Rate Contract Agreement For Supply Of Laboratory Consumables Like Indigenous Imported Chemicals, Culture Media, Glass-Ware, Plastic-Ware And Lab-Ware For The Financial Years, 2021-22 2022-23.-1 Acetone 2 Acetic acid 3 Acetic acid 4 Activated Charcoal 5 Ammonium bifluoride 6 Ammonia buffer solution for total hardness estimation 7 Ammonia solution 30 %, 0.89 specific gravity 8 Ammonium chloride anhydrous 9 Ammonium iron (II) sulfate (ammonium ferrous sulfate) 10 Ammonium molybdate tetrahydrate 11 Ammonium nitrate 12 Ammonium dihydrogen ortho phosphate 13 Ammonium phosphate dibasic (Extra pure) 14 Ammonium acetate 15 Ammonium formate 16 Ammonium metavanadate 17 Ammonium oxalate 18 Arabino galactan 19 Ascorbic acid 20 Ammonium potassium sulphate 21 Ammonium sulphate 22 Aluminium potassium sulphate 23 Aluminium sulphate 24 Ammonium thiocyanate 25 Ammonium bi-flouride 26 Ammonium persulphate 27 Anisole 28 4-Amino antipyrine 29 Di-Potassium di-sulphate anhydrous 30 Potassiumbi-phthalate anhydrous 31 1,4-Benzo quinone 32 Barbituric acid 33 Barbituric acid 34 Barium chloride 35 Barium hydroxide 36 Barium diphenylamine sulfonate 37 Barium Perchlorate trihydrate 38 Benzene for Surfactants 39 Benzoic acid 40 Boric acid powder 41 Borax (Sodium tetraborate) 42 Bromocresol green sodium salt 43 Bromocresol green sodium solution 44 Bromocresol Blue 45 Bromocresol Purple solution 46 Bromo thymol blue 47 Tri-sodium orthophosphate 48 Butanol 49 Cadmium sulphate 50 Calcium carbonate 51 Calcium chloride anhydrous (fused) 52 Calcium hypochlorite 53 Calcium hydroxide 54 Carmine 55 Curcumine 56 Chloramine-T 57 Cobaltous chloro hexa hydrate 58 Copper-cadmium granules 59 Copper (II) sulphate pentahydrate 60 Citric acid 61 Carbon disulphide 62 Chloroform stabilized with ethanol 63 Crystal violet indicator solution 64 Crystal violet 65 Diammonium hydrogen ortho phosphate (purified) 66 Dichloromethane (GC-MS/MS GRADE) 67 Dichloroethane 68 Diethyl ether 69 Diphenyl amine indicator 70 Di-potassium hydrogen ortho phosphate 71 Di-sodium hydrogen phosphate heptahydrate 72 Di-sodium tartrate 73 Di-sodium tetra borate (BORAX) 74 Di-sodium oxalate purified 75 Dextrose anhydrous 76 1,4-Dioxane 77 1,5 - Diphenyl carbazide 78 EDTA disodium salt 79 EDTA tetrasodium salt 80 Erichrome black-T (Solochrome) 81 Absolute ethyl alcohol 82 2-Chloro-6-(trichloromethyl) pyridine 83 Ethylene glycol 84 Ferric chloride hexahydrate 85 Ferric chloride anhydrous 86 Ferric ammonium sulfate 87 Ferroin indicator 88 Formic acid 89 Iron (II) sulfate (Ferrous sulfate) 90 Formaldehyde 91 Glutamic acid 92 Glycerol 93 Hexamine 94 n-Hexane 95 n-Hexane 96 Hexa methylene tetramine 97 Hydrochloric acid 98 Hydrochloric acid 99 Hydrogen peroxide 30% 10 0 Hydrogen peroxide 10 1 Hydroxyl ammonium chloride 10 2 Hydrazine sulphate 10 3 8-Hydroxy quinoline 10 4 Iodine resublimed 10 5 Iodine solution 10 6 Isopropyl alcohol 10 7 Isopropyl alcohol 10 8 Karl fischer (Pyridine free) 10 9 Kovac reagent 11 0 Lead acetate 11 1 Lead Nitrate 11 2 Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulfonate 11 3 L-Glutamic Acid 11 4 Lactose monohydrate 11 5 Lead methyl mercaptan 11 6 Magnesium chloride hexahydrate 11 7 Magnesium sulphate heptahydrate 11 8 Manganese