
Bulk Supply Of Expandable Medical Stores Generic Medicines Of Reputed Pharma Companies Having Valid License To Ofi Hosp From Aming The List Enclosed On As When Required Basis injection , tablet ,syrup , medicine drug , capsule , syringe , cream , 158 0, ORDNANCE FACTORY ITARSI-Madhya Pradesh

Ordnance Factory has published Bulk Supply Of Expandable Medical Stores Generic Medicines Of Reputed Pharma Companies Having Valid License To Ofi Hosp From Aming The List Enclosed On As When Required Basis injection , tablet ,syrup , medicine drug , capsule , syringe , cream , 158 0. Submission Date for this Tender is 20-10-2021. Medicine Tenders in ORDNANCE FACTORY ITARSI Madhya Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bulk Supply Of Expandable Medical Stores Generic Medicines Of Reputed Pharma Companies Having Valid License To Ofi Hosp From Aming The List Enclosed On As When Required Basis injection , tablet ,syrup , medicine drug , capsule , syringe , cream , 158 0
Madhya Pradesh
Ordnance Factory Itarsi

Tender Details

Bulk Supply Of Expandable Medical Stores Generic Medicines Of Reputed Pharma Companies Having Valid License To Ofi Hosp From Aming The List Enclosed On As When Required Basis injection , tablet ,syrup , medicine drug , capsule , syringe , cream , 158 011197 Tab Tmlmiserlan 40+ Hydrnchloro. 12.s 159 011246 Anliseptic Mouth Wash 160 011250 Clo%’cOii Desensitising Paste (stannous FiuoridcfPotasiuum 161 0112s1 NitrllcJSouium Mcmotluro Phospate) Tube of SO Teething gel (Choline salic)bIe 9%. 162 011270N I3en,alconliun chloride 0.025 all wlv) 163 01 1303N Ac)clovir skin Cream 5% Antibiotie ointment. each gm.contuining Po1mkin B 164 J 011304 SIlphate5O00uenit5,5gm0ilftnnet? 165 OIiwO6 enzoy1 Pernxide 5% Gal 166 - 01 l Oint Retamethasone & Gcntamycin 167 1 ClindamycinPhOse. I%GcI - - sc8 o3332o cream clobetasol Pmponage 369 01 1321N Cloinmazok Mouth Palm 3s. 170 01 l32 jThhFcxotènadine iiOmg 171 j 01132s Oim Fluticasonc 0.05% wiw — 172 — 011332 Cimani Frarnycetin Sulphate 300 gpn — 173 011333 cream Fram)cctiSuIphate 15 gins 174 01 3339 ‘Cap. Itraconazaic iiomg 175 o31340 Ketacona.zole Loui. 2% — 176 o11346 Oint .Mupirocin 2% 179 011353 ISO 011476 181 011483 182 011495 011508 184 011513 185 011607 011622 011630 011632 011633 ot1 191 192 193 194 195 197 oint Povidone Iodine I%.Tube of 10gm Liquid Antiseptie Pcwjdone Iodine SoIn. 5% 1Wea& Iodine Solution Frusemicde — Inj Mannitol Tab.ursodexychojie acid iSomg Tab.AntisemodJc(ijjnii Acid 250mg+ 4Dieyclomin 10mg) Tab Antacid (chewable) Antacid GCl.Bo(t or 170ml Tab Clarithronycin 500 mg cap omcprazole 20 mg o11637 rab.Pantop,ble 40mg 186 187 18 189 190 . inj.Pantoerazojc 011638 o11639 SueralfateSusp. — - — o11640 TabRanitidinelsome - -___. - 011653 Omi Anii Hacmorhojdal — -s4- _____ 01 1660 Dicyclomine HcI20mg 012u91 S)p cough Sedativc.BoU of 1 Ooml 251 012507 kg Dcxlrose 25% 252 012528 Serslewaterforinj 2s3 Framycetin Sulphate gauge inhaler , alcohol , hydrogen peroxide solution 297t 020167 Purificd vcro Ccli Rabies Vaccine 298 020179 Vitamin Aoral dose 299 05o137 0ise operation size 6-112” —r-e-” 300 05o138 Gloves operati. sizer 301 05o139 (jloves operation size 7.112” 302 o50162 Knife B.P.L3lade No. 10 303 _L 05n163 — Knife B.P.BladeNs.11 304 I 05o164 Knife B.P. Blade No. 12 305 05o165 Knife B.P.Bladc No. 15 306 050168 Kniie B.P.Blade No. 23 —+ 307 osoi’io Needie Suture Size 3 —+ 3o8 05o191 Needle Suture Curted Triangular Size 9 Ag4uQ? Needle sCTI’ Cuned Size IS 319 050290 Syringe Disposable 2 ml 320 o50291 Syringe Disposable 5 ml 321 050292 Syringe Disposable 10 ml 322 050293 Synngc Disposable 20 ml 323 050294 Synngc Disposable S0 ml 324 120o01 Plaster Adhesive Z/o 2.5 cm 325 120o02 Plaster Adhesive hio 7.3 Cm 326 120007N Adhesive Plaster Microporous tape 2 inches.no of 6 326 120007N Adhesive Plaster Microporous tape 2 inches,Bo of 6 327 120011 Bandagccrape 10cm 32K 120012 BandagcCrape 15cmg 32 12ae13 Bandagc Elasiic Adhcsiier 330 120015 Bandage IJw 2.5cm 331 120016 I3andage LJW 6em -nI3d 32? 120017 Bandage iJw 10em 333 — 120018 1Baradagc POs 10cm 334 120019 Bandage PoP 15rcmg needle suture , wool cotton absorbent , dressing medicated adhesive handiplat , paraffin gauze medicated , gauze surgical , lint absorbent , suspensary scrotal catgut sterile , slik black braided reel ultrasound jelly tube , cannual with injection port and wings , glucose saline isotonic dns , glucose solution , isotonic saline in non toxic pvc , ringer lactate solution , set plasma blood saline giving intrakit , ecg jelly roll scalp vein , suspension , oint povidon iodine , drop iv normal saline , calamine , lotion , syrup , ear drop , 3 way cannual , micro drip set , syringe , multivamindrop , inhaler , weak iodine solution , antacid gel , liquid antiseptic , povidone iodine , clove oil antibiotic ointment benzoyl peroxide gel glycerin etc

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Tender Value
INR 10 Lakhs /-
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