
Earth Work In Excavation, Includingpumping And Bailing Out Sub-Soil Water /Storm Water / Any Other Wateraccidentally Present, Slush Removal, Slag/Scrap Iron/Metal Removal, Etc. Completein All Kinds Of Soil Including The Existinglayers Of Ground Which M-West Bengal

Steel Authority Of India Limited has published Earth Work In Excavation, Includingpumping And Bailing Out Sub-Soil Water /Storm Water / Any Other Wateraccidentally Present, Slush Removal, Slag/Scrap Iron/Metal Removal, Etc. Completein All Kinds Of Soil Including The Existinglayers Of Ground Which M. Submission Date for this Tender is 09-11-2021. Coats and Jackets Tenders in West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Earth Work In Excavation, Includingpumping And Bailing Out Sub-Soil Water /Storm Water / Any Other Wateraccidentally Present, Slush Removal, Slag/Scrap Iron/Metal Removal, Etc. Completein All Kinds Of Soil Including The Existinglayers Of Ground Which M
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

Earth Work In Excavation, Includingpumping And Bailing Out Sub-Soil Water /Storm Water / Any Other Wateraccidentally Present, Slush Removal, Slag/Scrap Iron/Metal Removal, Etc. Completein All Kinds Of Soil Including The Existinglayers Of Ground Which May Consist Ofdust, Dirt, Rubbish, In Compacted <(>&<)> As Itis Condition Of Thickness Whatsoeverboth In Dry <(>&<)> Wet Conditions Etc., By.Mechanical Means (Hydraulic Excavator)/ Manual Means, In All Kinds Of Soil, Infoundation Trenches Or Drains (Notexceeding 1.5 M In Width Or 10 Sqm Onplan), Including Dressing Of Sides Andramming Of Bottoms, Lift Up To 1.5 M,Including Getting Out The Excavated Soiland Disposal Of Surplus Excavated Soil Asdirected, Within A Lead Of 50 M.. Filling available excavated earth(excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sidesof foundations etc. in layers notexceeding 20cm in depth, consolidatingeach deposited layer by ramming andwatering, lead up 50 m and lift upto1.5 m.. Filling avail excavatedearth(excl rock). Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4001411432 200.000 M3 Extra for every additional lift of 1.5 mor part thereof in excavation / bankingexcavated or stacked materials in allkinds of soil.. Extra for every additional lift of 1.5m. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4010020139 40.000 M3 DISPOSAL OF BUILDING RUBBISH/MALBA/SIMILAR UNSERVICEABLE, DISMANTLED ORWASTE MATERIALS BY MECHANICAL MEANS, INCLUDING LOADING, TRANSPORTING,UNLOADING TO APPROVED DUMPING GROUND OR AS APPROVED BYENGINEER-IN-CHARGE, FOR ALL LEADS INCLUDING ALL LIFTS INVOLVED.. DSPL OF BLDG RUBBISH OR WASTE MATERIAL. Design, engineering, preparation ofworking drawings / sketches etc. thatare required in addition to the detailsprovided in the TS, arising out of sitecondition including necessary sitemeasurement, taking clearance fromexecution authority, all coordinationrequired with respective agencies, asmentioned in various clauses of TS forcivil works for the entire project.. Design,engg,prep of #working drawings. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4001401038 20.000 M2 Dismantling of flexible pavement(bituminous courses) by mechanicalmeans and disposal of dismantledmaterial up to a lead of 1 kilometre, asper direction of Engineer-in-charge.. Dismantling of flexible pavement.. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4001401039 5.000 M3 Demolishing brick work cement mortarmanually/ by mechanical meansincluding stacking of serviceable materialand disposal of unserviceable materialwithin 50 metres lead as per direction ofEngineer-in-charge.. Demolishing brick work. Providing and laying in position cementconcrete of specified grade excludingthe cost of centering and shuttering - Allwork up to plinth level :1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3 coarse sand (zone-III): 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mmnominal size). Prov,Lay cement-concrete of spfd grade. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4001331827 80.000 M3 Providing and laying in position machinebatched and machine mixed design mixM-25 grade cement concrete forreinforced cement concrete work, usingcement content as per approved designmix, including pumping/transportationof concrete to site of laying butexcluding the cost of centering,shuttering, finishing and reinforcement,including admixtures in recommendedproportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate,retard setting of concrete, improveworkability without impairing strengthand durability as per direction ofEngineer-in-charge.