sulphate tetrahydrate 11 9 Manganese sulphate mono hydrate 12 0 Magnesium chloride 12 1 Magnesium sulphate 12 2 Mercuric acetate 12 3 Mercuric bromide 12 Mercuric chloride 4 12 5 Mercuric iodide red 12 6 Mercuric sulphate 12 7 Metacresol purple indicator solution 12 8 4-Methyl Pentan 2-one 12 9 Methanol 13 0 Methyl orange indicator solution (2.8 – 4.6) 13 1 Methyl orange 13 2 Methyl red 13 3 Methyl red indicator solution 13 4 Methyl blue 13 5 Methylene blue 13 6 Murexide 13 7 Methyl acetate 13 8 N-(1-NAPTHYL) ETHYLENE DIAMINE DI HYDROCHLORIDE (NEEDA) (imported) 13 9 N-N-Dimethyl-P-phenylene-diamine-dihydrochloride 14 0 N-N- Diethyl -P- phenylene- diamine - sulphate 14 1 N-N-Dimethylacetamide 14 2 Nickel chloride 14 3 Nitric acid (69-72%) 14 4 Nitric acid (69 – 72 %) 14 5 Diethylether 14 6 N-N-Diethyl-p-Phenylene-diamine (DPD) 14 7 N-N-Diethyl-p-Phenylene-diamine Oxalate 14 n-Hexane 8 14 9 N-Heptane 15 0 Nitric acid 15 1 Nitric acid 15 2 N-Pentane 15 3 Ortho phosphoric acid 15 4 Oxalic acid 15 5 Octan-1-ol 15 6 Neutral red 15 7 Pararosaniline 15 8 Pararosaniline 15 9 Perchloric acid 16 0 Petroleum ether 16 1 Petroleum benzene 16 2 pH buffer solution – 9.2 16 3 pH buffer solution – 4.0 16 4 pH buffer solution – 7.0 16 5 pH buffer solution – 10.0 16 6 pH indicator paper - Universal 16 7 1, 10-Phenanthroline 16 8 Phenol (crystalline) 16 9 Phenolphthaline 17 0 Phenylarsine Oxide Solution 17 1 Phenylhydrozine 17 2 Phthalic anhydride 17 3 Phosphoric acid 17 4 Potassium biiodate 17 5 Potassium bipthalate 17 6 Potassium bromide purified 17 7 Potassium bromate 17 8 Potassium chloride 17 9 Potassium chromate 18 0 Potassium dichromate 18 1 Potassium metabisulfite 18 2 Potassium chloroplatinate 18 3 Potassium hydrogen phthalate 18 4 Potassium hydroxide pellets 18 5 Potassium iodate 18 6 Potassium iodide 18 7 Potassium nitrate 18 8 Potassium per iodate 18 9 Potassium sulphate 19 0 Potassium permanganate 19 1 Potassium di hydrogen phosphate anhydrous 19 2 Potassium sulphate 19 3 Potassium tetra-chloromercurate 19 4 Potassium ferri cyanide 19 5 Iso propanol (2-propanol) 19 6 Pyridine Karl fisher 19 Pyridine 7 19 8 Salicylic acid 19 9 Silver nitrate 20 0 Silver sulphate 20 1 Silica Gel (Self Indicating) 20 2 Sodium acetate anhydrous 20 3 Sodium arsenate 20 4 Sodium arsenite 20 5 Sodium arsenite 20 6 Sodium azide 20 7 Sodium carbonate anhydrous 20 8 Sodium bicarbonate 20 9 Sodium borohydride (Extra Pure) 21 0 Sodium chloride anhydrous 21 1 Tri Sodium citrate 21 2 Sodium dihydrogen ortho-phosphate 21 3 Sodium Disulphate 21 4 Sodium fluoride 21 5 Sodium hydroxide pellets 21 6 Sodium hypochlorite solution 21 7 Sodium iodide 21 8 Sodium meta arsenate 21 9 Sodium metabisulphite 22 0 Sodium meta silicate Nona Hydrate 22 1 Sodium monohydrogen ortho arsenate (Std for IC) 22 2 Sodium nitrate anhydrous 22 3 Sodium nitrite 22 4 Sodium nitro prusside 22 5 Sodium oxalate 22 6 Sodium phosphate 22 7 Sodium propionate 22 8 Sodium sulphide flakes 22 9 Sodium sulphate anhydrous 23 0 Sodium thiosulphate pentahydrate 23 1 SPADNS 23 2 Stannous chloride 23 3 Starch soluble extra pure 23 4 Sodium sulfite 23 5 Sulphamic acid (purified) 23 6 Sulphanilic acid 23 7 Sulphanilamide 23 8 Sulphanilamide 23 9 Sulphuric acid 24 0 