8603Provn Of Equipment Earthing Pits And Allied Works Under Special Repair For Misc Buildings At Aftc Under Ge M Af Jalahalli Bangalore 8603Provn Of Equipment Earthing Pits And Allied Works Under Special Repair For Misc Buildings At Aftc Under Ge M Af Jalahalli Bangalore Supply, install, Testing & Commissionin New Earthing for Equipment Earthing (EQ)with electrod comprisng of 17.2 mm dia 3 mtr long UL Listed Earth electrode of low carbon steel electrode with 250 micron copper bonding to conform with requirements of UL467 & IEC 62561-2 ( Dia of the rod & UL Control Number alloted to the manufacturer should be embossed on the rod & UL certificate from the same manufacturer shall be submitted along with the material)., 50 pounds of Ecosafe Based environment friendly backfill and suitable clamp, Back-fill earthing enhancing compound should strictly be a Eco Safe Carbon based conductive concrete type which has a resistivity of less than 0.12 Ohm Mtr as per Clause 14.5D of IEEE : 80 standard. Back-fill compound should be electronically conductive ( Like in metals ) and should not depend on moisture for conduction. Back-fill comound should be environment friendly, should solidify when mixed with water and set like concrete and should not leach / diffuse into the ground. Back-fill compund shall not be mixed with any soil while pouring in the bore hole. Test Certificate as per as per IEC : 62561-7 for Back-fill compound shall be submitted along with the material. 17.2 OD SS clamp both side, Eco Friendly rust proof heavy duty weather proof Polyethylene Earth Pit Chamber with following dimensions :254 mm dia (top), 330 mm dia (bottom) & 260 mm (height).Exothermic welding set. complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in charge. Make: JEFEcoSafe or equivalent .( Earth Electrod qty can increased or decreased as per soil resistivity Test).Eco safeCarbon based backfill compound shall be suitable to be installed in either slurry or dry form and shall not be mixed with any soil / cement etc while pouring in the bore hole. enhancing backfill material only so that it improves conductivity of the earth electrode and ground contact area. The back-fill material shall have following characteristics. Make: JEFEcoSafe or equivalent.? Resistivity below 0.12 Ohm-meters as per Clause 14.5d of IEEE80-2000 Standard.? Tested as per IEC : 62561-7 and the test certificates ( Corrosion Test, Leach Test, Sulphur Test & Resistivity Test ) shall be submitted.? Shall not depend on the continuous presence of water / moisture / salt to maintain its conductivity.? Shall not decompose or leach out with time.? Shall solidify when mixed with water and set like concrete.? Shall contain a corrosion inhibitor to mitigate corrosion of copper? Shall not contain hazardous chemicals and necessary Test certificate from reputed accredited laboratories shall be furnished.? Shall not be affected by drought and shall be stable between -10° to +50°C temperature.? Shall be suitable for any kind of soil? Shall be supplied in sealed, moisture proof bags. These bags shall be marked with Manufacturer’s name or trade name, quantity, batch no & date of manufacture. BENTONITE based compound shouldn’t be used as a back-fill material as they are largely dependent on moisture for their performance and needs water to obtain & maintain its beneficial .Test Certifiactes : The following test certificates shall be submiited by thecharacteristics and hence it may not function well in dry environmentsupply of Eco Safe Carbon based Earthing.? UL certificate for the copper bonded electrode along with the UL control number? Short circuit withstanding capacity of the copper bonded rod from an independent laboratory ( NABL Accredited Laboratory )? Corrosion test certificate as per IEC : 62561-7 for the backfill compound from an independent laboratory ( NABL Accredited Laboratory )? Leach test certificate as per IEC : 62561-7 for the backfill compound from an independent laboratory ( NABL Accredited Laboratory )? Sulphur test certificate as per IEC : 62561-7 for the backfill compound from an independent laboratory ( NABL Accredited Laboratory )? Resistivity test certificate as per IEC : 62561-7 for the backfill compound from an independent laboratory ( NABL Accredited Laboratory )Note:-(i) Contractor should provide make of maintenance free earthing duly aaproved by command/E-in-C Branch. Approval from any othercommand other than Southern Command will be not accepted . (ii) Test certificate guranteening maintenance free operation of earth pits for 10 years shall be provide compulsarily.(iii) Contractor will be liable for repairing/rectifying if any faults or increase in resistivity value occurs within stipulated time period of 10 years from date of installing and handing over to user . (iv) Contractor shall be provide all connected test certificate from company as per work require complete. (iv) Completejob/works including connected item of Job/work shall be included in quoted ratesof items/Each Job. (v) Contractor will be paid after testing of earthing pits and satisfaction of end user with their desired values of earth resistance. 