
Supply Of The Lab Reagent To The Pathology, Microbiology And Biochemistry Department Tezpur Medical College & Hospital, Tezpur--Assam

Medical College Hospital has published Supply Of The Lab Reagent To The Pathology, Microbiology And Biochemistry Department Tezpur Medical College & Hospital, Tezpur-. Submission Date for this Tender is 16-11-2021. Kitchen Equipment Tenders in Assam. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of The Lab Reagent To The Pathology, Microbiology And Biochemistry Department Tezpur Medical College & Hospital, Tezpur-
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of The Lab Reagent To The Pathology, Microbiology And Biochemistry Department Tezpur Medical College & Hospital, Tezpur-1 Salmonella antisera poly/monovalent 2 Shigella antisera poly group A 3 Shigella antisera poly group A1 4 Shigella antisera poly group C 5 Shigella antisera poly group C1 6 Shigella antisera poly group C2 7 Shigella antisera poly group D 8 Shigella antiserum poly group B 9 Vibrio cholerae antiserum inaba 10 Vibrio cholerae antiserum ogawa 11 Vibrio cholerae antiserum poly ANTIBIOTICS 12 Amikacin AK 30mcg 13 Amoxycillin AM 30mcg 14 Amoxycillin sulbactam AMS 15 Amoxyclav (amoxycillin /clavulanic acid) AC 30mcg (20/10mcg) 16 Amoxyclav 50/10 mcg 17 Amphotericin-B AP 100units 18 Ampicillin A 10 mcg 19 Ampicillin/sulbactam AS 10/10mcg 20 Azithromycin AT 15mcg 21 Aztreonam AO 30mcg 22 Bacitracin B 10 UNITS 23 Carbenicillin CB 100mcg 24 Cefaclor CJ 30mcg 25 Cefazolin CZ 30mcg 26 Cefepime CPM 30mcg 27 Cefixime CFX 5mcg 28 Cefoperazone CS 29 Cefoperazone tazobactam CST 75/10mcg 30 Cefotaxime CE 30mcg 31 Cefoxitin (cephoxitin) CN 30mcg 32 Cefpodoxime CEP 10mcg 33 Ceftazidime CA 30mcg 34 Ceftizoxime CK 30mcg 35 Ceftriaxone CI 30mcg 36 Ceftriaxone/sulbactam CIS 30/15mcg 37 Cefuroxime CU 30mcg 38 Cephalexim CM 30 mcg 39 Cephalothin CH 30mcg 40 Chloramphenicol C 30mcg 41 Chlortetracycline CT 30mcg 42 Ciprofloxacin CF 5 mcg/10mcg 43 Clarithromycin CW 15mcg 44 Clindamycin CD 10mcg 45 Clotrimazole CC 10mcg 46 Cloxacillin CX 30mcg 47 Co-trimoxazole CO 25mcg (23.75/1.25mcg) 48 Doxycycline DO 30mcg 49 Erythromycin E 30mcg/15 mcg 50 Fluconazole FU 25 mcg 51 Gatifloxacin GF 5mcg 52 Gentamicin G 10 mcg 53 Gentamicin G 120 mcg 54 Imipenem I 10 mcg 55 Itraconazole IT 30 mcg 56 Ketoconazole KT 30 mcg 57 Kit I for ESBL identification, cefotaxime (cephotaxime) kit contains 6 cartridges (6CT):3CT of SD040 cefotaxime (cephotaxime)30mcg, 3CT of SD724 cefotaxime (cephotaxime)/clavulanic acid 30/10mcg 58 Lecvofloxacin LE 5 mcg 59 Lincomycin L 10mcg 60 Linezolid LZ 30mcg 61 Lomefloxacin LO 10 mcg 62 Meropenem MR 10 mcg 63 Methicillin M 5 mcg 64 Metronidazole MT 5 mcg 65 Nalidixic acid NA 30 mcg 66 Nitrofurantoin NF 300 mcg 67 Norfloxacin NX 10 mcg 68 Novobiocin NV 30 mcg 69 Nystatin NS 100units 70 Ofloxacin OF 5 mcg 71 Oxacillin OX 1 mcg 72 Penicillin-G P 10 units 73 Piperacillin