Silicone oil 24 1 Thio acetamide 24 2 Allyl thiourea 24 3 Thorin indicator 24 4 Thymole blue pH indicator 24 5 Tri-ethanol amine 24 Tri-sodium citrate 6 24 7 Toluene 24 8 Zinc acetate dihydrate 24 9 Zinc chloride 25 0 Zinc Powder 25 1 Zinc sulphate 25 2 Zirconyl Chloride (Octahydrate ) 25 3 1, 10-Phenonthroline 25 4 1, 5-Diphenyl carbazide 25 5 Diphenylamine 25 6 4-Amino-3-HydroxynaphthaleneSulphonicacid 25 7 4-Amino-3-HydroxynaphthaleneSulphonicacid (extrapure) 25 8 Petroleum ether 40 to 60OC 25 9 Petroleum ether 40 to 60OC 26 0 Petroleum ether 60 to 80OC 26 1 Petroleum ether 60 to 80OC 26 2 TISAB buffer 1 Arsenic as As; 1000 mg/lit. 2 Boron as B; 1000 mg/lit. 3 Cadmium as Cd; 1000 mg/lit. 4 Zinc as Zn; 1000 mg/lit. 5 Lead as Pb; 1000 mg/lit. 6 Cupper as Cu; 1000 mg/lit. 7 Nickel as Ni; 1000 mg/lit. 8 Chromium as Cr (Total); 1000 mg/lit. 9 Chromium as Cr (Hexavalent); 1000 mg/lit. 10 Iron as Fe; 1000 mg/lit. 11 Mercury as Hg; 1000 mg/lit. 12 Sodium as Na; 1000 mg/lit. 13 Sodium Chloride 14 Sodium carbonate 15 Sodium bi-carbonate 16 Potassium as K; 1000 mg/lit. 17 Potassium Chloride 18 Potassium dichromate 19 Potassium hydrogen phthalate NIST 20 Calcium as Ca; 1000 mg/lit. 21 Calcium Carbonate anhydrous 22 Copper as Cu; 1000 mg/lit. 23 Aluminium as Al; 1000 mg/lit. 24 Beryllium as Be; 1000 mg/lit. 25 Barium as Ba; 1000 mg/lit. 26 Lithium as Li; 1000 mg/lit. 27 Manganese as Mn; 1000 mg/lit. 28 Selenium as Se; 1000 mg/lit. 29 Silver as Ag; 1000 mg/lit. 30 Strontium as Sr; 1000 mg/lit. 31 Tin as Sn; 1000 mg/lit. 3 Antimony as Sb; 1000 mg/lit. 2 33 Cobalt as Co, 1000 mg/lit. 34 Vanadium as Va, 1000 mg/lit. 35 Mixed (multi-element) standard for ICP-MS; 1000 mg/lit. 36 Mixed (multi-element) Anion standard for IC; 100 mg/lit. 37 Mixed (multi-element) Cation standard for IC; 100 mg/lit. 38 Sulphate as SO4; 1000 mg/lit. 39 Phosphate as P; 1000 mg/lit. 40 Nitrate as N; 1000 mg/lit. 41 Fluoride as F; 1000 mg/lit. 42 Ammonium as N; 1000 mg/lit. 43 Magnesium as Mg; 1000 mg/lit. 44 Nitrite as N; 1000 mg/lit. 45 Total hardness as CaCO3; 1000 mg/lit. 46 Chloride as Cl; 1000 mg/lit. 47 Cyanide standard solution as CN; 1000 mg/lit. 48 Formazin - 4000 NTU 1 Agar – agar 2 Amyl alcohol 3 Tryptose soyabean broth 4 Mac Conkey Broth with neutral red 5 E C Broth 6 Ethyl Violet powder 7 Brilliant green lactose bile broth-BGLB broth 8 Flexi plates (Himedia make FL002) Pack of 50 Nos. 9 Sucrose 10 Tryptose 1 Lactose 1 12 Dipotassium hydrogen phosphate 13 p-Dimethyl amino benzaldehyde 14 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate 15 Sodium lauryl sulphate 16 Bromocresol purple 17 Peptone 18 Oxagall 19 Brilliant green 20 Proteose peptone 21 Bile salts 22 Neutral red 23 Crystal violet 24 Beef extract 25 Tryptone 26 4-Methylumbelliferyl-B-D-glucuronide (MUG) 27 L-Glutamic acid 28 Polyethylene glycol octylphenyl ether 29 Yeast extract 30 Casitone 31 Trypticase 32 Thiopeptone 33 Sodium disoxycholate 34 Basic fuchsin 1 Di-chloro methane 2 Ethyl acetate 3 Ethyl acetate 4 Methanol 5 Methanol 6 n-Hexane 7 n-Hexane 8 Acetonitrile 9 Acetonitrile 10 Acetone 11 Di-ethyl ether 12 Propan-2-ol 13 Benzene 14 Chloroform 15 Carbon disulphide 16 Carbon tetrachloride 17 Cyclohexane 18 Organochloro pesticide mix (1000 mg/lit.) (The mix shall contain DDT, Lindane, Penta chlorophenol, Chloradane, Aldrin, Dildrin, 2, 4, 5-T, Endrin, Quntozene, 2, 4- D, etc.) in suitable solvent for analysis on Gas Chromatograph. 