
Sale Of Cond Scraps 11 / 21 Sale Of Condemned Scraps , Condemned Openbarrel 210Ltr Capacity Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Emptybarrel 210Ltr Capacity Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Emptybvc Barrel210ltr Capacity Scraps As Its Condition , Central Workshop Trichy-Tamil Nadu

State Express Transport Corporation Limited has published Sale Of Cond Scraps 11 / 21 Sale Of Condemned Scraps , Condemned Openbarrel 210Ltr Capacity Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Emptybarrel 210Ltr Capacity Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Emptybvc Barrel210ltr Capacity Scraps As Its Condition . Submission Date for this Tender is 19-11-2021. Scrap Tenders in Central Workshop Trichy Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Sale Of Cond Scraps 11 / 21 Sale Of Condemned Scraps , Condemned Openbarrel 210Ltr Capacity Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Emptybarrel 210Ltr Capacity Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Emptybvc Barrel210ltr Capacity Scraps As Its Condition
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu
Central Workshop Trichy

Tender Details

Sale Of Cond Scraps 11 / 21 Sale Of Condemned Scraps , Condemned Openbarrel 210Ltr Capacity Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Emptybarrel 210Ltr Capacity Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Emptybvc Barrel210ltr Capacity Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Damaged, Dented And Corroded Barrel Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Tv Scraps ( Monitor- 30 No, Invertor- 11 No, Amplifier - 90 Nos, Old Type Tv 3 No ) As Its Condition , Condemned Dvd Playerscraps As Its Condition , Condemnedfip And Power Steering Pump Spares Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Wheel Disc And Rings Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Light Vehicle Wheel Disc Scraps As Its Condition , Condemnedelectrical Spares Scraps As Its Condition ( Approx. 2000Kg ) , Condemnedslack Adjuster Scraps As Its Condition , Condemnedslack Adjuster Spares Scraps As Its Condition , Condemnedslack Adjuster Body Scraps As Its Condition , Condemnedflywheel Ringscraps As Its Condition , Condemned Cover Assembly, Flywheel, Pressure Plate, Back Plate Scraps As Its Condition , Condemnedaluminiumradiator Core, Intercoolerscraps As Its Condition , Condemned Under Chassisiron Spares Scraps ( Air Tank, Air Filter Doom, Silencer Doom, Silencer Pipe, Radiator Bracket, Radiator Top Tank, All U / C Brackets, Track Rods, Suspension Linkages, Gear Joint, Steering Universal & Other Suspension Spares ) As Its Condition , Condemned Rear Engine Bedscraps As Its Condition , Condemnedmaster Cylinder And Slave Cylinder Scraps As Its Condition , Condemnedspherilasticbush Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Crownassembly Scraps As Its Condition , Condemnedseat Piston And Dickey Door Piston Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Bsiiengineassembly With Selfmotor And Alternatorscraps As Its Condition ( Approx. 432 Kg / No ) , Condemned Bsiiiengineassembly With Selfmotor And Alternatorscraps As Its Condition ( Approx. 432 Kg / No ) , Condemned Bsiii Aengineassembly With Selfmotor And Alternatorscraps As Its Condition ( Approx. 540 Kg / No ) , Condemned Brake Shoe Scraps As Its Condition , Condemnedgb 13 Model Gear Box Assemblyscraps As Its Condition- ( Approx. 140 Kgs. / No ) , Condemnedzfgear Box Assemblyscraps As Its Condition- ( Approx. 140Kgs. / No ) , Condemned Bsiii A Gear Box Assemblyscraps As Its Condition- ( Approx.150Kgs. / No ) , Condemnedgear Box Release Bearingscraps As Its Condition , Condemnedgear Box Sparesscraps As Its Condition , Condemnedengine Crank Casescraps As Its Condition , Condemnedauto Aluminium Scraps As Its Condition , Condemnedautomizer Pipe Scraps As Its Condition , Condemnedcast Iron ( Engine Bell Housing, Gear Box Housing, Gear Box Body, Timing Cover ) Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Joint Flange, Yoke Sleeve And Joint Clamp Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Joint Spider, Needle, Cupscraps As Its Condition , Condemned Auto Ironscraps As Its Condition , Condemned Crank Shaft And Cam Shaftscraps As Its Condition , Condemned Shock Absorber Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Clucth And Valve Springscraps As Its Condition , Condemned Engine Linerscraps As Its Condition , Condemned Battery Cablescraps As Its Condition , Condemned Engine Cross Bar Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Brake Drumscraps As Its Condition , Condemned Broken Spring Leaves Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Buffing Bladescraps As Its Condition , Condemned Engine Cylinder Head Scraps As Its Condition ( Approx. 