PC 100 mcg 74 Piperacillin/ Tazobactam PT 100/10 mcg 75 Polymyxin-B PB 300units 76 Polymyxin-B PB 100units,50 Units 77 Roxithromycin RO 30 mcg 78 Sparfloxacin SC 5 mcg 79 Spectinomycin SPT 100 mcg 80 Streptomycin S 10 mcg 81 Teicoplanin TE 30 mcg 82 Tetracycline T 30 mcg 83 Ticarcillin TI 75 mcg 84 Tigecycline TGC 15 mcg 85 Tobramycin TB 10 mcg 86 Trimethoprim TR 5 mcg 87 Vancomycin VA 30 mcg 88 Voriconazole VOR 1 mcg 89 Ceftazidime Clauvalunic SD 207 90 Caspofungin SD 0298 91 Vancomycin E Test EM060-60ST SEROLOGICAL TESTS Blood Borne Diseases 92 HAV IgG/IgM 93 HBe Ag 94 HBsAg Malaria 95 Malaria Pf/Pv Ab Other Febrile Diseases 96 JEV IgM 97 Leishmania Ab 98 Leptospira Ab 99 RA Factor Enteric Fever 100 Salmonella typhi IgG/IgM ENTEROCHECK TEST STD 101 Chlamydia Ag Dengue Fever 102 Dengue IgG/IgM 103 Dengue NS 1Ag 104 Dengue NS 1Ag +Ab Combo Respiratory Diseases 105 Influenza Ag PandemicA (H1 N1) 106 R S V Ag 107 Strep- A Ag Tuberculosis 108 TB Ab 109 TB IgM/IgG 110 TUBERCULIN Test Gastrointestinal Infection 111 Cholera Ag O1 112 Cholera Ag O1/O139 113 H.pylori Ab/Ag Rota Virus Ag Other Tests 114 Casoni ‘s Test 115 HCG 116 Rubella IgG/IgM 117 Toxoplasma IgG/IgM DEHYDRATED CULTURE MEDIA,BASES AND SUPPLEMENTS 118 Agar base 119 Agar Powder 120 Alkaline peptone water 121 Amies Transport medium 122 Anrade Peptone water 123 Beef extract powder 124 Bile Esculin Azide Agar 125 Bile salt agar 126 Bird Seed Agar 127 Blood Agar Base 128 Brain Heart Infusion Agar 129 Brain Heart Infusion Broth 130 Buffered Glucose Broth 131 Buffered Glycerol Saline 132 C.C. Supplement 133 Cary Blair medium base 134 Cetrimide Agar Base 135 Chlamydospore Agar 136 Chocolate Agar Base (G.C. Agar+Isovitalax Enrichment) 137 Coagulase Mannitol Broth Base 138 Cornmeal Agar 139 Czapek Dox Agar 140 Dermatophyte test medium 141 Dnase Test Agar 142 Eijkman Lactose broth 143 Entamoeba media 144 Glucose Broth 145 Glucose Phosphate broth 146 Hektonn Enteric Agar(Sal-Shig) 147 HI Combidual Performance Salmonella Medium SS/XLD 148 Hichrome Candida Differential Agar 149 Hugh Leifsons Media 150 LOEFFLERS SERUM Medium Base 151 Loweinstein Jenson Media 152 MacConkeys agar 153 MacConkeys broth 154 Mannitol Salt Agar 155 Meat Extract Powder 156 Moeller Decarboxylase Broth Base with arginine HCL 157 Moeller Decarboxylase Broth Base with Lysine HCL 158 Moeller Decarboxylase Broth Base with orinithine HC 159 Mueller Hinton Agar 160 Nutrient Agar 161 Ox bile,bacteriological 162 Oxacillin Resistance Screening 163 Phenophthalein Phosphate Agar 164 Phenylalanine Media 165 PLET agar base 166 Potato Dextrose Agar 167 Pseudomonas Agar 168 Rapid H2S STRIP METHOD 169 Reinforced Clostridial Agar 170 Robinson media for Endamoeba 171 Sabouraud Cycloheximide Chloramphenicol Agar 172 Selenite F broth 173 Semisolid Nutrient agar 174 Simmons citrate agar 175 Stock culture Agar 176 Stuarts Transport Media 177 TCBS Agar 178 Tellurite