19 Organophosphorous pesticide mix (1000 mg/lit.) (Parathion, Malathion, Methyl parathion, Chloropyrifos, Diazinon, Dichlorivas, Phosmet, Fenitrothion, Tetrachlorovinphos, Azamethiphos, Azinphos-methyl, Terbuphos, Anilophos, etc.) in suitable solvent for analysis on Gas Chromatograph. 20 Carbamate pesticide mix (1000 mg/lit.) (The mix shall contain Aldicarb, Carbofuran, Carbaryl, Ethienocarb, Fenobucarb, Oxamyl, Methomyl, etc.) in suitable solvent for analysis on Gas Chromatograph. 2 Herbicide mix; (1000 mg/lit.) in suitable solvent for analysis on 1 Gas Chromatograph. 22 Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene & Xylenes (BTEX) –Mix (1000 mg/lit.) in suitable solvent for analysis on Gas Chromatograph. 23 Benzo (a) pyrene (1000 mg/lit.) in suitable solvent for analysis on Gas Chromatograph. 24 L-cystine 25 LC multi-residue pesticide mix in suitable solvent for analysis on LCMS. 26 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) mix (1000 mg/lit.) suitable solvent for analysis on Gas Chromatograph. 27 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) mix (1000 mg/lit.) in suitable solvent for analysis on Gas Chromatograph. 28 Dioxins mix (1000 mg/lit.) in suitable solvent for analysis on Gas Chromatograph. 29 Furans mix (1000 mg/lit.) in suitable solvent for analysis on Gas Chromatograph. 30 Organochloro pesticide mix (1000 mg/lit.) (The mix shall contain DDT, Lindane, Penta chlorophenol, Chloradane, Aldrin, Dildrin, 2, 4, 5-T, Endrin, Quntozene, 2, 4- D, etc.) in acetonitrile solvent for analysis on LC-MS. 31 Organophosphorous pesticide mix (1000 mg/lit.) (Parathion, Malathion, Methyl parathion, Chloropyrifos, Diazinon, Dichlorivas, Phosmet, Fenitrothion, Tetrachlorovinphos, Azamethiphos, Azinphos-methyl, Terbuphos, Anilophos, etc.) in acetonitrile solvent for analysis on LC-MS. 32 Carbamate pesticide mix (1000 mg/lit.) (The mix shall contain Aldicarb, Carbofuran, Carbaryl, Ethienocarb, Fenobucarb, Oxamyl, Methomyl, etc.) in acetonitrile solvent for analysis on LC-MS. 33 Herbicide mix; (1000 mg/lit.) in acetonitrile solvent for analysis on LC-MS. 34 Petroleum ether 40 to 60OC 35 Petroleum ether 40 to 60OC 36 Petroleum ether 60 to 80OC 37 Petroleum ether 60 to 80OC 38 Acetic acid 39 Acetic acid 40 Ammonia solution for HPCL concentration in water -10% 41 Butan-1-ol 42 Tetra-butyl methyl ether 43 Chloroform stabilized with ethanol 44 Dichloroethane 45 N,N-Dimethylacetamide 46 1,4-Dioxane 47 N-Heptane 48 Methyl acetate 49 Octan-1-ol 50 N-Pentane 51 Pyridine 52 Tetrahydrofuran 53 Toluene 54 Triethylamine 55 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 56 Tri-phenyl benzene 1 Hydrochloric acid 2 Hydrochloric acid 3 Nitric acid 4 Nitric acid 5 Nitric acid 6 Sodium borohydride 7 Arsenic trioxide As2O3 8 Sodium monohydrogen orthoarsenate (Std for IC) 9 Stannous chloride-extrapure 10 Sodium hydroxide pellets 1 Ascorbic acid (ACS) 12 Potassium permanganate 1 Beaker 2 Beaker 3 Beaker 4 Beaker 5 Beaker 6 Beaker 7 Beaker 8 Buchner flask 9 Buchner flask 10 Buchner