57Kg / No ) , Condemned Water Pumpscraps As Its Condition , Condemnedbearing And Conescraps As Its Condition , Condemnedpower Steering Pump Scraps As Its Condition , Condemneddiesel Tank Scraps As Its Condition , Condemnedalternator Rotar 55Amps 22 No, 100Amps 27 Nosscraps As Its Condition ( Approx. Copper 28 Kgs, Iron 112 Kgs ) , Condemnedud Bus Fan Scraps As Its Condition , Condemnedfan Clutchscraps As Its Condition , Condemnedturbo Charger Scraps As Its Condition , Condemnedtube Brass Mouth Onlyscraps As Its Condition , Condemnedbsiii Axle Shaft Scraps As Its Condition , Condemnedbrass Rivet And Bushscraps As Its Condition , Condemnedcopper Wire Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Waste Paperscraps As Its Condition , Condemned Plastic And Fiber Scraps As Its Condition ( Aprrox.3.000 Tons ) , Condemnedauto Scraps As Its Condition ( Air Filter, Diesel Filter, Strainer, Engine Oil Filter, Rubber Bed And Oil Seals, Air Bellow, Engine Bed, Brake Lining , Rubber Hoses ) - Approx 7000Kg , Condemned Ceiling Fan 22Nos, Pedastal Fan 4 No, Exhaust Fan 11 No, Table Fan5 Nosscraps As Its Condition ( Copper Approx. 18 Kg ) , Condemned Motor Scraps ( 1Hp 7No, 3Hp 3No, 5Hp 1No, 2Hp 1No, 2Hp Mono Block 1No, 10Hp 2No As Its Condition ) ( Copper Approx. 40 Kg ) , Condemned Canteen Utencils - ( Aluminium 156 Kg, Brass 36.5 Kg, Stainless Steel 180Kg, Wet Grinder With Motor 4 No ) Scraps As Its Condition , Condemnedtypewritterscraps As Its Condition , Condemnedrefrigerator ( 165 Ltr ) 1 No, Ro Plant 8 No Scraps As Its Condition , Condemnedsewing Machine With Motor2no, Sewing Machine Stand Only 2 Nos Scraps As Its Condition , Condemnedwelding Generator2no, 5Kva Generator 1No, 15Kva Alternator 1 No, Portable Alternator 2No, 60Kva Alternator Dismantlling Condition 1No, Water Cooler Body 1 No ( Copper Approx. 140Kgs, Iron1200kgs ) Scraps As Its Condition , Condemnedwood Carving Machine1no, Brake Drum Lathe 1No, Thickness Planner 1No, Powersaw Cutting Machine 1No, Power Hacksaw Machine 2No, Weighing Machine 2No, Pressure Gauage Dial 1No, Polishing Machine Gear Head Assembly 1No ( Iron2000 Kgs ) Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Computer Scraps As Its Condition ( Cpu 39 No, Crt Monitor 28No, Lcd Monitor 32 No, Dot Matrix Printer 46 No, Laser Printer 5No, Smps 14No, Mother Board 6 No, Key Board 106 No, Mouse 66 No, Ups 2 Kva 2 No, Ups 5 Kva 1 No, Ups ( Computers ) 6No, Tonner 19 No, Ribbon Catridgebox12no, Cable & Other Accessories Box 3 Nos ) , Condemnedlathe Scraps As Its Condition ( Approx. 1.250 Ton / No ) , Condemned Ms Cutting Scrapsas Its Condition , Condemned Gi Cutting Scrapsas Its Condition , Condemned Plywood And Fire Woodscrapsas Its Condition , Condemned Teak Wood Pieces Scrapsas Its Condition ( Approx. 1500 Kgs ) , Condemned Bus Body Aluminiumscrapsas Its Condition , Condemned Door Scraps ( Passenger Door- 10Nos, Driver Door - 9Nos, Dickey Door-13Nos, Partition Door -7 Nos , Emergency Door -2 Nos ) As Its Condition , Condemned Seat Frame Assembly Scraps 17 Nos Asits Condition , Condemned Empty Tin Containers Scrapsas Its Condition , Newengine Oil Filter - 401 Leyland Engine Scraps As Its Condition , New Self Motor Pinion Bush Scraps As Its Condition , Newself Motor Front Bush Scraps As Its Condition , New Auto Electrical Spares , New Auto Engine Spares, Gear Box Spares , New Rubber, Plastic Spares , New Bolt, Screw, Alu Cups And Rivits , Condemned10x20 Originaltyresas Its Condition , Condemned10x20 B Grade Radial Rt Tyresas Its Condition , Condemned10x20 C Grade Radial Rt Tyresas Its Condition , Condemnedtubeless Tyresas Its Condition , Condemnedlight Vehicle Tyre Scrapsas Its Condition , Condemneddamaged Tube Scrapsas Its Condition , Condemnedflapscrapsas Its Condition , Condemnedcuring Bag Scrapsas Its Condition , Condemnedcuring Envelope Scrapsas Its Condition , Condemnednew Tread Rubber Cut Piecesscrapsas Its Condition , Condemnedpolythene Paperscrapsas Its Condition , Condemned Tube Cut Pieces Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Flapcut Pieces Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Miscellaneous Rubberscraps As Its Condition , Condemned Buffing Dustscraps As Its Condition , Condemned 12V 21 Plate Light Weight Battery Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned 12V 25 Plate Light Weight Battery Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Ups Battery ( 7 Kg / No. ) Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Old Used Engine Oil With Barrel 210 Ltr Capacity Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Old Used Greasewith Barrel 182 Kgscapacity Scraps As Its Condition

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 15-11-2021 corrigendum Other 19-11-2021

Key Value

Document Fees
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INR 100.0 /-
Tender Value
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