-All works upto plinth level. Prov,Lay M-25 Cem-concrete -upto plinth. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4001331826 80.000 M3 Providing and laying in position machinebatched and machine mixed design mixM-25 grade cement concrete forreinforced cement concrete work, usingcement content as per approved designmix, including pumping/transportationof concrete to site of laying butexcluding the cost of centering,shuttering, finishing and reinforcement,including admixtures in recommendedproportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate,retard setting of concrete, improveworkability without impairing strengthand durability as per direction ofEngineer-in-charge.-All works above plinth level. Encasing rolled steel sections, in beamsand columns, with cement concrete1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand(zone-III) : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mmnominal size), including centering andshuttering complete but , excluding costof reinforcement.. Encasing steel sections with cem-conc. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4001331824 50.000 M2 Centering and shuttering includingstrutting, propping etc. and removal ofform for Foundations, footings, bases of columns,etc.. Centering and shuttering - foundations. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4001331823 300.000 M2 Centering and shuttering includingstrutting, propping etc. and removal ofform for Walls (any thickness). Centering and shuttering Walls(any). Centering and shuttering includingstrutting, propping etc. and removal ofform for Suspended floors, roofs, landings,balconies and access platform.. Centering and shuttering floors. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4004333553 8,000.000 KG Supplying, providing and laying inposition Steel reinforcement (Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars of gradeFe-500D or more) for R.C.C. workincluding straightening, cutting, bending,placing in position and binding allcomplete - up to plinth level. Supp,prov,lay steel -up to plinth. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4001331822 5,000.000 KG Supplying, providing and laying in position Steel reinforcement (Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars of grade Fe-500D or more) for R.C.C. workincluding straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position andbinding all complete - above plinth level. laying in position Steel reinforcement. Providing and placing in position 100 mm thick factory made machine #batched & machine mixed Precast RCC #Rectangular Covers on drains of footpath of various sizes, of M-25 grade #cement concrete for RCC work, including #cost of centering, shuttering, #reinforcement of 8 mm dia TMT bars of Fe 500 grade @ maximum 100mm c/c #on both ways , neat cement punning on #finished surface, properly encased on all edges with 1.6 mm thick , 100 mm wide #MS sheet duly painted over priming coat #, reinforcement to be welded at edges with MS sheet and providing 2 Nos. 12 #mm dia bar for hooks etc i/c cost of #cartage, all leads & lift, handling at site #etc. all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. Prov, Placing of Pre cast RCC Covers Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4001150585 100.000 KG Providing, supplying, fabricating, and fixing in position as perdrawingsand specifications inserts, jigs, fixtures, channels, edge protectionangles, beams, irrecoverable shuttering etc in all positions includingallbye work and adjustments in shuttering at all levels, cleaning of grease/paint, removal of burrs, etc. there from and welding wherevernecessary and inclusive of grouting with neat cement sand slurry withall labour, material etc. complete as per the direction of the Engineerincharge... Insert.. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date Providing, supplying and placingready mix, epoxy based non-shrinkgrout cartridge of approved make, forgrouting under base plates, pockets,bolts, etc., in all types of structures,equipment foundations etc., includingshuttering and curing etc., suitable forapplication in horizontal pockets as well,as per manufacturers specification, allmaterials and labour complete at allheights and depths above or belowplinth level.. prov,supply epoxy based grout. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4001320932 20.000 M3 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S.(non modular) bricks of clashdesignation 7.5 in foundation and plinthin all shapes and sizes in :Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarsesand). Brick work 1:4 common burnt clay. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4004333554 20.000 M Providing and laying Non Pressure NP-4 class (Heavy duty) R.C.C. pipesincluding collars/spigot jointed with stiffmixture of cement mortar in theproportion of 1:2 (1 cement : 2 fine sand)including testing of joints etc. complete - 450mm dia RCC pipes.. Prov,Laying NP-4 class RCC,1:2 -450mm.. Providing and laying Non Pressure NP-4 class (Heavy duty) R.C.C. pipesincluding collars/spigot jointed with stiffmixture of cement mortar in theproportion of 1:2 (1 cement : 2 fine sand)including testing of joints etc. complete-600mm dia RCC pipes. Prov,Laying NP-4 class RCC,1:2 -600mm. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4004333555 21.000 M Providing and laying Non Pressure NP-4 class (Heavy duty) R.C.C. pipesincluding collars/spigot jointed with stiffmixture of cement mortar in theproportion of 1:2 (1 cement : 2 fine sand)including testing of joints etc. complete-900mm dia RCC pipes. Prov,Laying NP-4 class RCC,1:2 -900mm. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4001480056 20.000 M Drilling holes at all positions, cleaning,keeping holes/pockets covered andprotected prior to grouting, diameter upto <(>&<)> including 25 mm, depth upto 300mm and fixing reinforcement foranchoring old concrete with newconcrete.. Drilling holes at all positions. Preparation of GA, marking and detailfabrication drawings including BOM asper the scope of work, supply of rawsteel (including cost of paint, supply ofnuts, bolts, washers etc.) with properidentification, loading, transportation,unloading to place of fabrication, weldingincluding cost of electrodes and otherconsumable as per fabrication drawingsand specifications, inspection, testing andapplying one coat of approved qualityprimer as per specifications and delivery offabricated structures from bidder``sfabrication yard to the site of erectionincluding handling, storing, stacking withbidder``s own tools, tackles, consumable,handling equipment, labour etc. completeas directed by the Engineer in chargeThe rate of supply <(>&<)> fabrication shallinclude burning loss, cutting allowances,scrap generation etc. The quantity forpayment shall be as per BOM (Bill ofmaterial) of fabrication drawing/ sitesketches/ scheme accepted/ sitemeasurement. No payment will be madefor rolling margins.. Prep of GA,Fabrication drawing,BOM. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4004251325 20.000 TO Taking delivery of structures at Site,Handling, Erection of fabricatedstructures as in S-1 above and fixing inposition including alignment and levellingsecuring, fixing bolting, welding, checking,gas cutting, grinding as well as matching(with necessary modification in existingstructures as necessary) with the otherstructures at all heights and depth aboveand below finished floor level complete inall respects including applying one coat of primer and two coats offinish paints as perspecification at site including handling,storage, site assembly including supply ofbolts, nuts, washers and primer <(>&<)> finishpaint material etc. all as per specificationand drawings or as directed by theEngineer-in-Charge with all materials,consumables, temporary support,scaffolding, equipment, tools and tacklesand labour etc. complete.. Delivery,erection of fab structures. Dismantling with due care the existingsteel structure as per specification and oras per drawing and or as per direction ofEngineer-in-charge at all heights and levelsincluding loading, transporting, unloading,stacking the dismantled as usable andnon-usable structures at a specifiedlocation (within plant boundary and within10 km from site) as directed by theEngineer in charge with all labour, toolsand tackles and materials complete.. Dismantling existing steel structure. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4001052732 5.000 TO Supply of paint materials and painting,including cleaning/ surface preparation asper specification, at all heights andlocations for the existing structures asindicated in the drawings or as directed bythe Engineer-in-Charge with all labour,materials and tools and tackles complete.. Supply of paint materials and painting. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4004303037 950.000 M Detail Engineering (including preparation of drawing) Manufacture/procurement, Supply, Storage, Transportation, Fabrication, Erection,Painting, testing <(>&<)> PAC <(>&<)> FAC of the complete utility job ofthisproject, as per bill of materials mentioned hereunder and conformingto TS - DN50 MS PIPE. Detail Engineering (including preparation of drawing) Manufacture/procurement, Supply, Storage, Transportation, Fabrication, Erection,Painting, testing <(>&<)> PAC <(>&<)> FAC of the complete utility job ofthisproject, as per bill of materials mentioned hereunder and conformingto TS - DN100 MS PIPE. Engg,Proc,Supply,Stor of DN100 MS PIPE. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4004303039 2,500.000 M Detail Engineering (including preparation of drawing) Manufacture/procurement, Supply, Storage, Transportation, Fabrication, Erection,Painting, testing <(>&<)> PAC <(>&<)> FAC of the complete utility job ofthisproject, as per bill of materials mentioned hereunder and conformingto TS - DN150 MS PIPE. Engg,Proc,Supply,Stor of DN150 MS PIPE. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4004303043 1,000.000 M Detail Engineering (including preparation of drawing) Manufacture/procurement, Supply, Storage, Transportation, Fabrication, Erection,Painting, testing <(>&<)> PAC <(>&<)> FAC of the complete utility job ofthisproject, as per bill of materials mentioned hereunder and conformingto TS - DN200 MS PIPE. Detail Engineering (including preparation of drawing) Manufacture/procurement, Supply, Storage, Transportation, Fabrication, Erection,Painting, testing <(>&<)> PAC <(>&<)> FAC of the complete utility job ofthisproject, as per bill of materials mentioned hereunder and conformingto TS - DN800 MS PIPE. Engg,Proc,Supply,Stor of DN800 MS PIPE. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4004303034 4.000 EA Detail Engineering (including preparation of drawing) Manufacture/procurement, Supply, Storage, Transportation, Fabrication, Erection,Painting, testing <(>&<)> PAC <(>&<)> FAC of the complete utility job ofthisproject, as per bill of materials mentioned hereunder and conformingto TS. - Manual Gate Valve DN50. Engg,Proc,Supply of Manual GV DN50. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4004303033 2.000 EA Detail Engineering (including preparation of drawing) Manufacture/procurement, Supply, Storage, Transportation, Fabrication, Erection,Painting, testing <(>&<)> PAC <(>&<)> FAC of the complete utility Detail Engineering (including preparation of drawing) Manufacture/procurement, Supply, Storage, Transportation, Fabrication, Erection,Painting, testing <(>&<)> PAC <(>&<)> FAC of the complete utility job ofthisproject, as per bill of materials mentioned hereunder and conformingto TS. - Manual Gate Valve DN150. Engg,Proc,Supply of Manual GV DN150. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4004303031 4.000 EA Detail Engineering (including preparation of drawing) Manufacture/procurement, Supply, Storage, Transportation, Fabrication, Erection,Painting, testing <(>&<)> PAC <(>&<)> FAC of the complete utility job ofthisproject, as per bill of materials mentioned hereunder and conformingto TS. - Manual Gate Valve DN200. Engg,Proc,Supply of Manual GV DN200. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date Detail Engineering (including preparation of drawing) Manufacture/procurement, Supply, Storage, Transportation, Fabrication, Erection,Painting, testing <(>&<)> PAC <(>&<)> FAC of the complete utility job ofthisproject, as per bill of materials mentioned hereunder and conformingto TS. - Manual Gate Valve DN300. Engg,Proc,Supply of Manual GV DN300. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4004303022 6.000 EA Detail Engineering (including preparation of drawing) Manufacture/procurement, Supply, Storage, Transportation, Fabrication, Erection,Painting, testing <(>&<)> PAC <(>&<)> FAC of the complete utility job ofthis project, as per bill of materials mentioned hereunder andconforming to TS. - Manual Gate Valve DN350. Engg,Proc,Supply of Manual GV DN350. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4004303021 1.000 EA Detail Engineering (including preparation of drawing) Manufacture/procurement, Supply, Storage, Transportation, Fabrication, Erection,Painting, testing <(>&<)> PAC <(>&<)> FAC of the complete utility job ofthis project, as per bill of materials mentioned hereunder andconforming to TS. - Manual Gate Valve DN600.. Engg,Proc,Supply of Manual GV DN600. Detail Engineering (including preparation of drawing) Manufacture/procurement, Supply, Storage, Transportation, Fabrication, Erection,Painting, testing <(>&<)> PAC <(>&<)> FAC of the complete utility job ofthis project, as per bill of materials mentioned hereunder andconforming to TS. - Manual Gate Valve DN800. Engg,Proc,Supply of Manual GV DN800. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4004303020 1.000 EA Detail Engineering (including preparation of drawing) Manufacture/procurement, Supply, Storage, Transportation, Fabrication, Erection,Painting, testing <(>&<)> PAC <(>&<)> FAC of the complete utility job ofthis project, as per bill of materials mentioned hereunder andconforming to TS. - Motorized Gate ValveDN800. Engg,Proc,Supply of Motorized GV DN800. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4004303019 1.000 LOT Detail Engineering (including preparation of drawing) Manufacture/procurement, Supply, Storage, Transportation, Fabrication, Erection,Painting, testing <(>&<)> PAC <(>&<)> FAC of the complete utility job ofthis project, as per bill of materials mentioned hereunder andconforming to TS. - Wrapping and coating ofall underground pipelines . Supply, Erection, testing <(>&<)> PAC <(>&<)>FAC of Smart type pressuretransmitter including cable andcable laying accessories (Power required (paperless recorder andtransmitters) shall be tappedfrom nearby existing feeder in pump house.),suitable for pressure range: 0-20 kg/cm2. Sup,Erec,Test of Smart type pressure. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4003010410 4.000 EA Termination of flow transmitterand pressure transmitter datato proposed new paper lessrecorder including cable andcable laying accessories.. Termination of flow and pres trans. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4003010411 11.000 EA Supply, Erection, testing <(>&<)> PAC <(>&<)>FAC of Pressure gauge includingcable and cable layingaccessories, for pressure range: 0-10 kg/cm2. Sup,Erec,Test of Pressure 0-10 kg/cm2. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Supply, Erection,testing <(>&<)> PAC <(>&<)> FAC ofMagnetic Flow Meter forflow measurement including all necessaryfittings, pipe mountingbrackets erectionhardware, cable and cablelaying accessories, suitablefor MS pipe of size (Power required for magnetic flow meter shall betapped from nearbyexisting feeder)-DN350. Sup,Ere,Test of Mag flow meter-DN350. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4003010404 1.000 EA Supply, Erection,testing <(>&<)> PAC <(>&<)> FAC ofMagnetic Flow Meter forflow measurement including all necessaryfittings, pipe mountingbrackets erectionhardware, cable and cablelaying accessories, suitablefor MS pipe of size (Power required for magnetic flow meter shall betapped from nearbyexisting feeder)-DN600. Sup,Ere,Test of Mag flow meter-DN600. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4003010408 1.000 EA Supply, Erection,testing <(>&<)> PAC <(>&<)> FAC ofMagnetic Flow Meter forflow measurement including Supplying and filling in plinth with sand under floors, includingwatering,ramming, consolidating and dressing complete.. filling in plinth with sand,.. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4001401042 10.000 M3 Demolishing nominal concrete 1:3:6 orricher mix manually/ by mechanicalmeans including disposal of materialwithin 50 metres lead as per direction ofEngineer - in - charge.. Demolishing nominal concrete 1:3:6. Item Code Qty UoM Expected Delivery Date 4001400798 5.000 AU Demolishing R.C.C. work manually/ by mechanical means including stackingof steel bars and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metreslead as per direction of Engineer - in- charge.. DEMOLISHING RCC,DISPOSAL OF MATL,50M.

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