
Supply Of Chemicals--Madhya Pradesh

Police Department has published Supply Of Chemicals-. Submission Date for this Tender is 08-11-2021. Cleaning and Disinfecting Solutions Tenders in Madhya Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Chemicals-
Open Tender
Madhya Pradesh

Tender Details

Supply Of Chemicals-1 Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol 2 1-chlorobutane 3 2,1 dichoro quininone 4- Chloro Imide (DQC) 4 4(4-Nitrobenzyl)pyridine 5 5,5 Diethyl Barbituric acid 7 7-amino -4 hydroxy-2-napthalenesulphonic acid ( J-acid) 8 Absolute alcohol 11 Acephate 12 Acetaldehyde 13 Acetamiprid-N-desmethyl 14 Acetic Acid 15 Acetic Acid Glacial 17 Acetone 21 Acetone HPLC 22 Acidic Alumina Powder 23 Acifloufen 24 Agarose 25 Agarose Low EEO 26 Alizarin Red 27 Alizarin S 28 Allethrin 29 Alpha Napthlyl Phosphate 30 Alpha Napthyl Amine 32 Aluminon (Tri-ammonium aurine tricarboxylate) 33 Aluminone 34 Ammonia 37 Ammonium Acetate 38 Ammonium Carbonate 39 Ammonium Hepta Molybdate 40 Ammonium Nitrate 41 Ammonium Sulphate 42 Ammonium Vanadate 43 Amonia Trihydric 44 Aniline 45 Aniline Sulphate 46 Anthracene 47 Antimony Sulphide 48 Arsenic Sulphide 49 Atrazine 50 Barbitone 52 Barium Chloride 53 Barium Nitrate 54 Basic Alumina Powder 55 Basic fuchsin 57 BentaminePhas blue salt 58 Benzene 59 Benzidine 60 BenzidineDiamino dip 61 Beta-cyfluthrin 62 Bifenthrin 63 Bismuth Subnitrate 51 Bis(trimethylsilyl) acetamide BSA 10 ml 64 Bleaching Powder 66 Bromoform 67 Brucine sulphate 68 Brucine 69 Buffer Solution PH 9 (Borate) 70 Buffer tablet pH 4 (1 Tablet to be dissolved to 100 solution) 71 Buffer tablet pH 7 (1 Tablet to be dissolved to 100 solution) 72 Buffer tablet pH 9 (1 Tablet to be dissolved to 100 solution) 73 Cadmium chloride 74 Caesium Nitrate 75 Calcium Hydroxide 76 Calcium Lactate 77 Calcium Oxide 78 Calcium Sulphate 80 Carbamate Pesticide Mixture (Common carbamate pesticide) 81 Carbofuran 82 Carbon Disulphide 83 Carbon Tetrachloride 84 Chlormequat Chloride 85 Chlorobenzene 86 Chloroform 87 Chloroplatinic acid 88 Chlorpyrifos 89 Chromotropic acid disodium salt 98% Extra Pure 90 Chromotropic Acid or , Sodium Salt of Chromotropic Acid 91 Clodinafap-Propargyl 92 Cobalt Nitrate 93 Cobalt thiocynate 94 Cobaltous Acetate 95 Codeine Hydrochloride 96 Conc, HCL 97 Conc.Sulphuric acid 98 Copper strips 99 Copper Sulphate 100 Cresol red indicator 101 Cupric Cloride 102 Cupron Grade 103 Cyclohexane 104 Cypermethrin 105 Deltamethrin 106 Diacetylmorphine 107 Diafenthiuron 108 Dichloromethane 109 Diethyl Amine 110 Diethyl Ether 111 Di-hidrad Alcohol 112 Dimethoate 113 Dimethyl Formamide DMF 114 Dimethyl Sulphoxide DMSO 115 Dimethyl yellow 116 Dioxane 117 Diphenyl Carbazide 118 Diphenyl carbazone 119 Diphenylamine 121 Dithiazone 123 DPX 124 Emamectin Benzoate 125 Eosin (water Solution for microscopy) 126 Eosine (Spirit Soluble) 127 Ethanol (Methanol Free) 128 Ethanol Absolute 129 Ethephon 130 Ethion 131 Ethyl Acetate 132 Ethylene diamine hydrochloride 133 Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid EDTA 134 Fast Blue B Salt 135 Fenvalerate 136 Ferric Sulphate 137 Ferric chloride 138 Ferrous Sulphate 139 Fipronil 140 Flubendiamide 141 Formaldehyde 142 Glacial Acetic Acid 143 Glycerin 144 