funnel (Porcelain) 11 Buchner funnel (Porcelain) 12 Bulb pipette (Class A with certificate) 13 Bulb pipette (Class A with certificate) 14 Bulb pipette (Class A with certificate) 15 Bulb pipette (Class A with certificate) 16 Bulb pipette (Class A with certificate) 17 Bulb pipette (Class A with certificate) 18 Bulb pipette (Class A with certificate) 19 Bulb pipette (Class A with certificate) 20 Pipette graduated, mohr type (Class A with certificate) 21 Pipette graduated, mohr type (Class A with certificate) 22 Pipette graduated, mohr type (Class A with certificate) 23 Pipette graduated, mohr type (Class A with certificate) 24 Pipette graduated, mohr type (Class A with certificate) 25 Pipette graduated, mohr type (Class A with certificate) 26 Pipette stand – vertical with heavy base 27 Burette (Class A) boroflo, screw thread with PTFE keys 28 Burette (Class A) boroflo, screw thread with PTFE keys 29 Burette (Class A) boroflo, screw thread with PTFE keys 30 Burette (Class A), straight bore stopcock 31 Burette (Class A), straight bore stopcock 32 Burette (Class A), straight bore stopcock 33 Burette (Class A) Amber, boroflo, screw thread with PTFE keys 34 Burette (Class A), Amber, straight bore stopcock 35 Reagent bottle (graduated, plain narrow mouth, interchangeable flat head stopper) 36 Reagent bottle (graduated, plain narrow mouth, interchangeable flat head stopper) 37 Reagent bottle (graduated, plain narrow mouth, interchangeable flat head stopper) 38 Reagent bottle (graduated, plain narrow mouth, interchangeable flat head stopper) 39 Reagent bottle (graduated, with screw cap and poring ring) 40 Reagent bottle (graduated, with screw cap and poring ring) 41 Reagent bottle ( amber, graduated, plain narrow mouth, inter-changeable flat head stopper) 42 Reagent bottle ( amber, graduated, plain narrow mouth, inter-changeable flat head stopper) 43 Reagent bottle (amber, graduated, with screw cap and poring ring) 44 Reagent bottle (amber, graduated, with screw cap and poring ring) 45 Weighing bottle (with inter-changeable lids) 46 Weighing bottle (with inter-changeable lids) 47 Weighing bottle (with inter-changeable lids) 48 Weighing bottle (amber, with inter-changeable lids) 49 Wash bottle (set with inter-changeable stopper) 50 Wash bottle (set with inter-changeable stopper) 51 Wash bottle (set with inter-changeable stopper) 52 Flat bottom flask for COD (24 / 29 inter-changeable stopper) 53 Flat bottom flask for COD (24 / 29 inter-changeable stopper) 54 Impinger (complies with IS 5182, Part – IV) 55 Gas sampling tube with stopcocks 56 Burette (automatic zero, accuracy as per Class A, with 1000 ml reservoir, rubber bellow & boroflow stopcock, with certificate) 57 Burette (amber, automatic zero, accuracy as per Class A, with 1000 ml reservoir, rubber bellow & boroflow stopcock, with certificate) 58 Cone (imhoff, sediment, sharp tip, complies with IS 7232) (454 mm height & 110 mm dia) 59 Condensers (Liebig, drip tip, interchangeable inner and outer joint, 24 / 29 socket) 60 Condensers (Graham, coiled distillate type, drip tip, interchangeable inner and outer joint, 24 / 29 socket) 61 Nessler cylinder 62 Nessler cylinder 63 Measuring cylinders (graduated, single metric scale, with pour