blood agar base 179 Tetrathionate broth 180 Thioglycollate Media 181 Triple sugar iron agar 182 Tryptone water for Indole 183 Urea agar base 184 XLD Medium CHEMICAL 185 40% Urea Solution 186 Acetic Acid 187 Acetone 188 Adonitol 189 Aesculin 190 Agar 191 Alcohol (95%) 192 Amly/Isoamyl alcohol 193 Ammonium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate 194 Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate 195 a-naphthol 196 a-naphthylamine 197 Andrade’s indicator 198 Bacitracin 199 Basic fuchsin 200 Beef extract 201 Benzaaldehyde 202 Betadine Solution 203 BHI supplemented w/0.50 % sps 204 BHI supplemented w/0.50 % sps 205 Bleeching powder 206 Bordetella selective supplement 207 Boric acid 208 Bromocresol purple 209 Bromothymol blue 210 Calcium carbonate 211 Calcium chloride 212 Canavanine-Glycine-Bromothymol Blue (CGB)Media 213 Carbon fuchsin 214 Casein hydrolysate 215 Charcoal 216 Chloramphenicol 217 Cresol Red 218 Crystal violet 219 Dextrose 220 Dipotassium hydrogen phosphate 221 Disodium hydrogen phosphate 222 DPX Mountant 223 Dried Sea salt 224 Dulcitol 225 Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid 226 Ferric ammonium citrate 227 Ferrous Chloride Extra Pure 228 Gentamicin solution 229 Glass beads 230 glucose 231 Glycerol 232 Gram’s Decolouriser 233 Hi antibiotic Zone scale-TM C 234 Horse serum 235 Hydrochloric Acid 236 Hydrogen peroxide 237 Indian Ink 238 Inositol 239 Inulin 240 Kovac’s Indole Reagent 241 L(+)Arabinose 242 Lacto phenol Cotton Blue 243 Lactose 244 L-Arginine 245 L-cystine 246 Lead Acetate 247 Leishman’s stain 248 L-lysine 249 L-ornithine 250 Lugol’s Iodine 251 lysozyme 252 Magnesium chloride 253 Malachite green 254 Maltose 255 mannitol 256 Methyl red 257 Methyl violet 258 Methylated spirit 259 Methylene blue 260 N,N,N,N-tetramethyl-p-phenylene diamine dihydrochloride 261 Na Deoxycholate powder 262 Negrosine 263 Neutral red 264 nystatin 265 O-nitrophenyl B-d-galactopyranoside 266 Paraffin liquid 267 P-dimethyl amino benzaldehyde 268 Petroleum jelly/Vaseline white 269 Phenol 270 Phenol crystal 271 Phenol red 272 Phosphate buffer 273 Potassium chloride 274 Potassium Di Hydrogen Phosphste 275 Potassium Dichromate A.R 276 Potassium d-tartrate 277 Potassium hydroxide 278 Potassium nitrate 279 Potassium tellurite 280 Potassium tellurite 1% 281 Pyridoxal Hydrochloride 282 Raffinose 283 Resazurin sodium 284 Rhamnose 285 RPMI-1640 286 Safranin 287 Salicin 288 Skim Milk Powder 289 Sodium Azide 290 Sodium Bicarbouate 291 Sodium chloride 292 Sodium citrate 293 Sodium deoxycholate 294 Sodium glycerolphosphate 295 Sodium hydroxide 296 Sodium Hypochlorite 297 Sodium taurocholate 298 Sodium thioglycolate 299 Sodium thiosulphate 300 Sorbitol 301 Starch 302 Sucrose 303 Sulphanilic acid 304 Sulphuric acid 305 Tannic Acid 306 Tartaric Acid 307 Tetramethyl -P-Phenylenediamine Hydrochloride(Oxidase reagent) 308 Toluidine blue 309 Trehalose 