
Supply Of Iot Material -, Sangli-Maharashtra

Walchand College Of Engineering has published Supply Of Iot Material -. Submission Date for this Tender is 23-10-2021. clocks Tenders in Sangli Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Supply Of Iot Material -
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Tender Details

Supply Of Iot Material -1 Raspberry Pi 4 4gb 2 Arduino Uno R3 Board 3 5V 3 A Raspberry Pi AC Adapter 4 Raspberry Pi Case 5 Raspberry pi 7” Touch Screen Display 6 Pi Power over Ethernet Shield 7 Pi Expansion Board with XBEE connections 8 Raspberry Pi Zero W 9 GPIO Expansion Module 10 2.7” E Paper Display for Pi 11 3.5” Touchscreen Lcd for Pi 12 40 Pin GPIO Expansion for Breadboard 13 DHT11 / DHT 22 Temperature Humidity Sensor 14 DS18B20 Temperature Sensor 15 BMP 180 Barometer Sensor 16 Moisture Sensor 17 MQ2 Gas Sensor 18 infrared distance meter 19 GPS Neo 6 M Module 20 Usb GPS Receiver 21 MPU 6050 Gyroscope 22 HMC5883L Compass 23 2.4 GHz NRF 24L01 Module 24 Laser Module L650MOD Laser Sensor Module 650nm 6mm 5V 5mW Red Laser 25 Servo Motor SG90 Tower Pro Micro Servo Motor for RASPBERRY PI ARDUINO 26 Stepper Motor REES52 ULN2003 5V Stepper Motor + Uln2003 Driver Board for Arduino 27 PCA9685 Servo Board SLB Works 16-Channel 12-bit PWM Servo Motor Driver I2C Module Board PCA9685 28 L293D Motor Driver Module L293D-02 L293D Ic Based Motor Driver Module Compatible with Arduino and Other MCU 29 12V 100 RPM DC Motor 30 12V 200 RPM DC Motor 31 12V 500 RPM DC Motor 32 12V 1000 RPM DC Motor 33 12V 1200 RPM DC Motor 34 A4988 Servo Driver Module Evalue Rumba+ Control Board & 6Pcs A4988 Stepper Motor Driver for 3D Printer 35 Joystick Module Dual-Axis XY Joystick Module for Arduino and Devices 36 ADC Module Robocraze PCF8591 ADC/DAC Analog Digital Converter Module RC-A-603 37 Rotary Switch Rotary Switch 1 Pole 12 Way, Set of 2 Pcs ROMTEK 38 Raindrop Sensor Raindrops Detection Sensor Module Rain Weather Module Humidity 39 HeartBeat or Pulse Sensor Pulse-Sensor Pulse Sensor Heartbeat Heart Rate Sensor Module for Arduino 40 8 Relay Module 8 Channel Relay Control Panel PLC Relay 5V Module With Optocoupler For Arduino 41 HD44780 4 Line Lcd Display 20x4 Line LCD Display with Yellow Backlight HD44780 42 7 Segment Display Module 4 Bits Digital Tube LED Display Module With Clock Display TM1637 for Arduino Raspberry PI 43 Fingure print Optical Sensor Module Optical Fingerprint Reader Sensor Module for Mega2560 UNO R3 Raspberry Pi 3 RC-A-400 44 4x4 matrix Keypad Matrix Keypad 4x4, Membrane type, Self Adhesive 45 4x3 Matrix Keypad 46 Water flow meter sensor Flow Sensor 47 Load Cell Sensor HX711 Dual Channel Precision ADC and Load Cell Weighing Sensor - 40Kg 48 Raspberry Pi Camera Module Camera-5Mp Raspberry Pi 3 Camera Module Board 5Mp 49 Touch Sensor TTP223B Digital Touch Sensor Capacitive Touch Switch Module 50 Flame Sensor SEN16 Flame Sensor Infrared Receiver Module Ignition Source Detection Module 51 Hall Effect Sensor Hall Current Sensor Module ACS712 20A Model 52 Shock Sensor 3pin SW-18015P Shock Sensor Vibration Switch Sensor Module KY-002 For Arduino UNO Mega PIC AVR Raspberry pi 53 Buzzer Sensor Active Buzzer Alarm Module Sensor Beep for arduino smart car GM 54 HDMI To VGA Cable 55 Micro USB cable for Power Supply 56 Female/Male Jumper Wires for Arduino/Raspberrypi/Robotics - 40 x 8 57 Male/Male Jumper Wires for Arduino/Raspberrypi/Robotics - 40 x 8 58 Female/Female Jumper Wires for Arduino/Raspberrypi/Robotics - 40 x 8 59 RC522 RFID Reader/Write For Arduino 60 Triple Axis Accelerometer ADXL335 for Arduino/Raspberry-Pi/Robotics 61 CMOS Camera (OV7670) Module for Arduino/Raspberry-Pi/Robotics 62 Ultrasonic Sensor Module HC-SR04 for Arduino/Raspberry-Pi/Robotics 63 Infrared distance sensor 0A41SK / GP2Y0A41SK0F for Arduino/Raspberry-Pi/Robotics 64 GSM GPRS SIM900A module with Stub Antenna and SMA connector for Arduino/Raspberry- 65 PIR Motion Detection Sensor HC-SR501 for Arduino/Raspberry-Pi/Robotics 66 IR Proximity Sensor for Arduino/Raspberry-Pi/Robotics 67 HC-05 Wireless Bluetooth RF Transceiver Module Serial/TTL/RS232 for Arduino 68 ESP8266 WiFi module Arduino 69 Soldering gun 70 Soldering Wire 71 Soldering Flux 72 Breadboard 73 SanDisk EVO Plus microSD Memory Card 32GB ( For Raspberry Pi) 74 LIDAR-053 EAI YDLIDAR X4 LIDAR Laser Radar Scanner Ranging Sensor Module 10m 5k Ranging Frequency for ROS SLAM Robot 75 433MHz LoRa SX1278 Long Range RF Wireless Module DRF1278F for Arduino

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