
Rate Contract For Supply Of Material , Machine And Other Essential Item Rate Contract For Supply Of Material , Machine And Other Essential Item , Items : , 02Cylinderforboyles , 10Nasogastrictubesno , 200Wattbulb , 2Mirrorcronioscope ( Forophthalmic , SIMDEGA-Jharkhand

Health Department has published Rate Contract For Supply Of Material , Machine And Other Essential Item Rate Contract For Supply Of Material , Machine And Other Essential Item , Items : , 02Cylinderforboyles , 10Nasogastrictubesno , 200Wattbulb , 2Mirrorcronioscope ( Forophthalmic . Submission Date for this Tender is 22-11-2021. Hosiery Tenders in SIMDEGA Jharkhand. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Rate Contract For Supply Of Material , Machine And Other Essential Item Rate Contract For Supply Of Material , Machine And Other Essential Item , Items : , 02Cylinderforboyles , 10Nasogastrictubesno , 200Wattbulb , 2Mirrorcronioscope ( Forophthalmic
Open Tender

Tender Details

Rate Contract For Supply Of Material , Machine And Other Essential Item Rate Contract For Supply Of Material , Machine And Other Essential Item , Items : , 02Cylinderforboyles , 10Nasogastrictubesno , 200Wattbulb , 2Mirrorcronioscope ( Forophthalmic ) , 32Lcdtelivision , 3Foldrecliningbedmanually , 3Seaterchairsforwaitingarea , 5Lplastictubforkeepingchlorinesolution , 90Dlens ( Forophthalmic ) , Abcdrypowder2kg. , Abcdrypowder4kg. , Abcdrypowder6kg. , Abdominalhysterectomyset ( Bestquality ) , Abdominalretractors , Abdominalsheetbig ( Bestquality ) , Abdominalsheetbig ( Bestquality ) , Abdominalsheetsmall ( Bestquality ) , Ac ( Airconditioner ) 1.Starrating-3, 2.Capacity1.5Ton, 3.Splitac , Adultstethoscope , Adultstethoscope , Aircondisnor ( 1.5Ton5starwithstabelizer ) , Aircondisnor ( 1Ton5starwithstabelizer ) , Airway , Airway0, 1, 2, 3, 4-Adult , Airwayguedelorberman, Autoclavablerubber , Airwaypeadiartric , Alisforcep10 ( Titanium ) , Alisforcep6 ( Titanium ) , Alisforcep8 ( Titanium ) , All-Inonedesktopcomputer ( Withpreloaded ) Intelcorei5, Operatingsystem:Microsoftwindows10, 4Gbram, 1Tbhdd, Dvdwriter, 20Led ( Lenovo / Hp / Dell ) +Threeyearwarranty ( Lenovo / Hp / Dell ) +Threeyearwarranty , Allisforceps , Allisforceps , Alltypesofdentalextractionforceps ( Eachset3sets-Minimumrequiredwhichincludesupperandlowermolarsandanteriorforceps. , Almira , Amalgamcarrierinsilver , Amalgamcarrierinsliver , Ambubag , Ambubag ( Baby ) ( Silicon ) , Ambubagsiliconadult , Amputationset ( Bestquality ) , Anaesthesiaworkstation ( Includeanaesthesiamachinewithvaporiser, Ventilator, Monitor ) , Anteriorvaginalwallretractorstainless ( ( Ssantirustquality ) , Applanationtonometer , Arteryforceps , Arteryforceps ( Curved140rnrn ( Titanium ) , Arteryforceps ( Curved180mm ( Titanium ) , Arteryforceps ( Straight140rnrn ( Titanium ) , Arteryforceps ( Straight180mm ( Titanium ) , Autoclave ( Elec. ) Dubbledrum4x10 , Autoclave ( Elec. ) Dubbledrum6x12 , Autoclavemachine , Automatedautorefstand ( Forophthalmic ) , Automatedexternaldefabrillator ( Desirable ) , Avretractor 1.Stainlesssteel 2.Doubleended, Serrated 3.Rustfree 4.Sturdyconstruction 5.Accuratedimensions , B.P.Instrumentswithstand , Babyblankets , Babyforcepsss ( Big–Curve ) , Babyforcepsss ( Big–Straight ) , Babyforcepsss ( Big–Straight ) , Babyforcepsss ( Small–Curve ) , Babyforcepsss ( Small–Straight ) , Babyincubators ( Bestquality ) , Babytowel ( 24X36 ) ( Softcotton ) , Babytray ( Ss, Ceinbuild ) , Babyweighingmachinedigital , Babyweighingscale , Backrest , Bag, Reathing, Selfinflating ( Anti-Staticrubber, Setof4 ) , Basin , Basin825mlsswithwheels , Basinassorted ( Ss ) , Basinstandassorted ( Ss ) ( 2Basintype ) , Bedpan ( Ss ) , Beds ( Manualsemi-Fowlerbedswithcastors ) , Bedsheetmulticolourcottonsize60x90longclothbestqualitycolour. , Bedsheets , Bedsidechair ( Stypoewitharms ) , Bedsidelocker ( Bestquality ) , Bedsidelocker ( Fullyss ) ( Bestquality ) , Bedsidescreen4folds- , Bedsidescreenwithcloth ( 1Roundpipewithwheel ) , Bedssemi-Recilining , Bedwithmatress- , Besinboul ( Withstand ) , Blankets , Blankets , Blanketweight2kgredcoloursize60x90 , Bloodcollectionmonitor , Bloodgasmachine , Bloodtransfusionset ( Bestquality ) , Boilerorautoclave , Bookselves ( 66X36x15 ) ( 4Selves ) , Bowl, Metalsponge ( 600Rnl, Ref.Is:5782 ) , Bowlforantisepticsolution , Bowlforantisepticsolution , Boylesmachine ( Specificationsattached ) , Boylesmachine, Braincircuit, Jr , Boylesmachinewithventilator ( Ansthesiaventilator ) , Bpapparatusdialtype , Bpapparatusled , Bpapparatusmerucry , Bpapparatusstandmodel , Bpappratusdigital , Bphandle-3 / 4No ( Titanium ) , Breathingtubes, Hoses, Connectorsforitem1, ( Anti-Static ) , Bubblecpapmachinewithcompressor , Bucketbig , Bucketforkeeping1%Chlorinesolution ( Forspillage ) , Bucketforkeeping1%Chlorinesolution ( Forspillage ) , Buckets , Bucketsmall , Caps , Cardiacbed ( Specificationshouldbeattachedintechnicalbidturms&Condition ) , Carver ( Dimond ) , Carver ( Dimond ) , Case5heetholderswithclip ( Ss ) , Catheterurethral, Rubber, Foleys14er ( 14Er ) , Cctv ( 32Dvr ) ( 32Dvr:Processorhighperformanceembeddedmicroprocessor, Operatingsystemembeddedlinux, Userinterfacegui, Videoinput32channel, Bnc, Videooutput1hdmi, 1Vga, Videostandardanalog:32Ch.@1080N ( 1~15Fps ) , 24Ch.@1080N, 16Ch.@10 , Cdplayer ( Hometheaterwith5soundbox ) , Cervicalbiopsyset ( Bestquality ) , Chair , Chairsforwaitingarea ( Threeinoneset ) , Cheatleforceps , Cheatlesforceps , Cheststandforx-Reyunit , Chlorinetablets , Clampintestinal, Doyen ( Curved225mrn, Ss ) , Clampintestinal, Doyen ( Straight225rnrn, Ss ) , Cleaningmaterialanddetergents , Clothsfornewborn ( Disposablediapers, Cap&Socks ) , Co2fireextinguisher2kg. , Co2fireextinguisher4.5Kg. , Co2fireextinguisher6.5Kg. , Co2fireextinguisher9kg. , Colourcodedbins-Black , Colourcodedbins-Blue , Colourcodedbins-Red , Colourcodedbins-Yellow , Colourcodedbins-Yellow, Redandblack ( Bigandsmall ) , Colourcodedplasticbags ( Yellow, Red, Blueandblack ) , Colposcope ( Bestquality ) , Compactor , Computertablefullywooden ( Specificationshouldbeattachedintechnicalbidturms&Condition ) , Condombox , Conjunctivalscisser ( Forophthalmic ) , Connectorsetofsixforen ( Bestquality ) , Convexarraytranducerc343ua ( Forultrasoundmachine ) , Cordcuttingscissor ( Ss ( Titanium ) , Cordcuttingscissor / Surgicalbladeforcuttingcord , Cordcuttingscissor / Surgicalbladeforcuttingcord , Cornealscisser ( Forophthalmic ) , Cot , Cottondari12x15 , Cottondari12x158 , Cottonfoldingstrecherforambulance ( Bestquality ) , Cottonswab ( Roll ) , Countingchamber , Craniotomy ( Bestquality ) , Crashcard ( Ss ) , Ctscan , Curette, Uterine, Simsblunts ( Titanium ) , Curtains , Curvecocker ( Titanium ) , Cusco’S / Gravesspeculumvaginalbi-Valvelarge , Cusco’S / Gravesspeculumvaginalbi-Valvemedium , Cusco’S / Gravesspeculumvaginalbi-Valvesmall, , Cuscoss / Gravesspeculumvaginal ( Large ) , Cuscoss / Gravesspeculumvaginal ( Medium ) , Cuscoss / Gravesspeculumvaginal ( Small ) , Cuscosspeculum ( Large ) , Cuscosspeculum ( Medium ) , Dariwithroomsize. , Defibrillator , Deliverytable ( 72X24x3 ) Powercoated , Deliverytray , Deliverytroly , Dentalchair 1.Shouldbeelectricallyoperatedwithzeroprogram. 2.Shouldhaveaswitchoperatedoperatinglightwithminimumtwostepsof Intensitycontrol. 3.Shouldhaveautowaterconnectionforspittoonandtumblerwithautofilling Sensor. 