2 Soil Resistivity Test in 4 Direction at various location for Equipment Earthing (EQ) LV auditwithin the 25 mtr radius with Methodology :Wenner four point method Standards IS 3043/IEEE 81 Meters Used : Variable voltage and variable frequecy meters (Megger DET4TC2/Kyoritsu) Deliverables : Audit Report consisting of complete Direction all as following general condition including in the quoted rate in items . General Terms And Conditions:1. Contractor to be deployed at site to observe the safety rules & regulations,safety procedures or any other action / precaution such as health check up to be undertaken by the firm commencing the work Area.2. The result of detailed study report / analysis and report to befurnish all relevant & required data and drawings in Auto CADD format provide by contractor.3. List of statutory documents provide and submitted by the contractor before the commencing the field work. 4. contractor willprovide Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) while conducting field work team..5. Labour charge for site clearance , Disconnecting / Connecting of earth strip, Breaking of concrete or any other civil work required to drive the spike / probes during testing , Remakes broken PCC or any other items make as per existing and Supply & Replacement of any hardware such as nuts, bolt , washer etc during soil testing shall be includes quoted rates of items . 3 Supply & Fixing of 10 mm copper bonded Round steel solid Conductor for ringof earthing meet the requirements of IS/ IEC 62305 and IEC 62561-2. Type B Earthing has been proposedfor connection ofcomplete Buildings with NewMaintenance Freeearthing to each other completeall as specified and as directed . Make: JEFType JIDC05) or equivalent.Note:-(i) Contractor should provide make of maintenance free earthing duly aaproved by command/E-in-C Branch. Approval from any othercommand other than Southern Command will be not accepted . (ii) Test certificate guranteening maintenance free operation of earth pits for 10 years shall be provide compulsarily.(iii) Contractor will be liable for repairing/rectifying if any faults or increase in resistivity value occurs within stipulated time period of 10 years from date of installing and handing over to user . (iv) Contractor shall be provide all connected test certificate from company as per work require complete. (iv) Completejob/works including connected item of Job/work shall be included in quoted ratesof items. (v) Contractor will be paid after testing of earthing pits and satisfaction of end user with their desired values of earth resistance. 4 Cutting, fixing andBrazing of copper bonded rod /copper strip /Aluminium strip /GI strip for continuity to each other toall as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge 5 Supply and fix aluminium strip 25 X 3 mm with saddles and fixing screws etc. for roof conductors and down conductors above ground brazing at each joints between strip including saddle/Ceramic insulator/PCC block where required. all as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 6 Material & labourfor GI funnels 75 mm dia(wire mesh ) for suitablesize of Earthing Pipe 15MM complete all as spcified and directed. 7 Suppiy and fixingin test point terminal block made of gun metal or phosphorus bronze size 75x75x25mm drilled and screwed including 3 nos. 8mm dia 25mm longhex. head screw all as specified and directed by Engineer - in - Charge 8 Suppiy and fixing in single pointed Aluminiumrod/Air Termination rod of 12mm dia 300 mm long fixed to copper strip including drilling holes, nuts, bolts washers, Insulating mounting pads for resting/ supporting of air terminals etc. complete all as directed. 9 Material and labour for New earthing for Lightning Arrestor (LA) with Galvanised steel earth plate electrode 600x600x6mm thick buried directly in ground earth pit not less than 2.25M deep below ground level with top edge of the plate not less than 1.5M below normal ground level connected to galvanised strip 25X4mm by means of nuts, bolts, check nuts, washers of galvanised iron or steel all as shown in electrical plate No. 03 of SSR Part I connected to earthing test point including excavation/ earth work in any type of strata, removal of surplus excavated material,GI pipe of 20mm bore medium grade, wire nuts and lugs for watering and funnel, PCC 1:3:6 type C1PCC chamber with RCC 1:2:4 type B1 in withPCC cover slab size 0.45 M X 0.45 M X 0.04 M with handel for Liftingof cover slab all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 10 Material and labour forNew Earthing for Power Supply (PS)with Copper earth plate electrode of size 600 x 600 x 3.15 mm thick burried directly in ground vertically to a depth not less than 2.25 mtr below ground level with top edge of plate not less than 1.5 m below ground level connected to and including copper earth strip of size 20x3 mm (up or 7.5 mtr length) and GI pipe 40 mm light grade for protection of GI earth strip by means of bolts, nuts, checknuts and washers made out of galvanised iron and connected to earth test point as shown in electrical plate No.3 of SSR Part-1-2009 and as specified or indicated and testing on completion including excavation and earth work in any type of strata available at site, PCC (1:3:6) type C-1 for earth chamber with cover, precast RCC slab 50mm thick in cement concrete (1:2:4) type B-1 reinforcedbeforeinstalling chamberwith cover, welded steel wire fabric (xpm) weight not less the (4kg/sqm) funnel with GI watering pipe of 20mm bore medium grade, wire nuts and lugs complete all as specified and as directed. 11 Suppiy and fixing of iron plate as earth pits identifier board as per standerd size and specification, red/ yellow Colour scheme of various type of size(Rectangular/Tringle/Square/Oval) 300 x 300 x 3.15 mm thick and angle ironrod for stand 04 feet height including all frame work,welding,cutting and painting and make the board as per direction of Air HQ colour code and writing the letters such as connected eqpt,type of earthing,resistence value,date of installation,date of check including of PCC works for fixing of earth sign board atper the site require of various location all as specified and directed.