310 Triclogel 311 Tryptone 312 Tween-20/40/80 313 Urea AR 314 Xylene LR 315 Yeast Extract Powder 316 Yeast Phosphate Agar DISCS FOR 317 Adonitol Ad 318 Arabinose Ar 319 Cellobiose Ce 320 Dextrose De 321 Dulcitol Du 322 Fructose Fc 323 Galactose Ga 324 Inositol Is 325 Inulin In 326 Lactose La 327 Maltose Ma 328 Mannitol Mn 329 Mannose Mo 330 Melibiose Mb 331 Raffinose Rf 332 Rhamnose Rh 333 Salicin Sa 334 Sorbitol Sb 335 Sucrose Su 336 Trehalose Te DIFFERENTIATION DISCS AND STRIPS 337 Bacitracin B (50 discs /vl) 338 Bile esculin (50 discs) 339 DMACA Indole discs Dm (50 discs /vl) 340 Hippurate Hp (25 discs/ vl) 341 Kovac’s Reagent Strips (25 strips/ vl) 342 Lead Acetate paper Strips (25 strips/ vl) 343 Nitrate discs N (50 discs / vl) 344 Optochin (5mcg) 345 Oxidase discs (50 discs / vl) 346 Spore Strips (25 Strips per pak) 347 V factor (50 discs / vl) x 348 X Factor (50 discs / vl) x READYMADE STAINS 349 Alberts metachronatic Stains Kit 350 Capsule Stains Kit 351 Gram Stains Kits 352 Hi Cold Stain TB kit for mycobacteria 353 Lactophenol cotton blue stain for Fungi 354 Lugols iodine stain for Intestinal Protozoa 355 Malarial Parasite Kit 356 Stains for negative staining 357 ZN Acid Fast Stains Kit CONSUMABLES / DISPOSABLES 358 Biohazard colour coded disposal bags 359 Blood Cultural Bottle (Glass) 360 Blotting paper 361 Coplin Jar 362 Coverslip 363 Diamond pencil /Glass marking pencil (Different colour) 364 Filter paper 365 Glass Syringe 20ml 366 Glass Syringe 30ml 367 Glass Syringe 50ml 368 HI Disposable Bag 369 Inoculation loop 1μl,5μl,10μl,40μl,100μl 370 Metaloop CH-2 371 Petridish (90mm) Disposable 372 Petridish (90mm) Glass 373 Petridish(90mm) Autoclavable 374 Plastic dropper 375 Rubber Teat 376 Safe blood culture bottle S.S.rack 377 Scalpel Blade with Handle 378 Sealing tape for lab ware 379 Slide box 380 Slide Discarding Glass Jar 381 Slides staining rack 382 Sterile cotton swab tube 383 Swab tube (Disposable plastic ware) 384 Test Tube cleaning brush 385 Test tube holder 386 Test Tube Rack Z shape (Metal) 387 Tissue paper 388 Tuberculin syringe 389 Wash bottle MISCELLANEOUS 390 Anaerobic system mark II 391 Anaerogas pack 3.5L 392 Antibiotic zonescale 393 Hi-flexiloop 4 394 Hi-flexiloop-S 395 Hilndicator Ph paper 396 Hilndicator Ph paper 397 HiVibrio identification kit 398 Microscope cover glass 22 x 22 mm 399 Nichrome Loop-D-2 400 Nichrome Loop-D-4 401 Spatula - 128 402 Spirit lamp 403 Sterile cotton swab 404 Test tube stand 405 Thumb press dispensing dropper 1ml 406 Thumb press dispensing dropper 2ml 407 Thumb press dispensing dropper 3ml 408 Wash bottle (capacity-500 ml) 409 Sterile disposable Petri plates 90mm 410 2 shelves folding stand 411 8-ch Multichannel pipettee (10 to 200ul) 412 Anaero Indicator Tablet 413 Centrifuge Tubes, BLUE Cap, bulk pack 414 Centrifuge Tubes, RED Cap, bulk pack 415 Durham tubes 416 Filter Paper Grade 41 417 HiGas burner 