out, hexagonal base, class A, with certificate) 64 Measuring cylinders (graduated, single metric scale, with pour out, hexagonal base, class A, with certificate) 65 Measuring cylinders (graduated, single metric scale, with pour out, hexagonal base, class A, with certificate) 66 Measuring cylinders (graduated, single metric scale, with pour out, hexagonal base, class A, with certificate) 67 Measuring cylinders (graduated, single metric scale, with pour out, hexagonal base, class A, with certificate) 68 Measuring cylinders (graduated, single metric scale, with pour out, hexagonal base, class A, with certificate) 69 Measuring cylinders (graduated, single metric scale, with pour out, hexagonal base, class A, with certificate) 70 Measuring cylinders (graduated, single metric scale, with pour out, hexagonal base, class A, with certificate) 71 Petri dish 72 Petri dish 73 Evaporating dishes, flat bottom, with pour out 74 Evaporating dishes, flat bottom, with pour out 75 Flasks, conical, Erlenmeyer, narrow mouth 76 Flasks, conical, Erlenmeyer, narrow mouth 77 Flasks, conical, Erlenmeyer, narrow mouth 78 Flasks, conical, Erlenmeyer, narrow mouth with interchangeable stopper 79 Flasks, conical, Erlenmeyer, narrow mouth with interchangeable stopper 80 Flasks, iodine determination, narrow mouth with interchangeable stopper 81 Flasks, iodine determination, narrow mouth with interchangeable stopper 82 Filtration assembly set ( all glass filter holder - 47 mm size filtration base) 83 Filtration assembly set ( all glass filter holder, silicon stopper - 47 mm) 84 Volumetric flask (with interchangeable solid glass stopper, accuracy as per Class A, with certificate) 85 Volumetric flask (with interchangeable solid glass stopper, accuracy as per Class A, with certificate) 86 Volumetric flask (with interchangeable solid glass stopper, accuracy as per Class A, with certificate) 87 Volumetric flask (with interchangeable solid glass stopper, accuracy as per Class A, with certificate) 88 Volumetric flask (with interchangeable solid glass stopper, accuracy as per Class A, with certificate) 89 Volumetric flask (with interchangeable solid glass stopper, accuracy as per Class A, with certificate) 90 Volumetric flask (with interchangeable solid glass stopper, accuracy as per Class A, with certificate) 91 Volumetric flask (with interchangeable solid glass stopper, accuracy as per Class A, with certificate) 92 Volumetric flask (with interchangeable solid glass stopper, accuracy as per Class A, with certificate) 93 Volumetric flask (amber, with interchangeable solid glass stopper, accuracy as per Class A, with certificate) 94 Volumetric flask (amber, with interchangeable solid glass stopper, accuracy as per Class A, with certificate) 95 Chromatography columns (plain with sintered disk and glass stopcock) 96 Chromatography columns (plain with sintered disk and glass stopcock) 97 Funnel (plain, 60O angle, normal stem) 98 Funnel (plain, 60O angle, normal stem) 99 Separating funnels (pear shape, with glass stopcock and interchangeable stopper) 10 0 Separating funnels (pear shape, with glass stopcock and interchangeable stopper) 10 1 Separating funnels (pear shape, with glass stopcock and interchangeable stopper) 10 2 Separating