4.S , Dentalprobe , Dentalprobe , Dentalx-Rayfilm , Designatednewborntraysswithlid , Designatednewborntraysswithlid , Desktopcomputer ( Withpreloadedoperatingsystem ) Intelcorei37thgen., Operatingsystem:Microsoftwindows10, 4Gbram, 1Tbhdd, Dvdwriter, 18.5Led ( Lenovo / Hp / Dell ) +Threeyearwarranty , Desktopcomputer ( Withpreloadedoperatingsystem ) Intelcorei57thgen., Operatingsystem:Microsoftwindows10, 4Gbram, 1Tbhdd, Dvdwriter, 18.5Led ( Lenovo / Hp / Dell ) +Threeyearwarranty , Dextrose10%, 25%, 50% , Diettrolley-Stainlesssteel , Digitalhemoglobinometer , Digitalincubator ( Specificationsattached ) , Digitalthermometer , Digitalthermometer , Digitalweighingmachine ( Adult ) ( 1.Capacity:160Kg2.Accuracy:100G3.Plattersize:350Mmx300mm ( Tolerance+ / -10% ) 4.Thescaleshouldbemadeupofheavyduty.Castironstructureplatformwithpowdercoatedframes.5.Theelectronicadult , Digitalweighingmachine ( Child ) -Whogmp, Ce, Iso9001, Iso13485 , Digitalxreyfilm ( Konika ) 10X12 , Digitalxreyfilm ( Konika ) 12X12 , Digitalxreyfilm ( Konika ) 12X15 , Digitalxreyfilm ( Konika ) 8X10 , Dilar ( Forophthalmic ) , Dilator, Uterine, Double-Endedhegar ( Setof5 ( Ssantirustquality ) , Disposablecordclamp , Disposabledeliverykitfordeliveringhivpatients ( Emergency ) , Disposabledeliverykitfordeliveringhivpatients ( Emergency ) , Disposabledeliverykitfornormaldelivery , Disposableneedle26g ( Forophthalmic ) , Disposableneedles22, 23, 26G , Doctorappronwhitefreesize ( Halfslaveterrycot ) , Doctorcoatfreesizefull , Doctorcoatfreesizehalf , Doctorsovercoat , Domesticrefrigetor190ltr. , Doorcurtaincotton48 , Doorcurtainsenthatic48 , Doppler , Dossimeter , Drawsheet , Dressingdrumbig12X15 , Dressingdrumsmall9x9 , Dressingdrumwithlid , Dressingtraywithlid , Drum, Sterilizingcylindrical ( 275Mmoiax132rnrn, Ssasperis: ) , Drumwithtapforstoringwater100ltr.Plasticshouldbemadeupofvirginplasticgranuals ) , Drycell / Battery , Dustbin ( Ss ) Big ( Bestquality ) , Ecgmachine , Electricstrailiserfootopratedbig , Electricventouse , Electronicstrailiser6x8 , Electronicstraliser10x12 , Electronicstraliser8x10 , Elementcarrier , Elisareadercumwasher , Emergencycrashcarttrolley , Emergencycrashcarttrolley , Emergencyresuscitationkit-Adult ( Bestquality ) , Emergencytrolley , Endoexplorar , Endometrialbiopsyset ( Bestquality ) , Endotrachealcatheter ( W / Cuff, Rubber ) , Endotrachealintubationtubes , Entnasalset ( Smr, Septoplasty, Nasalendoscopicset ( 00&300 ) Polypetcomy, Dns, Rhinoplasty ) ( Bestquality ) , Entoperationsetincludingheadlight, Tonsils , Episiotomyscissor , Episiotomyscissor ( Titanium ) , Episiotomytray , Esrstandwithtubes , Examinationgloves , Examinationinstrumentsset ( Speculums, Tonguedipressors, Mirrors, Bullslamp ) ( Bestquality ) , Examinationlampled , Examinationtable , Examinationtablewithmatress ( 72X24x3 ) ( Iron ) , Executivetable Withpedestalandcredistal ( Specificationshouldbeattachedintechnicalbidturms&Condition ) ] , Explorar , Exuctivechairleather ( Specificationshouldbeattachedintechnicalbidturms&Condition ) Wxh:61Cmx90cmapprox, Framematerialmetal. , F.B.Spnd ( Forophthalmic ) , Fans , Feedingequipments ( Tubes, Katoris&Spoon ) , Feedingtube , Feedingtubesno8 , Fireextinguisher , Flashlight / Torchbox-Typepre-Focused ( 4Cell ) , Floormoppingstick , Flowmeterwithhumidifierbottle , Fluorresceinstrip ( Forophthalmic ) , Foammattress ( •10Cmsthick, 32 / 40Densityfoammattresscoveredwithrexineclosedforplainbed. ) , Foammattressforottable , Focuslamp , Focuslightled ( Spotlight ) , Foetoscope , Foleyscatheter , Foliscatheter24no , Footoperatedsuctionapparatus , Footstep , Footstep ( 2Step ) , Forceps, Backhaustowel, ( 130Mm ( Tungstencarbidetipantirustquality ) , Forceps, Hemostatic, Halsteadsmosquito, Straight, ( 125Mrn-Ss ( Tungstencarbidetipantirustquality ) , Forceps, Spongeholding, ( 228Mm ( Tungstencarbidetipantirustquality ) , Forceps, Uterinenelatonsolid-Tipone-Eye ( ( Tungstencarbidetip ) , Forceps, Vulselium, Duplaydoublecured, 280Mm-Ss ( ( Tungstencarbidetip ) , Forcepsobstetric ( Wrigleys, 280Mm, Stainlesssteel ( Titanium ) , Forcepsobstetric, Wrigleys ( 280Mrn, Stainlesssteel ( Tungstencarbidetip ) , Fourdoorbookcasesteel ( Specificationshouldbeattachedintechnicalbidturms&Condition ) , Fourdoorverticalfittingcabinetsteel ( Specificationshouldbeattachedintechnicalbidturms&Condition ) , Fowlerbed ( Bestquality ) Withabssystem ( 72X36x19, 16Gforhead&Legside•Finish:Pretreated&Epoxypowdercoated ) , Fumigationmachine Inputpower:220Vac, 3.5Amp, 50Hz Consistantparticlesizegeneration:5-15Micronsvmd Reach:20-30Ftdistance&18-20Ftheight. Spacetreatment:Upto7000cuft&Evenlarger. Nozzleassembly:Nonrotatingvortexdesign, Non , Functionalrefrigerator. , G.I.Operationset ( Bestquality ) , Gauzecuttingscissorstratight , Gauzecuttingscissorstratight , Gauzepiece ( Roll ) , Generalsterileproceduretrays , Generalsterileproceduretrays , Gic ( Glassionomercement ) , Glasspippette , Glassrods , Glassslides , Glucometer , Glucometer , Glucometertestingstrips , Glycosylatedhaemoglobinometer , Gown / Apron , Gownsformothers , Greenarmittage ( Titanium ) , Haemogobinometer , Handrub , Handtowels , Hbtestmachinewithstrips ( Standardmake ) , Headboxforoxygen ( Bestquality ) , Headlight ( Ordinary ) ( Boyledavis ) , Headlight ( Ordinary ) ( Boyledavis ) ( Bestquality ) , Heavydutygloves , Hemoglobinometer ( 1.Samplevolume<10Ul2.Totalhbconcentrationmeasurementrange0.25G / Dl3.Toimefortotalconcentrationmeasurement<5Seconds4.Shouldhaveerrorratelessthan5%5.Cd / Usfda / Isoapproved6.Automaticcorrectionofhb.7.200Strip / Cuvettemustbesuppliedwiththemeter8.Shelflifeofcuvette / Stripmustbe1year9.Memoryfacilitydesired , Highflow ( Hfnc ) Machine , Highvaccumsuctionmachine , Hospitalbed ( Bestquality ) ( General ) , Hospitalbed ( Sshead&Footsiderod ) ( Specificationshouldbeattachedintechnicalbidturms&Condition ) , Hospitalworkerovercoat , Hotairsterilizer ( Oven ) -Digital Construction: Ovensaresturdy, Withdoublewalledconstruction.Innerchamberismadeofhighlypolishedstainlesssteel.Outerchamberismadeofmildsteelsheetdulypre-Treatedinseventanksprocessforsurface , Hpprinter3inone ( Printer, Scan&Photocopy ) , Hubcutter ( Heavy ) , Hubcutterandneedledestroyer , Hubcuttermannual , Hubcutterwithneedledestroyer ( Electric ) , Icepackbox , Infantventilatorwithcompressor , Infusionpump , Insecticidetreatednets , Insectisidetreatednet , Instrumenttrolly ( Bestquality ) , Intensifyingscreenx-Ray , Intercom ( 24Extensions, Expandableupto-32, Micro-Controllerbasedspcspacedivisionmultiplexing, Extensionloopresistance:600Ohms, Operatingtemperature:0Cto45c, Powerconsumption:Max.100Watts, Operatingvoltage:220V10% ) , Interdentalcleaningaid , Intravenous ( Setinbox ) , Iucd ( 375, 380A ) , Iucdkit , Ivcannula ( 16, 18, 20, 22 ) , Ivcannula ( 16, 18, 20, 22 ) , Ivcannulae ( Size20, 22Or24, 26G ) , Threeway , Ivinfusionsets / Dosiflow , Ivset , Ivset , Ivstand , Ivstandwithwheels , Kellysheamostatforcepsstraight140mms , Kellyspad ( Forlabourandottable-Set ) , Kellyspads , Kellyspads , Kidneytray , Kidneytray , Kidneytray ( 10 ) , Kidneytray ( 8 ) , Kidneytray ( Big ) , Kidneytray ( Small ) , Knife-Blade ( Surgical, Size11forminorsurgery ( Ssantirustquality ) , Knife-Blade ( Surgical, Size15forminorsurgery ( Ssantirustquality ) , Knife-Blade ( Surgical, Size22formajorsurgery ( Ssantirustquality ) , Knife-Handle ( Surgicalforminor&Majorsurgery#3 ( Ssantirustquality ) , Knife-Handle ( Surgicalforminor&Majorsurgery#4 ( Ssantirustquality ) , Kocchersforcep ( Titanium ) , Laboratoryautoclaves , Labourtable , Laparotomyset ( Bestquality ) , Laproscopysetforcholecystectomy , Laptop / Notebook ( Intelcorei37thgen., Operatingsystem:Win10 ( Hp / Dell / Lenovo ) +Threeyearwarranty , Laptop / Notebook ( Intelcorei57thgen., Operatingsystem:Win10 ( Hp / Dell / Lenovo ) +Threeyearwarranty , Laptop / Notebook ( Intelcorei7, Operatingsystem:Windows10 ( Hp / Dell / Lenovo ) +Threeyearwarranty , Laryngoscope , Laryngoscopefibreopticent ( Bestquality ) , Laryngoscopefibreopticent ( Bestquality ) , Ledtv42’’ , Ledtvforiec , Leqqinqs , Lpg Cylinder , Lpg Stove , Macintoshrubbersheetclothpastedpermtr.Madeupofhiqualitynaturalrubber.Doublefacecoloursheet.Softandhighqualitybreakingandtearingstrength. , Mackintosh , Mackintosh , Mackintoshsheet5meter , Magillsforceps , Markingcloth48 , Mask-Neonatalsize ( 0 ) , Mask-Neonatalsize ( 1 ) , Masks , Matsforyoga , Matsforyoga , Mattress6x3x4 , Mattressforexaminationtable , Measuringtape , Measuringtape , Measuringtape , Measuringtape , Medicinechest , Medicinetrolley ( Ss ) , Mfs100biometric ( Fingurescanner ) , Mfstabbiometric ( Completeset ) ( Tab ) , Microporetape , Microporetape , Microporetapes* , Microtripset , Midbackchair ( Specificationshouldbeattachedintechnicalbidturms&Condition ) , Midbackrevolvingchair ( Specificationshouldbeattachedintechnicalbidturms&Condition ) , Minilapkit , Moppingstick , Mosquitonet ( 6X4 ) Nylon , Mouthgag , Mouthmirror , Mouthmirror , Mouthprop , Mriscan , Mucusextractor , Mugs , Multiparamonitorswithinfantandpediatricspo2probesandinfantandpediatricbpcuffs ( Catalogrequired ) , Murcuryballburnisher , Murcuryballburnisher , Mvaaspirator , N / 10Hydrochloricacid , N20cylinderforboyles , Nasogastrictube ( 8, 10, 12Fg ) , Nasogastrictubes ( Sizes6, 8, 10, 16Fr ) , Nearvisionchart , Nearvisionchart , Nebuliser , Nebuliser , Shouldbelightweight, Portableandcompact. , Shouldhaveadustfilter. , Shouldbeabletodeliveraflowrate=7Lpm , Shouldhaveairpressure=35Psi. , Shouldhaveacheckvalvetoprotectthedeviceagainstcontaminationdueto , Backward , Nebulizer , Needledestroyerelectric , Needleholder , Needleholder, Mayo, Straight, Narrowjaw ( 175Mm-Ss ( Tungstencarbidetipantirustquality ) , Needles, Suture, Roundbodied, ( 3 / 8Circleno.12 ) , Needles, Suturetriangularpoint, ( 7.3Cm ) , Needlespinalstainless ( Setof4 ) , Newbornthermometer , Nibpwithallcuffsizes , Nibulisyeradultwithmask , Nibulisyerchildwithmask , Nibulisyermaskforadult , Nibulisyermaskforchild , Nsvkitset ( Ss ) , Ntra-Osseousneedle , O.T.Greenapproxcasmetclothfreesize , O.T.Tablehydrolicss ( Bestquality ) , O.Tcapcotton , O.Tcapdisposable , O.Tmaskcotton , O.Tmaskdisposable , Officealmirahstorewellplain4selves ( Specificationshouldbeattachedintechnicalbidturms&Condition ) , Officetable , Officetable3*2Onesidedrower ( Bestquality ) , Officetablegeneralsanmicatop ( 2.5X4 ) Onesidethreedrower ( Onesidethreedrower ) , Officetablegeneralsanmicatop ( 2.5X5 ) Bothsidethreedrower ( Bothsidethreedrower ) , Officetablesingalsidedrawer ( 4X2.25 ) ( Specificationshouldbeattachedintechnicalbidturms&Condition ) , Officetablewood&Steel ( 5X3 ) ( Specificationshouldbeattachedintechnicalbidturms&Condition ) , Onlineups1kvawith60minutebackup , Ophthalmoscope ( Forophthalmic ) , Opthalmoscope 1.Shouldberechargeablebatterywithcharger / Mainsoperated. 2.Shouldhavehalogen / Ledlightsource 3.Shouldhavered-Freefilters 4.Shouldhavesmallandlargespotsizes, Fixationtargets, Slitaperture, Hemi-Spotandcobaltblu , Oral / Nasopharyngealairways ( Differentped.Sizes ) , Oralairway , Oropharyngealairway ( 000-4Guydelsize ) , Otoscope 1.Shouldbeaconvenientpockettypeotoscope. 