Procurement Of 220 V Dc Charger Spares For Chp Npgcl Procurement Of 220 V Dc Charger Spares For Chp Npgcl , Ac Voltmeter:Cl:0.5:48X48 / 48X96:0-500V , Ammeter:Dc:Cl:0.5:48X48 / 48X96:0-150A , Dc Voltmeter:0-400V, Cl:0.5, Size:48X48mm2 , Ammeter:Ac:Cl:0.5:48X48 / 48X96:0-75A , Filter Capacitor , Control Transformer 100Va , Bc:Caldyne:220V-100A:Dc Choke , Dc Pwr.Sply.For Idsr: Idsr-Dcps01;Chlord , Integrated Dc Sensing Module; Caldyne , Annunciation Relay Module: Ann01;Chlorid , Electronic Scr Controller Pcb; Caldyne , Scr Control Module: Avr / Acr01; Chloride , Gflc Card - Static, Card No-135; Caldyne , Over Current Relay Module-Static; Caldyn , Current Limit Relay Module-Static;Caldyn , 3Ph Doubl Wound:3Ph 12.21Kva 456 / 255V , Control Xymr:250Va, 415V-230V , Control Xymr:150Va, 415 / 230V , Sec.Line Surge Suppressor; Caldyne , Snubber Network Card: 0.22Mf / 1000V;Caldn , Shunt - 300A / 75Mv , Semiconductor Fuse Link Gs 1000 / 150A , Diode:Blocking Diode:800V, 300A , Bc:Caldyne:220V-100A:Thyristor , Float / Boost Selector Switch , Offload Changeover S / W 4P, 6A, 440V Ac , 10A Toggle Switch , 3 P On Off Ac I / P Switch, 125A , Change Over Switch: Dc, 100A, 4 Pole , Bleeder Resistance 1K / 50W , Ac Supply Fail Relay Modul: Acstr, 415Vac , Potentiometer Wirewound-10K Ohm / 3 Watt , Aux.Relay: 110 / 125V Dc, Pla, 3 C / O Contact , 3 Pole, 415 Volt Power Contactor Ac-3 , Rectifier Fuse Fail Indicator; Caldyne , Dcps Card For Dig.Meter: Dcps01;Chloride