418 HiMViC biochemical test kit 419 Hispark cleaning solution 420 Homogenizer with Plain pestle (P.P.) 10ml 421 Homogenizer with Plain pestle (P.P.) 20ml 422 Homogenizer with Plain pestle (P.P.) 5 ml 423 Homogenizer with Plain pestle (P.P.) 50ml 424 Homogenizer with serrated pestle (S.P.) 10ml 425 Inoculating Loop (1ml, 5ml, 10ml, 40ml & 100ml) 426 Mccartney bottle 427 Micro Pipette (5 to 50ul, 20 to 200ul, 100 to 1000ul) 428 Multipurpose clinical sample collector 429 Parafilm M250 430 Petri Dish Glass 150 mm 431 Screw Cap tube 432 Slides staining jar Coplin type 433 Stainless steel forceps blunt 434 Stainless steel forceps, pointed 435 Stainless steel scalpel holder 436 Sterile disposable Petri plate 100mm 437 Sterile flocked nylon swab with breakpoint (scored) 438 Sterile Uricol 439 Straight wire (Nichrome) 440 Table Lamp 441 Triclogel dispenser bottle 442 Triclogel hand disinfectant gel 443 Vial with Screw Cap (Autoclavable) 444 20-200 μl non barrier tips 445 100-1000 μl non barrier tips 446 0.5-10 μl barrier tips 447 Centrifuge tube (2.0 ml) 448 Beaker (500 ml capacity) 449 Beaker (250 ml capacity) 450 Screw cap vial (2ml) 451 Tissue Roll 452 Absorbent Cotton roll 453 Absolute Alcohol 454 Measuring Cylinder 100 ml & 500 ml 455 96 well plate sealer 456 Multichannel pipette, 20-200 μl , ( 8 Channel) 457 Multichannelo pipette,10 - 100 μl, (8 Channel) 458 100- 1000 μl single Channel pipette 459 20 - 200 μl single channel pipette 460 10 -100 μl single channel pipette 461 0.5 - 10 μl single channel pipette 462 Aluminium foil 463 Sample Storage box (96x2 ml vial) 464 ALBERT 1 465 ALBERT 2 466 CARBOL FUCHSIN 467 20% Salfuric Acid 468 Uriselect TM 4 dehydrated 500 g 469 HiCrome Candida Differential Agar 470 Carbol Fuchisn (ZN, Strong) 471 Lugols iodine 472 Mc Farland standard set 473 S.S. Spirit Lamp 474 Diethyl Ether LR 475 Non Filter Tips (0.5 - 10 μl) 476 10-100 μl 477 20-200 μl 478 100-1000 μl 479 Reagent Trough 480 bread box 481 Marker Pen (CD Marker) 482 Autoclavable plastic Beaker (200 ml) & (500 ml) 483 Micro Pipette stand 484 Fluconazole 25 mcg 485 Voriconazole 1 mcg 486 Mueller Hinton Agar 2% glucose with Methylene Blue 487 Bunsen Burner 488 Colony Counter ( Digital) LA 660 489 Air Sampler System LA 002 490 Marker Pen For Digital Counting LA 660 D 491 Fecal Occult Blood FOB Test Strip 492 Autoclave Indicator Strips Consumables & Kits for CCL Microbiology 493 HEPATITIS B virus (HBsAG) ELISA Kit 494 HEPATITIS C (HCV) ELISA Kit 495 HEPATITIS A IgM ELISA Kit 496 HCV Quantitative PCR Kit 497 HBV Quantitative PCR Kit 498 DNA Extraction Kit 499 RNA Extraction Kit 500 Blood DNA Extraction Kit 501 Blood RNA Extraction Kit 502 CRYO Gloves 503 96 wells PCR plate 0.2 ml capacity compatable with ABI7500 quantstudio Machine 504 96 wells PCR plate sealer

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INR 25000.0 /-
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