1700006100 - Low Hydrogen MS electrodes 4mmLow hydrogen electrodes suitable for joining of medium carbon low alloy steel and machining steel without porosity and crack. The deposits should be radiographic type having very high physical property, resistance to hydrogen induced embrittlement.Size: 4mm, Welding current: 130-170AmpsTensile strength: 55-60kgf/mm2Yield strength: 44kgf/mm2 minimumElongation: 25% minimum , 1700009340 - Dissimilar Steel Electrodes 3.15mmThe electrodes should be unique high alloy low heat electrodes suitable for high strength crack resistant joining of unknown and dissimilar steels, high carbon and alloy steels. Suitable for both AC/DC+ power source.Size: 3.15 mm, Welding Current: 80-110 Amps.Tensile strength: 80-85 kgf/mm2Elongation: 25% minimum.Hardness: 175-225 BHN. , 1700009341 - Dissimilar Steel Electrodes 4mmThe electrodes should be unique high alloy low heat electrodes suitable for high strength crack resistant joining of unknown and dissimilar steels, high carbon and alloy steels. Suitable for both AC/DC+ power source.Size: 4 mm, Welding Current: 85-135 Amps.Tensile strength: 80-85 kgf/mm2Elongation: 25% minimum.Hardness: 175-225 BHN. , 1700006103 - Eutectic rod 4mmExtra low hydrogen electrode designed for X-ray quality welding on mild steel, medium carbon and low alloy high strength steels. Deposits should exhibit very high strength and should provide unique resistance to hydrogen induced embrittlement. It should also be hydrogen free deposit with superior impact resistance at normal and sub zero temperature.Size: 4mm, Welding current: 130-170 amps.Tensile strength: 55-60 kgf/mm2Yield strength: 44-48 kgf/mm2Elongations (l=5d):30% minimum , 170001

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