
Providing Confocal Raman Spectrometer-Telangana

Indian Institute Of Technology has published Providing Confocal Raman Spectrometer. Submission Date for this Tender is 25-10-2021. Garden Tools Tenders in Telangana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Providing Confocal Raman Spectrometer
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Providing Confocal Raman Spectrometer 1. Spectrograph: High efficiency focal length achromatic spectrograph equipped with appropriate optics to work over a large spectral range from UV upto NIR 2. Spectral Range: 200 to 1600 nm 3. Spectral resolution: 0.4 cm-1/ pixel at 532 nm with a 1800 gr/mm (or higher) and 1.5 cm-1/pixel at 340 nm with 1800 gr/mm grating (or higher or 0.5cm-1(FWHM)1800 gr/mm (or higher and 3 cm-1(FWHM) 340nm with 1800gr/mm grating (or better) 4. Spatial resolution: Truly confocal microscope, Laser diameter less than micron at 532 or 632 nm and axial confocal performance better than 2 micron. 5. Gratings: Holographic 1800 (or higher), and 1200/600 gr/mm mounted on motorized turret driven by software, to vary spectral resolution. The gratings should be quickly and easily interchanged without realignment using supplied software. 6. Density Filter: Motorized neutral density filter for varying the laser intensity on sample (0.01 to 100%, minimum 9 no. and higher). Instead of density filter, if any other technology is available to reduce the laser intensity on sample with equal and better performance than density filter, then please mention in detail with 7. Filters: A set of Edge, interference, and spatial filters together with required accessories for the below mentioned laser should be supplied. The filters should be exchangeable automatically through supplied data acquisition software. 8. Research grade True Confocal Microscope with high stability Removable bottom stage or Free space microscope for large specimen size and biological application. A revolver equipped with 3 plan-achromatic objective-lenses Reflected light illumination and transmitted light illumination with brightness control. 10x, 50x, and 100x objective lenses. Binocular head with eyepieces for visualization by reflection 9. Video camera: High definition colour video camera (3MP or higher) for viewing sample under white light illumination and simultaneously visualize the laser spot. A video card for digitization of the image of the sample should be provided. Automated switching between visualization and Raman measurement 10. XYZ mapping stage: Automated XYZ motorized sample stage with positioning joystic, controller, computer interface card, drive electronic and software to allow scatter, line, and area mapping and confocal depth profiling. Minimum Step size 0.1 micron or less in all axis. 11. Lasers: Suitable external platform and transfer optics system should be provided to accommodate multiple lasers. Raman measurement 50 cm-1 onwards from laser line except UV. 532 nm, 100 mW laser 1 MHz narrow band width with required edge and bandpass filters. 12. The supplied laser should have minimum 3000 hrs or more of operation capability as warranty from the date of installation. 13. Detector: A multi-channel, high sensitivity and ultra-low noise air/Peltier cooled (-60°C) CCD detector. 1024×256 pixel Pixel size: 26 x 26 micron Spectral range: 200 to 1050 nm Quantum efficiency > 30 % between 500 to 800 nm 14. Power meter working from 400 to 1100 nm including density filters. 15. Automation of laser switching for at least two excitation wavelengths except UV 16. Laser safe microscope of class 1 enclosure should be quoted to avoid laser exposure to the operator/users and interference of ambient light during data acquisition. If the quoted system is laser radiation shield and free from ambient light interference, then such safety enclosure is not required. The supplier needs to furnish the proper justification for not quoting the safety enclosure. 17. Macro sampling kit for microscope Optical interface kit Liquid sampling accessories Solid sampling accessories Powder sampling accessories 18. A suitable online UPS with minimum 30 min power backup of complete Raman system. 19. The supplied data acquisition software should be windows compatible and capable of controlling of the instrument, data acquisition, and data manipulation. A data acquisition computer with HD display and latest hardware configuration along with a laser printer should be supplied. Optional items 1. Future Upgrade: The Raman microscope system can be easily coupled with AFM/NSOM and can be configured for SERS and TERS measurements. Required accessories should be quoted separately as an optional item. Available list of compatible AFM system should be provided. 2. Optional Lasers: 325 nm (15mW or higher), 785 nm (100mW or higher), He-Ne (633nm, 15W), 488nm (50mW or higher) 3. Inverted microscope for life science application 4. Optional detectors: A) LN2 cooled InGaAs diode array detector, B) EMCCD detector for ultra-fast confocal imaging and mapping for polymer and biomaterials 5. High Temperature controlled stage form Linkam Scientific Instruments, U.K. TS1500V (ambient to 1500°C) temperature-controlled stage with sampling kit T95 System controller Link Pad and Linksys 32 software Cooling water circulation unit Catalytic cell reactor, CCR1000 (ambient to 1000°C) with sampling kit Objective lenses and condenser lenses for both the temperature-controlled stage Stage clamp compatible with the microscope for both the stages. Connecting cable and hoses

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