Bids Are Invited For Package No. - Atal Tinkering Lab Of Niti Aayog Electronics Development, Robotics, Internet Ofthings And Sensors ( Q3 ) ( Pac Only ) ( ) Total Quantity : 1- arduino uno or equivalent, arduino nano or equivalent, arduino mega or equivalent, raspberry pi, breadboards and mini breadboard, general purpose solderable board, berg strips, lcd display, usb cables, battery, resistor kit, capacitor kit, linearr voltaage regulator, water pump module, piezoelectric plate, bluetooth module, led display, gsm, gps, laser diode emitter, ldr module, keyboard, joystick, active buzzer, motor driver module, dc plastic gear motor with wheel, node mcu, vibrating motor, alligator connectors, battery clips with dc jack, hook- up wires, jumper cable, rgb leds, led timer, atmega, diodes and transistors kit, button switch set, capacitative touch module, ir sensors, obstacle avoider sensor module, triple axis magnetometer, humidity sensor, mq series, ir transmitter/ receiver, ultrasonic sensor module, triple axis acceierometer, PIR motion detector module, pulse rate heart sensor, relay module, big sound microphone module, touch sensor, metal touch sensor module, rain drop sensor, flex sensor, temperature sensor, force pressure sensor, sound sensor, power bank, rfid reader tags, dc motor, servo motor, robotics diy kit, mechanical construction kit, drone kit, aerospace kit, bio-medical kit, agri-tech kit, water sanitation kit, other poteential stem application kit.