Glycerol 145 Glyphosate 146 Hand disinfectant 147 Handwash 148 Heamotoxyline 149 Hexaconazole 150 Hexamine 151 Hydrochloric Acid 154 Hydrogen Peroxide 156 Hydroxyl Amine Hydrochloride 157 Imazethapyr 158 Imidacloprid 159 Indole 160 Indoxacarb 161 Iodine 162 Iodoplatinate 164 Iso Octane 165 Iso Propyl Alcohol 166 Iso-amyl Alcohol 167 Lambda Cyhalothrin 168 Lead Acetate 169 liquid soap 170 Magnesium Sulphate 171 Malathion 172 Mangnous Sulphate 173 Mercuric Sulphate 174 Metadinitrobenzene 175 Methanol HPLC 176 Methanol,2.5 litre 177 Methonol 178 Methyl Red Indicator 179 Methylene Blue Indicator 180 Molybdic Acid 181 Molybdic acid 85% AR/ACS 182 Morphine Hydrochloride 183 Morrin Reagent 184 N/10 H2SO4 185 N/10 H2SO4 Ampoule 186 N/10 NaOH Ampoule 187 Nesslers Reagent 188 n-Heptane 189 n-Hexane 190 Ninhydrin 191 Nitric Acid 194 Nitrobenzene 49 n-Heptane 5 ml GA 50 n-Decane 5 ml GA 195 n-Octane 196 n-Pentanol 198 Organochlorine Pesticide Mixture (Common oc pesticide) 199 Organophosphorus Pesticide Mixture (Common op pesticide) 201 Oxalic Acid 202 P-aminophenol 203 Para dimethyl amino benzaldehyde 204 Paraquat dichloride 205 Parifin wax 206 Perchloric Acid 207 Petroleum Ether ( 60-800C) 209 pH indicator paper range 1-14 210 Phenol 211 Phenolphthalein 212 Phenolphthelin 213 Phorate 214 Phosphoric Acid 215 p-Nitrobenzene-azo-resorcinol or Megneson-I 216 Potassium dichromate 217 Potassium iodide 218 Potassium Iodide Grade 219 Pottasium Hydroxide 220 Pottasium Iodide 221 Pottasium Iodoplatinate 222 Pottassium ferricyanide 224 Pottassium Chlorate 225 Pottassium Chromate 226 Pottassium Dichromate 227 Pottassium nitrate 229 Pretilachlor 230 Profenophos 231 Pyrethroid Standard Mixture (Common pu pesticide) 232 Pyridine 233 Quinalizarin 234 Quinalphos 235 Resorcinol 236 Rhodamine B 237 Salicyclic Acid 238 Schiff’s Reagent 239 Scorpion venom antiserum (Antivenin) 240 Selenous Acid 241 Silica Gel G 60 F254 Precoated TLC plate Aluminium sheets (20 x 20 CM) 242 Silica Gel G for TLC ( Merk) 243 Silica Gel G Powder 244 Silver Chloride 245 Silver Nitrate 246 Snake venom antiserum (antivenin) 247 Sodium Acetate 248 Sodium barbitone 249 Sodium bicarbonate 250 Sodium bicarbonate 251 Sodium Bisulphate 252 Sodium carbonate 253 Sodium Chloride 254 Sodium Chloride 255 Sodium Cobaltinitrite 256 Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate 257 Sodium Hydrogen Sulphite 258 Sodium Hydroxide 259 Sodium hydroxide Pellets 260 Sodium Molybdate 261 Sodium Nitrite 262 Sodium Phosphate dibasic heptahydrate 263 Sodium Phosphate monobasic monohydrate 264 Sodium Rhodizonate 265 Sodium sulphate 267 Sodium Tungstate 269 Soluble Starch 273 Stannous Chloride 275 Starch Soluble 276 Strontium Nitrate 277 Sulfanilic Acid 278 Sulphamic acid 279 Sulphanilic Acid 280 Sulphur Pure 281 Sulphuric Acid 282 Surface Dis infectane 283 Surface Sanitizer 284 Tartric acid 285 Tetramethylammonium hydroxide 286 Thiamethoxam 287 Toulene 288 Trichloro ethylene 289 Tris buffer 290 Universal pH Indicator Solution, pH 4 to 11 291 Vanadyl trioxychloride 292 Vanilin 293 Xylene 294 Zinc Acetate 295 Zinc dust 297 Zinc sulphate heptahydrate 298 Zinc uranyl Acetate 299 Zincon 300 Antisera A Polyclonal

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