funnels (pear shape, with PTFE key stopcock and interchangeable stopper) 10 3 Separating funnels (pear shape, with PTFE key stopcock and interchangeable stopper) 10 4 Separating funnels (pear shape, with PTFE key stopcock and interchangeable stopper) 10 5 Centrifuge tubes (conical bottom, graduated, 17 mm OD X 120 mm H) 10 6 Centrifuge tubes (conical bottom, graduated, 29 mm OD X 140 mm H) 10 7 Centrifuge tubes with stopper (conical bottom, graduated, 17 mm OD X 120 mm H) 10 8 Centrifuge tubes with stopper (conical bottom, graduated, 17 mm OD X 120 mm H) 10 9 Watch glass 11 0 Watch glass 11 1 Chromatography vials (9 mm Clear Screw vial with PTFE silicon septa in RED screw cap) 11 2 Chromatography vials (9 mm Clear Screw vial with PTFE silicon septa in RED screw cap) 11 3 Aspirator bottle with lid and interchangeable stopcock 11 4 Aspirator bottle with lid and interchangeable stopcock 11 5 Relative density bottle with capillary bore interchangeable Teflon stopper 11 6 Relative density bottle with capillary bore interchangeable glass stopper 11 7 Gooch crucible - porosity grade 1 (Buchner type, with sintered disc) 11 8 Gooch crucible - porosity grade 2 (Buchner type, with sintered disc) 11 9 Gooch crucible - porosity grade 3 (Buchner type, with sintered disc) 12 0 Gooch crucible - porosity grade 4 (Buchner type, with sintered disc) 12 1 Gooch crucible - porosity grade 5 (Buchner type, with sintered disc) 12 2 Gooch crucible - porosity grade 1 (Buchner type, with sintered disc) 12 3 Gooch crucible - porosity grade 2 (Buchner type, with sintered disc) 12 4 Gooch crucible - porosity grade 3 (Buchner type, with sintered disc) 12 5 Gooch crucible - porosity grade 4 (Buchner type, with sintered disc) 12 6 Gooch crucible - porosity grade 5 (Buchner type, with sintered disc) 12 7 Desiccators (plain clean autoclavable glass with cover knob) 12 8 Desiccators (plain clean autoclavable glass with cover knob) 12 9 Desiccators (plain clean autoclavable glass with cover knob) 13 0 Desiccators (plain clean autoclavable glass with cover knob) 13 1 Desiccators (vacuum, plain clean autoclavable glass with cover knob) 13 2 Desiccators (vacuum, plain clean autoclavable glass with cover knob) 13 3 Desiccators (vacuum, plain clean autoclavable glass with cover knob) 13 4 Desiccators (vacuum, plain clean autoclavable glass with cover knob) 13 5 BOD bottles 13 6 Durham tubes small size 13 7 Durham tubes large size 13 8 Dropping bottle with dropper and rubber teat 13 9 Gas washing (Dreschel) bottle with interchangeable stopper 14 0 Gas washing (Dreschel) bottle with interchangeable stopper 14 1 Soxhlet Extraction apparatus with condenser interchangeable joint 14 2 Soxhlet Extraction apparatus with condenser interchangeable joint 14 3 Soxhlet Extraction apparatus with condenser interchangeable joint 14 4 COD tubes with air condensers 14 5 Test tubes with screw caps 14 6 Test tubes 14 7 Test tubes 14 8 Test tubes 14 9 Test tubes 15 0 Test tubes 15 1 Test tubes 15 2 Silica crucible 15 3 Silica crucible 15 4 Silica crucible 15 5 Glass rods 15 6 Kuderna Danish Concentrator set 15 7 Kuderna Danish Concentrator set 15 8 Kuderna Danish Concentrator set VII.Laboratory plastic-ware: 1 Narrow mouth bottle (polypropylene) 2 Narrow mouth bottle (polypropylene) 3 Narrow mouth bottle (polypropylene) 4 Narrow mouth bottle (polypropylene) 5 Narrow mouth bottle (polypropylene) 6 Narrow mouth bottle (HDPE) 7 Narrow mouth bottle (HDPE) 8 Narrow mouth bottle (HDPE) 9 Narrow mouth bottle (HDPE) 10 Wide mouth bottle (polypropylene) 11 Wide mouth bottle (polypropylene) 12 Wide mouth bottle (polypropylene) 13 Wide mouth bottle (polypropylene) 14 Wide mouth bottle (polypropylene) 15 Wash bottle (LDPE) 16 Wash bottle (LDPE) 17 Beaker (polypropylene) 18 Beaker (polypropylene) 19 Beaker (polypropylene) 20 Beaker (polypropylene) 21 Beaker (polypropylene) 22 Beaker (polypropylene) 23 Funnel with long stem (polypropylene) 24 Funnel with long stem (polypropylene) 25 Nessler tube stand 26 Nessler tube stand 27 Measuring cylinder (polypropylene) 28 Measuring cylinder (polypropylene) 29 Measuring cylinder (polypropylene) 30 Measuring cylinder (polypropylene) 31 Measuring cylinder (polypropylene) 32 Ria vials 33 Test tub Peg Rack 34 Polygrid test tube stand 35 Tube Conical bottom 36 Tube Conical bottom 37 Self standing centrifuge tube 38 Syringe filters 39 Syringe filters 1 Bottle top dispenser 2 Bottle top dispenser 3 Bottle top dispenser 4 Bottle top dispenser IX.Micro pipettes (fully auto clavable; with calibration certifcate in an ISO 1702a5 accredited laboratory as per ISO 8655): 1 Micro pipette – Variable volume 2 Micro pipette - Variable volume 3 Micro pipette - Variable volume 4 Micro pipette - Variable volume 5 Micro pipettes – Fixed volume 6 Micro pipettes - Fixed volume 7 Micro pipettes - Fixed volume 8 Micro pipettes - Fixed volume 9 Micro pipettes - Fixed volume 10 Micro pipettes - Fixed volume 11 Micro pipettes - Fixed volume 12 Tips for Micro pipette 13 Tips for Micro pipette 14 Tips for Micro pipette 15 Tips for Micro pipette X. Other items: 1 Burette Clamps (Single) Aluminium 2 Burette Clamps (Single) Plastic 3 Spatula, Stainless Steel Grade 202 4 Spatula, Stainless Steel Grade 202 (One end flat and one end spoon) 5 Spatula, Stainless Steel Grade 202 (One end flat and one end spoon) 6 Tripod stand 7 Tripod stand 8 Tripod stand 9 Spirit lamp 10 Inoculation loops 11 Thermometer 12 Thermometer 13 Thermometer 14 Test tube stand (plastic) 15 Test tube stand (Aluminium) 16 Test tube stand (Plastic) 17 Test tube stand (metal) 18 Porcelain dish 19 Non-absorbent cotton 20 Burette Clamps (Single) Aluminium 21 Burette Clamps (Single) Plastic 22 Bunsen burner 23 Tongs for beakers – stainless steel 24 Tongs for beakers – stainless steel 25 Tongs for beakers & flasks – stainless steel 26 Tongs for crucibles – with bow stainless steel 27 Tongs for crucibles – with bow stainless steel 28 Silicone tubing for distillation unit & laboratory application, heat resistance up to + 205OC 29 Silicone tubing for distillation unit & laboratory application, heat resistance up to + 205OC 30 Silicone tubing for distillation unit & laboratory application, heat resistance up to + 205OC 31 Silicone tubing for distillation unit & laboratory application, heat resistance up to + 205OC 32 Streaking loops 33 Hygrometer 34 Burette stand with white tile 35 Gelatin capsules 36 Test tube holder (stainless steel with wooden handle; 225 mm)