2.Shouldbeprovidedwithahalogenlightsource. 3.Shouldbeabletodetachtheotoscopehead. 4.Shouldprovidenoreflectionsandobstructions. 5.Shouldprovidedetachableaccessoriesofvar , Outletforcep ( Titanium ) , Overbedtable , Ovumforceps , Oxygenconcentetor 10 Lpm , Oxygencylinder10ltr.Mo2withvalve , Oxygencylinderdtype , Oxygencylinderwithtrolly , Oxygencylinderwithtrolybtype , Oxygendeliverydevices:Nasalprongs, Simplefacemasks, Non-Rebreathingmasks, Oxygenhood , Oxygenflowmeter , Oxygenflowmeter ( Bestquality ) , Oxygenhood ( Largesize ) , Oxygenhood ( Neonatal ) , Oxygenhood ( Neonatal ) , Oxygenmask , Oxygenmaskandtubings , Oxygennasalcannulaneonatalandinfant , Oxygennasalcannulapediatric , Oxygennasalcannulapediatric , Oxygenset ( Maskwithtubing ) , P.V.Tray ( Bestquality ) , P.V.Tray ( Bestquality ) , Paediatricstethoscope ( Bestquality ) , Paedstethoscope , Partographincasesheets , Pasystem ( •Recessedmount ( Ceiling ) , Surfacemount, Columnand / Orhornspeakers, 12Wattswithinbuilttransformer, Woodenbody, Pressurelevel97db, Range200-15000Hz, Ratedvoltage100v, Impedence833amplifierratedvoltageoutput100v, 150Watts, Mu , Patientshousecoatforfemale , Patientspaiiarna ( Formale ) Shirt , Peadiatriccot , Peakexpiritoryflowmeter ( Bestquality ) , Peakexpiritoryflowmeter ( Bestquality ) , Pediatricambubagswithdifferentsizemask , Pediatricambubagswithdifferentsizemasks , Pediatricinfusionset / Pediadripset , Pediatricinvasiveventilatorwithcompressor , Pediatriclaryngoscope ( Curvedandstraightblades ) , Pediatricnrbmmasks, Simplefacemasksandnasalcannulaofallsizes , Perenealsheetsforot , Phototherapyunit 1-Ledphototherapywithintensityupto6-50Microwatts / Nm / Cumm / Mwatt, Adjustable Intensity. 2-.Heightadjustableandtiltablelightunit. 3-Digitaltime-Totallerofledusagetime. 4-Stainlesssteeltray. 5–Provisionfordoublesurf , Phototherephyunitsinglesurface ( Standmodel ) , Phototherephyunitsinglesurfaceled ( Withledbuld ) , Pillow , Pillowcover , Pillowcoverbestquality ( 16X26 ) , Pillowsenthatic1kgsize14X24 , Plainforceps , Plainforceps ( 8 ( Tungstencarbidetipantirustquality ) , Plasticappron , Plasticapprondisposible , Plasticchair ( Brandedcompany ) ( Witharm ) , Portableo.T.Light ( Absdoom19Singlereflecterpolycarbonate ) , Portableo.T.Lightled , Portableoxygencylinder ( Bestquality ) , Portablesuction , Portablesuction , Portablex-Ray , Povidone-Iodineforlocalapplication, Spiritswabs , Ppiucdforcep , Ppiucdforcepss , Ppiucdinsertionforceps , Printerallone ( Print, Scan, Copy, Fax ) ( Hp ) +Threeyearwarranty , Printerhp ( Laserjet ) Resolution600x600speedinppm18 ( A4size ) ( Hp ) +Threeyearwarranty , Procedurespotlight ( Portable ) , Procedurespotlight ( Portable ) , Proctoscopysetadult ( Bestquality ) , Proctoscopysetpeadiartric ( Bestquality ) , Pulseoxymeter , Pulseoxymeter ( Multipara ) ( Withinstallation&1Yrs.Warrenty ) ( 8.5Tftdisplaywithecg ) , Pulseoxymeter, Pulsespo2 , Pulseoxymeteradult ( Tabletop ) Built-Inrechargeableli-Polymerbatteryforuninterruptedmonitoring Compactandflexibleappearance, Easyforcarryingandbesuitableforindoorandoutdoor ( Inambulance ) Monitoring Withuser-Friendlyinterface Displ , Pulseoxymeterbaby ( Fingertip ) Type:-Bloodpressuremonitor Powersupply:-Battery Size:-57 ( L ) *33 ( W ) *32 ( H ) Mm , Rack / Tableforkeepingtrays, Fluids , Rackforkeepingsleepers / Shoecoversoutsidelabourroom , Radiantwarmer , Radiantwarmer / Tablewithsiderails , Radientbabywarmer , Refrigerator ( Lg, Whirpool ) , Regionalanaesthesiadevices, Epiduralset , Revolvingstool ( Wihhcutionhydrolicfullyss ) , Rightangelartry4 , Rightangelartry6 , Rodsfordoorcurtains ( Perrunningfit ) Size4ftapprox, Typealumunium / Ss. , Roundslit ( Hole ) Towel , Rubber / Plasticsheet ( 4Setsof2.5Mx2=20Meterforeachfacility ) , Rubber / Plasticshutting , Rubibrizedcorematress ( 6X3x4withrackcincover ) , Sahlishaemoglobinometer , Salinstandwithwheelwithfourhook ( Ss ) , Sanitarynapkins , Sanitarynapkins , Saucepanwithlid , Saucepanwithlid , Saucepanwithlid ( Ss ) 2Liter, Lid-18Cms, , Scannerflatbeta4size , Scissor, Gauze, Straight ( 230Rnrn, Ss ( Titanium ) , Scissoroperatingstraight ( 230Mm ( Tungstencarbidetipantirustquality ) , Scissors , Scissors , Scissors, Operatingcurvedmayo-Bluntpointed ( 170Mm ( Tungstencarbidetipantirustquality ) , Screenseperatorwithstand , Selfilluminatedretinoscope ( Forophthalmic ) , Semifowlerbed ( Bestquality ) Withabssystem ( 72X36x19, 16Gforhead&Legside•Finish:Pretreated&Epoxypowdercoated ) , Setoftablewith4chairs ( Neelkamal, Cello, Supreme ) , Sharpandbluntcurette , Sheetsfordryingandwrappingbaby , Sheetsfordryingandwrappingbaby , Shoecover , Sidelocker , Sidelocker , Sidelockermadeupofcrcapipe / Sheetswithsstop, Providedwithonestorageboxandonedrawer, Crctabularleg, Twoismountedonpvcstupmandtwoon5cmscastors, Pretreatedandepoxypowdercoatedandapproxdimension:405Mml*405Mmw*810Mmh. , Simko21noguage ( Forophthalmic ) , Simsretractor / Depressor , Simsspeculumveginaldoubleendedissmediam , Slidedryingrack , Slippersperpair ( Rubber ) , Slitlampbiomicroscope , Snellenvisionchart , Snellenvisionchart , Soap , Sound, Uterine, Simpson ( 300Mmwith200mmgraduations ( Ssantirustquality ) , Spacersandmasks , Specimencollectionbottle , Speculum , Speculum, Vaginal, Simsdouble-Ended#3- ( Ssantirustquality ) , Speculumvaginalbi-Valve ( Cusco-Medium, ( Ssantirustquality ) , Spiritlamp , Spiritlamp , Spirometer , Spongeholdingforceps / Cheatleforceps , Spoonexcavator , Sstraywithcover , Sstraywithcover , Sstraywithcover , Stadiometer ( Heightmeasurement ) , Staticvaccumextractor ( Bestquality ) , Steelcup-Board , Steelrackiron ( 78X36x15 ) ( 4Selves ) , Sterilesurgicalgloves , Sterileswabs , Stethoscope , Stethoscope ( Bestquality ) , Stomachwashequipment ( Bestquality ) , Stool , Stoolfixed ( Iron ) , Straightcocker ( Titanium ) , Straightneedle , Stretcherontrolley , Streturetrolly ( 85X22x32powercoatedwithmatress ) , Suctionmachinewithpump:-Powersupply:230-240V / 50Hz-Vacuumcapacity:18Litres / Mim-Maximumdepression:-75Kpa ( -563Mmhg ) Vacuumiscreatedbyaplasticpistonandcylindersystem, Withfourvacuum-Creatingmodules ( , Suctionmachinefootoperated ( Powdercoatedm.S.Chassis. Noiselevelofsuctionapparatusfromis50db+ / -03Db. Leakagecurrentofsuctionunitsislessthan84ua. Electricalrequirement–220~230V, 50Hz, 1Phase. Idealformtp / Medical / Surgic , Suctionmachineforot , Suctiontube ( 225Rnrn, Ss ) , Sunctionmachineelectric / Footoperatedsuctionapparatus , Sunctionmachineelectricapparatus , Suringneedlecurved , Sutureneedlecurved , Sutureneedlestraight-10 , Suturingthread , Suturingtraywithlidss-Small , Syringe, Anesthetic ( Control5mlluermountglass ) , Syringepump , Syringes1ml, 2Ml, 5Ml, 10Ml , Tableclothpermeter , Tallquisthbscale , Tcdccountapparatus , Telephone ( Set ) , Temporaryfillingmaterial , Testtubeholders , Testtubeholdingclamp , Testtuberack , Testtuberack , Testtubes , Testtubestands , Tharmometer , Thermometerrectal , Thermometers ( Digital ) , Thermometers ( Para ) , Thomassplint ( Bestquality ) , Threeseatercrome ( Ss ) , Threeseatercromewithcution ( Ss ) , Threeseateriron ( Witharm ) , Threesheetercromreparining , Thumbforceps , Thumbnontoothedforceps , Timerstopwatch , Tissueforcep10 ( Titanium ) , Tissueforcep6 ( Titanium ) , Tissueforcep8 ( Titanium ) , Tokendisplaysystem ( Tokendispenserwithissuekeys, Thermalprinter, Callingunitwithkeysforcallingnexttokennumber, Tokendisplayunitforshowingtokenoncabinoutdoor, Centralleddisplayunitforshowingtokennumberwithcabinnumberconne , Tonguedepressor , Tonguedepressor , Tonguedepressors , Toothedforceps , Toothedforceps , Toothforceps ( 8 ( Tungstencarbidetipantirustquality ) , Torch , Torch / Torchbox-Typepre-Focused ( 4Cell ) , Towel , Towelsbig ( 60X30 ) ( Softcotton ) , Towelssmall ( 15X30 ) ( Softcotton ) , Tracheostomyset ( Bestquality ) , Trayinstrument / Dressingwithcover , Trialbox, Trialframe, Lens, Metalrim ( 205X6cye ) ( Completeset ( Forophthalmic ) , Trialframeadult ( Forophthalmic ) , Trialframechildren ( Forophthalmic ) , Tubesconnectingforen ( Bestquality ) , Tuningfork , Tuningfork ( Bestquality ) , Tuningfork. , Twizer , Twoseatercrome ( Ss ) , Ultrahighspeedlaboratarycentrifuge ( Specificationsattached ) , Ups1kvdoublebattary , Uretheraldilatorset ( Bestquality ) , Urinalfemale , Urinalmale , Urinebags , Urinebags , Urinebags* , Uterineelevator ( Ranathlbod ) ( Ss ) , Uterinesound ( Foriucd ) , Uteruscollection ( Sisteruandmamau ) , Vaccinecarrier , Vaccusucksuctiontube ( Titanium ) ( Forsuctionmachine ) , Vacuumextractormetal ( Bestquality ) , Vaginalhysterectomyset ( Bestquality ) , Valveinhaler ( Chrome-Platedbrass, Y-Shape ) , Varicoseveinset ( Bestquality ) , Varicoseveinset ( Bestquality ) , Vascularclampset ( Bestquality ) , Vipchairwithcuition ( Witharm ) , Vulcellum Stainlesssteel Size:10Inch Colour:Silver Shape:Curved , Vulsellumuterineforcepscurved25.5Cm , Wallclockwithsecondhand , Wallclockwithsecondhand , Wastedisposal-Bin / Drums , Wastedisposalcolourcodedbuckets ( Black, Red, Yellow, Blue ) ( Neelkamal, Cello, Suprem ) , Wastedisposalcolourcodedbucketsswinebing30ltr. ( Black, Red, Yellow, Blue ) ( Neelkamal, Cello, Suprem, Nayasa ) , Wastedisposalcolourcodedbucketsswinebing60ltr. ( Black, Red, Yellow, Blue ) ( Neelkamal, Cello, Suprem, Nayasa ) , Wastedisposalcolourcodedbucketsswinebing80ltr. ( Black, Red, Yellow, Blue ) ( Neelkamal, Cello, Suprem, Nayasa ) , Wastedisposalcolourcodedpolybags ( Black, Red, Yellow, Blue ) , Wastedisposal-Trolley ( Ss ) , Wastedisposaltwinbucketforhypochloritesolution / Bleach ( Big ) , Watercoolerwithpurifire ( 120Ltr.Storagecapacity, 80Ltr.Coolingcapacity, Stainlesssteel, Twotap , Watercoolerwithpurifire ( 40Ltr.Storagecapacity, 20Ltr.Coolingcapacity, Stainlesssteel, Twotap , Watercoolerwithpurifire ( 80Ltr.Storagecapacity, 60Ltr.Coolingcapacity, Stainlesssteel, Twotap , Waterreceptacle , Weighingmachine ( Adult ) Digital , Weighingmachine ( Infant ) Digital , Weighingmachineadult ( Bestquality ) , Weighingmachinebabyelectronic ( 5Kgcapicitywithfibertray ) , Weighingscalesforinfantsandchildren , Westdisposalcolourcoatedpolybeg ( Black, Red, Yellow, Bule ) ( Perkg. ) , Wheelchair , Wheelchair ( Ss ) Folding , Whitewrightingboard , Windowscreens , Windowscreens , Woodenspatula , Woodenspatula , Workstationsmemodel ( Singleunit ) ( Specificationshouldbeattachedintechnicalbidturms&Condition ) , Xeroxmachine ( Minimumcopyingspeed ( Epm ) :25 / 25 ) ( Specificationshouldbeattachedintechnicalbidturms&Condition ) , X-Rayfilmprocessingtank13.5Lit. , X-Rayfilmprocessingtank9lit. , X-Rayviewbox , X-Rayviewbox ( Doubblefilessbody ) , Zincphosphatecement

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 10-11-2021 Corrigendum Upload Other 15-11-2021
2 12-11-2021 Extension of bid submission Date 22-11-2021

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INR 500000.0 /-
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